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Sunday, April 15, 2018

An Exchange

On the coast of a lonely island two parties met from opposite sides. Each one came by boats, which sat on the beaches. Something was stirring and had to be settled quickly before it grew worse. There had been enough trouble in the past, yet that was nothing compared to what was brewing if things were not settled down. On one side was an armada of ships of different sizes, class, and origins. These ships were maned by corsairs, sea raiders, privateers, and buccaneers from the far corners of the known world. As a show of force was a fleet of naval vessels of only two classes, which would possibly be outmaneuvered, and outnumbered in a sea battle.

A party of nine privateers, and buccaneers met a group of six soldiers, an elite rifleman/swordsman, a trio of night watchmen, and a Captain. It was here on this island the naval forces of a powerful nation was attempting to appease an armada of angry buccaneers, corsairs, and raiders who created the third pirate republic of the silver seas. In between them was a small hoard of treasure, which consisted of eight chests full of gold, and other treasures, a golden statue, gold chain link headdress, and a few crowns. Whoever was the leader came up to each other next to the offering. It was here the leaders exchanged words. One side was to take the gold as tribute, and the other side was given safe passage through these waters unscathed, unharmed, untouched, and allowed to expand colonization. 

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