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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Commando Part 8

As the two groups of combatants clashed in the pub the leading Bounty Hunter pulled out his pistols. He began by shooting the nearest foes until his range of fire was obstructed with bodies of the participants. Unseen Bears, Silver-Harpies, Onyx Cougars, and several commandos engaged a gang of over sixty nine made up of Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries, Thugs, Orcs, Kuruks. Megan’s Pub became the site for a battle not some small time brawl. The war-zone spread all over the pub’s interior and out onto the streets. Outside the mercenaries and gunmen brought the street into a mass shoot out. Inside the pub Maurice spotted his target the brimmed hat bounty hunter. However the target was in a corner with a large window nearby. To get to him the commando had to plunge himself into the fray. Another group had come adding more to the problem currently bringing destruction to the city block. Nearly two others were dragged into this chaos as this section of the city transformed into a war-zone.
      Maurice forced his way to the bounty hunter who had dug into the little corner. He cut down multiple thugs, vermin, orcs, and kuruks before reaching halfway to the leader. Ten orcs fell to his blade along with several others when the Bounty Hunter ran out of bullets. The fighting reached his little corner as he was slammed into the walls a few times. Maurice pushed and stabbed his way to his main target while the bounty hunter pulled out a short blade with a chain link attached to a large throwing star. This forced Maurice to grab another weapon so he could wield two weapons against this foe. A single orc wielding a morning star without the chain link charged at him. Using both the prized long knife and his own dagger the commando dispatched the dark greenish brown colored brute with several blows and stabs.
      By the time the fighting in the bar had died down and moved on to the streets Maurice finally caught up with his target. An Unseen Bear had his throat slit when the leader spotted him.
      The two leading combatants pushed towards each other. Each one still had to fight, kill, and shove their way to the other. Amidst the ongoing chaos a commando and a Bounty Hunter clashed. Bodies, and weapons fell on the floor adding more corpses and objects cluttered the pub. Megan’s Pub was now littered with broken furniture, shot up walls, shattered glass, corpses, blood, and various types of weapons. As the fight began to end Maurice was still locked in a fight with this leading Bounty Hunter. For some time he blocked and dodged almost every blow. Both of them nicked the other only to grow more determined to kill the other. Maurice felt spent after what felt like an eternity of fighting. That was the very moment he found an opening, a weakness and an opportunity to exploit. He moved past his a blow and closed in jabbing his knife into his opponent’s guts. With his other weapon the Commando stabbed his foe bounty hunter at the collar bone at a downward angle piercing his heart.

      He pulled the blades out letting the body fall to the floor. The commando turned to the other combatants who were starting to flee to their vehicles. Scores of his fellow fighters chased the rest of their foes out on the streets. Outside scores upon scores of dead bodies covered the streets. His fellow Vestrisians, and allies were armed with guns and firing on the retreating intruders. Only a dozen seem to reach the vehicles as bullets flew towards them. When the dozen luckiest foes fled the scene well over a few hundred bodies littered the city block and other streets. It was the first time anyone had attacked this city in several years. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Golden Jinns Chapter

Camp Mirage Oasis was a market place made up of various sized and shaped tents of travelling merchants, settled herders, and a few craftsmen. This camp of tents formed the shape of a humongous labyrinth in the sands near the beaches of a few nearby cities. Each tent or smaller tent had a vendor outside run by the owners. Some of these vendors had another hired clerks-man working for the owning merchant. Every tent with a vendor were partially full of a variety of products and artifacts for sale. The Mirage Oasis camp was the very place merchants did business. It is where travelers, explorers, adventurers and entertainers settle down to create a new life. Most of them start their own business or take over a Vendor owned by a wealthier merchant. It would be a merchant who is retiring or a resident of the cities nearby.
            Mirage Oasis camp was placed right on the road that led up to the city of Paradise Cove and other cities. This city was a port city on the coasts of Gaskouth Ladai. It was one of the home cities to the Baedur Corsairs and the nomadic locals. Paradise Cove housed numerous peoples from Zema Ilam refugees to Muzad settlers. These groups included the Baedur Corsairs, Gaskouth tribes, Lheobethan elves, Al-Dadorians, Anomaths, and Anori. The city itself was full of riches and wealth yet it would not serve for a certain band of thieves.
            Just on the outskirts of the Mirage Oasis encampment by a secret hideout called Green hideout. It was a hidden cave where a band of thieves known as the Golden Jinns made their home. Their leader was simply known as Shadow Thief his real name was Emez Bucjis Kinahir. He led a band of about fifteen thieves in the Golden Jinns. One of their members happened to be a demon hybrid. He had connections with a Devalpa who became in league with the band of thieves.
