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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Platform Seas: Cailor's New Help?

Someone woke him up with their lips around his shaft. He guessed it was a woman’s lips wrapped around it. Opening his eyes, he saw it was Chammi whose lips were around his cock moving her head up and down his shaft. Cailor could feel himself hitting the back of her throat. She went as far as she could on him. Chammi did this maneuver ten more times before stopping.

“Good morning Major!” she said cheerily. This clone pressed her tits together with a big happy grin.

“Good morning Chammi and thank you for that?” Cailor responded hoping no one else saw that. Sitting up he realized Chammi was now in a loose fit tunic dress. Looking around he found himself in one of the buildings on the 2nd island. All their stuff were moved to this one.

Getting up Cailor exited the room to explore his new dwelling. It was the largest one in the town they came across. He only guessed it belonged to the Paladin Duo. Whoever moved him took him to the second floor where he left Chammi to herself. Discovering a lift to use he descended to the 1st floor. It brought him to the third room of the building. Searching for his unit he found his companion Phebei and Sir Ingrannus at a table in what was the kitchen. The knight was red in the face whereas his companion looked peeved. Ingrannus tried to keep it together, but couldn’t. He started laughing only to be slapped by the smaller woman. Cailor did not want to know what was going. Going on with the rest of the day he grabbed something to eat as if nothing happened. Eating fast he had the urgency to finish clearing this archipelago.

Walking out he found his unit, new allies and only eight of the prisoners of war they captured. That female dancer was nowhere to be found. The rest of them either died of their wounds, or jumped off one of the bridges. Cailor rubbed his head not wanted to hear anymore. He waved a hand to cut off Gnome who shut up immediately.

“What about the two green faces, and the trio of feline mercenaries?” he asked Gnom showing no desire to talk about that darned shemale.

“They are in the third building from you. As for the ninja Silverflake, Ladeis Gravestorm, the acrobat and the fox pirate they will become crewmembers of Bria’s and Orvis’ crew.” Gnom replied to him.

“Good that means less to worry about.” Cailor admitted. “Did you bury the bodies of the dead?”

“Um no, something must be pulling them into the jungle or the sea.” Gnom answered.

“We will worry about that once we clear the rest of the islands. What will the new pirates be doing if they are not in my unit?” he asked Gnom.

“They will be helping Bria and Orvis as member associates to their faction. Having four help them out puts less strain on us. I gave Red Puma, that claw fighter, Pol, Xillun and that glider named Margo an armband.” Gnom replied who showed he was pleased by the number of recruits.

“Shall we see if the other five will join us, Captain?” he asked Gnom. The Orc held a shocked expression, and received the promotion with gratitude.

Gnom led him up to the five prisoners. Cailor asked each one expecting an answer. Green face number 2 said yes, two of felines said yes to joining him and his unit. Adding three more made his unit a little bigger. He concluded it would be a platoon sized unit. Taking a good look at these three, Cailor ignored the other two. Remembering what he did to the other 18 prisoners he wondered what they could do. Could he trust their pair of friends to stay put?

“All five of you state your names.” He demanded from the five figures.

“Phony killer steve.” Green face number one said.

“Weirdo William from Highskool.” The second one answered.

“Agrippanlive.” The first feline merc replied. A black fur coat covered her under the uniform.

“Samoane.” The second one replied. A caramel fur coat under blue dyed fatigues.

“Miku.” The third replied looking up at him. She had gold fur with brown spots and stripes under the set of black fatigues. Miku reminded him of a cat with the long ears.

“Killer steve, and Miku can either of you work on a ship? Or can you get vehicles working again?” He asked the ones who said no to joining the unit.

“Skogers unable to get “dirt wheels” working. You expect us to work!” Steve mocked him.

“You will be paid afterwards.” He replied to them.

“With what, money? You pay us with booze, drugs, punching bags, and pussy then we work.” The green faced steve pointed at him. He wore a light blue suit that had yellow shapes all over it.

