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Monday, July 26, 2021

Platform Seas: Taking the Archipelago

 Cailor kept on going as though he was in a race. Just leaving his unit behind like Vagi did Cailor rushed around the building. At the end of the path, he discovered a small tournament square. Covered by a dome he also missed this square was occupied by sixteen humanoids. On the side stood a cycloptic bald headed monster and a purple coated hover bike. Whatever it was called the cycloptic big mouth watched the others. Upon a closer inspection he went into ascension. An orange horned behemoth spawn, three tricolored turtle mutants, two creepy vampire spawns, a feral muscle mutant with claws surrounded two female figures. Locked in a set of stocks two female fighters were getting violated. One was a dark-haired martial artist who had all three holes filled. The other looked like a crimson red-haired rogue assassin with desirable features. Five on two made it more a gang rape.

Getting out of the ascension Cailor started killing violators. He started by shoving the Messer blade into the cyclops skull. Oblivious to his surprise attack the other fifteen fell easily enough. Using every weapon in his arsenal Cailor saved the pair of women. In his mind he hoped he did. Making quick work the Zhenrai butchered the rest of the attackers. Cailor took position near them making sure no one else came near them.

“Cough, cough, cough thank you, native.” Mirani is my name. My fellow sex fighter over is named Rita. There are six of Argy the Hot Rod’s henchmen left.” One of them thanked the Zhenrai.

“You are welcome, wait did you just call yourself a sex fighter?” he asked the semen covered female martial artist.

“No, no Cailor you get those two out of there! Friengve, Sterhen, Osophi, and I will take out the rest. Argy’s ass is mine!” Zersan’s voiced boomed in his direction. Booming at someone usually resulted in them fearing the person or simply drawing their attention. In his case it did not even phase him. He freed Mirani and this Rita when seven more figures exited a dome shaped building at the end of the tournament square.

“Hold it right there Skoger!” one of the figures in red loosely fit, revealing armor yelled. Cailor could tell it must be Hot Rod Argy. The ripped and totally stud like male with blond hair, orange tan skin had the name on a breast plate. This Hot Rod had a nude chestnut skinned woman with gold, green tattoos, and purple braided hair.

Since Zersan was eager to kill Hot Rod she showed her own impatience with dealing with his type. Argy’s remaining goons died the moment they stepped up. One trashy humanoid mutant in torn cloths received two shots to the stomach, A gold-bronze armored feline beast got a bullet to the chest. The sun-colored bear human was shot three times. Argy’s ugly rhino mutant got a blast to the chest from a shotgun. Next to that a sabretooth warrior got riddled in bullets. Last of all those to die was Argy with an arrow to the eye.

“One less ‘boss’ of the Order of the Beast.” Zersan stated to the girls.

Cailor turned to check out her handy work. Past the bodies of the dead he spotted what looked to be a metal bender. It had a piece of bar in its grips. He was about to go check on it when a hand tugged at his sleeve. The purple haired woman was hit in the leg. She looked up at him with teary eyes.

“Gracias Senior.” She said. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. Will you need something to cover yourself up with? “ He asked he as his eyes glanced all over certain parts. When she noticed she slapped him across the face. Whoever she was he did not want to be in the same room as her.

“Don’t worry about her Captain, wait I mean Major Cailor. Tina has been in the clutches of the Order of the Beast for some time. Her powers are locked away inside a goblet. Just leave her and the sex fighters alone.” Osophi said drawing his attention towards the other women. She brought clothes and blankets for these women. Two towels were wet to clean them up with.

“Wait, Osophi why are they called that?” he asked her far more bewildered and comprehensive than he should now.

“Just don’t bother with that Major sir. I found three militarized vehicles in working condition.” Gnom spoke up from behind them. The Orc averted his eyes from the women showing there was someone else in his life.

He felt the Orc pull him away from the tournament square. The found their way back to find the rest of his volunteer unit waiting. Their pirate friends had the drow under control. Zaros was only given his instrument until Cailor ordered for the weapons to be handed back. Gorris, Izor in bandages, Monn Vag, and Bemere got in one of the vehicles. Bria and Orvis got in another with the drow taking the back.

“The plan is simple Major Cailor, sir. We take these vehicles and drive them over to the other island. We can only assume these have a bit of gas in the tanks so we will use them once. Bria moored her ship securely. All we must do is follow the Waffed Dwarf. Once to another island we take out as many Beast members as possible.” Gnom explained the plan to his Major. Cailor pondered over this then thought of the size of his unit.

