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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Al-Dadoria: Seek the Wilds

 Done with life as a civilian constantly under attack or witness to crimes, Yatil decided to report the attack. After that he chose to enlist in his mind. Five years ago, a beautician was murdered before his very eyes. Outside a blacksmith shop this beautician was stabbed over getting the wrong piece forged. Mainly over hair styles, manicures and treatments seemed extreme and crazy to murder someone. It was really over the amount of Eclipses the metal hairband cost to forge in terms of Eclipses. These Eclipses were the currency of Al-Dadoria. 

When he arrived at the recruiting station, Yatil revealed he was currently an arcane user. In full industrial military uniform of the standard V.U.V.R. style sat a fellow Al-Dadorian with a full beard, his hands clasped together. This very recruiter informed him of a special unit within the Al-Dadorian military forces. Yatil sat down to listen. This unit was a makeshift battalion of 600 which he set himself up to join. Around the same time Al-Dadoria rallied some 150,000 more to fight Vullan. News spread all over Al-Dadoria's islands as they were dragged into the Valde conflict. Vullan gave an inspiring charge in the form of an assault on some islands that keep getting mixed with Vullanese territories, and other city-states. North of Al-Dadoria this attack occurred over a grouping of islands and islands called the Javexo Shields. Just 229 islands are shared between Al-Dadoria, Vullan, and some other island city-states. Some notable ones were Aneron, Mabridge, Naxnonoth, and one called the "Crispy City." 

Just those islands were under attack by Vullanese forces. Yatil and 600 others played various roles while Al-Dadoria sent a small horde of different groups after the Vullanese. Other than 250,000 personnel Al-Dadoria's government managed to rally various groups, gangs, or clans from various island states. Groups such as the Nimble Blades from Khenra Isle brought in 414 members to fight alongside Al-Dadorians. From different military orders, and other states some 156 Militant Monks, 360 Fearless Halberdiers, 313 Dwarf Staunch Shield mates to join this fight. More personnel were transferred to other fronts. Despite the modernizing era, mechanized weaponry archers or bowmen still found their uses. One company of 266 Archers/Riflemen fortify Archer Parapet Walls alongside 397 others on some islands in the east coast of the Sultanate. About 515 members of the Underdark Lizard Explorer's Guild enlisted since no one could really explore anywhere else. Scavenging, and Salvaging being reduced lured 268 Salvage Scouts from Ottante, Zekmar regions. From the islands of Vullan 266 Frontline rebels joined the fight while 353 Ornery Island Goblins aid Al-Dadoria. That added almost 3,000 more defenders to the forces already engaging the Vullanese forces in the northern islands. 


Yatil's large unit of 600 underwent combat training with Vestrisians, and Al-Dadorians for three months. His own Flat was managed by Shetpo and Ensa who visited a few times to watch him toil in the training. One day during training his unit witnessed a convoy of camels being escorted by 700 Fearless Halberdiers of the Sultanate. Used as transportation of weaponry, and military equipment 1,620 Dromedary Camels, and 222 of the Solitary Camels often found in Ottante became necessary. The reason was to keep a steady stream of supplies in case fuel ran out in vehicles. Among such supplies included weapons, rations, ammunition, utensils, gear, kits, ingredients, cloth, and wool. T.M. 13 bolt action rifles, E-7 repeating rifles, 7mm submachine guns, Lever Rifles were likely among those weapons. As part of their training, they sent a small unit to the center of the country. Yatil's unit headed towards a lake in the central position of the main largest island. Just a squad of them took a cartographer over there to produce a map of this lake. Known as Lake Al-Sabbath this land locked body of water appeared fertile with foliage growing into the water. Their goal was to escort this cartographer in training to the lake and back. In the middle of the night, they were harassed by others only to find they could not get to their target. By morning everyone found the cartographer in a tree. 


Two weeks after their bootcamp training ended his unit was sent to the bordering islands of the Javexo Shields, and the 660 Perfagon Shields. What was their job in these waters? Patrolling the islands between Al-Dadoria, and Vullan while steering clear of Vidothra's islands. Using three row boats attached to fish Dhow-Brigs. Two Dhow Brigs acting as fishing boats depart from the southwestern coasts to meet them. On a grouping of twenty-one islands and islets they rendezvoused at a garrison of 124. Twenty of their own, 18 foreign volunteers, 39 VUVR personnel, 47 freebooters who used nine of the islands. Getting there took four days because of winding roads. Plus, the delays did not help. 


