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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Dragon Knight's New Quest

The Dragon Knight got up from the table. He went over to Sir Denson's Booth where he had left his weapons and shield. Tioban picked up his shield and his weapons. All four of the Champions and Heroes looked up and saw him. They appeared rather curious about what he discovered at that table. All their eyes were on him. One of the serving girls brought extra mead, and ale to the booth. She was about to offer one to Tioban only he declined.

"Oh come on now. Have one drink before you aid Lady Mahkay. It is best you do so now. She won't smell if off your breath nor would she even care." Boramere teased him a little. He shoved a mug of mead into the Dragon Knight's hands. Tioban looked at the contents of the mug. The mead looked tasty, and it smelled like a Hall's Brew of some Great Lord. Before taking a sip Tioban licked his lips in anticipation of drinking.

"Drink up Dragon Knight! You're gonna need it!" Black Kat said with a smirk on her face.

Obeying the pressure from fellow warriors the Dragon Knight took a big gulp of the mead. He tasted the yeast, and the honey as he guzzled it down. It was to get the drinking over with even if he received a buzz from it. Tioban finished the mead in three drinks just so they can leave alone. He felt a little bit of the effects before slamming the mug on the table and bidding the fellow warriors a farewell. All four of them laughed giving him praise, heckling him, and cheering him on. Tioban felt a little embarrassed as he left the booth to exit the Tavern. When he came to the door he dug into his coin purse and placed three Silver Dylings on the counter. The Dragon Knight exited the Tavern.

Outside he spotted Lady Mahkay, the princess, and their two swordsmen heading towards the stables. He decided to follow them since they had summoned him for a quest. One of the swordsmen looked over his shoulder. He spotted Tioban and beckoned for him to join them. Tioban rushed over to the small party at the stables. Both women were preparing to mount after they had changed into more comfortable clothing for riding. Their two swordsmen prepared their own steeds and mounts. Without a word Tioban went to his mount that had just eaten a hairy Fadet, a small creature that appeared more like a small person. Its little cap and shoes were on the hay while his steed chewed on the body.

"I see food found you Norsoth. That appetite of yours is never quenched." Tioban exclaimed as he prepared his mount for another journey. Norsoth snorted and gave a slight grow. He ignored this since that was his steed's way of showing its disapproval of going out again. This Dragon steed had the capacity to travel for days without yest. He prepared his mount and met his new party outside the stables.

None of them were surprised to see a Dragon Knight astride a Dragon like steed. They nodded in acceptance before allowing Lady Mahkay lead the way. She took them away from the Tavern and down a path that lead towards a bridge. From there they made it across to another hill to a longer trail. No words were spoken as they progressed through the landscape to a particular hill that had some ruins on top of it. Tioban looked over his shoulder to see how far they had come. On this world daylight hours were longer than it appeared. For thirty miles their steeds brought them to what appeared to be the destination. Tioban was under the impression they were going somewhere farther than this.

"Now listen Sir Knight my daughter's lover has been missing. His last whereabouts were said to be this location. We do not know what is inside those ruins nor do we know if he is still alive down there." Lady Mahkay informed him as she dismounted from her steed.

"I will aid you in this mission." Tioban pledged to the Black Lion's Wife. He knew is mission was to find some work and he had.

"Good, we will leave our steeds under the care of my daughter and her swordsmen as guards. You and I will go inside." Lady Mahkay said to the Dragon Knight.

Tioban dismounted grabbing both shield and his weapons. He took one good look at the ruins they were about to enter. From the looks of the ruins it was once a Wizard's old tower that had crumbled down with time. It must have been a few centuries since any heroes or adventurers came this way. He did not know the true origins of this tower yet the base gave away the style Wizard's often used. Tioban looked to Lady Mahkay who revealed herself to be a battle mage armed with a halberd she used as a staff or walking stick. Tioban followed her to the entrance. She flicked her wrist and flames shot out to illuminated some of the torches and places where there would be one. Each one entered the ruins ready to fight whatever they lay waiting inside.

"Are you sure it is wise to use fire magic ahead of us. It could warn the creatures inside and a monster could lay in ambush." Tioban warned the Battle Mage.

She gave him a look and went about her own business. With one arm up and halberd in hand Mahkay proceeded further inside this ruin of a tower. The Dragon Knight was given no other option than to cover her back. It was his new quest and it was likely she was going to pay him well for the job. His gaze went from side to side expecting something to attack them from the crevices and doorways along the walls. Mahkay checked each one as she passed a room and a crevice in the walls. What he didn't understand was why she never checked the ceilings.

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