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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Last Ditch Defense for Kashmanol part 2

Just four hundred eighty thousand invaders remained on this battlefield. Still a massive force to fight despite all that carnage, backstabbing, traps, arrows, volleys, and fierce fighting. It appeared the enemy feared sending any more forces after threats to their flanks. To the dismay of the defenders another force of invaders positioned themselves behind the attacking force. For the sake of the day turning dusk to dark both sides ceased fighting. Defending this position for this many days against that kind of force was nothing short of a miracle. Teniim Elves set out as an expedition, engaged Gnolls, Troglodytes, and goblin minions of a warlord who supported their destruction. That expedition dragged them into a war over Kashmanol.

Their morning was peaceful making it uneasy for the defenders who expected another assault. Some time after their morning meals the invader added insult before their eyes. All the female warriors and defenders who were captured got dragged up the hill of carnage. Toros recognized many of the faces of the captors including. Gorn Dura Freehands lay on her back with an ugly looking spawn mutation mounting her. All these captors were ravaged before the eyes of the defenders. Seeing their own comrades in arms be treated like this was demoralizing for the already battered defenders. Among the invaders were thousands of female warriors who were triggered by this event.

Bewilderment, Awestruck, Shock, Puzzled, open-mouthed, bafflement were all that described the feelings of the defenders. Well over ten thousand female warriors gutted the assailants, and cut their way out of the horde. Most of the invaders jumped out of their way as they stormed over to the patch of woods where nearly thirty-thousand female slaves, servants, and breeders had been placed. A scapegoat was placed on the defenders who raised their weapons. Three hundred thousand invaders descended upon their position. Toros and his fellow Teniim Elves fought to survive this time next to the Dark Elves who switched sides on the invader. Cutting down enemies began easy enough until those with skills and armor came up. Ignoring the females and oblivious to their surroundings the invaders pressed the attack. As Toros killed dozens more he spotted a large cavalry heading this way. So this invader has finally brought in cavalry to run us down? He had wondered when the enemy cavalry would show up. Beheading a scrawny spawn and jabbing a large pig-Orc in the throat the Elf Elite saw this cavalry charge after the invaders. He ripped his sword from the enemy's throat and proceeded to kill more urging the enemy keep focusing on them.

Above the heads of those who pressed the assault he calculated approximately thirty five thousand and nine hundred or more mounted warriors armed with lances, spears, halberds, staff weapons, swords, axes, maces, flails, and tridents. Who ever this cavalry of mounted warriors bulldozed through the invader's ranks at the same as other groups arrived. On the right an army of Elves armed with rifles, and bows opened fire from the north eastern flanks. Using volley fire by rows Teniim Elves came to the rescue. From the southern flank came an army with superior fire power. Eight mechanized vehicles came with rapid firing guns that ripped the invaders apart. Among these vehicles a smaller unit of two hundred seventy seven armed troopers joined the vehicles. Superior firearms slaughtered the invaders at the front forcing the rest to flee into the mounted warriors. Toros saw a force of 3,000 Elf rifles with 7,500 spears and swords march to their rescue under the command of  Master of the Army "Anitta" Farryn Thegella. At her side were Master Vamir Greygann of rifles, and Brigadier Onthalas Gilrona. On Thegalla's side like a pup was Chief of the Line Bonaluria Bihorn who appeared displeased over ranks on her face.

Toros witnessed the rest of the invaders route to the west where they have come. He dropped his weapon and collapsed to his knees. Out of the one hundred thousand defenders who fought here 536 Teniim Elves, and 657 Dark Elves still stood. Not caring about where he was or who watched he let out a roar of relief at the skies. Others joined him with cheers from those who rescued them. Just the leaders and commanders remained silent. When he was finished the Elf started to cry tears of agony and grief. He crawled over to where he saw Gorn Dura Freehands yelling her name. Desperate to find his Orc companion Toros pulled bodies off each other and shoved them over the side with all his might. From he witnessed the rest of the invaders be chased down by the cavalry that arrived. Fifteen flying craft zoomed above them dropping explosives down on any suspecting enemies beyond their view.

Dura's face was unveiled underneath a fallen mutant. She coughed in air as she had been smothered and chocked by the pile up. Receiving help Toros managed to pull the Orc out of the pile up along with other wounded defenders. The wounded combatants began showing signs of life. Arms rose up, voices were raised along with groans, and sounds of pain. Dura was placed on a stretcher and carried away. Now under the command of Thegella Toros and the rest of the defenders set out to find the wounded and other survivors. While they did so not a single enemy was to be given mercy or taken prisoner. After what happened to Dura and other female warriors no one was taking prisoners. To ensure their own kind would not be killed the Dark Elves wrapped a piece of fabric around their left arm. Through begging, negotiation and offered servitude the Dark Elf leaders Sword Overseer Bomzy Ghoribis, Glaive- Pesirho Mezigod managed to save the fates of their own wounded. Both groups searched the carnage was the last of the invaders fled from the field. Whoever the thirty thousand riders were no one really knew except they were considered angelic saviors from the heavens. According to one of the rebels they were under the leadership of a young Prince Warlord who held the title of "Dragon" and went by many names including Blade-Reaper. One of the riders checked on them before rejoining his own.