Adding 600 more to the defenders revived morale. Just on the Javexo Islands a force of 1,200 Al-Dadorians fended off a force of Vullanese zealots. Most of the attackers found themselves prisoners, wounded then prisoner, dead, stranded on islands, missing, or with their tails tucked between their legs in retreat. For weeks Al-Dadorian forces waited for a second round of attacks. Only skirmishes scattered along the islands happened every few days with mixed results. Ten days of fighting did not bode well for either side before it went down to just isolated skirmishes. Al-Dadoria did not field enough troops or personnel. Vullan did not have enough to spare and crush Al-Dadoria's smaller forces currently active. Coming up to these islands Yatil heard the names of some of them, Intense Cave, Nimel, Poppas. What their Brigs brought over to this rendezvous included 500 assorted submachineguns, 646 handguns, 900 carbines, bolt action rifles, 34 artillery pieces, 2 new rotating turrets to mount on any surface. Other weapons did include early versions of the anti-tank rocket launcher, Gloster 47 HMGs, 4-Hands shotguns, Gorine pistols, A-76 pistols. Ammunition for these guns came into the same crates already loaded into the magazines, cartridges, and drum magazines. 


Once everything was unloaded Yatil's own unit of 600 divided each other up into groups. For both Dhow-Brigs 68 were hand-picked to sail the two vessels. A total of thirty-eight days became the planned timetable or time frame for their patrol. Using sailed vessels would throw off the opposing side for a time. Being part of this crew as an arcane user made Yatil feel useful for some situations. Their Officer in command became Captain "Beautiful" Camilla Topaz had him help a photographer capture as much of the scenery, enemy ships, enemy positions as possible. Disguised as a neutrally aligned vessel they moved along Vullanese-Al-Dadorian isles while playing the part as a merchant ship. To avoid being sunk Topaz ordered the photographer Humbee Yackim to photograph as little as possible. 


For days they blended in while going through the Vullanese portion of the Javexo Shields. Yatil aided Humbee in photographing structures on the islands. As they progressed through the Javexo Shield islands they spotted 3 pill boxes, 4 building corners turned to machine gun/artillery positions, 3 artillery positions tucked behind a rock formation, 2 trucks, and 2 tanks. Each rested on some islands that also possess a few dwellings or settlements. One consisted of a fresh market store, woodland post office, small train station connecting islands, a diner, one small municipal building next to a fire station. Docked at some island settlement called Stonemarsh their vessel was loaded with goods intended for this one. Merchandise set for the very neutral state they disguised themselves as remained.  Here they heard an interesting set of conversations. Mainly at the docks this one sounded lengthy as it dragged into noon to dusk. This conversation was apparently public as there was a crowd gathered at the docks. Not something they wanted to see, but it was getting dark. It went more like a once sided argument with two or more involved with an audience. One of their own crew members recognized one of the voices as that of Frank the Fake Mobster. Lucky for them, it was on a Vullanese-Vidothran Vessel. For now, Vidothra and their Nazdar masters were neutral in this new Valde conflict. 


"Allow him to find someone or we start killing people off, got it." Mob Boss Frank blurted in a 


"Paint a better picture of him or they kill us all you stupid cunts." Pastor who just saw some nice


"Yes, I am hybrid, yes I am horny for that Zunia-Puck!" he shouted at the crowd while on board the Corvette called High Cobra, near the Destroyer Cosmic Snake, which they managed to slip behind. 


"Allow him to have what he wants in terms of a woman. This will only get worse." 


"How does it look-Sverx it. Who is he going to marry now, fat ogre?" 