“There are only twelve of us. Never mind tell Gorris to lead on.” He had Gnom join Gorris while he joined Izor and the pirates as though the vehicles were prizes.

Sitting behind Izor he learned the Order of the Beast held 19 other islands. This other island was under the leadership of a duo called Steampunks or Cog Paladins. As he rode in the back, he kept a mental note about this duo. In moments Gorris cut a path in the jungle to the other road. He led their convoy to another bridge leaving the female warriors behind. Bria sent word to Kezef to send reinforcements if she did not return the next day.

For several or more minutes they took the road to this other island. The snaked over bridges and islets. When they crossed the main bridge Cailor saw Gorris run over four guards. At full speed he hit a primate warrior, ran over a mutant creation, crushed a stout looking grunt, and rammed a mutant soldier into the earth. This Dwarf tool a sharp turn. He ended up hitting a working crane that sat in the middle of a port town they entered. That attracted attention which they wanted. Cailor’s unit leapt out of their vehicles shooting wildly. Only five got caught in the crossfire his unit sent all over. Two scientists poking their heads out got hit the moment they looked out. One was a mad scientist with wild hair and the other had a stretched-out neck.

A strange Owl humanoid fighter threw a spear at Gorris’ ride was hit six times. One big crocodile humanoid cyborg collapsed with several holes and some green faced man who turned around expecting company. He was shot in the chest and face. Cailor knew all these had stories of their own. Even members of his unit had stories before this event. There was little time for that. Once all the members were gathered Cailor led the way next to Izor.

Going through the part they checked no more than twenty-seven structures. Inside a dozen of these they found and killed sixteen. Whoever this duo was, they knew some unsavory, nasty, and vile characters. Some wolfman business gangster named Vuck, a cyborg scientist with octo style limbs called Dr. Terror. Among the dead they killed a green faced collaborator Izor named Abeg. One giant frog that almost ate one of them. Others included a pair of turtle humanoids who threw knives, a cyborg ranger who launched at them, an ugly beastly billed pilot. They spared the medic doctor and a legless genius in a hover chair. Cailor enjoyed jabbing a broken spear in the eye of a blue cycloptic big mouther.

One Four armed creepoid never bode well for Bemere who struggled to kill it in a duel. Now 21 of the duo’s team were no longer a problem. Cailor’s unti split up to bring in prisoners. Gnom, Izor, the pirates and Gorris joined him. Bemere, Zaros, and Evirius went back with the captured prisoners. Thinking his companion, he sent Ingrannus back to watch over her. Looking at the main town center they found the Paladins waiting for them. Both challenged Monn Vag to a one-on-one duel. Monn Vag mentioned some vendetta he had with a certain Buck Knight and some other figure. Cailor was curious how this vendetta even began.

Monn Vag prepared for this challenge of single combat. Unsheathing his blade, the barbarian pulled out a stick grenade. Cailor’s eyes widened with excitement as the barbarian pulled a trick up his sleeve. The Major folded his arms, witnessing the volunteer cheat on a duel. That was fine by him. Cailor never had any interest in dueling. To most Zhenrai dueling and single combat had to be fought carefully. As for Cailor he enjoyed fighting more than three opponents at a time. Monn Vag pulled the end, cooked it then tossed it. The grenade exploded sending shrapnel into the duo. Both went down from the impact. Monn Vag finished them off. Whatever planet this barbarian mercenary came from it had a barbaric culture mixed with militaristic, and advanced cultures. Since he did not say where he was from no one thought to ask him. Monn Vag checked the interior of the town center.

“No one is home Major.” Monn told him. He walked away from the structure. “Don’t stop until you’re proud. Thank you, (danke) Mother, danke.”

“To the next island.” Cailor commanded the group.

“What about the others?” Orvis asked him from behind his left flank.

Cailor ignored the pirate as his eyes gazed upon the ring of islands. From the docks he saw the other platforms rising like small metal mountains. Right in the center of the wide ring of islands lay a sunken volcano. Checking his ammunition Cailor rallied the ones who came with him. Bria left with Orvis to their Brig. The pirates passed Zersan who had Zaros by the collar of his shirt. She informed him that Sterhen, Fiengve, Osophi and the other women are going with Bria. Sir Ingrannus may stay at the main base with the VUVR forces. Three of the women would be returning.