Thegella rode down the hill using the longer rout to avoid trampling over wounded. While they searched for survivors she went rode up to the seventeen thousand female warriors who broke away and defended what looked to be over thirty six thousand slaves. Pulling up bodies they found more wounded and finished any enemies who still breathed. As for the Dark Elf they went from enemy to ally in a flash. Toros kept looking over at the thirty thousand saviors riding around cutting down and trampling the fleeing enemy. A strange horn was blown by the leader called Blade-Reaper who rallied them to him ending the pursuit. This Prince Warlord pointed towards the south as he spoke with his commanders. The Elf's gaze turned to the south spying a large force of one hundred thousand mounted invaders. Everyone who was watching expected the dozen flying craft to send that horde running scared. What they did not expect was for those fifteen flying craft to land in a clear field behind the hills.

Disappointed in those allies the Elves returned to gathering up the wounded. Whenever one was found a stretcher was brought over and carried them away. Curious Toros turned around to find a field hospital being erected to house the wounded. Nearly two thousand tents were pitched and set up for the wounded. An army of at least five thousand and more nurses and field surgeons arrived with Thegella. Toros and his fellow defenders had to carry the last several hundred wounded over to the field hospital that was constructed. His expedition had 1, 645 wounded, the Dark Elves had 987 wounded plus 441 more found alive in the carnage. For their Orc allies 3,428 were carried over to the tents. After setting the final wounded defender on a bed in the tent Toros and those who still stood saw to their own camps. To him it was a miracle most tents remained intact. Fighting grief, and tears of anger his fellow Teniim Elves gathered what they could and made a few fires. Thegella returned to their camps with every female warrior who left the invaders behind her. Behind them marched some thirty six thousand six hundred three former slaves, servants, and forced breeders. Toros and his fellow warriors watched seventeen thousand and counting march past them with twice the number of free slaves.

Toros bowed his head low hoping none of them recognized him as one of many defenders who killed their colleagues and sword sisters. He waited until the whole lot of them passed by when a lone figure walked past. Looking up he spotted a female elf in a cloak with the healer's symbol. She took a seat on a barrel with her gaze set on the thirty-thousand riders. Toros did not hesitate to watch their mounted saviors prepare to charge this larger wave of cavalry. Regardless of numbers the Warlord with the titles of Dragon and Princes gave the rallying cry and mustered his entire force to follow him. After riding up and down the ranks he took his position and began the charge. Whoever the woman was she wiped away tears as she watched the cavalry clash. Both forces collided close to where the flying craft bombed the area. No one could tell what happened at the cavalry engagement. Mounted warriors cut each other down that is all they could tell from their position. This Prince and his army fought against the larger horde well into the night. Whoever was close could barely hear the battle and its outcome. By the time morning came everyone awoke to see a small encampment made nearby. Toros and four other Elites who survived were ordered to check the camp out.

With four other Teniim Elites Toros went up to the camp of eight battered warriors, knights, and riders who flew Dragon and Skull Banners. Sitting around a fire were the warriors of that Warlord Prince and Dragon Reaper who donned fine looking robes to keep warm. All eight greeted the Elves offering them food, coffee, tea and a place by the fire. Trying to stay professional Toros mentioned the Master of the Army Thegella who sent him here. Prince Warlord Reaper looked perplexed and take aback. The young leader was hoping they had come on their own because of their survival in the previous battle. Toros could not help but ask him who are you. As a Prince Warlord with the title of Dragon the young leader introduced himself as Estelhun Maximilian. He was that Warlord who lead the thirty six thousand cavalry against one hundred twenty five thousand four hundred seventy four mutants, monsters, and local brigands who sided with the invaders. For him to have only seven left meant they must leave now.

Dragon Prince Warlord Estelhun Maximilian waved off Thegella's demands and offers to meet. He told Toros to inform her there is a larger army beyond that field and they are held back by thirty thousand animal humanoids. Taking his word Toros beckoned the rest of this group to follow him back. On their return to their own camps on the hill they discovered five thousand and thirty six wagons arrived to pick up the wounded. It would be another day before they can be moved. 

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