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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Captured Chapter

Senestra sat on her bed with three other women who clung to each other. All the women were below decks in their quarters or hers for protection from the creatures that were attacking the Lessiiv. Her room was pitch black dark with not a single candle or lamp lit that would draw the attention of anything outside. The older women kept the younger girls as quiet as possible ensuring them the creatures attacking would be dealt with soon enough. Some girls had their mouths covered with hands, and pieces of cloth tied around their mouths. These methods kept them shut.
Their Medryn Emissary was the only female to even see where they had gone. She told them nothing about the possible dangers that lurked on this island. It would only scare them even more, not that they were frightened anyways. Each of them would see or have a glimpse of what was attacking them once the Sailors, Hoplites and warriors were done fending off whatever the island was throwing at them. The young Emissary herself was frightened from hearing the creaking sounds of the creatures climbing onto the Lessiiv.
At first they just heard the attackers landing on the ship’s top deck with a series of thuds as though multiple attackers jumped on at the same time. The idea of something unknown to them wanting to harm the Lessiiv’s hull was a nightmare for all of them. What became more unnerving for the women was hearing these attackers constantly coming aboard with no sign of stopping.
Senestra stared into the dark with her hands in her lap silent as the grave. No one could tell if she was scared or not there was hardly any light in her quarters except for the light that shined through the small windows. She was too focused on where Evnar and Ilkabad came from. They had to be from another ship that was nearby otherwise they would be torn to pieces or died of starvation at sea. Despite the amount of creaking the attackers were making she pondered over the two warriors that came aboard. Once the creaking stopped it came to her.
Ilkabad and his cousin Evnar came from another ship that was not too far away from their position. It was likely those Angoths were searching for them and may have followed their vessel to this island. She wanted to thank the gods out loud, but that would give their hiding place away. No one had to say anything about the silence. To each ear in the room the silence meant the battle was over. The only questions remained in their minds concerned with who won.
Some time passed before that question was answered. They heard footsteps on the boards of the cabin as multiple figures moved into the cabins. Boards creaked, cracked and moaned underneath a mass multitude of footsteps that walked in the cabin. There seemed to be more footsteps than there were crew members aboard the Lessiiv. Voices could be heard in the distance in the upper cabins. Those voices grew louder as whoever was aboard drew near. As the footsteps and voices drew closer it sounded like chatter of monkeys and humans along with arguing about something in a language they did not understand. Olga’s voice was heard in the hall as the door to her quarters burst open with a bang. From the sounds in the hall there was a skirmish between Olga and those aboard. One body fell to the floor as the others seemed to struggle to seize her.
Get off me you vile hairy creature! I’ll kill you dead like yer friend here!” Olga sounded as though she were giving them a tough fight. Another body fell to the floor followed by a third. “Ha! You couldn’t even kill a woman if she-“ Olga’s voice fell silent. There came the sound of a sword sticking through flesh then twisting out. Another voice emerged in the hall.
You apes can have her as a feast if you like. Just remember the rest are not to be harmed even if they resist. The Order wants its prize unharmed, untouched and alive. Is that clear monkey man?” The voice snapped.
Growls followed, but no other conflict ensued in the hall. Whimpering of women emerged as lighter footsteps were heard. The same voice that spoke came up again. “Now ladies please help us find who we are looking for. Where is Medryn Emissary Senestra? It would be nice if one would say where she is. I mean I could change my mind about earlier and let these beasts-“
Senestra had heard enough from the start. She stood up and marched straight to the door. Her mind was made up already. It was better to be captured now than to allow more harm come to the innocent aboard this vessel. The Emissary unlatched the door and swung it open.
Here I am what does that damned Order want?” She stood before a group of monkey-man like beings led by a dark hooded figure in a black cloak armed with a scimitar. Five serving girls sat on their knees cowering at the sight of such creatures. At the feet of this dark cloaked figure were three corpses of the intruders Olga killed and Olga’s corpse at the door. He held it against the chin of Desin whose lips trembled and she shook with fright. The serving girl looked up at the one who killed Olga.
PLEASE DON”T HURT TRIAUNES!” She blurted, but the figure slapped her across the face.
Silence whore!” the dark clothed figure roared. He turned to the monkey-men beings and commanded them to take the five captives up to the top deck. Each one was grabbed by the arm and snagged up to the upper levels. The hooded figure turned to Senestra and other women who peered through the doorway. Behind her Senestra hear two bodies fall to the floor. A couple of them took their own lives. This dark hooded figure smiled with his eyes. “Ah the Medryn Senestra a little bird told me you were headed your way to find help. A task deemed unnecessary when a Kingdom has submitted to the Cren Order. There are decrees for all members of the King’s court to return home and attend to the Order’s desires and wishes.”
I have been summoned without my knowledge?” She asked in disgust.
I wouldn’t say without your knowledge since I have a little letter just for you.” The figure said pulling out a letter from his cloak.
Burn the damn thing and forget it. There will never be a day when this daughter of Etras will bow to the likes of Cren’s descendants!” She spit in his direction.
My name is Kazeed a demon from the distant lands. You’ve never heard of them so why bother mentioning them.” Kazeed ignored Senestra’s spitting and introduced himself instead. He turned to the monkey-men and commanded them. “Ipama bring these up to the deck, but let me handle the Medryn.”
These Ipama creatures passed Senestra and seized the screaming women behind her leaving her alone with the demon spawn of the Cren Order. Each one was taken up to the upper decks while Senestra was left alone with Kazeed. When they were all gone to the upper deck Kazeed stretched out a hand.
Make this easier on yourself and your crew.” He said glaring at her.
Senestra complied weakly and followed the demon up the steps to the open deck of the Lessiiv. When they exited the cabin of the Lessiiv she was shocked at the sight she witnessed. Senestra covered her mouth and tried to hold back tears. Bodies of the Ipama did litter the deck of the Lessiiv, but that was not why she wanted to cry. Members of the Lessiiv’s crew and most of her Groviscian bodyguards lay dead and mangled in a heap of corpses. Each body was stabbed numerous times, cut up and piled in the center of the Lessiiv’s deck. Many of them were men she came to know some had known her since childhood. Others were young just starting their service to the Etrasian nobility.
She was even heartbroken at the sight of Merx, and Jeskr’s bodies impaled on spears with no limbs. She mistook one of the corpses to be Captain Olverd, which caused her to drop to her knees in despair. Kazeed yanked her up and turned her towards the side of the ship where a platform rested on the ship connecting it to the land. All around them stood Ipama staring at her, the prize. Her despair turned to relief as she looked beyond the platform and saw forty survivors. A dozen Groviscians were left and the rest of the survivors were the crew. Seeing Olverd startled her, she nearly jumped at the sight of him. He had survived the battle for the Lessiiv, but it was a loss to the savages under Cren control.
As she was brought forward the two Angoths were bound to trees and had knives against their throats. Senestra turned to gaze upon those who survived. Not one of them were unscathed from the battle. Cuts were on arms, shoulders, faces and legs. Blood covered every man, splattered on their faces, limbs, torsos, and clothing. It was the blood of the Ipama they killed in the fight for the Lessiiv. The blood around their cuts was their blood and oozed out slowly from the deeper cuts.
Scores of Ipama warriors kept the prisoners under guard as the dark hooded servants commanded their new friends on the island. Senestra and her fellow captives were surrounded by what must have been a thousand Ipama warriors with a few Cren servants here and there next to the scores of guards, or against a tree. There were a few perched on top of a rock or stump hidden behind the brush. As Senestra was brought forth to a Cren warrior perched on a rock a few score of Cren warriors rushed out of the jungles and into the clearing next to the river. The Cren warrior perched on a rock turned to the leader of the few scores of warriors.
