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Thursday, August 31, 2017

A ghost in my Dorm?

Back in College I had a total of three roommates. For most of my college years I was practically in a single room. Even though the rules stated I was required to have a roommate when living in a two person dorm I kind of lucky and was left alone about it. Well my third roommate stuck around until he graduated in 2011-2012. The two of us got a long pretty well and stayed out of each other's way since we had different schedules. One day he left the room to work on some projects. Here I am in the dorm room alone. Some time after he left I noticed the bathroom door was open and decided to close it for hell of it. As I closed the door something pulled it back three times. I pulled it back a couple of times and felt something pull as well. You can argue it was my roommate pulling a prank but remember he was long gone. We had zero other suit mates, plus no other way into our bathroom. I was kind of spooked a little and backed away. After several minutes of anticipating of what the F### just happened I kicked open the door. Yes I know the whole bull crap about white people checking scary stuff out give me a break about that. Anyways I turned the light on and searched the shower, seeing there was no one else there I hauled ass to the library and stayed there until it closed. I forced myself to go back saying screw it if I have to put up with paranormal crap then I might as well pull through. Ever since that night I hardly had any thing else happen unless you want to count my book back rolling or doing a flip off my bed numerous times.

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