“Did the CSO and the Order of the Beast offer you these? If so you can go on to the next island that we did not clear, past the fuel station.” Cailor asked then requested for them make a choice.

“Well just go to island seven. I guess the five-night warrior outcasts will take us in or make us their bitches.” Phony Killer Steve replied and got up to walk away. Weirdo William did the same thing and joined Steve.

Cailor did not stop them. Left with three feline humanoids he thought about just letting them go. Looking at the trio he made up his mind about the rest. They had enough prisoners to keep up with. As a Major now he had the final say in this unit. Miku, Aprinanlive, Samoanes looked up at him with those huge cat eyes. Thinking letting them go would not bode well with his superiors and Mysdran Vorske sent a pain in the side. He feel like he had no other choice.

“Sverx it, the three of you can go.” Cailor said to them.

“What?” all three of them said in disbelief mixed with a bit of shock in their voices.

“Grab some weapons and ammo get your stuff. Then get yourselves a ride out of this area. One of the islands has a hovercraft painted black.” He informed them.

Some of his superiors would not approve of him letting these three goes. To them those three would be POWs. Prisoners with the valued intel to further explain motives of other alien factions on Calorn. He watched the felines head in the direction of the green faces who already disappeared behind buildings and trees. As much as he wanted to follow them, he chose not to do that. Gnom came to his side.

“I see you let them go, Major sir. I will inform our superiors they are dead. Just five more hostiles we sent to their graves.” The half orc noted nearly taking the idea out of the Major’s thoughts. It was something Cailor considered doing since the government lied about some things. When he first came to these islands, he expected to find Gantronese defending this area, not other factions. He literally had Gnom jot that down as an explanation.

“Since Orvis and Bria have four more new members to their crew that leaves us with fourteen, including Ormux. Fifteen volunteers for your unit on land of course.” Cailor surmised.

“We have more than that sir. I am now a Lieutenant-Captain which puts the real number of your unit at twenty-seven.” Gnome corrected him.

“What? Twenty-seven?” he said baffled by this many volunteer members on this part of the world. If he were a political officer, or one of higher of authority he would see this area as hostile territory.

“Margo the glider pilot, claw fighter Joaner and two more joined us. A lizardman archer named Jiknar, and a half orc named Alexian of Kashmanol. At first the pair of them set off to Borvados. However, they chose to aid you. Vagi also sends her love, and friendship to you.” Cailor was not surprised to hear more wished to join his volunteer unit. What really surprised him was hearing from the likes of Naphene Vagi in return.

“Did we miss anything?” he asked Gnom.

“The newly found enemy these CSO and this Order of the Beast has a lot more forces here in the platform seas. All over the other islands a force of 2,288 tried sweeping all over us. A second wave of 1,617 more that came in after the first. Out of the 3,900 or more captured 497 who looked more elfish, drow, human, Orcish, Goblin, and hybrid. I don’t know if you care at all sir, but out of the 497 prisoners 179 of them are pregnant.” Gnom reported to him.

“When did this happen?” Cailor asked standing among some buildings in the town they seized. None of this really surprised him. He suspected more were hiding on the islands. For some women to be pregnant was nothing new, however in the middle of a battle that sounded more like mass rape.

“Two days ago sir in the pouring rain. In the middle of their invasion from the north and the south all the uglier members raped the female ones as a scare tactic.” Gnom looked uncomfortable talking about. Cailor did not blame him rape used as a weapon was something each side condemned. There were some incidents that resulted in executions of fellow countrymen.

“That leaves us 318 actual prisoners of war, and 179 victims. Every single pregnant woman would be sent off to Ivodra or another neutral state. How many did we lose?” Cailor asked Gnom as he took this in. Most of the neutral states would be welcoming to these humanoids. As hiding them from the public in Vestrisian would be impossible no thanks to nosy reporters.

“Among our forces we lost 159 who were killed in action, and 667 wounded.” Gnome continued the report to him.

“How many did we have stationed on those islands?” Cailor asked him. He was now worried about their lines being exposed like this. Cailor imagined this new enemy hid well over one hundred thousand various members.