Take that vessel and sail it down the river. Two hundred Ipama will join you and help navigate through the island. Be quick about it, and keep this ship on the move as the others come in from behind you.” The leading servant ordered the Lessiiv’s new captain. Senestra watched him turn his head down the way the Lessiiv came in search of familiar vessels. His eyes widened at the sight of something in the river.
Kazeed bring that one to me! Someone is coming to your stations! Get those prisoners up and forward into the jungle! QUICKLY!” the leader shouted.
All the prisoners were dragged to their feet and dragged into a path cut through the jungle. The women were tied up and gagged so they run away or make any sounds. Each one were lifted over a shoulder and carried down the jungle path. Kazeed and another Cren warrior nabbed Senestra off her feet the proceeded to follow the captives and their prisoners into the jungle. She turned her head and saw only Ipama following them as they took them through the jungle path.
There was no telling where they were being taken as they traversed the jungle path. Senestra did not know this island nor did she want to explore it by herself. She had seen enough danger this island held particularly the Ipama who attacked their ship without warning. These creatures knew this island well, being the inhabitants of this Kruskor Island. The servants of the Cren Order were also new to the island, but believed these savages were their new loyal pets. It was assumed the Cren Order hadn’t been here for very long otherwise they would not rely on the Ipama to guide them through these jungles. The prideful Cren Order believed themselves to be masters of the world. Any tribe, kingdom, or race of peoples who bowed to them they believed them loyal to the Cren Order itself. Many servants treated them like their own slaves, and servants to command at their will.
These Ipama seemed to make it look like they are serving the Cren Order since they are aiding the servants of Cren. They rushed deeper and deeper into the jungle. As a whole they followed the path that snaked around the jungle with various turns here and there. Senestra was propped up on the shoulder of an Ipama. She was turned around and could see the other prisoners behind her. Among them she spotted Captain Olverd who had his head low not daring to look up from the jungle floor. The young Emissary could still make out his face under his hair that hung over his bowed head. He looked pitiful, regretting his decision to come here.
Olverd!” she called out to him. He didn’t answer her; she thought he might not have heard her the first time so she called his name again. This time he responded to her and rose his head up slightly to see who had called him. He couldn’t tell who was there because his face was covered in blood, and his hair dangled over his eyes. Olverd did hear her the first time he just didn’t want to respond, over shocked at the idea that he lost much of his crew, got most of the Hoplites killed, and his cargo captured. Not to mention he lost his own ship to the Cren Order who were in command of these Ipama.
The former Captain of the Lessiiv looked to see who was speaking to him, but couldn’t make out who it was due to the blood over his eyes and hair dangling in front of them. He heard the voice again and recognized it as Senestra’s who called his name out a third time. Olverd turned away not wanting to look at the Emissary he failed to protect from capture. He tried to block out her voice but was unable to as she called his name again.
Captain Olverd! This is not your fault! Speak to me!” she demanded of him.
I have failed the kingdom of Etras and those opposed to the Cren Order. They may have been conquered, but our mission was still active until now. We failed.” He said to her still not making eye contact with Senestra.
Captain our mission is not over! We may have been captured, but there is still hope! I know there is.” She said with confidence.
I let my men die and be captured, led us into this island and allow your life to be in danger.” He responded.
That may be true, but you did not know this island at all.” Senestra said reassuring none of this was his fault.
I should have listened to Ilkabad. We warned me not to stop here but I did. I never believed he was right until this moment.” Olverd said with showing regret on his face.
Ilkabad did know about the dangers of this island. He did warn us about this island and the creatures here. You cannot blame yourself for not listening to Ilkabad’s advice. There is help on the way!” Senestra told Olverd. Olverd shook his head at this.
There is no help coming that ship may have gone home and allowed this fate to fall upon us. That ship is never coming for us. Even if they were searching for their missing Angoths none of them would bother with us.” Olverd bowed his head still thinking of how his crew were slaughtered at the hands of the Ipama. He watched Merx be ripped to pieces. Jeskr was cut down by nine Ipama who overwhelmed him. Gallis was beheaded by the time he submitted to the attackers’ will. Each one of those men took dozens of Ipama to the graves with them in the fight over the Lessiiv. Much of his crew were slaughtered once the battle progressed and more Ipama poured on board. His first mate Hrothar was killed by one servant of Cren who entered the battle to intervene.
As he fought to keep his vessel out of the hands of the Ipama Olverd was witness to the Groviscians holding on to their lives as the enemy piled up against them. Each Hoplite killed as many as he could before the Ipama battered them to the ground. Some jumped on their shields in groups of ten shoving one part of the phalanx down exposing the other side of it to the slaughter that commenced before everyone surrendered. He was surprised to see the two Angoths gave in after killing so many of them. From the way Ilkabad fought most would believe he would keep on fighting.
Like his cousin Evnar, Ilkabad was surrounded and jumped from above. Two Ipama leaped from the quarter deck and forced Ilkabad to the floor and proceeded to kick him into submission. When their fight for the Lessiiv was over servants of the Cren Order emerged out of the jungle and ordered for twelve of the Groviscians remaining to be killed and the rest of the captives bound. He and the survivors believed the Cren Order had a foothold in the islands beyond the Crowsian seas. The way the Ipama obeyed made it seem these monkey men had new masters.

Their beliefs about this were questioned when the group swerved off the trail through the jungle. The Ipama led them off the path and into the unmarked jungles of Kruskor. None of the Cren servants bothered asking why the Ipama took them off the trail. One thought they had given that order and believed himself to be clever. Olverd was close to believing there was someone coming after them. He could tell from the way the Ipama drove them off course, but he still doubted their rescuers would catch up with them. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Through the Gorge Chapter

Serpent Hunter maneuvered through the reefs with uneasy passage towards the Dead Warrior’s Gorge. The waves around the reefs were rough on the vessel. They tossed her around attempting to ram her into the reefs as she tried to make her passage to the gorge entrance. This Angoth vessel would have been crushed by the reefs despite the craftsmanship and design that was put into her construction. She was built to endure the most powerful storms of the sea and the largest of sea serpents in the ocean. However her size made it seem impossible to go through the first group of reefs. With help from the mages on board and the experience of her crew the Angoth vessel made it through unscathed.
When the Serpent Hunter went through the first of the reefs she scraped against a reef when one wave shoved her. The mages on board, Ceinius, Levanna, and the Crone, used their powers to keep the ship steady and steered away from the reefs. Ceinius used his powers to push against the reefs ensuring the vessel didn’t ram into any of them as her crew kept her steady. Levanna used her powers to calm the waters around the ship ensuring its passage to the gorge did not end with its destruction and their deaths.
Thanks to the mages and the experienced crew the Angoths made it through the deadly reefs and to the entrance of the gorge. The waters near the gorge were even rougher and shoved her towards the cliffs. Ceinius used his powers to push against the cliffs as the crew steered her away from the cliffs.
It’s no wonder you see no other ships come this way. These waters and reefs would shatter a vessel before it made through the first group of reefs.” Ceinius complained as the ship eased its way into the gorge. The current flowing through the Dead Warriors’ Gorge was calmer than the ocean outside and inside the area of the reefs. Each passenger aboard the Serpent Hunter found the path easier to travel through.
They call this gorge Dead Warriors’ Gorge for a reason Mage!” Clovis criticized Ceinius. “Tales of this island say countless ships sailed to those reefs and nearly all crashed into the first reefs then sank to the bottom! Those lucky enough to pass through the entrance still fall victim to other reefs and the entrance to the gorge!”
That doesn’t explain the skeletons, skulls and bones hanging down from the walls of this gorge!” Ceinius pointed ahead.
