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Thursday, September 7, 2023

More than Just a Taste: Another Gantronese Story

 Galaia fell in a rather nice bloodbath yet according to Echo Tribune holograms victory came at a cost. Ghudran, Galaia, and Giadra put up resistance against Imperial Gantronese forces. Dark Elves, Uxane, Gelru peoples, a few other races fought against their invading forces. Several submissive kingdoms, 48 other tribes from conquered territories aided their Gantronese forces. This was around the same time Gantronese forces engaged stubborn forces in Zekmar. Mulzan bent down to their will, offering its entire kingdom to the Gantronese Empire. Other kingdoms or city-states either fell quickly or became absorbed through submissive annexation. Along the borders of Mulzan, and the annexed parts of Zekmar a force was gathering. 

His very own army was assembling before his very eyes. Ten years ago, he would be the one gathering for another warlord or leader. A pair of independent contracting combat ready figures stood at his side. A single warlock of the "multiverse" known as Havbir Crucvecc. One contractor assassin who called herself Dualwield7. Her real name was Jadaem Masmafta of Rhes Tarim. Both were allowed under his command along with others as a start of his commanding army. Thirteen gunslingers from different nations under the leadership of Mesward, a half-goblin, joined his army. Sceo was more of a rank for any submissive races who sided with the Gantronese. Seventeen renegade Uxane slave owners signed or swore into his army dragging along twenty-three Awokanaks (slaves). Leading this group was Alose Folwark, a half Orc, half Orc half Uxane and her hunch back thrall named Girth. A solo pirate who once sailed aboard an Affite sky ship run by arcane electricity. Others made up the start of his own army. 

Consolidating their power wasn't difficult. Many of the humanoids here saw them as gods. From Koriv to the ends of Hadoras, Novad, Amkha, Zekmar, Giadra, Ghudran, and Galaia their empire spread. As a Gantronese lesser Daimyo, Enemeto Virax acquired more of these humanoids for an army. One platoon of 32 corrupted Elves belonging to a city-state called Lucere on the borders of Mulzan and the mountains. These corrupt beings brought twelve Ghouls on chain leashes. From the subterranean cities under Rhes Tarim hills, he received seventy-five Troglodytes armed with javelins and muskets. Half-Goblins of Novad, and Hadoras sent 304 of their own warriors, pile drivers, and chain twirlers. With these Goblins came 57 Gnomes held prisoners meant for fodder. Regions south of Mulzan hosted a variety of tribes, clans, city-states, nomads, enclaves, kingdoms, and monsters. Eighty-seven Lizard folk, 91 Orcs, 281 Mulzan Mage Ring Bullies, 788 Valley Dasher Cavalry from Koriv, Vorcadam, Gora Via Talus joined his army. In his mind he knew these were mostly sent or forced to join his army. 

Enomoto did not see much need to equip them. His superiors gave him a small force of 46 elite Gantronese, 400 kinetic carbine troopers to aid him. All these inferior beings came with their own weaponry and sets of armor. Rifle from different eras, axes, Kaft Spears, scimitars, Katana, halberd staffs, war scythes, javelins, cudgels, maces, war hammers, lances, bows, and cross bows. He noted other weapons and styles of armor before starting their expedition. It was technically an invasion, yet it was just him probing the area. A series of invasions would follow after his first expedition into the Unknown Lands. It had more to do with curiosity about these regions. Flanked by two large mountain ranges Jurax was to be home to many tribes, cultures, kingdoms, and city-states. Through the months of the 48 Uxane tribes they learned its name Jurax. Virax calculated 32,498 Uxane warriors who became retainers to serve the Gantronese Empire. Among the Dark Elves who submitted 12,156 chose to become thralls. From the underworlds of Mulzan's south they erected a base for 2,000 Guine-Chai Ogre underworld officers. None of those Dark Elves, Uxane, or Ogres would be under his command. His own empire was still at war with the Nazdar Empire. It required most of their forces. An expedition of 1,807 pressed deeper into Jurax lands. Meeting limited or no resistance Daimyo Virax annexed most of the foothills and grasslands. Thanks to the generosity of his superiors Virax received transportation vehicles. Hovercraft for land operations helped in his expedition. Even though they could scout the area using aircraft or reconnaissance machines, it seemed proper to do this. Most of the fields south of Mulzan territories remained unclaimed at the moment. Most of these Jurax groups barely possessed any vehicles to fight with. Just as he was about to begin, he received word there were more groups moving to explore the area. 