However, Bria had to get back to her fellow pirates. Cailor took this as a duty calls. With twelve warriors for a squad Cailor explored the rest of the island. The rain stopped and dusk was approaching fast. Whatever the island they were currently on, it held the shape of a bean. A road that ran parallel with the docks. Regardless of how late it became Cailor pressed forward with twelve men. Vagi would have been extremely helpful right now. She had the map of the platform seas.

Fortunately, they found a drawn map on a white piece of cloth. Even as it grew dark, they could still find their way to the next island. Looking over his shoulder Cailor spotted a volcanic island that appeared too rocky, and jagged. Lights on this island and others reminded the whole lot there were alien structures built here. Illuminating the way these alien streetlights allowed them to cross over. With the sun setting down, Cailor’s unit went over to the next island. After crossing the bridge they found the next island covered in volcanic sand, and palm trees.

A clean road made from various materials cut into the jungle. Wide enough for two vehicles the road had a black painted hover craft sitting there. It sat on the road motionless. Cailor saw this as an alternative once they got it working. Although the lights shined down it still left a dim light over parts of the area. Up ahead they spotted a town along the road. Only the buildings were visible. In the dim lighting he could see some figures roaming around at night.

“GET OVER HERE!!” a voice shouted at the top of their lungs. This loud voice caused everything to stop, even the thirteen intruders.

A large figure stood in the light. They appeared to be waiting for someone. It could be assumed they are guilty from the way the loud figured yelled. Three figures emerged out of the jungle. A pair of bat figurines and a robust female came into the dim light.

“Yes?” the female asked in a smart intrigued tone. They went up to the other figure who swatted her across the face. In a flash the larger figure grabbed the guilty one by the throat. Whoever it was it did not matter to them. This scene drew the attention of 26 other who watched her choke the guilty fat pig female.

“This is how you and every slug who slandered someone’s name and image will be dealt with from now on. It’s choke a guilty cunt time!” The angry bossy woman then let go after choking her for a few moments. “NOW EF OFF OR DIE!”

Cailor had enough of this he raised his T.M. 13 bolt action rifle. Aiming down the sights he had the ninja bats on target. Sterhen already told him what was going on and who was who. The rest got in line and chose their targets. Each member argued this island should be cleansed with no prisoners, no mercy until the next island. He took down the very first target then let his unit shoot the rest of them. The pair of women disappeared as his unit wiped out this Order of the Beast unit that occupied this island. When the last one fell they raced through this settlement. Among the 26 dead lay 2 humanoids dressed as bat fighters, a skeletal thin humanoid, buff pirate wielding a scimitar, on gambling wizard, a bill duck humanoid dressed like a jester, a mean looking toad humanoid, and blue hedgehog humanoid.

In between a few structures along the left side sat a modified car. Cailor remembers seeing the very first motorized automobiles that came out in 1800. Ever since then technology rapidly evolved thanks to Dwarves, Gnomes, and Goblins. There were also the occasional human, elf or hybrid who invented something for the benefit of civilization. Yet they still used bows, arrows, and melee weapons along with modernized weapons. It appeared strange, however it made for a nice combination in trench warfare or beating back an enemy wave. Going back to the structures they found five angry turtloids shot up, a beastly looking blue mutant dead, a purple mutant named “big boss”, some insect worm being with six arms. All the female members with him kicked the corpse yelling “rapist”. Each one got to kick the corpse several times before he ordered them to stop. Near the worm lay a dead worker who was said to be fowl, and cruel. Down the road they discovered a dead ugly owl humanoid fighter in a jumpsuit. On the right side they shot up a fat jolly postman of intel, a cyborg rat man brute, a fuman spear warrior, a creepy lime green cyborg, space Drow who had been brainwashed, a green headed mutant who had to be shot again, and an Assassin in red with a black blade. As they came to the end of his neighborhood a pair of space engineers came out of a shed like house. Both were shot in the head by Zersan. Looking ahead of the road Cailor noticed the road led to another bridge. The fourth island just sent mixed feelings. Were there any innocent members of this Order of the Beast? Cailor go in front of his unit who stopped in their tracks as he caught their attention.

“Before we go further on. Are we going to kill everything on this volcanic circlet of islands?” he demanded from them.

None of them spoke a word. Each one shifted their eyes nervously except for Gnom. Cailor waited for them to speak. He looked back at the road then at them. Although the night was still young he was eager to clear another island. Looking at each one he grew worried and suspicious.