I do not think there is any need for any explanations behind these unfortunate souls. You two must be quiet and stop arguing while we are on this island. It is the work of the demons lurking on this island. Whether it is the Ipama or other creatures here I cannot say.” Leothrad said demanding the Crowsian Battle Mage and the Angoth Delkyr Hunting Captain to cease their bickering and arguing.
The Angoth Champion looked up at the skeletons and rotting flesh hanging on the walls of the long gorge they had to sail through. His sister appeared next to him and observed the remains of the poor souls that met a gruesome end on the island.
The flesh on some of them shows they were here not long ago. Few are almost fresh.” She said noticing the recent victims of the island of Kruskor.
It is good to see that other vessel made it through with no harm done to it.” Leothrad admitted.
That ship was destined to come here, and so were we. The Gods made our passing harsher and theirs easy. There is some god of this island or some creature guarding the entrance to the reefs that lets certain vessels enter and others die at Kruskor’s doorsteps. Perhaps it was angry ours was returning to its domain after evading destruction numerous times. My old bones can feel it.” The Crone said as she made her way to the brother and sister.
Leothrad looked over at Ceinius who was walking away to the quarter deck of the ship looking this way. Ceinius wanted to protest Levanna’s extended time outside the protection of the cabins, but chose not to say anything. The Crowsian Battle Mage kept his mouth silent since Leothrad told him to keep quiet. His only words concerned the dangers of certain places. He also remained to quiet so he wouldn’t attract unwanted attention.
There are other creatures that prowl around this part of the island. Those creatures do not come out until it is dark. I’d hate to encounter such creatures here at night.” Leothrad said looking at holes next to the skeletons. He even stared into one hole that was level with his face. Inside he saw nothing but darkness yet he could still make out something hiding in the darkness. It moved in the shadow, shifting around in its slumber or getting impatient with its wait for nightfall to come.
You do not have to concern yourself with my safety dear brother. I am a mage and I am surrounded by Angoths, Guards and Battle Mages. There is also a Champion named Leothrad in our midst.” Levanna reassured him holding his cheek in her palm.
Both siblings looked into the other’s eyes as though they could tell what the other was thinking. He wanted to tell her they will find Ilkabad even if it meant killing everything on this island. The Ipama, the Sleechers, the Makool, and the Vugar were four of several types of creatures on the island of Kruskor. He had fought the Ipama a few times on this island, they were the most populous of the creatures. Leothrad had seen a few Sleechers, terrible looking creatures that look like overgrown leeches mixed with a slug. Their jaws were like those of a crocodile and eyes would only be revealed when it peeled back its skin. Some of those creatures dwelled in this gorge, but they are not the reason behind its name. Other creatures whose names are not known yet are the reason why the gorge got its name.
Makool, and Vugars were the main creatures Leothrad fought whenever he found himself sailing towards this place or other islands near it. The Makool were Reptilian-Frog like beings whose dwellings are mostly along the coasts or on tropical islands inhabited by no other creatures. They emerged from the sea spreading their kingdom to other islands even it meant contact with others. It is said they have a vast empire beneath the seas on the ocean floor. Makool weapons are mainly swords, staffs, tridents or spears. He had faced plenty of these creatures on every island he sailed to. It is a relief that none of them could attack ships in the open sea.
Leothrad envisioned the Vugars he encountered a few years before he was proclaimed Champion of the Angoths and the Council. Vugars had a lobster like appearance, and were often mistaken for giant lobsters despite the upper body appearing more like a human’s. There were Vugars who would just have arms sometimes covered in the shells that would cover claws save for the hands. Others had a claw and an arm to wield shields or weapons. These lobster like creatures dwelled in the caves closest to the shores. An entire family of them could be found on an island that was nothing but coral or stone islands riddled in a labyrinth of caves and caverns.
Champion, do you think this is the work of the Ipama or those Makool scum?” a young warrior asked Leothrad. He was a young lad about sixteen would turn seventeen after the next full moon. His name was Scur, son of a potter, but nephew to a renowned warrior who died on one of the islands not far from Kruskor. Fortunately Scur’s father had five sons, one daughter and a wife to cook meals, discipline the children and keep him company. Scur left seeking his own destiny rather than face the Mage Councils’ judgment. There was no more need for him since there were two apprentices working for his father.
If you were paying attention to what your elders and crones told you, you’d know the Makool stay closer to the coast. This is more likely the work of the Ipama. It would be possible that those fresh ones ran from the Makool and found themselves in Ipama territory.” Leothrad lectured the young Angoth.
And how many Ipama are on this island Great Leothrad?” Levanna asked teasing Leothrad then scratched Scur under the chin. Scur’s face was thin and long, but his body looked strong even if it wasn’t as large as his father or uncle. He was still young and didn’t have the warrior experience yet. Scur turned away embarrassed and lowered his head.
Leothrad turned to face his sister and the youth. “Look at me boy.” She commanded. Scur hesitantly obeyed slowly turning his head to look at Levanna.
Don’t torture the lad with your beauty sister, his name his Scur son of Scannar the potter. His uncle was Scynn the warrior.” Leothrad said as though she didn’t know who this was.
Ah yes, the lad you refused to be judged by the Crones and sentenced by the Council. Or was it the other way around?” The Crone Visdiar came up to them. They seemed to ignore the Crone who did not care whether they wanted her now or not. She only came when wisdom was needed to be said.
You want to become a warrior Scur?” Levanna asked holding his thin face in her hands.
Yes Mage Levanna.” Scur answered.
Levanna smiled with her lips. “Perhaps we should have our greatest warriors protect you or our Mages? Either way you will survive this island Scur.”
What about that ship that entered before us?” Scur asked concerned for the vessel they were following.
Hush young warrior you have a future ahead of you. I can foresee that. Stick with the finest warriors and you will learn many things and live to share that knowledge with other warriors.” Levanna told Scur staring into his young eyes.
I know my time will come. I am eager to fight this island.” Scur said gulping and felt he was lying to himself.
Leothrad and Levanna chuckled happy to hear the youth showed his true nature. Scur may be young, inexperienced, and showed fear, but he was destined to survive this island.
This is your time to shine, young Scur. Come help an old Crone find her quarters. Do not fret about your future for this island will test you like it did to Leothrad. Levanna join us and help him find my way this Crone needs her sleep.”
Before the three of them left Leothrad he turned to answer his sister’s question. “There are ten thousand Ipama on this island and hundreds of Vugars, and Makool roaming the same island.”
Levanna paused and nodded her head once acknowledging what he just told her. She escorted the Crone back to the cabins of the ship. Clovis had given command of the vessel to a first mate and joined Leothrad.
Do you think Scur is ready for Kruskor?” Clovis asked.
Scur may me inexperienced in battle, he may not show the confidence most Chieftains look for, and he shows some fear. Nonetheless Scur is a good pupil, he trained well, knows how to fight with a sickle weapon, sword and is handy with an axe. It does not take the most confident warrior to survive an island like this. Lads like him are more wary of the dangers where others allow over-confidence and prides get the best of them.”
From what I heard that is how you were when you were a young warrior. Only you showed all those traits you just . . . hid your cowardice!” Clovis smiled and laughed slapping Leothrad on the back.
Scur is no Crowsian that I can tell you Clovis.” Leothrad said looking over at the bow of the ship. He noticed they were almost out of the gorge and could see something in the river. Something else caught his eye from the top of the gorge. It wasn’t the bones or the holes on the walls, but a figure looking down on them. This figure appeared to be looking down at them, but his head was not set on their vessel. Leothrad noticed this figure was dressed differently. From where he stood the Angoth could make out a hood over the figure’s head and a dark long sleeved tunic over his body. He wore black baggy trousers over his legs. His face has covered with a dark cloth revealing only the eyes. This figure dawned a curved sword as well. As they got closer to where the figure was he drew his sword and two makeshift doors appeared from behind the gorge blocking their path.
