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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Al-Dadoria: Advance then Defense

Part of a larger pirate crew of 446 Prosperous pirates this group entered the central portions of the Javexo-Perfagon Shields. Their mission was to collect up the 347 of their prizes, which they stashed away years ago. Hoping to make a deal with these Dark Elf Pirates Yatil's unit gave them the rifles and alien guns. They already possessed plenty of rifles, guns that were manufactured or salvaged from the battlefield. Four days later Vullanese forces send in a small force of 476 Piston Fist Cyclops Constructs to Javexo/Perfagon islands. Accompanied by 1,000 Cathar Elites, these large golem sized automatons went after the pirates and Al-Dadorians. This force drove away the pirates after a weeklong fight. Yatil recalls spotting a dozen of these automatons ransacking an Al-Dadorian encampment set up with towers that were demolished. He witnessed this from behind some overhanging moss, and through plenty of trees. Some of their own tanks arrived to take down these automatons. For these Dark Elf Pirates, it was mostly a fight to get away. Taking a number of automatons down using a variety of artillery they installed on their ships. Al-Dadorian managed to hold out against another wave they barely saw coming their away one night. 

To aid them their allies, the V.U.V.R. sends 225 Iron tread Crushers to help with the piston constructs. A ramming tank with machine guns mounted on top and the sides. These Vullanese constructs held together with the help from arcane spells moved slowly in the sand due to stumpy legs. Their Iron Tread Crushers could barely move once used twice as they needed to be cooled off. During the early days before the Castarian Wars these construct vehicles worked well in sieges. How someone found this many in good condition is a mystery. To hold any gains, or the Al-Dadorian islands the V.U.V.R. sent 382 Lancer Knight Cavalry who could fight in any terrain. These were under the command of some Lord known as Lord Henweir of Zedarkhaand. Another unit of Knights from Vestrisia arrived in a battalion of 303 who were yielded by some Baron Gryff of Castaria. From all over the V.U.V.R. 330 Goblin Scouts, 554 Clansmen from Castaria, Naatidra, Bisdolan. These soldiers arrived donning Kilts, Bagpipes, decorative bracers, tassets over uniforms, brooches on uniforms, cloak wraps, small bucklers, canvas cloak, leather, or metal headband to go with their modernized uniforms. Others wore a ring, or bracelet, pendants, hair rings, or hair bracelets hung around their necks as the military protocol requires cropped or bald heads. This extra force helped fend off a wave of Vullanese sympathizers in the east coast. City-states Vethai, and Emvadell's neutrality forced Vullanese forces to go around their designated zones. In the northern portion of Al-Dadoria the enemy managed to launch a ground invasion on some islands. Some 2,431 Al-Dadorians lost their lives, defending a city against Vullanese, and a brigade of Vidothrans. Among the Vidothrans 2,373 are taken out. On the western side of Al-Dadoria Gantronese held Galaia saw a sizeable force combined with Nymres became cumbersome to deploy at once. This information came from spies who likely died or barely escaped to VUVR territory. 

Fourteen months later V.U.V.R. forces made gains across the fronts. Half the Vullanese portion of the Javexo Shields either became abandoned by military forces, or seized by Al-Dadorians. Three years in this conflict Al-Dadoria managed to avoid being conquered or getting kicked out of the fight. Getting paranoid Al-Dadoria's councils gave orders from the Sheikh Pakromanos, military officials to attack Urgport, Agrana, Puirus Kingdom, Jagrov. Starting with air raids using 4,500 Sheik's Daggers, Whirling Golem Bombers, a portion of their own navy they hoped to wear down their defenses. Nazdar, Gantronese, Vullanese forces mainly focused on V.U.V.R. forces and their other allies. While sitting at a recently constructed barracks, Yatil read a letter from his friends. Detailing their own daily lives running the settlements he could tell Shetpo wrote portions of this letter. The rest of them signed their names, love symbols from the girls, friendship symbols and quotes. Inside the envelope he found a few photos of them happy to be in the photo. One of them had him in it with two kisses on there from the females of their group. Unsure if he would ever see them again Yatil held back tears. They were the only family he had and they loved him. His parents passed away, any siblings left for Gaskouth Ladai or Badraan. Left with a bit of wealth to his name he still found himself in the military. 

