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Monday, September 11, 2023

What can they do?

 Half of the Vullanese Islands just fell to the VUVR who appeared to be taking their sweet time. When Izvar, and Mothgar fell he knew it was pretty much over. Even though other countries joined the fight alongside the Vullanese Islands it was still a losing situation. Only Vimasdra appeared to push the Vestrisians back a few times. In 1842 the Vestrisians sunk most of Vullan's, and Gontrella's fleets just to pave the way for other points of their invasion plans. Thinking of all the islands they lost to the Vestrisians already gave him a headache. Outside his own villa like mansion, he watched from the interior perimeter of Thestlestand as some fifty Ogre-Dwarves run into a necromancer and their six cloaked undead. Infighting would only make the Vestrisian's invasion seem more like a cake walk. The amount of fighting it took to seize Mothgar, Izvar and other islands took a good chunk of needed forces. In his mind he doubted the Nazdar or Gantronese would even care to send forces to help them unless they became part of their empires. While seated in his chair he watched the argument between necromancer and leading Ogre turn into raised fists and threats. Clearly over the dire geese, and dire cows of Lasnile the confrontation needed to end quickly. Yet he was just a Tetarq mercenary sent over by the Nazdar. A reptilian shrew like humanoid, Contractor Brigadier Treqni Qul, arrived to Lasnile island along with a unit of mercenaries, and contractors. A unit of 394 mercenaries were sent along with 660 Nazdar soldiers, and 800 Grevaskii. They brought 19 heavy tanks, 251 combat vehicles, 8 large troop transports. Under the command of Seer-Colonel Lasdan, Chief Reaper Icash, the Nazdar and Grevaskii also brought over 93 cat folk fighters the Nazdar sent, one handsome pirate named Shelton. Shelton arrived with a crew of 114 pirates, a few triple cannons, extra sail mast for speed, his own banners, arsenal full of katana, rifles, ammunition, 12 wild monsters. They released Shelton's monsters after Vestrisians on an island close to Lasnile. These Vullanese had their own monsters, 392 monsters and spawn attacked advancing VUVR forces on that island. 

Lasnile was one of the last islands Vullan still held. To hold it their allies did send extra forces to bolster Lasnile's gathered forces. From twenty-eight different states a force of 3,655 Knights/Squires arrived. Gantronese Imperial Seers sent over 251 Oni-Slave warriors along with 700 Gantronese thrall or retainer samurai. In terms of privateers, or raiders, 280 Riphook raiders of Monteiro Isle near Vidothra, 840 pirates were hired to help a force of 360,000 Vullanese-Lasnile defenders. That included the humans, half-breeds, Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, non-humans, Gnolls, and heftier species able to fight. Everyone else were ordered to evacuate the islands of Lasnile. It was a large force to hold Lasnile, but it was doubted to hold up against the Vestrisians for very long. Islands between Lasnile, Mothgar, and Izvar either fell or capitulated. It would have made Lasnile's defensive forces number 400,000. Such losses could not be tolerated. 

Someone had to be on trial over the loses. In the middle of a courtroom in a more trapezoid shape he is watching a single female mage among a dozen others force themselves to step up. Nine high officials of the Vullanese courts sat behind a tall wide podium. Behind them sat the Maester of this island whose name he completely forgot. A female mage rested on her knees in shackles wearing a humiliating garment of some ugly color he cannot describe. According to a Knight who stood next to him it would usually be a tattered brown bag dress. This female mage had shortened brown hair with one white streak running along the left side of her head. She did not appear curvy, but plain except the lower parts showing how much she spent exercising. At first glance one would mistake her for a teenaged male. In moments their hearing-interrogation began with the main judge speaking. Her name was Vendell of Izvar. 

"None of us wanted to fight the Vestrisians. Mages, sorcerers, wizards, arcane users, were forced into combat roles. What we did was stall them for months on Mothgar. Paralyzing spells, sickness spells, illusion, conjuring were all used against them. We never wanted to kill!" Vendell of Izvar gave her account on Mothgar to Maesters. 