“As Major of this unit I expect you to follow my orders. Now, Gnom and I will sit this one out for now. Go ahead get them out and kill the ones who deserve it. Then round up the survivors.” Cailor explained to them. The Vestrisians usually went in and cleared an area of all hostiles. Only the survivors of that engagement would be taken prisoner if they did not continue fighting. Most enemies he fought just kept on fighting to the last man. Those who were not Gantronese either retreated, ran off, gave up, and surrendered.

“Major there are four leaders who a Battle Beastoids. What about them?” Sterhen asked with a worried expression he barely made out in the lights.

“Decide among yourselves who lives or who dies by a coin toss. Is that fair enough?” Cailor replied coldly.

“Yes sir.” They replied in unison.

Cailor took out a coin that was equal to half a Republic Eagle. Made from the mix of Zinc, copper, and nickel, Wreaths were minted a year after the V.U.V.R. was founded. It is one of six valued coins worth a percentage of Republic Eagles. On one side was a Wreath and on the other was King-Aedile Owen (Orion) of Naatidra. One of the founders o this Union of Kingdoms and states. The paper Eagle currency had Bardouth, and some had the Greymir brothers on it. All member states had their own currencies, which many hoarded in case of collapse. Cailor tossed Sterhen the half Eagle Wreath realizing the enemy invaders might show no remorse. She caught the coin and studied it for a second.

“On one side is founder King-Aedile Will Owen Orionoss of Naatidra. On the other is a Royal Wreath. Orionoss is heads meaning they live, while the wreath represents all royalty and nobles. That side means death when it shows after a toss.” Cailor left it at that sending eleven over to the next island.

“Do you suppose the enemy will retaliate? This Order of the Beast, I mean.” Gnom asked holding a salute for him.

“At ease Sergeant if they were to retaliate it would bring more of our people over. That is the last thing they want. Did you unload any machineguns?” Cailor gave him a look that said you better have done that.

“At least three with two crates of ammo for each one.” Gnom replied to him.

“Good, now let’s enjoy this night air.” Cailor told Gnom wondering if the Orc got high or intoxicated on certain drugs.

For ten minutes or more they waited for Sterhen, Friengve, Zersan, Izor, Gorris, Evirius, Monn Vag, Zaros, Omurx, Bemere and the Drow to return. Every few moments they heard shooting. Shouting came after each set of shots fired. By the time thirteen minutes passed the shooting and shouting stopped. Another few minutes passed and a group of nineteen figures came out of the darkness. Behind them were eleven others holding them at gunpoint. Sterhen marched ahead and handed Cailor then coin back.  She introduced each new P.O.W. to him and Gnom as though she was presenting something.

·         A fox pilot known as Moragainne Rest Paw

·         Three tortle mutants named Vizka, Azoss, and slashy

·         Some rabbit warrior who calls himself Jakes

·         A scientist engineer Dr. Vozare

·         Another scientist named Dr. Controller

·         One happy but grumpy pig hybrid named Greg

·         A half-naked duck thief known as Dimiss wanted to screw all large breasted women

·         A brutish looking gentleman wolf man called Mr. Simmones.

·         Some head monster who records discs named Paulliu

·         A pink haired fist fighter black merc named Korvis

·         One bald space pirate warrior brute named Barbossan.

·         A masked fighter hero known as Teeberoz

·         The Battle Beastoids, Argog, Zuzzeen, Bathroarn, Redders

When he asked for the rest she told him they resisted. A pigloid brute who ravaged and Iperantosi to death, some Ratman martial artist, one Wretched Tosh prisoner with no legs, a hired Skull fighter, a cyborg gentleman, space fighter on a hoverbike, and a punk bard spawn. They found these other things aside from the dead baboonoids. A gold robot broken down, a creation humanoid milk box dead in one of the houses, and a buddy to the skull fighter. Her name was Crystal the dancer and artist.

      “Is that all on that island Sterhen? Where is this Crystal?” he asked her.

      “Yes sir, she ran off.” She answered him.

Cailor looked at the nineteen captives. Wondering what to do with these prisoners he grew curious about their allegiances and this Crystal. In his mind he wondered why they gave in so easily. Making up his mind he grew some vile or unorthodox ideas. His eyes caught a good look at the pilot, scientists, and the others. Cailor’s gaze shifted over to the four Battle Beastoids who no longer lead this group.

      “Who commands the next island up ahead?” he asked the four of them.

“A female ninja (silent killer) known as Calypsa.” One of the Battle Beastoids replied.

“What about the others?” he demanded. “How many islands are on this circle around that volcano?”