It was obvious whoever he was working with wanted them to die in this gorge. This was a trap laid out by someone more cunning than the average Ipama. It was not possible for the Makool to do so since they dwelled on the beaches and in the caves with the Vugar. A sailor at the quarter deck cried to the Captain as the Serpent Hunter came to a halt. Fortunate for the Angoths it was not dark yet. The sailor called for the Captain again this time he heard it.
Captain Clovis we have company!” the sailor yelled.
Leothrad and Clovis rushed to the quarter deck of the ship joined by some of the crew while others climbed up to see who was behind them. When he got to the top of the quarter deck Leothrad saw what the others saw. A long black sailed vessel rowed in through the gorge in a quick pace. As it rushed through the gorge towards its target it took a sharp turn and smashed into the wall of the gorge. The black sailed galley sank to the bottom taking its crew and cargo down with it. Behind it another galley came in keeping to the middle of the gorge to avoid its predecessor. Arrows fired from it hitting the water and the bottom of the Angoth vessel. There was another one behind this one coming in too fast and inched on the back of the one with archers shooting at the Angoths. Two or three arrows hit the back of the stern of the ship.
Clovis called for archers and for the men to man their stations. Twelve archers came up as sailors went down to grab weapons. Leothrad spied one archer with an extra bow and grabbed it from him then took arrow from another. He placed the shaft in the bow and turned to the hooded figure who was still watching them. “What a fool!” he muttered to himself.
Leothrad strung the bow and aimed for the hooded figure on top of the gorge then let the arrow loose. It shot up and hit the hooded figure in the stomach. His target staggered for a second holding his stomach then leaned forward. He stumbled and plummeted down from the gorge and landed on the deck of the Serpent Hunter. Behind Leothrad the twelve archers fired their arrows killing their targets aboard the galley. Ceinius came storming out of the cabins to find a makeshift barricade that he blew away with the flick of his wrist. The Crowsian battle mage came up to watch the archers deal with the fools who were pursuing them. The fight was going the Angoths’ way as their number of archers increased. They sent a volley of arrows then another forcing the galley back and hoping it would smash into the other one. Someone handed Leothrad a quiver of arrows, he took it and placed it over his arm and neck. He took a single arrow out and placed it in the bow string. Ceinius came up to him and set the arrow tip on fire before he could fire it.
Now Champion finish these fools off so we can get to our target.” Ceinius ordered.
Leothrad strung the bow and released sending the flaming projectile into the sails of the galley. The dark sails of the galley were engulfed in flames causing some on board to jump into the water, some drowned while others swam to the other vessel they were after. Angoth archers found them to be excellent targets and fired on the swimming enemies. They were just random sailors coming into the gorge after someone now they were enemies of the Angoth Delkyr hunters. Many of them died as the rest swam to the holes in the walls and crawled inside unaware of what lay waiting. The second galley to enter the gorge lost its sails and stopped. It was now floating in the gorge with the other so close it that the third lightly bumped into it. Its crew tried to row backwards and rammed into the other wall of the gorge. The galley with no sails drifted a little and skimmed the edges of the wall while it was still under fire from the Angoths who killed most of the crew. It sat dead in the gorge with no sails and barely enough crewmen to row her out.
Captain Clovis, send fifteen warriors to check that ship. Have anyone kill those who resist or get in the way and capture anyone useful. I will accompany those warriors.” Ceinius barked in the Captain’s ear.
The Crowsian turned away and descended down the steps to the deck. “Someone bring me that hooded figure to the brig! If he is alive that is if he’s dead throw him over board!” Ceinius shouted as he entered the cabin.
Leothrad looked at Clovis as the archers descended the steps to the lower decks of the ship. Clovis looked at him in return. Both Angoths though the same thing. “Send in Scur.” They said simultaneously.
Later that day Clovis and Leothrad organized a boarding party to search the floating galley. Fifteen warriors were chosen plus Scur and Ceinius were added. This made the boarding party number eighteen. Three long boats used as life boats or to row a shore were prepared for the boarding. Six people boarding the smaller craft and each one was lowered down from the back of the stern. Ceinius and Scur boarded the last one when the first craft made it to the floating galley.
As this went on the dark hooded figure was brought down to the brig. Leothrad’s arrow was pulled out of his stomach. He was still alive slowly breathing with broken ribs, a broken back and a wound from an arrow. This figure was brought before the Crone Visdiar and Mage Levanna whom healed the mysterious figure for future questioning. Once he was healed the prisoner was shoved into the brig and given a meal, which he reluctantly ate in peace until Leothrad came down to question him.
The mysterious figure looked up from his meal with his hood and cloth removed from his face. He looked half human and half demon with greyish skin tone around the eyes but the rest of his body was a brownish tone. His hair was the color of charcoal save for a few streaks that were bleach colored. The eyes were red and hazelnut brown; one was the human color and the other demonic.
Leothrad looked down at him through the bars of the brig.
Who are you?” he demanded the half demon.
A demon sent from the underworld!” he mocked Leothrad thinking he was a barbarian.
I am not your typical barbarian! If I were would I attack you? I would join the ranks of your masters’ hordes if I was you. Now what is your name? Who do you serve?” Leothrad questioned.
Zeknam, I am a servant of the Cren Order in Auxmire. That Emissary will never reach the Angoths. You’ve probably heard of them from your grandmother or elder telling those false legends about the mighty Angoths.” Zeknam returned to his meal and scoffed.
We are the Angoths.” Leothrad said in a threatening tone to the servant of the Cren Order. Zeknam looked at him with a look of awe and disbelief. The half demon dropped the plate he was eating from letting it clatter on the floor. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

A bad location Chapter

Senestra and the two cousins watched, from the quarter deck of the ship, Captain Olverd yelled with furry at a group of soldiers for not coming to the aid of the crew. There were about a handful of men. Two scores of men stood aboard the Lessiiv receiving humiliation and discipline from Olverd. The captain yelled at them.
In all my years of service I have never ever seen such disgrace within the ranks of our lords and city-states! Have you any idea what sort of-“ The captain continued humiliated the troops for quite some time.
Why is he yelling at those troops for no reason?” Ilkabad asked Senestra.
Hrothar answered in a disgusted tone. “If you must know, Barbarian! Those soldiers were supposed to come up and help defend the ship! Instead they decide to ignore the call to arms and sleep away.”
Olverd continued with the discipline getting into the soldiers faces. When he was done he dismissed them and they ascended back down into the lower decks of the ship. Olverd went to the bow of the Lessiiv where the four were watching.
He looked out at the huge land mass they were approaching. As the ship drew near every one of them could see that it was two islands split by a gorge. Senestra looked down the gorge, it cut straight through with no end. She joined Olverd curious as to what he’ll do next.
Any clue on how big these islands are?” Senestra asked gesturing with her right arm at the two land masses.
No idea, but I estimate that they’re the size of mountains. What do you think Ilkabad?” Olverd shook his head replying.
Ilkabad took one look at the two islands close together and realized something. These islands were dangerous, full of all sorts of vicious creatures and monsters.
Scratching his head he said in a hesitant voice. “I know most of the islands in these waters and I am sure that this is the largest so far.” Ilkabad did not dare mention the island’s name nor of the creatures that inhabit it. It was not because he wanted them dead. He only wished to see his Levanna once more and never be taken from her again. This seemed like the only way he’ll ever be with her.
Ilkabad now knew that his Angoth brethren were behind them. The Lessiiv drew closer to the islands giving her passengers and crew only one option. That option was to go forward into the gorge.