Preferring not to listen anymore they attempted to block out this conversation or issue over a youth's desires. Certain he would find a mate at some point they the liars ignored their part of this night. Captain Topaz did not want these civilians to discover them as the youth's voice caught the crowd's attention. Some even started to break from the crowd shaking their heads in disappointment. She ordered the mages and arcane users to cast some spells. One used the confusion smell after clambering off the ship like a lizard while hiding behind some crates. Another cast the Isol Illusion spell to make it appear there was nothing behind the Corvette warship. Several spells of manipulation cast from a distance had to be performed from behind the crowd convincing more members to go home. One Mana Barrier was cast in front of the portside loading ramps to create an invisible wall. A stun bolt was used on a nosy member of the crowd who sauntered over to where they thought they saw sails. Levitation some came useful to hiding their vessel from this crowd who was started to break apart.


Once the coast was clear, the crowds were gone Topaz watched this youth linger after everyone else was gone around 1:00 am. Showing she had a heart of gold behind the scarred chest Topaz sent a recruiter over to him. She had a thing for staying on board ships. Some said it was her curves. Others because of her prosthetic left leg. Blackburn the Hashashin rogue aged 37 acted as the recruiter while the mages returned to the ship, running back like a pack of cats, lizards, and scared rats. Not caring at all what this looked like, Blackburn abducted this crying youth. Yatil could tell what went through their Captain's mind. If a community treats a person like this then why can't they exile them to another one. One they would feel appreciated in. 


Whatever their vessel had for a brig-prison was left wide open or unlocked. It was Topaz's way of showing they were not holding the youth prisoner. Calling himself "Nagev" the youth's real name was Tillahm Richbelly. He worked as a Drayman who delivered beers to the Stevedore longshore men, dock workers at some waterfronts on larger islands near Asnar. Mainly for two different alcohol brands, Heavy Lime Dragon, and Spotted Dragon. Hired by the settlement lord's chamberlain, a senior royal official in charge of managing a royal household, he delivered each brand of alcohol to the lord's mansion. At first it sounded boring for Tillahm until he mentioned how eleven voluptuous beauties would be stuffed by imps and goblins each month for entertainment. A forty-year tradition for the western islands done with intercourse in mind. They witnessed an event like this on an island near a neutral state while traveling with the Chamberlain. Other forms of entertainment did involve music, dances, some games, races, gambling, dueling. Topaz gave Tillham to the cook as an assistant after listening to his story knowing the one-eyed bull of a man needed help. 


Still taking photos of structures Yatil and Humbee managed to capture a photo of a rubber factory on an island close to Tillahm's former home island. One of 23 Barrowson Rubber factories all over Calorn this facility produced at most 899,775 or more pieces per factory. Not the highest turnout, but it did make the Barrowson family profits. Barrowson was not the only company producing rubber. One of three rubber producing companies safely outside the invader's influence and control. Conditions of factory workers were unknown, but the cog work automatons at work sped production up. 


Taking his mind away from factories Yatil looked through a mounted telescope. On an island closest to the city-state of Puirus Kingdom (west of Asnar), he spotted an abandoned old-style aircraft that crashed into the sands of that island. Continuing to take photos they caught a statue of some draconic sea beast. Carved into the rock this winged stone monster appeared menacing despite the buildup of seaweed, and sea life. Both could manage a long look after the second shot with the camera. From the northwest four planes flew overhead. Each appeared more like the Vidothran version of Vullan's own aircraft with smaller engines on the ends of the wings. None of these aircraft attacked their vessel proving the disguise was perfect. According to a sailor this meant the Vidothrans naval arrival. They were not wrong about that. Three Heavy AA transporters, fifteen various ships headed straight for the two sets of islands. Eager to avoid any attention Captain Topaz ordered for them to head straight for the neutral state of Aneron. Just east of Mabridge, and southeast of Naxnonoth this city state seemed perfect. 


Not sure what was going to happen, Topaz had the radio crew tap into all radio frequencies. Yatil and Humbee kept the civilian camera out. Their main Render 8-3 camera had to be rolled up in a sea resistant tarp, and netting with oar pieces in the mix. Attempting to play the part as a merchant ship Topaz allowed crates of gems, pearls, tobacco, cinnamon. In order to ward off the merchants attempting to load their goods on their vessel Topaz gave gifts. As part of the plan Al-Dadoria loaded the captain's cabin with treasures to give away. An expensive telephone, a sword of some Mollusk Deity, photo album of various beauties. One set of Arcanist Padding leather with studded portions. Some mysterious lamp with a trident with crescent cutting through it, a gold statue, gold scepter in a sack. A chest full of coins, necklaces, sate of pirate pitcher with a plate and goblets. One small gold chest full of coins, 2 other trunks full of treasure, some gold spiked shackles, a black arrow, and a gold horse breast collar. Eight of these were handed to merchants to buy them off. She signaled them to launch from Aneron's ports. Speeding her way back to Al-Dadoria Topaz did not leave the helm. 