"How is it that you and other mages and arcane users are still alive?" the Maester demanded. His pear-shaped face had a thick chin that made him resemble a toad with long white hair. 

"We fled from the scene using teleportation after each engagement. Yes, it became cat a mouse chases." She answered. 

"So, you left every settlement on Mothgar and Izvar to fall into enemy hands." the Maestar proclaimed in an accusing voice. Yet his voice held a more authoritative tone with a slight gargle. 

"If you mean to accuse us of abandoning our posts, go ahead. This war is lost. Vestrisian Forces have already taken half of Vullanese forces. We can only fail intentionally and let the Vestrisians win." Vendell rebuked. 

"For failing to kill or hold the settlement You as a member shall be either beaten, tortured, skinned, burned, malnourished, mutilated, or violated." The Courts were not done with her. This was a hearing, so they had access to witnesses or proceeded to bring in loyal commanding officers or those of higher status. Getting bored of this he slipped out of the building. Whatever that was in terms of a trial or hearing it did not involve him. After all these were not his people, not his species. Yet it was his job to be here to defend or oversee the situation in Lasnile. What he was not going to tell these Vullanese was that his Nazdar employers planned to annex whatever the Vestrisians did not take over. Surely the Vestrisians just wanted a certain part of these islands, didn't they? Lasnile's defenses consisted of plenty of personnel, a mixture of anti-aircraft, several hundred tanks, various vehicles, a mishmash of aircraft, a shrinking navy, military constructs, and artillery. Treqni found himself heading to a tavern where he shared a drink with a single Woadi who mentioned a bar on an island within a lagoon. This Woadi went into battle lightly armored and lightly equipped. While at the tavern within their own booth they discussed the defenses for Lasnile. 

For militia Lasnile rallied 56,700 locals to be armed. That also included 330 Dungeoneers both veteran and active under the command of a Champion known as Giacibino the Bishop. Palace Sentinels all over Lasnile numbered about 2,388. Only 156 Gate Wardens were available for defense. As for mages or arcane users 278 lancer sorcerers, 297 Mages are pressed into service. In terms of infantry or military personnel he made attempts to praise 26,580 Vullanese Soldiers, 50,000 reservists, 1,363 Vidothran-Nymres troopers, 1,638 available veterans, 32,783 armed Cultists, 1,800 pilots, 41,800 artillery/anti-air crews, 10, 100 sailors, but it seemed doomed. Checking some other records, he kept in a log he noted more. A total of 574 Line Foot soldiers of fort Cristinne at the eastern edge. One brigade of six thousand Cathar Soldiers, another brigade of 6,000 Sergeant at Arms awaiting orders. From the fronts 284 scouts returned to mention the VUVR began other invasions across Vullan. In terms of movement a whole company of 331 useful Rogues already left after they were rounded up to remove relics. Plenty were pressed into service. More than 740 thieves pressed into service, 350 Market Guard constructs commandeered, 671 members of a Doomed Dissenters, and Travellers were forced in. Over 300 Monks were drugged into joining while 186 were forced to convert.  More than 320 artificers were pressed to create more military constructs. He pointed out the 330 or so tanks that looked like turtles would provide 1,650 available bodies. For a cavalry just 4,000 Cabal Paladin Knights. To create more cavalry, they rounded up 450 Camels and as many horses. The rest of the defenders for Lasnile were made up of city-guards, sheriffs, constables, and enforcers. Among these enforcers 329 Syndicates were given authority to run the capitol's streets. 