It was already too late to turn back for the ship had passed several reefs, before them was a path into the gorge formed by multiple reefs that towered over the masts. There was no way of turning around for the gaps between the reefs were too small for the Lessiiv. All hands on the deck were needed to help guide the Lessiiv from smashing into any of the reefs. Using long poles each crew member with all their strength pushed against the stones in order to fight the waves shoving the Lessiiv into the reefs. Hours had passed before the Lessiiv was safely through the reefs.
Senestra stood at the bow of the Lessiiv looking down the gorge. Cliffs and pillars towered above the Lessiiv forging a dark shadow down on her. Her crew looked up at the rugged faces of the cliffs which showed nothing but signs of death here. Senestra looked at Ilkabad she noticed the grave look upon his face. She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Is there something wrong?" she asked. He did not answer the Angoth stared down at the dangerous rocks aligning the gorge. Slowly the crew along with their captain pushed the large vessel through the gorge. Eyes still gazed upon the walls of the gorge the crew were chilled to the bone from the horrid sights on the stone. Senestra gasped her eyes widened at this horrible scenery.
Along both walls of the gorge hung bones and skeletons nailed to the stone. Flesh still hung off the skeletons showing signs of rotting corpses. The skeletons were different shapes and sizes, some tall and others short and a few normal sized. This horrific scene terrified the young emissary. She lowered her head so she'd only see the planks of the deck. Ilkabad assured her concerns.
"Do not worry my lady this island may hold great dangers, but you are in the hands of fine warriors from what I have seen."
She smiled and looked up at him. "Thank you for reassuring my safety Ilkabad . Those Soldiers have defended me for years. Well, a few have defended me for years, the others just a couple of years. Some are just starting a life as a soldier."
She fell silent for a moment until the Angoth pleaded her to tell him more. "Please, tell me more about their service to you."
She blushed feeling embarrassed and flattered for the noble warriors. "You see they are the Groviscian Guard, an elite fighting force my forefathers founded to defend the royal family of Etras. The Groviscians were once their own sovereign states until they were conquered several times by the Cren Order. Individually each state was conquered in a span of ten years. My father raised an army large enough to push the invaders from their conquests. The Groviscian States were honored to have their lands returned to them. So they gave up their sovereignty to become protectorates. Their Soldiers were the finest spear men in Auxmire. Well armed, armored from head to toe, shields large enough to defend their body. The Groviscians could form any shield formation you could think of. Groviscian Hoplites are known for their training and skills for combat."
Ilkabad looked impressed with how the Groviscians worked together in a unit fighting as one against any odds. He assumed in exchange for becoming a protectorate the Groviscian States gave their word to defend Senestra's family as bodyguards.
"As exchange for liberating their lands to freedom the Groviscians trained their soldiers to act as excellent bodyguards for you and your family?"He replied questioning this.
"Not just my family, but the families of the Etrasian Royal Courts." Senestra answered.
The Lessiiv ran through the gorge unscathed and entered a vast jungle on the other side of the gorge. The cliffs shrank to a lower level covered in trees and brush that were too dense to see through. A river opened up before the crew of the Lessiiv with the jungle flanking her sides. Vines and branches dipped low over the ship, which ran into a couple of low vines. A few branches skimmed the sails of the Lessiiv as it traversed the thick jungle. Ilkabad looked around trying to remember what was said about this particular island. The gorge of rotting flesh and skeletons nailed to the stones were warning signs to those who found their way past the reefs. There were many things said about the jungles, some he had learned from Leothrad and Clovis who had been here before. He did recall something though, if a ship found its way on the island’s river it was best to keep on moving. To stop for even one night would mean death to those aboard unless they were lucky to avoid trouble or able to fight off whatever came.
He looked at Captain Olverd who was still on the deck of the ship now ordering his crew around. His crews were commanded to steer the ship in the middle of the river and for men on top make sure nothing gets on the ship using the yards of the masts. Ilkabad wanted to warn Captain Olverd, except Olverd was too busy ensuring his men kept the ship from hitting land.
It would be nice to have word with Captain Olverd.” He said to himself than he did to Senestra who was listening.
What for?” she asked. He didn’t answer her question. Regardless of Ilkabd’s silence Senestra called to the Captain.
Captain Olverd, Captain Olverd!” She called his name twice, but he did not answer either. The Captain was too busy shouting out orders to his entire crew.
While Senestra tried to summon the Captain Ilkabad gazed up at the tops of the trees and hanging vines wary of what creatures lurked behind all this brush and leaves. As a young lad he heard stories of monkey like creatures prowling the jungle islands like this one would attack vessels in the night.
Damn fool you are drawing them near!” he muttered to himself so the Emissary would not hear him.
Senestra continued to call for Olverd making it worse for the Lessiiv’s future. It was not their fault they were drawing unwanted attention. None of them had ever been to this island before. Both of them watched Olverd continue with his commands until one of the crew who had heard her caught the Captain’s attention. He muttered something to Olverd who turned around and spotted Senestra waving for him and Ilkabad nervously looking up at the trees on the quarter deck of the ship. Olverd gave command to Hrothar and Jeskr then proceeded to the quarter deck side of the ship. As he made his way he shouted at them.
Come to my cabin and we’ll talk!” Olverd said to him.
Senestra and Ilkabad went down to join the Captain at the entrance to the cabins. When they met Olverd at the cabin entrance Evnar came out laughing with a serving wench/hand maiden in his arm. He stopped in his tracks and his smile disappeared as did the girl who slunk back into the cabin when she saw the look on the Captain’s face. Ilkabad grabbed his cousin and shoved him inside after the girl. Olverd and Senestra followed the two Angoths inside.
Go straight to my quarters Ilkabad we’ll discuss the issue about this island briefly!” Olverd said who searched around expecting to see the cabin boy, but realized he was dead. A Captain, an Emissary and two Angoth warriors went to the Captain’s quarters after stopping to get some charts of the seas beyond the Crowsian territories.
They entered Olverd’s quarters which was still the same as it was now well kept thanks to the girls on board except the bed remained unmade and a few bottles and tankards lay on the floor. Olverd had Ilkabad and Evnar set the table in the middle after he cleared it. He set the first map showing the seas on the edge of Crowsian waters. There were a few islands dotting the map, but none of them resembled anything near the islands they were on. After glancing at the first map and failing to find where they were there Senestra rolled up the first map. She set it on the bed as Olverd unrolled the second one, which appeared almost barren except a few dots revealing reefs and a drawing of a sea serpent indicating there were sea serpents there. As each of them scanned the map Ilkabad spotted something he recognized that was close to this island.
There!” he placed a finger on a set of reefs that were supposedly north of the Kruskor island. “These reefs here are north of this island only these two islands are not on this map when they should be.” Ilkabad scratched his head feeling confused about this map. There was supposed to be something located directly south of those reefs, but there was nothing marking the island.
The Crowsians must have stopped at the reefs and thought there was nothing else there.” Senestra suggested.
Or they must have known and chose not to put it there hoping no one would look for it!” Olverd growled. He looked at Ilkabad with angry eyes. “I suppose we are supposed to be here even if it is not on these charts!”
Our old crone used to tell us stories about those reefs and this island saying it cannot be found by those near Auxmire because it is guarded by storms.” Evnar said.
Each one of them looked at him. Ilkabad realized his cousin was right. This ship had just endured a storm and faced numerous sea serpents that attacked them. These were the two things guarding the islands and preventing other ships from discovering them and other islands.
So Ilkabad what creatures are on these islands and what demons dwell in the forests?” Olverd asked as he pinned the map down with a dagger.
