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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Drafted for the aftermath

Although he was half human and half elf, Evas Ludove never cared for the humanoids on this planet called Calorn. However he did enjoy filming this world's landscapes, and its wildlife. To his fortune most of the wildlife migrated deeper in the woods or desolate areas. Its people were various and it confused him a little. He understood Gnomes living near Dwarfs, or Orcs sharing the same space as Goblins or other humanoids. Elves and Humans he believed would mix in well and often create civilization together. On this planet there must have been migrations all over each continent.

As a film producer Evas loved to travel and film everywhere he went. He grew up on the planet of Judares Vod one of the many planets under the rule of the Nazdar Empire. Life on that planet was modern, and futuristic. There was quite a bit of fast passed lifestyles, live in the now and worry later kind of mentality, and some aspects of country life outside the cities. Under Nazdar rule everyone was either a slave, Grevaskii, citizen, or a master. You had to be a citizen in order to avoid the draft, or a master to avoid becoming a Nazdar's worker or servant. His own ability to produce films put him in the right position to avoid these labels. Evas sat at a lobby in a newly constructed station in Estoras. It was located near the territory of Givachana, a funny name given to the area as an insult to the locals who did not yield so quickly. It was an area inhabited by a race of beings who mixed in with Elves, Humans, Dwarfs, Gnomes, and other humanoids. Their origins were mysterious yet would remain unsolved due the Nazdar ruthless ways of punishing those who resist their rule. Most of the other humanoids fell in line after this race fell.

He was also close to the front lines near a state called Miccado that was at war with the Nazdar Empire. For years this state along with five others managed to feign neutrality before catching the Nazdar off guard in 1843 and continued to do so until 1845. Portions of Estoras and Givachana lay in their hands. These nations and kingdoms included Miccado, Methar, Kinach, Medron, Vincani, and Gibarra. All these states banded together to harass Nazdar lines, and pushed a little too far over the course of four years. As one army they managed to hold out, however the offensive might proven their undoing. A few officers approached him.

"Are you Evas Lundove?" one of them asked him in the Nazdar accent.

"Yes, I am what do you-" he replied but was cut off.

"Get your crew and equipment and follow us." The leading Nazdar ordered.

"Yes right away." He replied. Evas gestured for his crew to pick up everything they brought and follow these Nazdar. He picked up his bags feeling nervous as he began to follow them.

The trio of Nazdar led them to one of the gates where a Wyvern transport was waiting to lift off. Evas and his crew did not look at any of the guards or soldiers marching or standing around. Not making eye contact with anyone they loaded the transport and took a seat where soldiers or airborne troops would usually sit. In moments the craft ascended from the ground and into the air. For nearly two hours they flew over the area. Inside the cargo hold and passenger section they could barely see due to the dim lighting. The ride was a little rocky for a few minutes and it only grew a little rockier as they landed. Evas heard the engines of the Nazdar craft, wheels rolling over the ground, tanks rolling through, and troops moving all over the place. All he could smell was the smell of something on fire, and ashes. There was also the scent of burning metal, and the fowl smell of death mixed in. When the landing was secure the doors slid open to reveal a city in smoldering ruin.

Evas got out of his seat, and exited the Wyvern in awestruck fear. All the buildings had been destroyed or burned to the ground. Bodies, rubble, and pieces of debris covered everything. Smoke rose from the ruin of his city. He did not know exactly where he was, but he realized he had been drafted for a purpose here at the front. Nothing was alive except the Nazdar and their Grevaskii running through the streets in search of survivors.

"Now film!" one of the Nazdar barked at him.

Without question the film producer grabbed a camera and began recording what he saw. Corpses of the dead cluttered the streets, buildings stood as nothing more than smoldering ruin. Ashes covered everything. Buildings had collapsed onto others. Vehicles and carts were nothing but ashes and debris. Evas was forced into a Nazdar vehicle that drove him and his crew further into the smoldering city. The smoke was still lingering causing some of them to cough and cover their mouths. The stench forces Evas to cover his nose a little while he tried to film everything he could. Not a single building remained unscathed, nor a single soul remained alive. He had never witnessed such horrors in his life. An entire city once neutral was now demolished by the Nazdar Might. Evas held back the tears and the fear as best he could. He feared the Nazdar would actually shoot him if he showed emotion.

"Keep filming Mrs. Ludove, I have some rewards for you. This is one of many cities of Miccado, Kinach, Methar, Vincani, Medron, and Gibarra that faced the wrath of the Nazdar Empire. Those who resist who betray the Nazdar shall face harsh punishments." He heard the officer say from behind him.

Evas kept on filming as they came to a mound of corpses and a street that appeared too impassable because of the amount of debris. He could not tell what race these people were because of the ash, and burning. Everything was ash colored, blackened, burnt, or covered in the dust from all the debris. Evas Ludove had been drafted to film the aftermath of the Nazdars' Wrath. 

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