            This Devalpa was some demonic fairy creature who had the appearance of an old man. He even dressed as one to hide his lion like tail and wore sandals made from a very enduring material of leather with linen. Their Devalpa was known as Uganzas or Tarove the bag of bones deceiver. Uganzas would often lure or lead lone travelers to their lair. Most of his victims are wealthier travelers with plenty of coin to take. These poor souls are stripped down to their undergarments then forced to wander the desert. This would happened whenever the thieves hadn’t turned out with much goods from thieving in the Mirage Oasis. Only a few privileged thieves would go out and either sell stolen goods or bury it as a long term deposit.
            A month ago the Golden Jinns pulled off a mass heist across the coasts of Gaskouth Ladai. One of their members even made off with an ancient glazed amulet of some pharaoh of ancient Kaniima. The leader of the Golden Jinns sat in a comfortable Castarian style armchair. He had some Zema Ilam made quilt draped over the armchair. Emez Buchis Kinahir “Shadow Thief” watched his band of fifteen thieves just hanging out in the main den of their hideout. Green Cave had over twenty-seven caverns and dens connected by various tunnels.
            Tricopis sat on a stool tinkering with a nice looking bronze box. It appeared to be a puzzle box that you had to figure out. The thief held the puzzle turning cerain parts to it and twisting it to get it reveal its secrets. Tricopis was a bearded Anori with three rings pierced to his left eyebrow. He wore a white garb that looked more like a dress with long sleeves. His white garb had a black sash around it. Tricopis wore the typical black turbin often worn around thise parts of Gaskouth Ladai.
            Behind Tricopis sat another thief named Zur a Mulzaneen with most of his head shaved leaving one spot to grow long. Zur wore his elongated hair in a braid and wrapped it around his neck. The Mulzaneen was a burglar and the band’s assassin who would sneak out to do his job. He was by far Shadow Thief’s favorite one of all due to his cunning, silence and deadliness. Zur had his hood pulled back while cleaning his nails with his dagger. Next to Zur was Monti a rather larger man for a thief. Monti wore a black vest and wool pants. Underneath his turban was a head of shaggy hair. Monti was more of a thug and the band’s mugger. He would go out to the camp or city and hide in the alley ways for his victims. The brute leaned against the den’s wall adjacent to another member of the Golden Jinn’s.
            Jaquiin was a small man with a raged looking beard that made him appear like an old beggar. He found Jaquiin in the streets of Paradise Cove while he was out for a stroll. Shadow thief found Jaquiin to be exactly what he was looking for in a thief. Jaquiin was able to use his nimble fingers to pick pocket everyone in a crowd. He could steal money out someone’s shoes or from a hidden coat pocket. They started this band of thieves together before moving here.
            Emez sat in his arm chair pondering over what would have happened if they tried to pull another heist. Several days ago the two brothers Ferzin and Eegerts returned with the news about the invading Gantronese landing close to Paradise Cove. They had to call it off due to the battle that was raging on at the beaches. It was because of the bald twins the Golden Jinns did not attempt to pull off the planned out heist. Another member named Ogist recalled seeing over a dozen Vestrisian soldiers awaiting this Gantronese horde.
            In the back of his mind Emez Buchis Kinahir “Shadow Thief” thought about scavenging the battlefield after the fighting was over. He chose to hold up and wait for the shooting to die down. For some number of days the band of thieves listened to the shooting and more vehicles roll by their hideout. One day he wandered outside to see large groups of warriors march down to the battlefield. This gave him a better idea of robbing the dead corpses. As he pondered for several more minutes Emez came to a conclusion. The leader had made up his mind. They were going out tonight after seven days of waiting for the fighting to die down. He stood up with the decision made drawing the attention of all sixteen thieves.
            “We shall go out and begin our scavenging. Once we acquire modern weapons we shall become unstoppable highwaymen.” He boasted to his band of thieves. This appealed to all of the members except the Devalpa. Uganzas scowled at this idea with his strong faith in the old ways of stealing and robbing. All fifteen members of the Golden Jinns stood up to get ready for the outing. Every one of them had a smile on his face over the outing tonight. As they got ready for the scavenging  the Devalpa brought up his own viewpoint on the matter.
            “Go on ahead boys and get yourselves killed in the process. Make the effort to rob dead soldiers while they are still fighting. My ancient bones won’t stop you nor do I aim to do so.” Uganzas urged them on as though he did not care about their fates. He egged them on as they were leaving with the leader behind them. Ferzin turned around to respond to the Devalpa’s heckling.
            “You do have quite a bit to say about this don’t you Tarove the bag of bones?” Ferzin responded with the Devalpa’s nickname.