Ilkabad cleared his throat ready to spill out what he was told as a child and a young man. “You see Captain Olverd there are monkeys, various types of birds and monkey- man like creatures called the Ipama. These Ipama are more like demons that have the appearance of a crossbreed between a man and a monkey. Crones say these beasts will kill or rape anything that crosses into their territory. It would be best not to have anyone sleep outside at all unless you want to discover a mangled corpse.”
Olverd looked down at the map observing the spot below the reefs that were marked. He took a piece of charcoal and marked it lightly. “I will consider your advice Ilkabad and have no one outside until morning has struck. We will stay here for a night or two despite the dangers this island possesses.”
You need to keep your ship moving if you want your crew to survive this island!” Ilkabad yelled at the Captain.
Olverd gave him a hard look and drew a knife as if the Angoth gave a threat. “I AM CAPTAIN OF THIS SHIP! WE WILL DO AS I SAY AND THIS SHIP WILL STAY WHERE ITS CAPTAIN SAYS IT WILL STAY!” Olverd’s voice boomed in the cabin of the Lessiiv.
Ilkabad glared at Olverd clenching his eyebrows and sneered at the Captain. He looked over at his cousin who had said nothing this entire time. Ilkabad returned his gaze towards the Captian. “Fine then, it is your ship Captain Olverd. Do as you like and so be it.” He said before sulking out of the room followed by his cousin.
That went marvelously well Captain!” Senestra snapped sarcastically, she was disgusted with the way the entire meeting went between them and the two Angoths.
Ilkabad stormed down to his quarters with Evnar trailing behind him. Attempting to talk the Captain into sailing through this island was impossible. This was OLverd’s vessel and it would sail where its Captain was to sail it.
We could try again cousin I am sure he’ll listen next time.” Evnar tried to cheer him up.
Ilkabad turned around and faced his cousin who stopped in his tracks. “Evnar, there is no negotiating with a captain like Olverd. He has already made up his mind about staying on this island! Even if I were to talk Senestra into getting Olverd to agree we’d still have the Ipama and whatever else is here to deal with! We are forced to wait until those beasts attack this ship. Only then will Captain fool will ever listen to anything else I have to say!”
At least he listened to you about not letting anyone sleep outside.” Evnar replied.
I do not want to hear anything else about this Evnar, let me be I will sleep this off!” Ilkabad rolled into his bed facing the wall. Evnar was left in silence and walked away leaving his cousin in peace.
As Ilkabad rested he fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep he dreamed of his lover waiting for him back home on a couch outside. He walked up to her eager to be in her arms once more. She turned to see him approaching her in a robe. His lover rose from the couch and reached out to him in embrace. 
“My Ilkabad has returned to me. Come into my arms and nestle against my breast!” she pleaded letting her own robe slip off her body.
Ilkabad’s lover wrapped her arms around him with a tight grip. She seemed like she wasn’t going to let him go. “I love you Levanna.” He said to her as he looked her in the eye. Levanna gazed into his eyes as he gazed into hers. She rubbed his face and shoulder softly giving him a soothing feel with her hands.
Close your eyes.” She softly said as she turned him around. He obediently closed his eyes and allowed her to turn his body around.
Levanna cuffed his chin from behind and had one hand over his stomach. “Now open your eyes my lover and see what lies in your future.”
Ilkabad smiled and opened his eyes. Standing in front of Ilkabad was an Ipama staring at him in the face. It was grinning showing sharp yellowish teeth idle as a statue. This startled the Angoth warrior awake who leaped out of his own bed within his quarters. Moments later his cousin rushed into the room armed with an axe and a sword.
Here.” Evnar tossed him the axe as Ilkabad grabbed his killing knife.
What is it?” he asked quickly.
It’s the Ipama!” Evnar cried.
Go to the lower deck and make sure those Groviscians are up there defending the ship!” Ilkabad told his cousin who was confused about these Groviscians.
They’re Senestra’s bodyguards, now go!” he yelled at Evnar. Ilkabad rushed up to the deck of the ship and found Olverd’s crew and some Groviscians protecting the ship from scores of gray green looking monkey like creatures that were as tall as men. These Ipama would wear loincloths or tunics made from leaves or donned armor taken from the corpses of warriors they killed. There were a few that wore skins of creatures or bones as armor. Their weapons were spears and swords made with the teeth and bones of creatures they killed. Ipama swords were often made from a crocodile’s jaw or from the jaw of a Sleecher, another creature that lurks the island of Kruskor. Others had shells of turtles linked together to create a cuirass chest armor. Much of their fur poked out of the holes in what they wore. Most of the Ipama had their faces painted or wore masks to cover their monkey-man appearances on their face.
By the time Ilkabad fought one that jumped down from a vine there were dozens of them lying dead on the deck of the Lessiiv. A few of Olverd’s crewmen and four Groviscian bodyguards lay dead. He killed the Ipama that landed before him gutting it with his knife. Before it’s corpse fell on the deck Ilkabad grabbed its spear and threw it at another that was swinging down on a vine. Its body landed on the bow of the Lessiiv where Olverd and Hrothar fought several at once.
The Groviscian Hoplites defended the starboard and the broadside of the ship leaving a gap that was partially filled by the crew who were fighting Ipama that had jumped down on to the deck. Evnar rushed up to help them killing two as he rushed to protect the Hoplites’ flanks. Ilkabad looked to the side and found three approaching him on the right and turned to find four closing in from the left. He twirled around to face the three Ipama on his right. One of them was already poised to strike. As it struck he grabbed its weapon and pulled it to him stabbing his knife into its stomach.
Ilkabad took its weapon and killed the others which were wielding spears. He took one of the spears and fought the four just before they stabbed him in the back. Ilkabad brushed all four of their attacks to the side then jabbed one of them in the chest. The Angoth twisted his weapon away from the corpse then stabbed another in the neck. He was about to finish the others off when someone junked an axe into one of them and another crew member stabbed the last on in the back. The crewman was overwhelmed by three more Ipama who slashed his body.
Ilkabad dealt with those three immediately. He retrieved his knife and picked up the crewman’s weapon, which was a Klopis forged in the Crowsian isles. When he turned to help the Groviscian Hoplites and the Lessiiv’s crew they were already being forced into the center forming a Schimtor, a shield wall formation in a circle. A dozen crewmen including Evnar were in the center to ensure none of the attackers jumped into the center. Scores of Ipama climbed onto the ship from both sides and closing in on the Crew and Groviscians. More and more Ipama died as they continued to pour onto the Lessiiv. Olverd at the bow of the ship with twenty of his crew stood back to back in a circle killing the creatures whenever they climbed on board.
Over a dozen crew members and Hoplites lay dead among the numerous Ipama corpses. It was not long before there were over a hundred Ipama aboard the Lessiiv fighting the crew, Hoplites and the two Angoth warriors who managed to hold the ship. There were sixty-nine crewmen and Hoplites plus two Angoths on the deck with over a hundred Ipama whose numbers continued to increase as more climbed aboard. Ilkabad was very busy cutting down any Ipama that approached him or crossed his path. He would pick up a spear and toss it at one that charged the Hoplites. It was just him guarding the door to the cabins. He took a second to notice that not all of the crew and Hoplites were on the top deck. His first thought was they were below deck or some were on the quarter deck and had been overwhelmed.
Moments after killing two more Ipama he felt the door hit his back. Ilkabad stepped to the side to allow whoever was coming out. More of the Lessiiv’s crew poured out as did a Hoplite officer. They immediately shut the door defending their positions. More Ipama leaped down from the quarter deck and killed half of their group before they were cut down. Ilkabad turned toward the circle of shields more crew members and Hoplites came up to aid in the Lessiiv’s defenses.