At full speed they took a day and a half to reach the close nit settlements of Al-Dadoria's northern portion. Dock 1010 of Oppan Issechin, slammed between two port cities of Axemonkey, Cracked Jewel, possessed some resemblance of a port. A few pier docks, two shops, a kiosk, some former pirates hide out prison dock, old pirate lodge stronghold, sea plane at dock, privateer Schooner, modern yacht, 2 old style port dock with towers, and 9 row boats. Stepping off their ship after docking they are greeted by 62 dockworkers, 9 armed sailors, 5 constables, one port guard. A couple of fishermen ignored them, going about their daily catches. One by one or in groups their disguises were blown to their own countrymen who rather enjoyed the ruse. Topaz went up to the captain or leader of the sailors. 


A Lieutenant Bagcrab informed Topaz the positions in Javexo Shields were attacked by 5,000-7,000 Vullanese-Vidothrans, Vullanese aligned forces. Along Al-Dadorians eastern coasts Vullanese forces attacked at three locations. From the other sailors they heard that various humanoids launched their won attack against Al-Dadoria. Not given any more details, the crew went for the cafes to revive themselves with brewed coffee. Some ordered tea while the rest consumed coffee and wild beverages. Yatil went to a table outside the cafe to sit alone. It was nothing personal, he just wanted to be alone to get a good look at this port. One foreigner's pub made from 22 or more ships hold cover doors, four empty storage containers. At this pub a group of privateers, former pirates with tattoos, hung around getting drunk for fun. This group consisted of fifteen Dark Elves, half-goblins, half-elves, orcs, one half kuruk, and goblins who drank themselves to their own delight. 


One of the Orcs was seven foot tall dressed in the usual seaman's attire with a leathery seaworn vest. Yatil's gaze focused on him, which caught the Orcs’ attention. Not something he wanted this afternoon. One of the Dark Elves pointed that out to the others who called the Orc by his name encouraging him to approach Yatil. Known as Rojad Rojag Gorddell this Orc approached Yatil's table. He looked down as the Orc made his way to him. Appearing drunk, this Orc slurred his words then showed a necklace or amulet of bones. This action upset his fellow crewmembers, fifteen of whom lost their lives to this Orc alone. In the drunken Orc rage this Orc beat a dozen of Yatil's own unit into the hard surface of the port. Yatil could have sworn he soiled himself as he watched his fellow fighters get handed to them. Al-Dadoria's laws penalized take the lives of any women, children, elderly, crippled, mentally ill, or wounded. Self-defense killings were justified, especially in public. In private the defender may have to spend a week in prison, and one year at sea. Over greed then the offender, if in defense, would be required to live outside the borders of Al-Dadoria. In Rojad's case his self-defense, despite it being a drunken rage, was justified. More than one attacker or harasser caused confrontation thus attempting to gang up. Yatil could speak for himself, but kept his mouth shut when Captain Topaz got up. Topaz blew up in the Orc's face, but her face was level with his torso. She expected an explanation for his drunken manners. What she did not expect was to appease this Orc as an apology or she found herself shark bait. This Orc was drunk, but no excuse for her being forced to bathe on the beach part of the port. A Mage had to convince the privateers to leave them alone and leave one coin per death. Yatil and the remnants of Topaz's crew rested for three days. Those three days went by fast with them attempting to shake off the loss of colleagues and witnessing their captain be humiliated. As soon as the third day became the fourth, they found themselves on a train back to the northeast. Joined by 646 other Al-Dadorian personnel, and the privateers who killed their fellow crew. Something Topaz did not tolerate yet was forced to accept by superiors. Except the Orc was sent to another crew that was engaging Vullanese fleets as a sentence. 