“Lioness Bitch Face, Cheta. One commands 40 and the other commands 62. That is all we will tell you, Skoger.” Beastoid Arzog responded then spat in the dirt.

“Okay I see there is a deep hatred for women in you. Arzog take fifteen of yours, pick up weapons and kill as many as you can. I will take mine and the other four back to Vestrisian territory.” Cailor left the rest to fight taking his unit the pilot, and scientists with him. His thoughts became occupied with the dancer.

Not caring about the prisoners of war he just sent to their deaths Cailor proceeded to the first island they seized. There they rested until morning. As he expected the pirates left with the intended passengers. Gnom woke up after him to rouse the rest up. Breakfast wasn’t allowed until he had all of his unit up in formation. Omurx now sat on his should like a cat.

“Listen up, we will check on our progress and see how far we can go today. Stock up on ammunition, grenades, and food. Gnom can I trust you to wait for the pirates to return?” he briefed them then returned to the Orc Sergeant.

A quick breakfast wall they needed before heading back out. When the unit was ready, he left Omurx with Gnom. The Orc could handle the prisoners. What he did not expect was for a woman named Crystal to pop out of nowhere and put on fatigues she found. She joined his volunteer unit as a helper. Although she proved helpful, he sort of regretted accepting without much questioning. Heading back out he led ten of the foreign volunteers. Checking the sky he could tell it was 6:30 am. From island number one they retraced their steps to island number four. In the clear day the fourth island held the shape of a set of three cogwheels put together. Infrastructures covered this island enough to create the shape. Going through the island brought them to a bridge. Connecting the next island this bridge arched over the water. Blindly crossing it they found the path blocked by thirty-three figures. Cailor had his unit stop before getting to the other side of the bridge.

At the very feet of the breathing blockade lay twenty-three corpses. All fifteen of the ones he sent forward lay dead. All of them were shot, stabbed, decapitated, bludgeoned, gored, beheaded, and impaled. The eight others were a fat dog ogre, flame reaper, one tortle mutant, a samurai martial artist that was stabbed in his sleep, one masked fighter, a rat warrior, a green skinned sharpshooter with the rifle over him, and a white clawed bugoid punctured all over. This blockade consisted of a steel cyborg, a scarred brute fighter, a legendary brute with yeller skin, a dark claw fighter with long hair, a barbarian, a skull wizard, strange bugman, four tortle mutants, pink swordsman, a tamed beast man, mutated ettin experiment, a barbarian mercenary, some dog brute gentry thug, a fox captain with a crew of 12 pirates, a mere cat humanoid, and a talking warthog. It yammered on at a female ninja who cut it off. She wore a loose fit uniform in light blue dye.

“I see you have managed to recruit members of the CSO, and those of the Order of the Beast. Well past me are 648 plus 32 members ready to kill you. Now skogers and traitors how do each of like to die? -WATCH OUT!”  this leader was mocking them for a few moments until she saw something behind them. Cailor’s unit split up on the bridge. Getting out of the way they witnessed a vehicle bulldoze its way through.

Seeing this vehicle coming the night warrior’s gang scattered. Whoever was behind the wheel kept going. Only a few people got caught under the wheel and crushed. Seven of Bitch Face’s minions became roadkill. The legendary brute, their barbarian in dark red tunic, their pink swordsman, four remaining tortle mutants were hit by the vehicle. With twenty-nine to deal with Cailor’s unit got up and opened fire on these associates to this Order of the Beast. First one to be shot was the steel cyborg followed by the strange bug man, then the tamed beastman, the dog brute, four of the fox pirates, the mere cat humanoid, and the talking warthog.

Fifteen of Bitch Face’s force remained to face them with her. Each one ran off during the chaos caused by the vehicle. Cailor was stunned and confused. Who was driving that vehicle? Gnom was back at the first island and Crystal would not be able to take him on. An explanation would be nice. He witnessed the rat warrior get cut down by the barbarian mercenary. He went up to the Vestrisian and dropped his weapons at Cailor’s feet.

“Permission to join you, will I have that? Or am I already a dead man?” he asked Cailor.

“You showed your true allegiance by reducing her force to what, thirteen now. Give me your name and tell us how to deal with the other forces in the rest of the islands.” Cailor commended him while keeping the rest of his unit from shooting him.