All around them more Ipama gathered perched onto trees hanging on vines ready to pounce on the ship. There must have been a thousand or close to it, all looking down at a perfect target. The Lessiiv and her crew had come to a bad location.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Commando Part 25

For an entire day they waited for these pirates and mercenaries to return. Maurice and the Vestrisians hoped the other would have any ideas on what was going on outside the boundaries of the Unknown Lands. To neither' of their avail none of them knew what was going on. The locals did not know much except for the goings on in the villages and the city they were tied to. It was very close to midnight when Maphai, here mercenaries, Odeliah and her pirate crews arrived at the docks of Kunmar. While the Vestrisians slept in an empty shelter transformed into a storage for meat Maurice, Brittany, and Amonif spoke with the two leaders.
All three compromised about where they could take these Vestrisians and who would transport them. Maphai suggested they take them to a city in the far south west, but that city took them towards Caligari and her Syndicate. Maurice insisted they take them as close to Borvadosian borders. To Maurice's dismay that was too far away. They spent time trying to come up with where they could take the found Vestrisian Soldiers. Odeliah's face lit up and suggested they could take the Vestrisians over to some smuggler they knew southeast of here. This smuggler was an elf from one of the island nations in the southeastern seas. He was known among the underworld, underground trade, black markets, pirates, smugglers, and privateers as Laura Adah the sneak.
The mention of a smuggler helping them out sounding like the best way to get the missing Vestrisian soldiers out of the Unknown Lands. Within moments the trio of leaders agreed for Odeliah and her small crew of pirates to take the Vestrisians over to this smuggler. On the next day the pirates set off with their Vestrisian passengers who joyfully agreed to come along as long as they could get out of these jungle-swamps.
Once the missing vestrisians and pirates set out the others returned to their temporary headquarters. There the mercenaries and sarcagosee looked over some maps of the roads. As they scanned the maps of the southern parts of the unknown lands the inn received more patrons who glanced over at who they were and what they were doing. Maphai and Maurice decided to head straight for the city of Tsubib Pajibe. Both groups agreed on this destination and immediately packed up for the journey towards the south. When Maphai paid for their stay the two groups exited the inn. The mercenaries went to their yacht and the sarcagosee warriors went to their jumbo cat steeds. At the stables they came across a small group of merchants and their Uxane bodyguards and guides who had just arrived at the docks.
The leading merchant-tradesman asked if they could buy four of these steeds for themselves and their Uxane guardians. Maurice, Eyanosa, and Taregan conversed over this for a few minutes until Brittany disrupted it forcing them to make the trade. After she interrupted the conversation Maurice was given no choice than to hand over the steeds to the merchants who were happy to receive extra steeds for their journey. In moments the sarcagosee aroused the cat steeds, mounted and were off. Their steeds slowly trotted through Kunmar until they reached the end of the settlement. At the beginning of the continued road the sarcagosee found their steeds taking off at full gallop down the wooden planked road.
In the lead Maurice saw the world around him blow by due to the speed of the jumbo cat. All he heard was the galloping of the large cat and his breathing. Even at the full gallop Maurice could still direct the steed on the road. From time to time he allowed it to leap over branches and hop from trees to the other section of the road avoiding a longer route. Just going at this speed made it feel like they were soaring above through the swampy jungles. The commando noted the amount of distance their steeds were able to cover in such great strides and galloping. To him they would be at Tsubib Pajibe if they kept at this pace. He felt overconfident that they would reach Tsubib Pajibe. For hours they rode along the roads through the swamps not stopping unless they actually had to rest. Despite the speed they were going the vastness of the unknown land's swamps and jungles still had an edge on them in terms of distance. As they kept going down the road with no signs of any outposts or settlements Maurice's confidence shrank. He had his steed slow down to a trot forcing the rest of his companions to do the same.
Dusk was not too faraway showing they had ridden the entire day. Even though they rode all day and covered a great amount of distance it still seemed pointless. The road , the trees, and the foliage looked the same all around. Not much was said since they rode all day but still did not reach any outposts or settlements between Kunmar and where they were on the road. He turned to see Amonif, Hilastes, Brittany, Taregan, Eyanosa, and their Ranger following him close behind. Each one of them were a slow trot giving their steeds some time to breath. Some of them couldn't help but wonder if the road they took did not have any settlements connected to it. That they could have taken another route so they could find another place to stop. As Maurice looked around he noticed the trees and foliage backed away from the road showing it was built in a more open area. What his eyes saw was unbelievable at the moment. Two villages lay ten to thirteen miles away and they had to take this route.
Maurice and his companions brushed that off their shoulders realizing they should just keep going until it grew dark. There was no point in gloating over this since they did cover as much road as their steeds could in a single day' of travelling. At a slow trot they continued on the road a little further. Maurice's gaze was fixed on the villages wishing they had gone that route instead. In moments someone whistled a few times drawing their attention towards their right. The commando and his companions turned to face the source. Coming up to them was the mercenary's' yacht with Maphai at the bow whistling for their attention. Attached to the yacht's stern was a floating platform used for barges or floating docks. This platform was tugged along through a connection of ropes and chains. It had a cover over it for those riding along.
Maphai encouraged them to get on board to save themselves an extra few hours of travelling by road. One by one the sarcagosee leaped on board with their steeds. As they dismounted the mercenaries greeted them cheerily enough in their own way. The sarcagosee warriors left their steeds out on the deck with Eyanosa, and the Ranger to keep an eye out for any trouble while settling the steeds down. With the platform in tow the yacht sped up a little allowing the new passengers to move without falling over or forced to grab on to something. On board the commando's companions were shown some empty quarters for them to sleep and rest while the yacht took them on the rest of the journey.
Maurice climbed in a bunk with Brittany while Amonif took the top bunk. The rest of their companions slept in a bunk room across from their own. For the rest of the night they slept until they woke up to knocking on their doors. Each woke up to see the Drow Nanim and the Fornith Oroz summoning them to the mess hall of the yacht. It was at the request of the Captain who had invited them on board. Drowsily the commando and his companions made their way to where they would dine with the mercenaries. This Yacht seemed much bigger on the inside than it did on the outside even though it was large for a yacht. The mess hall was the typical set up with booths along the sides of the walls, the bar and kitchen in the back of the room. As they sat down the mercenaries and sarcagosee dined together.
For the whole day they traveled by yacht along a winding route through the swamps. Although they did not follow along the road itself they still saw it intertwined in the trees and roots of the swamps. While they rode along the more natural and partially hand made path the two parties played games, conversed, and slept or just relaxed. At the helm of the yacht was Cagan the Orc and Nanim as the copilot or co-driver. Everyone else was at the top sundeck watching for any signs of the road, outposts or other villages of the Tsubib Pajibe territory. Three hours of the day went by as the afternoon dragged a little. Many of them had their eyes focused on the areas of road, and land closest to them. Maurice kept his eyes focused on the parts of the road they passed by keeping an eye out for travelers or travelling caravans. When they slowly passed a large patch of gnarled swamp trees whose branches hovered over the road like a tunnel a group of figures caught his attention.
He called for the yacht to slow down which Maphai ordered for the helmsmen to slow down and stop along the wooden road. Slowing down they all caught sight of a large caravan of thirty mounted figures dressed in colorful robe like kimonos with tribal designs and beads sewn in decoratively. Some wore a sash with beads or bones sewn in, several wore shawls or animal pelts. Others had modern garb to go along with their clothing showing extensions of trade with other regions. By the time they were speaking distance of this caravan Maurice noticed they were all Uxane in appearance and several donned basket like hats to shield them from rain. Maphai informed him this caravan were all part of the Ojinawa nation-tribes people, one of the eleven known Uxane tribes and nations of the Unknown Lands. She caught their attention and asked if they were close to the edges of Tsubib Pajibe.