Back at the front they discovered their colleagues took out 1,200 hooded zealots. fanatics, capturing 961 prisoners. They even sent 264 spawns to their deaths, 397 are sent into retreat. Slaves were found among the encampments on the Vullanese occupied islands. Al-Dadoria's 1,200 Kharal's Oscuran Crimsons found 576 slaves. 193 of whom came under their care, 332 fled and rest died in the fighting. Just 777 of the K.O.C.'s force still stood by the time Yanil arrived back at the islands. Gaining thirteen islands their brigade of 3,000 or more only had nine days before the Vullanese and their allies launched another assault. Over 5,000-7,000 Kuruks, Satyrs, Ogres, Vullanese, Vullan's allies, Nazdar Grevaskii volunteers backed by 1,800 half-demons from Syrianos. At the frontlines Yatil's fellow defenders fought off this wave across a few larger islands. Using modern weapons with melee weapons they fought off the first waves from the most well defended positions. Yet it pressed on despite the losses, forcing them to fend off attacks from their flanks. Some islands were used to ambush or harass the assaulting forces just to chip away at the enemy forces, which sort of grew. Their own defending forces grew in size while they still kept larger forces in reserve in case attacks came from the west north, and east. Watching the fight from behind Al-Dadorian lines Yatil sent off a few spells against ay break throughs in defenses. Shocking or burning those enemies helped take over four thousand enemies. Right behind him their own artillery sent a fiery cannonade bombarding several positions on other islands. Over an hour or two they bombarded the Vullanese positions forcing them and their allies to retreat. Several days passed before the weather disrupted movement with a light storm. Rain came down for three days straight on the Javexo, Perfagon Shields. This allowed Al-Dadoria's defenders of the southern Javexo Shields to scout the area. 


Aboard thirty-six vessels (motorboats, and skiffs) Al-Dadorians scoured the islands that saw the most fighting. Close to twenty-one-thirty-four islands came under their zone of operations. Tens of thousands of corpses littered those islands, floated around the shallows, by reefs along with gear, and weapons. Among the dead they found 443 Skoffos Island Kuruks from Yasolle. A total of 963 Canyon Clan Kuruks, 414 Vullanese, Vullanese aligned Pulse Trackers of various races. In terms of elites they found 356 Death Blow Kuruk Berserkers, 226 Hoplite Satyrs who acted blood crazed fighters, 374 Ogre Spawn, Orcs, Kuruk spawn, all with one eye. According to a veteran they were called Ill Tempered Cyclops due to having one eye. While rowing in shifts they found some of their own wounded, and their comrades who became prisoners. Most mentioned defiant Ogres who fought on. Their own scouts calculated 291 more among the dead combatants. 


Other combatants and humanoids found among the dead revealed different factions were involved other than those city-states aligned with Vullan. About 210 Stone Steppe Outcasts from Muskalla, 259 Insectoid-Imp-Demons called Chilleaz Skirge sent over by the Nazdar invaders. These onyx-colored insectoid humanoids possessed several sets of red bug eyes, maws, pincers, or fangs for mouths, arms like a grasshopper mixed with mantis and humanoid legs with spikes. Their appearances sent a shiver up and down the spine. Most of them looked away from these creatures. Setting foot on another island that was littered in corpses, weapons debris, scattered gear, helmets, limbs, blood spots, and entrails that dyed the sand in a darkish red color. Not the prettiest sights to be held even if the foliage caught their eye. Yatil spotted plenty of swords, bayonets, guns, unused grenades, daggers, clubs, maces, axes, machetes, spearheads, war picks, sickles, thirty-eight of which his own unit collected out of curiosity and awe. The swords he saw included rapiers, sabers, badelaires, scimitars, Yataghans, falcatas, Katanas, fist daggers, punch daggers, cleavers revealed a certain group found in Nymres, Gontrella, City-states such as Olia, Joshar, Kath Odrus, Midnight Duelists. Among the dead, or wounded combatants they found 271 of these duelists. Moving towards other islands their scouts found areas where their artillery bombarded. Between 538-1,078 Vullanese combatants died in the fiery cannonade bombardments. 