“Just 2017 personnel or so were stationed on the islands we seized. We have 15 tanks to aid them with the defenses.” Gnom answered him.

“Good to hear the pirates fought alongside our boys.” Cailor blindly put in making him feel better.

“Um yeah all 500 or so of the pirates were found dead among 479 various aquatic humanoids. Some reports could lead to more dead, but there are still missing bodies. One or more were found alive calling themselves the Toceanids.” Gnom explained to him.

“Another enemy to fight, that is great. We all need another set of enemies.” He spat sarcastically.

“Not really sir, Bria’s faction found us. Only 14 members of the Red Fang Eels came over with all their stuff. That other faction also came behind them. A force of 80 members of this Sal Ghamee joined our ranks.” Gnom added to the report.

“Ninety-four to replace 500 hired pirates. Is there anything else?” he commented expecting more to this report.

“Just the number of things we found on the 1st island. Here is a list of what we found.” Gnom handed him a list he concocted.

Cailor looked at this list. It had the number of buildings on the island, and what they found inside those buildings. Most of what they found could be sold or useful to pay off debts. His beloved VUVR would be in heavy debt after this war. In the government of this Union, he fought for they scrambled to keep on top of things. According to an old friend who worked for a politician they were a little way from that. It is on their agenda to prevent that.

“Gnom Orbfist have the unit search the second and third islands. I will be back.” Cailor informed him.

“Will you need back up?” Gnom asked him. He clearly forgot he had powers.

“I am a Zhenrai knight, I need no back up.” He boasted recalling that shemale encounter.

Checking himself he found he was ill equipped to go right now. He sent Orbfist to hand the unit their new orders. Cailor returned to the Paladin Duo’s former house that was now HQ. It was more of a forward command on the front line due to his rank as Major. Upon reentry he was greeted by Osophi and Phebei seated at the table. Osophi was telling Phebei where she was from. Her home world was a planet with a long winter, lots of snow, and gorgeous springs. Both nodded to Cailor as a form of greeting. All he could do was nod in response. When he felt he had their leave he went back up using the lift.

Back on the second floor he found his weapons, uniform on a makeshift mannequin and trench coat duster hanging on a hook. Still in his fatigues Cailor armed himself as he would any day in the field. Arming himself with every weapon he brought he paused for a moment. With his uniform hung his sword that was given to him by the organized Zhenrai Order. If he were seen wearing this sword here, he would give himself away to the Order’s enemies. Discretion and incognito was key.

Once he was armed he left the room to find Chammi checking things out. Leaving her alone would allow him to focus on his own task. Thinking about that Fuel Station he stepped on the lift to go down. Phebei and Osophi waited for it to come down. Three colleagues passed each other. Cailor went for the door where he exited the command central quarters the town hall of this settlement sat towards the end of the port docks. Making his way around the building he made a b line for the road.

On his way he passed two members of the volunteer unit. Zersan, and Bemere stood guarding the bridge that connected island 2 to island 3. Receiving a vestrisians salute from the outsiders felt awkward. Then he realized some of them were born on Calorn. Walking on to the third island he recalled the two large women and the bat dressed humanoids. Going through the settlement would feel strange during the daytime. After crossing the bridge, he noticed the hovercraft still sat in place. Moving farther he saw the bodies were gone. Yet the blood spills remained.

On foot he knew it would take longer. However, he needed to stretch his legs. Cailor saw it was getting dark again. That did not bother him nor did being alone. After all he was a Zhenrai Knight on a mission. Just passing through he found the pile of corpses stacked behind one of the houses. The road on this island snaked a little. Coming around one of the turns he spotted a group of figures through the trees. One the beach he thought he spotted more than one hundred figures encircle some smaller group.

