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Monday, May 6, 2024

Al-Dadoria: Just Living

A show of confidence is all he needed, but what could he do to show he possessed this trait?  His own friends Shetpo, Meno, Kerdju, Nemdju, Hatasut, Ensa all encouraged him to show off his talent of animated or levitating objects into structures, or levitating vehicles, or illusion. That was something most arcane users knew how to do. He graduated the previous year. In the Carab Carbaretti Courtyard he sat among a full seating of 553 people. All of them seated to watch the Bond of Discipline. All of them seated to watch the Bond of Discipline. Also called the ritual or ceremony of graduation of 6 out of 264 pupils. These six graduating pupils had three orders to choose from. Yatil Secen noted the Void Wielders, which had 347 members. Each member practices Void spells of the Oblivion, the nonexistent powers, or subtractive spells. Another order called the Dronnith Order Healers who were 384 strong in membership. He was a member of the Arcane Caravan Vigil which held 437 members. 

He sat down next to a woman closest to his own age or older. Chloe Amata Al-Ebetee, a guest who was invited over by Master Arch Sage Haatim Al-Azad. Her own occupation as an Estate Agent sort of dwarfed his own profession as Runecrafter for the Arcane Caravan Vigil. Yatil barely got a word in about his order before a lesson before the ceremony begin. Lorehold apprentice Emil Nehpets gave a tale of history from their campus lore of how a summoned Inkling ruined a lesson, cancelling classes for the day. To the lore holder it was an enthusiastic one until the same thing happened again. The audience laughed and chuckled.

"Thank Cesvian he didn't choose a boring tale..." 

Yatil could not agree more with the person behind him. Even though it was only six pupils graduating it lasted for two hours. Several people nearly fell asleep due to their age, while some fell asleep due to a long day. Each of the graduating pupil performed a spell after their own brief speech to the audience.  Carab Carbaretti's nine mentors, sages, and masters gave their praises, advice along with encouragement to these pupils. One of them had their eyes find Yatil in the audience and gave him a cruel stare out of jest. Yatil attempted to stifle and chuckle and smile. Once it was over Yatil hopped to his feet almost stepping on a Dune Beetle that made its way through gaps. She saw that and walked away upset even though his foot missed it by a few inches. 

Observing there would be no following date Yatil went over to his friends who sat in the back. The six of them took him to the bazaar down the street. Yatil locked around the settlement he lived in, Odrimal-Gol. Al-Dadoria has 1,658 Islands under its banner and control. Most of these islands are unclaimed, and uninhabited. Al-Dadorians claimed to have built more than 463 or more settlements. It was likely most of those settlements rested on the largest islands of Al-Dadoria. Plenty of the smaller ones scattered across the south-central portions of Valde may have dwellings, lighthouses, guard towers. Meno mentioned that at least 470 assembly workers in each of the larger settlements. In his vest, slacks, buttoned up Kwufta, hard leather loafers Meno made himself look more like a modernized manager. His slick back hair with a suave front, and black mustache on olive skin set him apart. Behind Meno Yatil spotted a snake charmer with a Rope cobra uncoiling out of a bundled-up pile of ropes rather than an actual cobra snake. It almost looked as though the snake rested on Meno's shoulder. These assembly workers assembled vehicles for Al-Dadoria once the right parts came in. Al-Dadoria has 475 Runed Servitors in each of the largest cities. 

Using Runed servitors as plows, land tools one city experienced a bountiful harvest after 838 trees are plucked. Yes, it took away trees, yet it wasn't done with fire. Al-Dadoria was also home to craftsmen, mages, sailors, fishers, healers, sages, scribes, curators, rogues, and smugglers. Aside from others Al-Dadoria was also home to 507 Meteorites still being mined for minerals. Some formed the islands of Al-Dadoria's borders. As a member of the arcane cultures Yatil knew that 1,329 Whirl Wind Adept Djinn Spawn Monks who live nomadic lives, as wanderers, act as beggars, or reside as household masters. Arcane powers is what these humanoids possessed to teacher to use in their own way. In the islands, secluded areas of Al-Dadoria dwell these 408 Underworld Horny Hermits. Yatil wanted to mention or bring this up as he was scheduled to meet both types as assigned by Master Ul-Hassinn. 