An older looking Ojinawa turned his mount which was a spotted jumbo cat. He pointed behind him directing them to followed the rest of the road to an outpost. Taking the Ojinawa merchant's directions they steered the yacht towards the south west before steering it towards the east. As they followed the rest of the route they came to an out post bearing a tall totem with the shape of a demon's face on top, a coiled snake and a humanoid figure on the bottom. At the outpost were seven warrior-soldiers in traditional skirt-sarongs and shawl looking shirts. Each one of them donned a conical helmet wrapped in a purple dyed cloth. All of them wielded a bolt action rifle, mak axe pole-arms, and different looking knives. It appeared they have come to the very borders of Tsubib Pajibe. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Two Angoths Missing Chapter

The warrior swam through the deep ocean in the direction of the ship. He stopped to look around, neither of the two comrades were seen. All he saw was another ship in the distance, too far out for him even to catch up. The other ship was just yards away. Surely the other two must already be aboard the ship he thought. The warrior looked around once more checking to see if the two warriors were straggling behind. All he saw were bodies of the sea serpents they had killed, floating on the surface of the ocean. Still there was no sign of the Angoth warriors. He continued swimming in the direction of the ship. Pulling forward with his strong arms the Angoth swam across the vast ocean.
With swift strokes through the water he pushed himself even closer to the ship. He was now feet from the vessel with every stroke he got closer. He could see the crew watching him approach the ship. Ropes were thrown over the side for him to climb aboard. The salty sea water entered his mouth as he desperately swam to the ship as if something were coming after him. The Angoth finally arrived at the ship after a long rush through ocean. Grabbing a nearby rope he tugged it twice and the crewmen pulled him up onto the ship.
He was greeted by the crew with hails and cheers. A heavy cloak was plopped onto his back for him to dry off with. They all crowded around him amazed at the feats he accomplished. When he finished drying a large Angoth handed the warrior’s leather armor to him. The Angoth crew gave their gratitude and thanks to the warrior. A big man next to him slapped a large hand onto his shoulder.
You sure made good work of those hellish fiends of the abyss there Leothrad. Didn’t he lads?” the man bellowed in a loud voice. The others happily agreed with laughter and shouting. Leothrad smiled at the huge man, the man was as big as a full grown kuruk which were large massive creatures bigger than a man. Leothrad stood proud before the shipmates, looking at all the faces gathered around he did not see the two warriors among them.
The Angoths cleared a path before Leothrad as a mage came forth. She wore an iron cuirass, a silk dress and a fur cloak over her shoulders. She was followed by four chosen warriors as her Vanguard. The Angoths knelt before her. Leothrad also kneeled before the mage along with the larger man. She slowly paced herself toward Leothrad, observing the battle weary Angoths. The mage stared into the crowd of faces searching. The larger man whispered to Leothrad.
You don’t suppose you know where Ilkabad and Evnar are, do you?”
Leothrad was taken aback; the two cousins were missing, “They’re not with you?”
No, we thought they must be with you.” the large man admitted.
(sigh) damn it Clovis now none of us know where they are?”
I’m afraid not grand champion; the three of you went after those beasties to wipe them out.”
Giving up her search the mage lifted a hand signaling for the Angoths to rise. She soon spied Leothrad and approached him with open arms. Leothrad stood there as the mage embraced him. Taking the champion warrior in her arms the mage kissed him on both cheeks.
 “Leothrad my dear champion, you have once again shown us all your skills in slaying beasts. These waters are now safe for travel thanks to you noble champion. My most favored brother of all.” Leothrad smiled at her proud of the gratitude he received. He hugged her with his strong massive arms. The brother and sister held each other in embrace happy to see the other unharmed. They let go and walked toward the bow of the ship.
Captain Clovis set course for home our work is done here.” ordered the mage.
Nay my lady we’re too far out from route home. We’ll have to sail down…” he paused realizing the course he was mentioning. “The Dead Warrior’s Gorge.”

Ceinius one of the battle mages whom accompanied the mage objected. “Have the vile sea witches gone to your head Clovis? That path is far too dangerous for Levanna!” The battle mage jabbed a finger into the large man’s chest.

As if Ceinius were not there Clovis ordered the Angoths back to work. He then turned to the mage jabbing him in the chest. Clovis glared at Ceinius with raging anger in his eyes. The two looked as if they were going to fight. Battle Mage versus an Angoth Delkyr hunter.
Ceinius we are not taking the long way home! Besides there are Angoth WARRIORS aboard this ship not a bunch a pathetic Crowsians!!” Clovis growled at the mage, who was not at all frightened by the size and might of the Angoth.
Leothrad stepped in to prevent any conflict from turning bloody between the two. “I understand your concerns for my sister Ceinius, but she is well protected here. For now her protection is no longer a concern. We must find our two missing warriors, Ilkabad and Evnar.”
The two Angoths towered over the master mage, whom gave both of them a look of disgust. “Captain Clovis,” The large Angoth knelt in response as Levanna called out, “make sure all warriors are aboard the ship. I feel as though some are missing and have lost their way on the vast belly of the sea.”
Levanna wrapped her arms around herself, fearing the worst could happen to the two warriors. The young mage looked down at the boards of the ship’s deck. Her mind wandered about as she thought of Ilkabad her lover. She felt as though something had stabbed her in the heart by taking her Ilkabad from her. She felt sadness consume her entirely. Levanna could not bear to lose Ilkabad it was nearly impossible to imagine a life without him. To even move on made her feel grim.
Leothrad watched his sister; he did not wish to see his dear Levanna in depression. Looking out into the sea the champion swore by the gods he would return Levanna’s lover back into her arms. He watched Levanna for some time, she was looking out into sea with the wind blowing in her red hair. The winds blew bringing a cold chill to the bone. He watched as Levanna shivered from the swipe of the wind god’s hand. It was only for a brief moment since it only came and went by. He barely felt cold from the wind’s chilling bite. Leothrad did not notice a small figure walk by him toward the young red haired mage. It was the old wise crone Visdiar. He heard the old sweet voice say to Levanna. 
“Come on inside my dear it is far too cold out here in these waters.” Leothrad watched as the youth was escorted by the crone followed by a gaggle of mages and bodyguards. Now alone despite the crew and captain, Leothrad walked over to the starboard side of the ship. He looked out at the sea watching as the large land mass of Kruskor, a large island with a great gorge running through the middle like a river. He knew this island well it is full of monsters, creatures as well as demons. Leothrad had fought on this island before in several raids in the past. Clovis joined him in silence as the Angoth champion looked out at the sea as Kruskor slowly became bigger.
Do not worry about my sister’s protection.” Leothrad replied. “She is now a mage and a powerful one at that.” There was silence before Clovis spoke. 
“I know she is woman now and she can care for herself. But there are far more dangerous creatures out there too cumbersome for her to fight! Leothrad, all these years I have dedicated my life to protect you and your sister by any means.” Leothrad stared blankly into the Angoth’s face. 
“Then why are we headed toward Dead Warrior’s Gorge?” Clovis was taken aback. 
“You said it yourself there was no need for us to concern ourselves with her protection.”
“When I looked into her eyes I saw hole in her heart! Something is wrong here? I just can’t seem to gras- Wait a moment! YES of course! They are still alive!” Leothrad realized that Levanna’s lover Ilkabad was aboard another vessel in the distance. He pointed out the ship in the faraway distance. “Clovis look there do you see?”
See what grand champion?” Clovis asked confused. “There that ship over there nearing Kruskor Island. The cousins are aboard that ship.” He remembered chasing down a Delkyr all the way to the other ship with the cousins following in pursuit. He pointed the vessel out for Clovis ordering him to follow it. “Quickly my brethren Angoths follow that ship!”