Setting the letter down next to a row of daggers he got off enemy combatants Yatil enchanted an axe for a member of their squad. On the table of his own section of the barracks he possessed a small chest full of coins, pocket watch, 3 helmets off Vullanese, Vidothrans, and an Vullanese aligned city-state. Five lightning caltrops lay on the corner of the table, a candle phone, medals and badges sat on the edge of the table. Yatil Secen as the Squad Mage reached the rank of Sergeant of Mages, Captain Geede Djonum's least favorite. Not the disappointing member, Yatil gained favor among the unit. To their company was a Vice Captain among 143 Ground Infantry, Mages, Footmen, Hashashim, marksmen, recruited adventurers, who became despised. Vice-Captain Davud Bayum held his rank like it was Captain. Whenever Captain Uzbeg or Major Igraham gave him orders for their squads. This light brown skinned Gaskouth-Baedur looking commanding officer donned a partial goatee with the mustache disconnected from the chin portion of the beard. His Jaw line and cheeks remained clean shaven. 

Captain Geede appeared in the doorway wearing the sand brown uniform, bandolier of bullets, daggers, V.U.V.R. issued boots. Everyone received a new pair from their allies along with new rifles with extra ammunition. Half expecting Captain Topaz to appear behind him Yatil got up to salute the Captain Geede. Topaz did not appear behind Djonum. Last month she was hit by shrapnel from a bombing raid by Vullanese Pale Hornets, and Vidothran False-Dove aircraft. Their own aircraft fighters, Sheikh's Dagger64s, drove those aircraft away. Every week the Sheik's Daggers aircraft engaged Vullanese Pale Hornets, Goruda44 Heavy Bombers, Vidothran False-Doves, Galaian Swift-Banshee4s, Cloaker-18s. Most dogfights ended in Al-Dadorian victories, stalemates or unsignificant defeats. Stalemates, and defeats forced their ground forces or Anti-Air vessels to step in. 

"Vullaense AAR ninety-fours are chewing up our bombers during our attempts at air raids on the Vullanese aligned city-states. Most of their aircraft are focused on their own islands." He informed Yatil. 

"Sir, what about the Vullanese forces?" Yatil asked him thinking that Geede was going to hit him or shut him up. 

"Most of Vullan's islands are falling to our Vestrisians buddies. Speaking of them, their own forces pushed further into Zekmar. Losses so fart included five thousand six hundred V.U.V.R. deaths, eight-thousand five hundred wounded, one hundred seventy-two missing in action. You can guess double the losses for the Gantronese invaders while the Zema Ilam lost double the amount of both. A lot of collateral damage, one hundred or more mountain camels lost, over fifty innocent Donkeys apparently lost to hungry Gantrons. Some two hundred twenty-three Heavy Guns are lost. We have a new enemy weapon to look out for floating castle ships." He paused then his eyes shifted a little then looked around. Although he was a commanding officer, he still showed he was humane. "Our friends, your colleagues who patrolled the other side of the Valde returned with some good photos multiple times like yours did. They, um, sank after a Mantle of Holy Fire stuffed in a personal trunk was triggered catching the ship on fire. What I don't want to tell you is that they washed ashore on the western islands. Near a nest of about seven hundred Rumblers. Those large reptiles similar to alligators. Good news and bad news. V.U.V.R. sent a battalion of their finest airborne, and a battalion of marines. Our Sultan's favorite Tank Commandant Samnos distributed the sixteen thousand Crawler Tanks to other fronts and coasts." 

"Let's hope the Zema Ilam don't back off like they did decades ago. Just the Muzad, and Ottante helped them along with the Borvadosi."

"Three hundred sixteen members of two units fell in an agreement against Vidothrans, Nymresians, and Nazdar Grevaskii. Yes, the invaders have their own slave soldiers like some Ottante states did. About four hundred eight of them died in the skirmish. Some eight hundred ninety-four are now our prisoners. Even the prisoners." Geede revealed to Yatil who realized the Vullanese were those among their ranks determined to fight to the death. 

"Which units of ours fought?" Yatil asked Geede then gave a normal. "Sir." 

"Those units involved are our very own Urban Beasts, and Canopy Beasts." Geede retorted. 

"Did we lose them?" another voice asked from the side. Arcane Reader, Private Ollaz sat in a tubular seat at a desk. Sort of thin, curly black hair with one curl completely white, smooth face stuck in its teens, amber eyes that shout how comprehensive Ollaz was as a Mage. His eye sockets only showed how tired he grew from the constant use of arcane spells. On Private Ollaz's desk sat an Arcana Counter. It was meant for measuring the defining amount of magic in people or an artifact. 