            The Devalpa just scoffed and turned his head. He let the scavenging party leave the hideout. Emez followed the band of thieves outsides to the desert sands surrounding the rock formation that hid their lair. As they made their way through the dark the Golden Jinns passed two camps of warriors and militia from Paradis Cove and the religious city of Ammadin. Emez stopped and turned to his right and spotted more shadows of warriors heading towards the battlefield. He even spotted the cone shaped tents of Lheobethan elves come to fight the Gantronese.
            Shadow Thief rushed on the sand to rejoin his bandits who were now skulking through the dunes and rock formations there was no sounds that night. He was glad to hear the silence instead of the constant gunfire. The Golden Jinns slipped past some campsites and made it to the very edges of the killing field. They stopped behind a large dune with no signs of any campsites behind them.
            “Bandits lets stay put until we know the coast is clear.” He commanded the Golden Jinns. Each one of them got on the ground and waited for some patrols to stop their night watches. He laid on the sand with his head on a rock. It did not feel comfortable, but it would have to do for now. For seventeen minutes they waited and about eight of the best members gathered around. Emez The Shadow Thief decided to leave them alone and started to doze off. He didn’t want to admit it but the slow, dark night caused him to feel tired. The last thing he saw before slowly falling asleep were his siz best thieves and two others going out earlier than was anticipated. He had no doubt these fools were under the influence and leadership of that beggar Jaquiin. For the past six months the clever beggar tried taking over the Jinns through influence. Emez won them back with a successful raid on a passing caravan, which forced Jaquiin back to being second in command.
            A heavy burst of machine gunfire woke him up. He shot up and yelled for the others to get down. Emez krept his way cautiously as machine gunners fired wildly in many directions. The bandit leader crawled to the edge of the dune to witness several of his thieves be gunned down. About four of the ones that set out earlier made it back to the dune with a spray of bullets coming after them. Tricopis, Monti, Ferzin, and Zur survived the massacre.
            “Jaquiin is dead lets get out here!” Tricopis yelled at Emez as if this was his fault. Emez noticed Eegerts and the two other thieves had died in their attempt to scavenge and grave rob corpses. The Golden Jinn’s leader nodded his head anticipating when they should leave soon. That is when Monti is shot and about eleven or so Gantronese looking shadows jumped them. This whole group was part of some wave that was coming up from the south. Shadow Thief and six others managed to fight them off with more of the wave just passing their location.
            As Shadow Thief killed two of their attackers he saw Zur’s outline take down six more enemies. The rest of them only took down one for each thief. It was just seven of them left behind the dunes surrounded by a frenzy of shooting. They crouched down as the shooting spread all over the beach and the surrounding area.
            “We need to get out of here Shadow Thief!” Ferzin yelled at Emez in a panicked voice. Bullets flew over their heads as more shadows passed them. Two Gantronese rounded the corner and bayonetted one of the thieves then left. Emez looked at the remaining members of the Golden Jinns with eagerness to get out of here.
            “Let’s get out of here boys before more Gantronese spot us!” Emez yelled over all the shooting around them.
            He told them to go in front of him and avoid the camps they had passed. Moments later they are being shot at by a group of shadowy figures south west of them. Ferniz was hit along with another low ranking member of the group. Shadow Thief and three other members of the gang were all that was left of the Golden Jinns. It took them less time to get to the rock formations even though they took a loop around as many camps and patrols as they could. All four of them rushed inside together thinking of starting over in the east. When they entered the den the four last members were greeted by the dead corpse of the Devalpa and eight unexpected guests. Seven of them they recognized to be the local guards from Paradise Cove and the other was some blue uniformed officer.
            “Hello there we could not help it when we heard of this hideout full of demonic ghosts. Such a clever way to prevent anyone from snooping around or trespassing your lair. I hear you are Shadow Thief, leader of the Golden Jinns. Your real name Emez Buchis Kinahir from the Hazin Al-Dostrich family am I correct?” This officer questioned the group’s leader.
            “Yes I am Emez Buchis Kinahir, my mother’s maiden name was part of the Hazin Al-Dostrich family. My father Jasun Kinahir was a low life scum, who managed to marry into her family.” Emez said to the officer. He would have demanded who he was except the seven the guards were now armed with the new modernized weaponry.

            “The name is Captain Markus Hunt of the Vestrisian Army Elites. I am more of an agent than an officer, but I have come here in search of thieves such as yourselves to recruit. The Vestrisian Army is in need of men or women with your talents of stealth, theft and burglary. You will be sent into enemy territory west of the unkown lands. So, Gentlemen do I have my new team of agents?” Captain Hunt asked with a wide grin on his face.