Rune crafting was becoming required less and less as the decades since technology was introduced once invented. Working as a Rune Crafter involved etching or carving arcane symbols on to artifacts or buildings then enchanting them. This was a technique and service adventurers desired less or did not make demands for. It wasn't very often that Yatil get to use his Rune crafting Skills. Sure he was a healer, but this was also an arcane trade he learned. His other arcane skills would have to wait until her used them against a hostile who attacked him. 

Speaking to his friend Shetpo, he learned their arcane skills as a Legend Lore True mind along with Illusion. They placed recordings or memories in a special form of storage like record. Another friend from this college went into woodworking or carpentry in case their arcane skills were less valued. As for the rest of his friends their occupations were set to involve healing, which will bring them to the medical field. All they were chatting about were the various wounds, spinal, or limb injuries from a variety circumstances. One of them mentioned curing a disease that kept creeping back up. Yatil's mind went to the various professions his mentor laid out for him along with the attending to Hermits. One involved working at a racing track, a Hass Hashashin Guild, Mason's Guild, Master Thieves' Guild, a Theologian's Guild, and Explorer's Guild Head Quarters. 

Outside a Market trade post, a strange suspicious figure lurked behind some crates and barrels. Between the Bimaristan and Merchant's Exotic-Foreign shop this lone suspicious made their move the moment his eyes spotted them. Yatil thought it was just his eyes playing tricks on him due to lack of hydration. Within the perimeter of the shop a songbird seller suffered a blur of blades from this assailant. It scared a woman adorned in a resplendent baroque gown of rhythmic ebbs of the past with a hint of present style. On her should was a parrot that flew away startled. Her left hand dropped a feathered fan as she screamed dropping to the lowest part of shop's porch. Every other person within several blocks or earshot turned their heads in shock, fear, confusion. Dozens fled from the scene while other bystanders stopped to watch this assailant face swift justice. Some stern looking constable in A-Dadorian Kwufta shot up this figure with an older version of the Onway revolver. Their khaki brown colored Kwufta appeared more like a wrap shirt with a diagonal pattern of buttons from shoulder to hip. Its buttons were shaped like fangs, or teeth. Most of the Kwufta came in green, gold, orange, purple, and now blue. This Kwufta wearing constable wore regular modern trousers, military shoes. 

They looked to be thirty-four years of age, just old enough to be a father a few children by now. Known as Constable Nazim Bayoushi or the Sapphire Man he was one of the 534 Infantry Veterans who were accepted as constables to beef up security for Al-Dadoria. Yes it fielded its own army, but Al-Dadoria had a force of 12,210 during peace times. An army was something this island kingdom needed to beef up in case the Vullanese or Vidothrans attacked. This new conflict could stir up some rebellious groups into action. Such rebellious groups who often went against the government included the Brigher Speaker Rebel Clerics, Novice Occultists, Errant Doomsayer Rebels. If Yatil was correct about the news just two to ten years prior about these groups, some 274 hunted witnesses were forced to drag 262 others under the same table with them. 

It involved more than half a thousand people who became victims. This was only a statistic, a number to keep track of. Nazim summoned two others towards him. Yatil overheard Hatasut nuffled, revealed in a mock tone, how the groups had lower manpower compared to Al-Dadoria's forces. These Blighter Speaker Rebel Clerics had 229 Clerics in their group at one point. These Novice Occultists' membership included some 394 fanatics, zealots, crazed acolytes. Located in the southeastern islands of Vullan the Errant Doomsayer Rebels could only field 306 members. Knowing this information made someone a suspect to investigate. Acting fast Kerdju stuffed Hatasut's mouth with something to shut up him. In a group the seven friends got up to leave the area. None of them wanted to be around the site of a murder. Hoping to avoid the authorities they attempted to disappear in the crowd. 