Virax and three others were chosen to fix the unclaimed regions. The other two raced for the Sarcagos Mountain rangers, a mountain range that jutted from the ones that trailed down from Mulzan's southwestern borders to the south. High Colonel Tunshi commanded 1,800 Gantronese warriors, soldiers, and retainers among Gantronese, Gantronese Spawn, and submissive non-Gantronese humanoids. Grand General Yangmo Buukai commanded a total of 16,000 Gantronese warriors, soldiers, and Gantron-spawn. With these two racing for the Sarcagos Mountains he saw an open door. Moving towards the east Virax came across some interesting nomadic factions. Calling themselves the Urada, Icashi, and the Dapesh, these nomadic groups provided 5,900 and more mounted warriors. Virax saw these nomadic groups as useful to expedition. Over a month passed with his efforts seeing mixed results. Over thirty-five tribes, cities, and kingdoms either submitted, or fell to his expedition. His army was reduced, but thanks to some reinforcements he was able to stabilize their gains. One independent village had a scorpion temple which he ordered destroyed in order forcefully subdue the village. As he moved deeper with the Sarcagos Mountains to the west, and the larger mountain ranges he came across a mix of terrains. Savanna, or fields of grass dotted by patches of jungle stretched from the southern tips of the Sarcagos Mountains to the Galacho Zoxo mountain ranges. While he camped out with his expedition forces Virax received reports about a Dwarf Kingdom offering 2,000 large pieces of iron ore. The discovery of a metal ore called Rhowhian that was the same as their own metal used for vehicles. It was actually orange-gold in appearance. Sending some scouts ahead of them astride cat like mountains Virax received reports of vast amounts of jungle going on for leagues. There was also some hint of ruins, swamps, larger reptilian beasts, Gnoll tribes, Lizard folk, and some murderous plant they would need to avoid. 

None of these convinced him to stop. Determination filled his veins as his blood boiled inside. Some obstacles he could subdue or swat out of his way. His expedition army did increase as the time progressed into three months. Gantronese flags would one day fly over every settlement once they consolidated their power this vast Jurax region. He had numerous ways to do this. What did not help was that his empire was still at war with the Nazdar Empire to the north and west. One of the ships, a smaller beetle shaped craft came to his location with a company of non-Gantrons, another small company of Gantronese Spawn, ammunition, extra weapons, and rations. The rest arrived with needed vehicles, willing Koriv Cavalry to man outposts. One of the beetle shaped ships came with large stowaway insects, which caused some damage, and fourteen deaths. Furious he sent one of the pilots back without a hand. It took another week before they found another settlement larger than a village. It was here where they started to face some resistance from Uxane tribes to the west. All it did was give this Gantronese a bitter taste in his mouth. 

Ten years later most of the Unknown Lands of Jurax became part of the Gantronese Empire. Yet they were met with resistance from city-states, Uxane tribes, VUVR forces, and their allies. Their wars with the Nazdar came to an end a few years before their empire came to the borders of a kingdom called Borvados. Having those wars end allowed them to move 1.1 million extra Gantronese to the regions called Jurax, to Zekmar, and other borders being threatened. While inside of the constructed castles meant for the Gantronese rulers he received some reports of the usual engagements. One of his subordinates mentioned some Black Dragon lurking in the vast marshes along with various other creatures. Plenty of Gnoll tribes, Lizard folk, Troglodytes, a few city-states, other aliens joined their invasion. It now became an occupation force that was being threatened by the VUVR, and their allied coalition. He knew the Dragon would take out a unit of Gantronese if they were inside its lair or territory. Virax ordered for them to either take care of that or leave it alone. Over a communications line in form of a phone Virax heard of something else. 

"My lord, there is this ship that is identical to one of ours." the subordinate mentioned. 

"What does it look like, Sceo?" He asked addressing the subordinated according to their rank. 

"A headless beetle of metal made from our own affite minerals. It appears to be a shipwreck in the jungles that was transformed into a house or something." the Sceo answered him. 

"Secure that ship. What is its condition?" Virax demanded hearing static come and go. 

"Overgrown, but we are not sure if someone is still living inside it." the Sceo responded. 

"Then shoot any nosy rats, sceo!" Virax hung up the phone piece then rubbed his forehead out of frustration. The Gantronese hold over the lands of Jurax could become limited unless some measures were taken. 

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