"No they got lost. Also, those Vullanese are not attacking after that one. Losing their False Elves, and Minor Orcs let their offensive forces diminished of manpower. Now they are officially on the defensive. We need you to head over to the western coast of our lovely islands in the Valde. All mages are requested there. Something big is coming." Geede stared Ollaz down a little before he started to make his way out of the barracks. 

"Even though we just attacked four city states aligned with Vullan?" Ollaz's pointed out even though it was a bad idea. They were not in bootcamp anymore, but the power and say of the commanders were iron grips. His point sounded more like a protest. 

"This is not an arranged game or match with rules Mage Private! V.U.V.R. naval forces will aid ours in holding them back! You will find my left boot up yours the next time you question this situation!" Djonum snapped at him. On the left shoulder the Mage Captain wore the Mage symbol for arcane beast control as an armband under the armband flag. The arcane symbol rested on the Al-Dadorian flag. 

"In other news mages the city-state of Naxnonoth was blown up from the inside. That is one less city-state we will have to worry about. Personally, I don't trust the ones who chose to be neutral or allied themselves with the V.U.V.R. Whatever those necromancers had planned it will never see the light of day. Pack your stuff we are shipping out to the southernmost island of our homeland." Geede mentioned to them as he left the barracks. 

Yatil's unit packed up what they could leaving just the furniture for the future garrison. One hundred fifty thousand turned to nearly three hundred thousand thanks to new recruits, volunteers, turncoats, and Vestrisians sent over. Packing up what he collected, Yatil left out two daggers, a retractable staff, and a modified blunderbuss that became a shotgun. Ten thousand to one hundred thousand of Al-Dadoria's military personnel shifted towards the western coasts of Al-Dadoria. This forced two and a half million people to hunker down in cellars, shelters or move deeper into the countryside. Yatil's own unit made their way to the southern island area of Emerald Rose, Elder Groab, south of the main island of Solithis west of the fourth island Kollarnis. Eight days and fifteen hours they waited for the invasion to commence. It left some extra time for move civilians to leave Al-Dadoria, and extra reinforcements to arrive. A division's worth of 15,000 Elves from the V.U.V.R., neutral states, Dark Elf refugee camps came to aid them. Many of these elves were older elves from age groups of 900 to 1,700 years of age. Yatil roomed with one at an old Corsair fortress on the island. Known as Gunnar of Dragor a Noble Knight/fighter/Black Coat/Master and Commander of Colossal Gator this elf spent centuries as a mentor. He somewhat got to know him for five days before their forces were pulled to the front. 

An amassed fleet of 856 vessels managed to carry a sizeable force of 232,600. According to Vestrisian fleets the enemy sent in another fleet of 146 ships of the poorest conditions as a decoy. What did not help was the fog, winds, reefs that trail from Al-Dadoria and Vollantrodha Island. Many of these reefs simply kept their U-boats from operating as well as keeping the enemy from encircling the island kingdom completely. Any U-boats able to maneuver targeted individual vessels. Among this fleet were 29 mega ships of the Gantronese and Nazdar. Although these invaders came from another plane of existence their ships could only stay in the air for certain period of time. It forced them to become floating metal fortresses. Gantronese ships were similar to arthropods with spikes jutting out like wings. Other Gantronese ships as seen in photographs held caterpillar shapes. Most of the vessels that were supposed to be frigates held the appearance of headless beetles. As for the Nazdar ships, these alien metal vessels were sword shaped, similar to spearheads. Al-Dadoria's own fleet found itself grounded or crippled due to the Aireal bombing raids they had to quell. Observing the photos from the comfort of their own concrete hovel Yatil's new assembled presumed it was safe until an alien bomber moved on to their position. Shot down by AA fire this lone Alien Bomber crashed into a shop known as Cat's Pottery next a boat shop. All he heard were seven gasping women with the same tattoo. Gunnar had a thing for women with tattoos who were either from Vestrisia or Ottante. This downed aircraft drew attention away from everything else. Rushing out to put out the fire they were met with news of the invasion commencing on the main island of Solithis. 