Realizing most of the island had to evacuate he noticed Lasnile had to send away plenty of useful skilled hands. Some three hundred two Weavers and their staff leave along with the workers, 393 Gremlin Goblins are moved around between the remaining islands. Vullan's Spikewheel Acrobats could only send 377. Many of these would be soldiers found themselves caught off by the Vestrisians in the field. He realized he would be forced to fight since he was a mercenary the Nazdar sent over. Accepting this fate he found himself going to the ports in the northern parts of the island. When he saw at least over 230 eels be caught for dinner his ears picked up the Vestrisians began their invasion. Starting to feel a sense of dread he looked up at the skies waiting for the air bombardment to start. Noticing it was not going to happen the Tet'arq raced to the frontlines in a cloak with a unit of 228 rallied Vullanese. Some high and mighty bloke called Koth Belledin the Hammer led this charge to meet the Vestrisians at a settlement called Oldreef. There two units of Vestrisians made their landing. One unit of 460 Vestrisian Horizon Seekers who climbed the cliffs. A second unit of 408 VUVR Mage Hunters. Koth had some tricks under his sleeve. Treqni witness some 200 Vullanese weapons receive a weapons surge. Unsure if this was going to prevail, he attempted to stop Koth who needed to wait for reinforcements. 

All gung-ho to push the first Vestrisians off Lasnile's soil Koth proceeded with this assault. The human kicked the alien mercenary away. All he could do was just watch the two hundred Vullanese become cannon fodder to machineguns. Upon hearing this news 1,032 Vullanese believe it was time to give up and sauntered over to the Vestrisians. As prisoners or turncoats no one could say. Yet it upset the Vullanese commanders who released 402 captured Lizard Threshers and set loose 447 raptor like creatures. It could not have been executed at a time when more Vestrisians were arriving near Predator's Bay in southeastern Lasnile. Several days later they see it only delayed the Vestrisians encouraging the Vullanese to send 335 of their Bomber Corps fanatics who only get mowed down unless they attacked at night. Behind them Dark Blade Agents saw 400 of their own sent to the front. As the Vestrisians landed more troops they learned the Dark Blade Agents chose to side with the Vestrisians. A few more days later the Vestrisians then choose to bomb their positions with a thousand aircraft in each wave that was met by Lasnile's pilots. Most of the pilots became prisoners, badly wounded, or went missing. Very few wound up dead or returned intact. Each of Vullan's special units, companies, or battalions attempted to push the Vestrisians out. Not many came back alive as each week saw another settlement fall to the Vestrisians. Nazdar forces did make bombing runs on Vestrisian positions, but those only slowed their advances. 

While on patrol with fellow Tet'arqs Treqni discovered a network of caves and tunnels leading to the underground. Inside those caverns beneath Lasnile's largest city a meeting of rebels was unveiled to disgruntled Vullanese defenders. While hiding he learned of when their next meeting was while their own artillery pounded Vestrisian positions well into the night. A good waste of ammunition unless they hit a target. Returning to his own quarters he warned the new Maester of a rebellion in the works by 266 rebels who were exiled. He kept this information to himself for a week until he was able to gather enough information. Lasnile's Maester ordered for 250 Death Cultists to cleanse the island of these traitors. Another 250 were sent to the front along with the thousands already starting to make some progress against the Vestrisians. Leading a few counter attacks and raids the Tetarq mercenary managed to liberate parts of the north. Thanks to the mages and constructs working with mercenaries Vullan saw most Vestrisians cleared off the island. Yet it only pushed the Vestrisians to use bombing runs and something else. A small band of warriors armed with swords entered the field. According the terrified Vullanese those warriors were called Zhenrai Knights. Descendants of an ancient warrior race these Zhenrai could summon certain warrior spirits or powers to make them powerful on the battlefield. Treqni witnessed one of these summon spirits out of thin air. Some would assume these were necromancers, except the spirits entered their body. Unsure if the Zhenrai could be taken down with a rifle or machinegun he had his own refrain just to observe. What happened next was horror. One lone Zhenrai made a bloody mess of a company of Vullanese defenders who screamed as their fates met a bloody end. He could only describe it as a blood fest. No one among the Vullanese entrenched unit survived. Treqni checked the very next morning to find decapitated bodies, entrails everywhere, and the barracks ruined. He could only ask himself. What could they do? 

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