Among weapons, scattered gear, equipment, destroyed structures lay Vullanese Bishop Soldiers, Riphook Raiders, Dungeoneers, Sentinels, Ward Gate Keepers, Samurai sent by Gantronese, Cathars, Foot soldiers, Sergeant -at-Arms, mages, and skirmishers. Vullan did send others such as their own Paladins, bombers, death cultists, and acrobat assassins. When Topaz radioed Head Quarters, she was given some grim orders she had to share. For some corpse appraisers they brought over 302 corpses each day from this third important battle over Al-Dadoria. Several days went by with hardly any events that involved the Vullanese. Not buying the silence Al-Dadoria unleashed encampment keeper hounds that brought or dragged over 290-300 Vullanese hiding among the islands. Yatil's own unit returned to these islands to collect any weapons from seventy-one islands. Mainly out of interest they managed to convince their commanders to permit them to collect enemy weapons. Thirty-two other units made a similar trip to scavenge weapons, and loot what they can. In the skies a trio of their own Sheikh Dagger56s flew in air patrol patterns. Most of the air battles occurred closest to the north, and eastern coasts. Their end was mainly left with barely any air support. Confident in their air defenses while Vullan was focused on VUVR aircraft Yatil's own got a head start on some other islands. Their own finds included 89 intact rifles, Folteri Bolt action rifles, Windkisser23s, lever action rifles, 78 functioning pistols, 4 alien weapons from the Skirge corpses, which they stabbed or shot in case they got up. A dozen submachine guns, 23 various swords, 18 axes, 8 crossbows, hammers, wrenches, trinkets, 953 coins in Vullanese Currency. 

Moving deeper into two islands they found some interesting discoveries after lugging their own finds back to HQ then returning the location they raised their flag on. Just exploring these two islands connected by a broken bridge their platoon sized unit found five campsites with seven abandoned campfires each camp was encircled by eleven or more rock formations. Cluttered along the camps they found some wheels to wagons, wagon pieces, fence pieces, plenty of goblets, mugs, one or more plates, some storage chests, some kegs, barrels. Pales could be found made from different materials used for various purposes. Each camp had bowls scattered all over, and one cauldron tipped over. One spit with partially eaten meat still rested with the fire dead from the rain. Some of the camps possess some fine candle sticks showing that commanders resided there. Most of them had stools, others had a few fallen trees as seats. One of them had the finest looking table and chairs. A pitcher still rested on a barrel next to the table with fine chairs. On the table rested some keys, a leather coin purse, idol statue to the Vullanese deity. On the finest chair, which was wet they found a crown and a wet royal cape over the chair's back. Towards the back they found a horse at a trough where four saddles rested next to it. Behind this horse sat a now broken weapons rack that possessed two severed heads, and hair pieces. This show of brutality was a little off for the Vullanese. Looking around a little more after snagging the horse, which complained about being taken away they spotted five wolves prowling through the foliage. Three birds flew away from some branches as seven dogs, possibly hungry chased four pigs that ran amuck scaring or disturbing two snakes from the foliage. An Eagle flew from a tree towards the other side of the island. 

Not sure when their next meal would be Yatil's unit slaughtered the animals using their rifles. Certain this would appease any other scouting parties that found this island they gathered up what they found. While collecting up 7 swords, 14 daggers, 2 spears, sash with sheath holes, 3 lances, two shields, antique pistol, bullet proof cuirass vest, scaled armor, 3 axes, on bow, 3 flails, 4 banners, 3 flags, and trident one of them discovered a boat with paddles. Among the other finds included a hair piece for a bald member, a sailor's cap given to Yatil, a kitesail wing, another chest full of clothing and a skull. This chest, after being pried open also possessed a map, and contract decree. Loading up their own vessels they went back to see what they missed. Further exploring one island they found four cannons or artillery with a cannon crate, 14 cannon balls, free fire braziers that would be too heavy to bring all at once. One weathered dragon statue was found that had to be from old Perfagon Empire era. This statue became a home to a rabbit that ran back when it saw them. All these finds were not new to them except for another intriguing find, a group of pirates with what had to be civilians among them. Two swashbucklers, a hag witch, hunter-ranger, three bowmen, a Dwarf, Sorceress, one guard pirate, some bloated looking one, and what had to be a former knight gone pirate. 



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