One of the figures raced out of their hiding spot. It was the skull wizard who rushed up the barbarian mercenary. Whoever he was this man showed the utmost disbelief over him switching sides. Calling him a traitor before getting dropped with a punch to the face. Cailor considered that as a new P.O.W. The scarred fighter peered out of a hiding spot. From a dome shaped structure they raced up to the barbarian. It was the claw fighter who screamed the barbarian’s named Pol. Pol the barbarian mercenary in a long green tunic, chainmail, leather vest, Gantronese boots, picked up his weapons. Grabbing spear and spiked buckler Pol chased after the claw armed warrior. Cailor dropped his weapon out of incredulity. Are they even at with this new enemy? The others did the same and plopped down on the sand. Just when they gave up the two headed ettin returned holding the ninja. In the mutant’s grasp Bitch Face the ninja was violated with tongues and hands. Being fondled and licked in the mutant’s grip this ninja looked ready to surrender.

“Hey skogers, Damsel pretty face silverflake for you. Would skogers like a lick?” the ettin mutant showed his own fleshy prize. It spread her legs to the unit. None of them budged in the state of paralyzing disbelief. All of them must have been numb.

“Fine I will lick, lick Damsel pussy!” the ettin bellowed loudly as he began twirling the female ninja around in the sand.

Cailor and his unit picked their weapons. Either they kill it before it presumes or they face an angry Silverflake. As the Ettin mutant got in position on the road the same vehicle that bulldozed through the blocked returned. Whoever was driving blared the clansmen pipes. For Cailor that hit home just hearing those pipes. With a sense to cry of joy Cailor watched the commandeered vehicle ram into the mutated Ettin. As someone with Celic and clan background he felt obligated to salute this person. As if the person did not see them the driver went on down the road.

Returning to his senses the Major barked at his unit to hunt down the rest. The Skull Wizard came to an started to shake off the sand that got on his mask. Cailor went over to press on the Skull Wizard’s back. Pinning him down Cailor hoped to get some answers from this one. He heard gunshots from other parts of this island. Waiting for the skull wizard to notice his surroundings Cailor checked ammunition.

“What, what happened?” the Skull Wizard asked as he tried to get up. He pressed down harder.

“You were at a party, and a pair of voluptuous women knocked you out sir.” Cailor informed him.

“A party alright was there a bunch of pussy, and large tits there? Awesome!” Cailor did not respond. He wanted to see if this one could figure it out.

“Silverflake, Silverflake where are you?” the Skull Wizard cried out. He knew what he wanted now. Cailor turned to where SIlverflake lay who was now curled up in a ball on the sandy dirt.

“Give me your name and then you may see her. As long as you don’t try anything.” He replied taking the Wizard’s attention from her.

“Ladeis Gravestorm the Cad-C-Cadaver Magician of the Order of the Beast and double-“ he was cut off.

“Don’t tell him anything!” Silverflake sprung up with a sword in hand while in the partial nudity. She was either faking it or took something to clear the trauma of what happened. Armed with a katana shortsword(wakizashi), and a Kama blade she still had this Silverflake struck. Acting fast Cailor summoned a warrior spirit that the Zhenrai could see. A robust warrior spirit picked up a Bastard sword to block each blow. It came off Silverflake’s best warrior, the other barbarian. Silverflake blindly kept attacking until she stopped only to realize what just happened. Her attacks did nothing nor did her blades even touch him. Summoning another he has her knocked out with female spirit. The Ettin coughed and started to get up when it came to. Seeing it was still alive after all that Cailor decided to finish it off. Coming up to the Rising mutant he put a bullet into each head ending the monstrosity. Checking Ladeis he found the Wizard had soiled himself a little and was now curled up in a fetal position rocking back and forth. He was also sucking on his own thumb praying he would not have to be with the Lioness.

His unit returned with only four new prisoners of war. The brainwashed claw fighter and three of the fox pirates were all that was left on this island. Each member of his Volunteer unit marched up with these new P.O.W.s. Taking a good look at these prisoners he hoped they had a good amount of information about these two groups, the CSO and the Order of the Beast. For their own sakes they better have some damn good explanations on what was really going on.

Without warning the trio pulled out guns to shoot him. Two of them died while the other single Fox was beaten to the ground. Once this one was manhandled thy cried out their names as Mellie. The brainwashed claw fighter called himself Chipps. He appeared very Nymresian in appearance. A set of blonde hair and the typical beach tan. Pol returned to him with the Scarred Fighters head. Cailor could not help but smile at this.

