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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Every Birthday is a new trinket

There is a tradition that involves trinkets, small items, little objects, even tools, jewelry, small weapons, or whatever you find in your pocket, and drawer. In this tradition those items are to go somewhere and left until they are picked up by someone else. An entire community of several towns and villages practice this tradition. On each member’s birthday they are to be taken to an island off the coast. It will often be a small island still large enough to hold people. When they are on that particular island they have to leave a trinket, or object behind. Then they take another item that was left by another member of the community. It must be the item or trinket the eldest member of their family hands them.
For a full year he held on to this trinket his great aunt handed him after sorting through the island that was littered with small items. He looked down at what he held in his hands. Erikan played with the long spearhead that was given to him on this fifteenth birthday. He had it attached to a necklace he wore around his neck. This spearhead was precious to him and it served him well. Everywhere he went he always had it on him even during rituals, or celebrations that called for all weapons to be left at home. Erikan used it for hunting, sometimes fighting off his foes, and in skirmishes with other enemies of his community. Their canoe made it to the shore of the island that was littered with all sorts of items and trinkets, from watches, diamonds, rubies, rings, bracelets, braces, armbands, various household items, knives, claws on necklaces, dolls, pens, locks, colored pebbles, pendants, old clocks, pieces of a game, large teeth from big monsters or animals, small instruments, keys, small toys, figurines, bones, cups, goblets, and mugs. There were plenty of items forged in a smithy and metal pieces from furniture that were decorated. His great aunt had to be lifted and cautiously carried off the craft. Just three of his family members joined him on this venture. Great Aunt Gratia, his cousin Bren the Ox, and his sister Linn were chosen to join Erikan on his birthday.
The four of them stepped further onto the island as a few other members of the community searched for new trinkets for those who had the same birthday as Erikan. He did not mind them being here this year, since he was a man now. Earlier years he would scowl at their presence because this day was his day too. At an early age he was a little selfish but grew out of it as his family placed responsibility and work on his shoulders. They kept passing several piles of items and trinkets until Gratia stopped them with a hand held up. She stretched her hand out to Erikan. Without question or hesitation, he slowly handed the spearhead to his Great Aunt. She slipped into a pile before beginning her search for a new trinket for him to prize. She took her time browsing and fumbling through several piles using hand and cane. For several moments Gratia disappeared until she returned from behind a few rocks, and mounds. In her hand was something for Erikan. Behind him stood his sister who covered his eyes to make it a surprise. He smiled and laughed at this because it brought back old memories. When Linn let go so he can see Erikan saw a large pendant dedicated to some deity he did not recognize.

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