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Monday, November 26, 2018


There was absolutely nothing he could do at the moment. He was cornered like a rat staring at its predator. With eyes that screamed "Holy Crap Help Me!" the guy was in his own apartment staring at the one recruiting. She had a gorgeous face, small petite body with some curves here and there. Her face was heart shaped and held a big anime grin. It had him shaking with fear at the sight of this woman. Whoever she was she looked exactly him and some other guy whom he framed for years. For some reason people caught on and trashed him for it. Some places banned him from coming inside while others made fun of him. They knew who he was not, but did not know his true identity. He came from another world that was a mirror to this one. Some how he believed he had time traveled to destroy his cousins past life. It was at this moment that he realized this was not that world, and this woman was his cousin's daughter. Without warning she grabbed him by the cheeks and shook him.

"Come on and join us! We are recruiting and accepting volunteers!" She shrieked with joy and enthusiasm. His cousin's daughter tied his butt him and hauled him away with the rest of his stuff.
His fate was now in the hands of the recruitment process of the Black Coats. 

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