“Good to make your acquaintances outsiders. Volunteers take out new prisoners and head back. I will be heading on alone.” Cailor announced to the group. He hoped this would be a break for them. Each one said goodbye for now. All of them slapped him on the shoulders and the chest. Pol informed him about an island up ahead. It was under the leadership of a Female Lioness. Under her command were 62 or more and there was a cache of Gantronese weapons and ammo on Silverflake’s island.

Thanking Pol for this information Major Cailor went on his own. Whoever this Lioness was she needed to be dealt with. Checking the closest five structures he discovered a cache of 25 guns. All of them were Gantronese rifles, assault rifles, submachineguns, pistols, and 36 boxes of ammunition. Grabbing the machinegun, he found a bullet belt of 230 rounds. With the Gantronese machinegun Cailor headed over to the next island of hostiles. Warry of the leader calling herself a Lioness and 62 hostiles he also wondered about the Aquanne Hitto. Where were they? What planet did they come from? How did they come across this world? Three of these questions had to be asked and answered this was too much for the average population who already know about the Nazdar, and Gantronese invaders.

On the road he grew curious about that person who kept driving that vehicle. Traces of the driver’s comings and goings were evident on the dirt. Cailor stopped for a split second to admire a seven-story platform. Covered in vines, other blooming foliage, and other jungle plants this platform could be mistaken for a mountain. Since he did not find the vehicle he gave up on that. Marching through the island along the road he took his time. Mid-march he hummed a famous song. With no one around he grew louder until he came to another bridge. For this he used his ascension one more time. Taking a quick look he was interrupted by a tropical bird flying around him.

Cailor could have sworn the island held the shape of a flounder while the other had a different shape. At the bridge he performs ascension again to check this island’s shape again. His hypothesis or theory about the island’s shape was confirmed it did resemble the shape of a sea flounder. He saw plenty of those at aquariums in Zethra City. When he descended back down he proceeded to cross the bridge. Bellow this one he noticed some islets, rocks, corals jutting out, and various marine life swimming around. Such a natural beauty stretched from island 5 to island 6. Acting oblivious to the other islands Cailor reached the end of the bridge. Bellow him now was the bank of the island. Sweat beat down his own body as he came upon an oval shaped vehicle workshop. The only way he could tell it was a workshop were the tools around its base just left there. This strange workshop had a few Ganntronese vehicles sitting in its garage.

Rounding the corner of this workshop he came to a set of dome houses. Between the workshop and the dome houses was an Uxane in a set of grayish Gantronese fatigues. This Uxane smoked a long-decorated pipe, hanging from the waist belt was a wrench converted into a mace, a wakizashi, and an axe. Next to him rested a T.M. 13 bolt action rifle and a Grussian repeater. Both guns appeared to be decorated in an Uxane fashion. Cailor started to train the Gantronese Machine Gun Mark 3 on the Uxane when the greeted the Zhenrai major.

“About time you showed up that crazy lady is causing all kids of hell over there.” The Uxane said taking another puff of his pipe.

“You have to be some type of renegade Uxane to wind your way here. Major Cailor of the VUVR and your name?” He held out a hand warry of the other sixty-one.

“Red Puma Herring former Order of the Beast, and lone wolf.” The Uxane grabbed his hand and shook it then did the handshake of Vestrisia.

“Well sverx yah too Red Herring the Lioness McMahgouh got some prizes to share!” a rat like voice piped up from the left flanks. Both turned to see a street rat thief in tattered clothes came out of a dome house. Blue and Brown in fur the rat had chunks of ear missing, stab wounds, ear piercings this rat only had a chain weapon.

“Go ahead and rat me out flea bag. Let’s see how that feline pilot likes you squealing about those pretty faces.” Red Puma mocked the pest humanoid.

Not giving any name the rat began to unleash his weapon. Cailor shot him with a short burst. The machine gun noise scared the birds away. Another figure exited a different dome house. Some feline looking humanoid in a pilot’s outfit came over with her hands up. She reminded him of a white fluffy cat with cat like eyes.

“Just grab a white cloth and use it as a white flag. Keep on going to the other islands. You will see some people with this armband.” Red Puma advised her. He pointed at the armband Cailor wore on his right arm, since he was a commanding officer. She did just that and moved on. Red Puma took an armband from Cailor.

Taking a new ally and trusting his word Cailor went deeper into the island. Like nothing happened they discovered some group of seven wretched looked figures, dirty and huddled together. In between a crescent shaped building and four steel dome houses. Red Puma said they were Tatern slaves who are likely starving as punishment. Coming closer to these wretched the pair of them witnessed the Taterns get gunned down by dart throwing bots called Zorag bots. Cailor did not have much experience in fighting automatons or machine humanoids.

