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Sunday, August 5, 2018

A Teutonic Brother's Discovery

In the heavy snow a lone Brother of the Teutonic Order rode through the snow covered field. The landscape of Lithuanian territory. His Order's Crusade had been in full swing for the past few decades. Many of the Pagans of the Baltic Region North of Poland fought savagely against the Germans and their Crusader Armies. For years they had skirmishes, small battles, and few sieges. In this crusade against the Pagans of Europe. He never studied maps very much, but he did hear the Novgorod Republic was just on the other side of a large area of pagan tribes. During his years in the crusades the Teutonic Crusader learned the names of many of these tribes who fought them. The first of these tribes to face the wrath of Christendom were the Pomerianians, Pogesanians, Warmians, Natangians, and the Sambians. However those were just a few of the tribes they fought in what is now considered Prussia. A tribe called the Yotvingians harassed them every few seasons when it was not raining, and the soil was dry to ride upon. Other tribes in the Lithuanian area were known as Samogitians, and Aukstatians.

Through the winter landscape he kept riding his steed past the region that was once pagan territory. It was where another tribe called the Skalvians used to live. Up ahead he saw a small encampment of Crusaders Teutonic, Polish, Danish, and some who came as far as Bohemia. He joined these crusaders and rested his horse. The next morning the Crusaders broke camp and pressed on into the woods of the Lowland Lithuania. Around them were bodies of water that made the land appear like islands. It did not help that the landscape was covered in snow and the bodies of water were frozen. In a long line the crusaders cautiously trekked the thin patch of land that had trees on it. The only way they could get through easily was following the trees, which could hide an ambush or a trap. Pressing their steeds they went through some of the patches of trees discovering none of the tribes or pagans were waiting to ambush them. When they came to an area of the lowlands the force of about fifty Crusaders came upon a strange sight. A small group of figures wearing strange armor were being surrounded by a larger force what appeared to be monsters. These monsters were appearing out of some gate that would be considered a pagan arc of some sort.

Realizing these figures were in danger fifty five Crusaders and Teutonic Knights prepared to charge. On the other side of a field they came upon two other forces came charging at this horde. When the leader raised his sword the whole group charged. At full speed the mounted Crusaders ran down many of these strange monsters. Most of these monsters were deformed and had many limbs. With swords, maces, axes, and spears the Crusaders caught this small horde off guard. On his his the Brother swung his sword as a skilled warrior would on his horse back. To his surprise some of the creatures were about as tall as a man on a horse. He acted quickly feeling the heat of battle engulf him. Blood and limbs fell upon the snow. Mounted Crusaders made short work of the unsuspecting monsters. The two other forces melted away back into the woods for some reason. All around him he heard the battle grow fierce as more of these monsters come of the same arc. Weapons clashed, yells and war cries filled the air along with grunts, the screams of horses, growls, and screeches. None of his brothers fell to these monsters who appeared to be unarmored yet armed with crude weapons and extra limbs.

From the woods where the other forces melted away he saw Lithuanians, and Novgorodians come racing towards the horde. They had run down the other two forces who must have been monsters like these creatures. At a closer glance he noticed these creatures were brown skinned, coal skinned, green skinned, and umber as well as grey. While he glanced at these creatures the horde started to retreat. It gave him time to see about these strange figures. He dismounted and walked over to these figures who numbered just thirteen. Taking his helmet off he approached these figures. He was taken aback at what he discovered. All thirteen of these figures were women in strange complex looking suits of armor. Half of them looked to be battered and bruised, several had cuts and gashes that should have left them on the ground. Many of his companions approached them along side their enemy. Each leader met in the middle of these women and tried not to laugh. The women laughed as well creating a laughing matter among warriors. Whoever these women were they did not come from their world. Every one of them had a dark tail like that of a cat.

One of them wearing revealing armor giggled at one of the younger brothers. She had dark shaggy hair a cuirass looking armor, greaves, and a long skirt with leggings. This strange women blew him a kiss and embraced him. She shoved his face in her cleavage. Not long one her one companions nabbed her angrily then slapped her for the inappropriate behavior. She only pouted then attended to her fellow sisters. One of the commanders was a tall buff woman with short hair who introduced herself in a Germanic Language. She warned the Crusaders and Lithuanians there were far more those monsters that could come through those arcs. Acting immediately pagan and christian pulled the arc down. When the arc was down the Crusaders and their enemy agreed to escort these women to the nearest church where the monks had a start when they saw these women in strange clothing. The long brother and his own fellow crusaders returned to their own crusade knowing there was another crusade going on for the sake of humanity. 

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