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Monday, May 28, 2018

City-state of Dos

Dos is a city-state founded a thousand years before the events of the two invaders. Sitting not too far from another city known as Liv, Dos has the same mountains and the same large river bordering her territory. The city is also defended by these barriers, however it also suffers attacks, sieges, and invasions from the vermin in the mountains, and the Muskallan Raiders. Liv shares a similar fate as Dos only it has a more diverse population of elves, humans, gnomes, Dwarves, half elves, forsythans, and other mixed races. Due to their location the city's population organized a militia, a ranger's unit, a night watchmen force, and their own legion of soldiers to defend the city-state. As a city that could field a size able army Dos has a celebration for those who have served their city well. It is a memorial day for all those who served including any outside help that fought on their behalf. 

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