Slipping into the jungle he bumped into a male soldier who shushed him. Acting obedient the Zhenrai crouched down. In the jungle he watched the group kill whoever they captured and surrounded. Under the cover of the large green leaves, he witnessed this larger group of captors come under attack. The shushing soldier charged alongside buccaneers, other soldiers, guards, crewmates, knights, and warriors. He got into ascension to watch 313 lizardmen, reptile hybrids, mutants, cat folk, Orcs, Gnolls, wolfmen, demon hybrids, and Tessars engage 78 Buccaneers, soldiers, Guards, crewmates, knights, and warriors. Close to 67 one shot pistols and rifles went off. This puzzled him to no end. Did they plan this with an agreement, or did they seriously not have access to better weapons? He watched them engage in melee combat for the rest of the skirmish. As the night grew darker the fighting intensified. Looking down while in ascension he witnessed the two forces cut each other down. There were at least one or two kills per attacker, which has the shushing soldier’s group.

As he expected the outnumbered attackers fell like flies. Yet each one wounded the very one that took them down. Within a span of two minutes all but one attacker remained. A warrior who killed the last mutant of the 313 Order of the Beasts. From the looks of him Cailor guessed he hailed from a backwater settlement of Evusia. Armed with a Warhammer and a dagger bayonet this warrior wore light blue loose shirt, green trousers, scaled mail shirt, sandals, a tan scarf and orange cloth hat.

Still in ascension Cailor searched the bodies. Lying among the dead he spotted the five prisoners he sent off. Phoney Steve, Weirdo William, Agripanlive, Somoan, and Miku met their ends. It cut his heart to pieces seeing the trio of feline lying on the sand under other corpses. He did not care about the Green faced idiots. To him they were scum from garbage.

Getting out of ascension he held back tears. It had been some time since he felt torn apart. Peering through the jungle he regained control over himself. The surviving warrior got down on his knees in despair. Losing friends, comrades, and brothers in arms was something he was too familiar with. During the Zegrav conflict he lost most of the men and women who joined alongside him. At the start of this war, he fought alone. Now he had a unit to command. Cailor decided to get out of the jungle. This sole survivor got up and yelled for someone.

“Chandra! You owe me!” the lone warrior called out to the sky.

To his right he heard people arguing. Cailor moved out of the jungle and on to the sands. He must have moved very quietly for the lone warrior did not hear him. The voices he heard came again still arguing. A pair of humans came out of the jungle. One woman and a male holding something in his hands. The woman dressed in a black, and red dress under a light-colored robe appeared to be a witch from Castaria. As for the man he had the physique and beard of an alchemist. She kept waving him off as he pulled on her arm. He was pleading for her not to something. Chandra got the alchemist to shut it. The woman unlaced something.

She did not go near the bodies. The witch beckoned for the warrior to approach her. All he did was growl at her. Chandra took off her robe revealing skin, shoulders, and cleavage. That got the warrior to come her way. Tugging at his pants and belt the warrior came within inches of her. He dropped his trousers in front of her. Revealing himself made the witch’s jaw drop and eyes widen. Chandra dropped to her knees unloosing her upper dress. She pleased him with her exposed breasts. Cailor’s eyes grew wide at the sight of two melon sized breasts rubbing a sword length shaft. Cailor looked away to give them more privacy. That is when the alchemist said anything Cailor grabbed him. With one arm he pulled the alchemist back into the jungle. He muffled the man with one hand so he could not give him away. Checking the two again he saw this Chandra woman getting face rammed by the warrior’s shaft.

Abducting the alchemist, Cailor took him over to the bridge that led to the fourth island. Not caring about the dark of the night he took his hostage on the bridge where they were saved by that mysterious driver. As he recalled every person, he encountered just one name that came to mind stuck out, Crystal the dancer. Why he did not realize this sooner was beyond him. He hardly saw Crystal since he met her. Returning to the bridge he let the alchemist go, but not before getting answers.

“Who are you and what are your people doing out here?” he demanded from the male alchemist. With no time for games, he pressed the pistol against his nose. The alchemist had a nose like a druid wizard he knew back home. The end appeared strawberry shaped, and the nostrils appeared flat, and the nose bridge appeared small.