It was not just two hundred thousand, but 800,000 on the way once the first wave secured the western coast. Hearing that news Al-Dadoria went on red alert. Yatil's ears only picked up what the captains let out from their own lips as they moved on the front. Uncertain what the fate of Al-Dadoria would be he guess over half a million met this oncoming horde on the western coast while his comrades moved toward the northwest coast of the island they were on. Carrying a Vullanese rifle this Mage pressed towards the beach where they found their fellow defenders preparing a defense. Sheikh Dagger56s, Boathrin Zu 34s, VUVR Arrowhawk 500s, Dreamfires went after the invader's own aircraft. It may have been futile for whoever these invaders attacked first. As for the VUVR and Al-Dadorians technology was fortunate. As artillery pounded the landing craft while succumbing to bombardment from the ships Al-Dadorians, Vestrisians, and volunteers held the northern portion of the beach. Several days ended with the enemy seizing the central beaches. Close to 2,000 Kuruks, Gantronese, and Galaians took over two settlements while receiving reinforcements. This forced the defenders to back off any counter attacks. On day twelve a unit of 364 Kuruks attacked Al-Dadorian positions at the sound of a trumpet which gets shoved down a Kuruk's throat by a short handsome airborne. The same airborne unit he heard of rushed to meet this Kuruk group. From behind a tide worn rock formation Yatil witnessed this airborne trooper manage this feat. At first glance he believed this one airborne to be an elf or of elf heritage. Following this youth's unit to retake the settlements he heard this one became a Sergeant during the second year of the war. 

Four months passed with Al-Dadorians being pushed for a month then holding for two months. Around the same time news from other fronts mentioned the V.U.V.R. holding against the Nazdar and their collaborators along with more portions of Vullan falling. During celebrations Yatil overheard some attempts at an empire to the north, battles dragging into the lands west of Ottante. Dogfights continued with mixed results, VUVR fleets aided with smaller squadrons as they were used against the Gantronese advances to the south, under repair from fighting over Vullan, securing neutral states, and watching some Evusian Empire. Mainly held by tank power, infantry, aircraft, and the terrain Al-Dadoria managed to push this invasion force out. Their own fleets and air force gave up on the collaborating city-states who were likely to seek invasion. Six VUVR vessels lingered near Emerald Rose, and Kollarnis allowing more ground forces to land on Solithis. Certain the first wave was crippled Al-Dadoria's commanders sent them on a hunt for whoever was left while VUVR heavy bombers, and their own sank most of the enemy fleet that gathered. Moving along an island known as Tusai the Black Mage Island their mixed unit met a mix of invaders who came from other worlds. Gantronese forces brought in humanoids known as Oni, while attracting some unsavory humanoids. An entire month and a half were dedicated to kicking out the horde that invaded Al-Dadoria's islands. Somewhere during the invasion some humanoid race called Frogoons clad in armor switched sides. He only saw the corpses of these humanoids along with those of Goblins, Harpies, and reptilian humanoids. On the island next to the Black Mage one they discovered caches of 44 rusted Barswilic stilettos from Vidothra. Even though it was empty of invaders they still caught whiff of their presence including groups of the 6,161 crews they found after the battle. His eyes checked around each island they landed on then shot up to the skies in search of hostile planes as they hunted down the remnants of a shattered invasion force. 

Just as it was creeping into a fifth month Yatil's own unit searched an island that beyond Al-Dadoria's sphere. In a group of ten they landed on the beach knowing their own forces were starting to dwindle. It had more to do with a pandemic spreading from one of the attempts to invade their enemies. A poor decision yet they were lucky to have held off this invasion force. As large as it was it seemed rather rushed, and ill planned. Coming around a moss-covered rock formation surrounded by sand they found themselves ambushed by a pack of creature like humanoids. Large cephalopod headed humanoids with raven beaks, primate bodies, and snake tail for legs emerged from the sands. Not turning around quick enough Yatil was knocked to the ground hard. the air left his lungs while his squamates fought for their lives. He blacked out only to wake up on a bed. He had no recollection of how he got back to his own flat with some of his own friends sitting at a table. In pain he made himself sit up discovering he was bandaged up. Gunnar sat chatting with Shetpo he turned to check his own flat to find it decorated. Three Vullanese-Vidothran helmets rested on a folding table that could be transported. A Nazdar phone that appeared cordless. Meant for an office hut on the northern isles he received the four tubular seats. One Nazdar monitor screen intact for a prize, a yellow metal container mounted on his wall with the prized sniper rifle. Two staffs a red one and black one was mounted above this rifle. A mountable outdoor search light rested on his large table. A pilot's helmet and a thick standard one he got after killing a Grevaskii and enemy pilot with his spells. Yatil felt some hands touch him. Looking to see who it was he found a prized ivory bone bracelet on his wrist, and a Blarom bald Vullanese woman who apparently proved useful tending his comfort from his wounds. Allowing her to do her job Yatil spotted a link conveyer belt mounted on the ceiling for show. The radio was on with the announcer mentioning the last Vullanese Islands were close to falling. 

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