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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

In the Moon Light

She kept walking back to her apartment late at night. Work always ended late for her forcing her to get food at a diner before heading home. Luckily for her it was just across the street and it closed at twelve. A half elf like her felt luck was always on her side. Except when it came to guys most of whom wanted nothing more than to screw her on every date. That pissed her off more than her boss. Playing nice was all she could do in those situations. Smooth talking them to go away every time they offered sex. As she walked towards the complex she paused on the sidewalk.

Looking up she saw the moon partially full, lighting part of the area. There were four lights that used to work, but they went out a month ago. The landlord never bothered to get them fixed despite calls, letters, threats, and pleas from the inhabitants. Just last week she became the only inhabitant in the complex. Single, lonely, and feeling isolated in the complex she made due with enough friends. Her gaze rested on the moon. Watching it made her feel calm, and comfortable. She felt tempted to get a chair and just sit here watching the moon until dawn. While she watched it she heard movement in the darkness to her left. Curiosity got the best of her as she looked around to see where the movement came from. A figure emerged into the moon light slowly approaching her.

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