Using the machinegun, he unloaded a few bursts on each one. Each round tore up the exterior and some wiring. Seeing this do that too metal said it was powerful weapon. He would have to show this to his superiors. A couple of them fell from the shooting. The rest were shot in the vital parts or pushed over then smashed with a wrench or metal staff. A lone white bleach haired Drow Rogue lone jumped in to aid them. Each one took turns beating the bots to pieces before heading down the road. Making brief introductions he learned this Drow was a Space Rogue loner named Xillun Mingod. From this point they entered a settlement close together.

Thirteen more figures in the streets of this settlement spotted them. In no mood for more delays Cailor unleashed a long single spray of machinegun fire. He did this slowly sending 43 or more bullets at them. All thirteen fell or went to their knees from the wounds. A large mutant behemoth brute collapsed on his stomach as they approached. The ones who died were an iron sorcerer who had a bald head, and iron in his clothing, a mutated claw fighter with the claws for hands, a gambling wizard whose cards fell out of sleeve, and three mutant champions. Every other figure was a fuman raider in robes with orange dragons, the brute, and five former champion fighters.

Cailor had no time to deal with the dead or tend to the wounded. Using his powers, he summoned some specters to mend and wrap the wounds as best he could. Out of the seven still alive four died leaving three possible POW’s. This brute and three of the former champion fighters remained alive. None of them had much experience in the medical field. They couldn’t just abandon them. Cailor searched around and found thirty-six vehicles that looked like cars he had seen. Overjoyed he showed this find to the Drow and Uxane who already knew they were there. The checked each one and found 21 could still work for him. Among the twenty-one he considered eight of them to be a suitable vehicle to transport them. One happened to be a bug shaped one that had the roof and the seats ripped off. Xillun volunteered to take the wounded as he could not stand the Lioness.

Red Puma and Cailor searched another set of buildings along a cul-de-sac. Seven of these buildings had ten other figures hiding out. A glider warrior who raised his hands up, a female bandit who resembled a panther got up to attack. She was shot by Red Puma. The third was an exotic witch who looked just like Vagi. Before being shot the witch cursed him with a flash of a scene in his mind. It depicted Vagi getting forced to the ground and ravaged. Another scene depicted her falling on the floor in pain and pregnant.

Shaking those scenes away Cailor noted an acrobat boy who begged for his life. A quartet of green faced fighters, two of whom were shot. Nine and ten were feline mercenaries who gave up. Red Puma found a third one who joined her fellow prisoners. One stumped glider warrior, a crying acrobat, two green faced goons, and a trio of feline mercenaries became captives. They had to be crammed into one of the seven houses. Cailor told them what was going on and who he was. One by one they chose to stay put, letting the captors block the entrance. The two gunners went a few feet when a small gang of twenty-two goons of the Lioness came up. Seventeen mechanics armed with tools for weapons and five pro fighters who dragged in. Not caring at all bout ammo, Cailor shot at least 60 holes into thirteen mechanics, and two pro fighters. Only four mechanics, three pro fighters became captives. Held at gunpoint they are forced to lead them to Lioness. Seven took them to a fuel station o some sorts that had a tower on it.

At the entrance of this fuel station were eleven cute, petite, curvy and desirable women. Each woman looked very identical. None of them looked different except hair styles and clothing. One of them noticed their approach. She wore leather clothing that did not cover enough. Cailor hoped they would not notice them coming.

“Hi there fellas have you come to see the Lioness?” the one in leather asked showing she saw them.

He felt something drop or sink to the pit of his stomach. More sweat came out of his skin. Cailor turned to Red Puma who blushed. Cailor gave him a curious look. Were these two together or were they just mingling around. He looked back and forth between Red Puma and this gorgeous little woman. Suddenly the doors to the fuel station opened. Two gorgeous light purple skinned humanoids in white loose robes exited the building.

“Lioness McMagouh is ready for you clone ladies.” One of them addressed the crowd of look a likes and twins. Giggling, chatting, and clucking about ten of these “clones” as Red Puma put it, entered this fuel station. Whatever McMagouh or the Order of the Beast did here it was none of his business. It was obvious this was no longer a fuel station, but someone’s little luxury hotel. Through the glass they saw them go up on a lift that ascended to the tower.


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