“Nibbers the alchemist, scientist, and surgeon-doctor. A surviving member to some Order and current member of the Sal Ghamee. My surviving associates over there are Chandra Newborne, and Stir Boags. We used to be an armada of two hundred sixty-three ships.” He answered. Nibbers did not show any fear of having that pistol against his nose. It was hard to tell if he was tired or too angry to show any expression.

“How did you get here?” Major Cailor asked him. He knew they had a ship somewhere, but he saw no ship near the island. How they hid in the jungle only meant they hid the vessel somewhere nearby. Was there a port on this island that he missed? He hardly explored the sixth island.

“We came in from the north. Then we worked our way south. That long wall of shipwrecks is nothing but death. Even with over ten thousand, meaning 10,109 crewmembers we still faced death. These islands will make your army feel as though you only came in with a team of four or five, realta-loach.” Nibbers replied giving him the gist of the story.

“What did you call me?” he asked blinking in bewilderment. What was a realta-loach? He lowered the pistol from Nibbers’ nose and put it away.

“Your own Order never told you the truth, did they? You belong to two worlds, Zhenrai.” Nibbers said looking right at him. This was something completely knew to him. Aside from his mixed heritage did he have lineage tracing elsewhere?

“Nibbers, take you companions to the second island. Just take the road I took, and you will find my unit guarding an island. I will clear the seventh island.” Cailor left this Sal Ghamee alchemist to clear out the next island. Feeling the cool night air engulf the archipelago soothed him a little more.

Seeing the night was still young he marched on to the fourth island. He hoped to clear out one more island before dawn came. The Zhenrai passed through the fifth island thinking about his own heritage. Was there more to his ancestry than what is family told him? Following one of the roads Cailor passed through the sixth one. Whichever road he took it did not lead to the fuel station. Instead, it led him to the seventh island of this archipelago ring. Whatever lights that came on showed the setup of another settlement. At the end of this bridge, he could tell the road split.

On this bridge he spotted a lone figure walking his way. In the light he tell something was off about this. Was this figure walking towards him holding a gun? He was told none of the CSO or Order of the Beast on these islands wielded firearms. Getting into his battle mode the Zhenrai charged at the figure. Using his cudgel, he swatted the figure across the face. Whoever it was they hit the surface of the bridge hard. The sound of the skull cracking on the metal bridge was evidence this person was dead. Checking this humanoid, he discovered it was some changeling. Spasming and bleeding from the skull this humanoid changed skin tones repeatedly. All over the spasming body the changeling kept changing appearances. Shoving a knife through its throat Cailor moved all his focus on the other threats.

Twenty-three armed figures charged at him. Thanks to the engineers of this bridge, it was long enough to keep his distance from the attackers. Because of the lights along the bridge, he saw these attackers were 23 reptilian night fighters. It was only him and he was out in the open. Night warriors hardly do well when they have no cover to use. Cailer did himself a favor and grabbed two pistols. One from his own belt and the other from the changeling he killed. He opened fire on the platoon of charging night fighters. He always thought such warriors attack in the dark and from the flanks of their targets.

Covered from head to toe in orange, blue, black, and white uniforms these reptilians came at him. Armed with a variety of different weapons these warriors proved no match for him. Either these warriors were tired, drugged up, arrogant or drunk these attackers fell as he fired both pistols into their close yet loose formation. Just the way they slowly scurried towards him in a half shuffle gave it away. These fighters were intoxicated on something. Cailor did not want to check them since he was eager to clear out this next island.

After he dealt with these attackers on the bridge he raced over to the end of this bridge. Finding the way was clear of hostiles he went into ascension. Taking a quick look on both sides he found the path on the right promising. One lonely sap patrolled the left half of the island. Looking at the right side he saw 8 cyborg figures, a pair of rogues lingering by a door, a cage at an end corner of the street. He got out of ascension to face the eight cyborgs heading his way. Getting off the bridge brought the Zhenrai into a settlement on this island. The eight cyborgs heading his way spotted him in their sights. Returning to the Zhenrai combat mode he sprang into action. With his Messer sword he cut one down using a down swipe maneuver cutting a limb off. Performing a combo he cut a head off, severed a limb or two, and sliced another cyborg in half. Using a sword-spear thrust and spinning move he speared another, and cut a cyborg’s throat. One last remaining cyborg ran off into the jungle.