Back home several days later Yatil made attempts to relax after what he just witnessed. Although he was attacked by thugs, bandits, or one of the rebels Yatil still felt a little shaken by this. This was something new. He switched on the radio, ate a small meal, read through the recommendations for positions. Hermit Argol Flamegazer of the Tranquil Cove on the Western Coasts met him at a coffee shop along the outskirts. For the Hermit, the Hermit's female half Dwarf Candle Keep's rifle, his heavily armored female Lotus Warrior's gear, Agol's rusty Twin Tuned Hammer needed new runes. He mistook this female half-dwarf for a male, and the Lotus Warrior did not appear pretty either. As for the other Hermit Yatil met him at some track for horses. This one wore a large grey cloak that covered them head to toe. For this one he gave him a jar with dividers for elixir ingredients. It wasn't until the next day did the authorities come to his adobe style Flat. On some invisible leashes were Hatasut and a member to a desert mage guild from Gaskouth Ladai. Resisting arrest or this round up the authorities were doing would land him in a cell. Closing the door Yatil joined them to the town square. In his mind this could get ugly as they assembled to the area. 

It could be worse he could be sent to Naxnonoth the necromancer island city-state. A high-ranking constable stood before them. He was among a variety of people gathered. He could only get a glance of who was among the people the authorities gathered. A female Kuruk-Orc who smoked with a rather large sake jug on her lap in a maroon style Kimono dress and martial arts band around her neck. A rather tall reddish skinned Goblin shaman next to a human Al-Dadorian. A fine dressed Dark Elf Bard with white hair who was clearly adopted. One follower of the Panther goddess in their distinct outfit that was often revealing during certain seasons. One Ogre with no ears, greyish skin, large feature, shaven head except for ponytail in back of head. Some fit looking female elf warriors from Lheobethe with clothing that revealed her abs, and muscles. Yatil could have sworn he saw her roaming around armed with a Bastard Sword on her back. Or did her place a rune symbol on her weapon at one point? His attention was ripped away as a high-ranking constable stood before the gathered people. One group of 277 witnesses felt like they were being arrested to the murder that happened last week and a half. 

"No one is going to jail. That I can assure you. Magistrate Skihli Kwarizmian has spoken with Emir Kilki Stercolm, and Sheikh Ston Pakramanas. One of them will bring this up to our Sultan Goemon Tse. That attack you just witnessed was made by an assassin who is some member of some ancient order. Who here has heard of the Order of Serpents, the Shrouded Venom, The Night?" this head constable or Chief Constable mentioned. "All you have? Good. What about Razdor's Bite?" 

None of the audience members raised their hands. This group was new to Yatil as well. Each of the groups he just mentioned along with the rebel groups they were familiar with, terrified some. All groups spread terror across the Valde Islands and coasts. As for this Razdor's Bite, Yatil had no clue who this group was. Were they being told keep quiet or something? Yes, that was the case. Their own authorities were telling them to keep quiet about this Razdor's Bite group. Chief Constable Fajal Twerbi of Honswordville commanded 336 members of that city's police force sought to keep this covered up as much as possible. On one condition, Twerbi required new recruits as the 336 current ones were the only active out of 1,100 constables who retired. Hon Swordville possessed a protective neighborhood watch reducing the risk of violence or theft in the central north of Al-Dadoria. 

Before letting them go, the constable requested to have new recruits to refill the ranks. News of war encouraged ten thousand to a hundred thousand youths to enlist. Disgruntled, disturbed, creeped out, bamboozled, outraged the assembled audience dispersed. Considering the option of new recruits, he thought of the unemployed single fit male living in his Flat, Aibel Illiv. A couple of days later he came to Chief Constable Twerbi who was accompanied by a high-ranking soldier, Staff Sergeant Watti Attal with Aibel in tow. At the town square a total number of 476 fresh faced recruits arrived to become constables or guards to Hon Swordville, and a few other surrounding settlements. 

Returning to his Flat Yatil concentrated on another runce rune craft for a scimitar a vacationing Camel-Kol bodyguard sent over. Another artifact, an Arcanist Padding that came in a wrapped paper package inside a suitcase. Some elaborate suit of armor made from silken fabric that shimmers with arcane energy. Its cuffs emitted a mystical blue flame that doesn't burn to the touch. As he checked the runes he wondered if this was bullet proof. Inside the Flat's common living room, he worked on this padded armor. These runes had to be replaced as these were quickly slapped on there in a sloppy fashion. Each type of rune he worked with had to be replaced or reenchanted every ten years as he expected from his training. What he did not expect was for a dagger to come flying past his ear. Just the way this dagger flew at him meant it was a Quick Draw Dagger arcane attack move. Getting up Yatil looked around the common area of the Flat finding a figure leaping out of the window. 

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