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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Lia's Bag of Bewilderment

In High School Lia carried a giant bag for a purse or at least had a large bag since it was trending. Every day she would bring it to school and most days her friend Thomas would grab it and look inside. She was small enough to fit inside this bag. I myself wanted to fit inside this bag as well just for laughs. At the auditorium I hung out with some of the crew and cast members for the upcoming play. In the hall between the auditorium and the dressing room I watched Thomas snatch the bag from Lia's hands.

"Oh my god this is a huge bag!" Thomas exclaimed like some girls would in his own voice. He was always entertaining and fun to be around. 

"This is a bag of gratuitous bewilderment. You can put anything inside this bag!" He said almost shouting while looking inside.

"I just carry it around with almost everything I need." Lia said trying not to laugh harder than she was at the moment.

"You could be a spy or some thing. Have you been spying for the Wizards or something?" Thomas questioned her as if he was an agent interrogating a suspect.

"I work for the fairies!" she said giggling. She tried to get the bag back from Thomas but he yanked it from her reach and put his head inside.

When he put it on his head the bag engulfed him. It dropped to the floor like nothing was holding it up. Lia stared at the bag in shock that Thomas disappeared inside the bag. I almost crapped my pants when I saw Thomas disappear into the bag of bewilderment.

"Lia what happened to Thomas and why didn't you warn us?" I asked her feeling a little scared.

"Just go need to void now then meet me back here okay!" Lia nearly snapped at me.

"Um okay?" I responded realizing she could smell me. I was little put off by what she demanded but I raced to the bathroom, found an empty stall, swung the door the open and proceeded to use the bathroom after slamming the door shut. When I was done and cleaned up and the toilet flushing everything down I exited the bathroom feeling fantastic. I did a super hero pose before meeting Lia back at the auditorium.

"I am back now let's get Thomas back!" I said feeling very heroic at the moment after relieving myself.

Lia was laying the bag down and began spreading it out. Whatever Lia was doing she seemed have done this multiple times. She opened the bag even further. It stretched like a rubber band would as she pulled it. In a moments notice Lia stepped inside the bag. She also disappeared like Thomas did. Not knowing what to do I picked up the bag and placed it in a corner where no one would bother it before diving in.

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