Down the street he spotted the pair of hooded figures at a door. They were forcing their way in a dome like shed or trying to anyways. Acting fast, Cailor rushed over to the pair of intruders. Neither of them saw him coming. Taking his Messer sword he stabbed one of them in the lower back. His blade pierced through the rogue’s stomach. At the door to the dome shed stood Crystal who witnessed the blade jutting out of the torso. Taking advantage of she punched the other in the private parts. Not prepared for that the second rogue collapsed holding his boys. Cailor felt his pain just from watching him fall.

“Crystal, what are you doing here?” he asked Crystal in a more curious tone. He should be mad at her, but something told him she was here for a reason. She shrugged a little.

“Eh, I am an assassin dancer, Major sir.” She answered him.

“Who is the target?” he asked her in embarrassed disbelief.

“Five outcasts are the target.” She replied brushing past him. Crystal grabbed a pair of climbing hooks from her belt. He moved out of the way to give her room.

Holding both she swung her arms up to latch the hooks on the doorframe. Crystal pulled herself up then swung her legs forward to flip her body. Like an acrobat she leapt in the air and landed on the roof. She waved goodbye to him then blew the Major a kiss. Cailor almost became bashful and blushed as a result. Three other figures exited their designated dwellings. All three came out to check out the noise. Each one were about to sleep before he came along. He guessed they did not care for a damsel in distress being cornered by two ugly rogues. An orange skinned explorer, a Red skinned fighter, and a Ruhonthran Elf. He saw through this Elf’s disguise immediately. Cailor thought to spoil his little ruse. Wearing a jumpsuit mixed with other clothing this elf managed to have green skin. To help with his disguise he had a few too many tattoos. Calling him out Cailor requested their names. His fellow native was Agent Phippinne, Katar of Ruhonthra sent to investigate these recent arrivals.

Going under the guise as Indigeoun from a star station, Katar tried gaining information. With his own disguise blown he introduced him to explorer Myrlak and Vage the Basequeron red fighter. Each one appeared more intrigued by Katar’s deception than angry. Breaking their ties with the O.B. they offered an alliance with Cailor. He accepted their new alliance and allowed them to side with him. He explained why he was here in this archipelago. Each one could join him, stay put or go to the other islands under Vestrisian Control. All three joined him to clear the rest of this island. Showing their true colors, the pair of alien allies went up to the building that had a cage next to it. Armed with Gantronese rifles the new allies shot something in that cage. Cailor raced over to make certain they did not kill a hostage who could have more information.

To his surprise and horror, it was a zombie experiment. He had a fear of the living dead as it was unnatural. What comes back to life in that state scared him. Vage banged on the metal door of this house. Cailor wanted to stop him then he realized the rest were trying to hide. This method could get the rest outside. Vage shouted for a person named Egvall to come out. Aside from the Egvall five other figures exited four separate dome-shell shaped metal houses. Egvall was an old scholarly wizard in his pajamas who received a bullet through the forehead. Vage held the rifle level with the old man’s height as this Egvall fell. The red fighter turned to see a wild blue grey nude demon with a single spike on his head like those one horned beasts, in the savanna of Kaniima, and Lheobethe. Firing just two bullets took the demon down. A light blue devil hybrid male froze in his tracks. This light blue devil only had a robe on. He appeared very panicked which did not help the open robe as his meat wiggled too much. Two Orc adventurers demanded what was going on. One of them grabbed the rifle from Vage.

