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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Over the Treasures of Naboo

Roaming through the forest he did not expect anyone to be on this path. The wind picked up making him clutch his wooden walking staff and travel cloak. Underneath his travel cloak he wore layers of clothing for this part of the journey. Under his cloak he wore a duster coat, a poncho, a space vest over a Shaak farmer disguise. He knew the mountains of Naboo would be cold so he thought it would be better to layer up over freezing his companions to death. Along the path they came across AAT's, Trade Federation Droids littering the ground. It was no surprise these were left there since the Battle For Naboo. No one really came up here. Rumors of a Smuggler's Base with riches spread like wild fire. He found the remains and Wreckage of the famous Captain Kael who died at the hands of Borvo the Hutt's minions while fighting to free his people. In these mountains were plenty of Trade Federation bases left there and ruins.

They passed a Trade Federation MTT when a shady individual stepped out from behind a crashed vulture droid. Whoever it was they were armed with a staff weapon the dreaded and feared bodyguards of Grievous used during the Clone Wars that had just ended two years ago. This figure was not alone as other figures appeared, thugs, and droids came to block their path. Not taking any chances he ignited his light-saber. Next to him was a Clone Trooper still in his armor, an IG-88 Assassin Droid they managed to hack for their own purposes, a Bothan, a Twi'lek mechanic/pilot and a Dug Droid Specialist/Pilot. Behind them was their trio of Gungan Guide, Warrior, and Guardians with the Kaadu Mounts he chose to use hoping to avoid Imperial eyes. His other companions were armed with the typical blasters whereas the Gungans wielded electropoles, staffs, gaffi sticks, and a light-saber staff.

Looking down at his white light-saber the former Jedi wanted nothing to do with any side of any conflict. In his mind he hoped these were not bounty hunters sent by the Empire hunting for Jedi. He also prayed to the Force these were not lead by an Inquisitor either. As a Treasure Hunter all he wanted was to find something valuable and anything that sells then move on to the next target. Whoever these figures were they were either rival Treasure Hunters, Thugs, or Pirates. 

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