Both Orcs wore clothing suitable for his climate. The last figure in this street was a Woadi Champion covered in cobalt blue tattoos. He appeared angry and armed with alien looking maces. Each one glowed a greenish glow from the points. Vage took the rifle back and shot this Woadi up spending the rest of the rounds in the ammo magazine. The rounds he fired forced the Champion down to the ground. Taking advantage, the red warrior smashed the Woadi’s skull to bits. When he saw the Woadi was dead Vage claimed one of the maces as his prize for killing the Champion Woadi. Vage introduced Major Cailor to Benny the blue fire mage, the two Orc adventurers Kibull, and Rezed. Every one of them sided with Cailor just to escape an certain future.

Cailor accepted them as new allies and volunteers. Six new allies and volunteers armed with axes, scimitars, firearms, maces, and spears led Cailor to another settlement that was walled off. Cailor did not see this since he got out of ascension quickly. This walled up settlement had a nice clearing between it and the jungle. Two roads met at the main gate. Flanking the main gate were four other doorways. As they approached a light came on in a tower above the gate. He did not see that tower at first until that light came on. The windows in the tower lit up as the gates opened. Out of this settlement emerged a reptile centipede making its way through the gateway. At a length of 38 ft the snake like creature slithered with a set of eight limbs. In the lights this creature looked to be a tannish skin tone.

Seven new comrades stood on the road frozen. Whatever it was it noticed someone else. Just down the other road the same figure he saw on patrol turned up. This reptile centipede went after the single man patrol. Cailor’s new allies let the patrolman become a meal. Keeping their distance, the seven of them opened fire on it. The first rounds of shots did nothing but attract its attention for a moment. After it crushed the patrolling humanoid it turned all its focus on them. Every new colleague used up their ammo which only slowed it down.

Cailor prepared to enter berserk mode and summon some powers for this encounter. Three more figures raced out of the gate. Clad in plated armor, wielding spear, shield, and great sword two Vengeful Paladins in red armor from Ezonel raced out to the creature. Behind them came a half demon battle master with long hair, tribal tattoos huge physique wearing chainmail, studded armor. For his weapon he held a long steel ax. All three of them grabbed the monster’s attention. Grabbing balls and nerves his other comrades rushed to help slay this snake like monster.

Feeling rushed in to aid his comrades Cailor sent a dagger flying into one of its back legs. That move slowed it a little more. He looked at the battle unfolding before him then looked over at the open gate. His decision needed to be quick, and he had to act now. Going back and forth he would do him no good. Realizing that gate would close it the bestie beast was slain he sprinted to the open gate. His powers coursed through him as he gathered as much as could in very little time. Nothing else made him more powerful than the powers gained from his ancestors and warriors he summoned. As he raced over to this gate re recalled his aunt hinting at dragon blood during a family gathering.

Entering the gateway of this settlement he found a jelly-fish alien levitating above the ground by a few inches. Its tendrils rested on the lever and its four eyes on its head kept watch. Three other figures stood guard near it. A tall wolf-gnoll with a flail, a Black cloaked sword mage, and a female warlock who did not seem very pretty in appearance. Cailor showed none of these guards mercy. One at a time he slew them. He cut the jellyfish in half down the middle. His powers overwhelmed them and caused an awed expression on their faces. In the middle of their fall each one produced a haunting smile he would never forget. When he noticed all were dead he looked around and spotted two swords leaning against the metal wall.

Just thinking of his friends, he conjured three spirits to wield the swords. Like it was nothing he entered ascension and commanded the ancestors to help the new allies. He did not exit the ascension until the beast lay dead. One by one his new allies collapsed on the ground due to exhaustion. He exited ascension to search the area. Checking out the interior he spotted another figure escaping. Cailor called him out to stall him. He turned to face Cailor claiming to be done being a former Death Tyrant. He gave Cailor a look that made him laugh a little. This former tyrant tossed his weapons to the ground before disappearing. Looking around Cailor found columns of steel homes along the walls. He took a street to a large house. In the shape of a claw shell this one stood two stories high. He took a peek, inside to find five dead bodies. Two lay on the floor, another was pinned to the wall, a fourth on lay splayed out on a table, and the last one hung from the ceiling. From the way these five were positioned he could only guess assassination. Around each neck was a purple-silver scarf.

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