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Saturday, December 3, 2022

Recruitment and Recommendations Year 1840 on Calorn

 War has finally here on their side of the world. It had the tendency to come and go. Whenever the chaos, killing, and deaths stopped. That is if the two sides came to an agreement, or one overtook the opposing side. Was it necessary to happen? To peace lovers it was not since it only brought destruction through their eyes. It appeared counterproductive. Nothing was created unless one counted the armaments, and food prepared along with equipment used in warfare. Others viewed it as a way to show dominance over others, their patriotism, defend their pride, or exploit neighboring states' resources. Some nowadays saw it was a way to eliminate old rivals such as tribes, ethnic groups, or noble houses in the way of success. In the case of aliens invading, it seemed necessary to defend their independence, and survive. Two alien invaders, the Gantronese and Nazdar came to conquer Calorn. One came to forge some empire while the other came for slaves and profits. 

As he was seated at his desk typing away in his typewriter, Lucien "Blacken Beard" Bomnere  realized those were not the reasons they were going to war. War was a plague that kept coming back. This time it was a war against the Vullanese Empire, or what remained of it. In recent years the newly founded VUVR discovered mass disappearances in the Boathrin Kingdom's Boathria, and the illegal construction of Vullanese Temples. Constructing such temples went against a Treaty the Vullanese and her former state members all signed. For at least a century or more the Boathrians, and their allies enforced this treaty each year. Probing, and investigating with agents followed by spies unveiled the illegal construction. Why the Boathrin Kingdom did nothing about was merely out of respect for all religions. A noble and honorable act by the young Queen Lizan, but a mistake she no doubt regrets. They had just fought a war in fact three wars almost back-to-back. It seemed difficult to find anyone willing to fight this early. Yet he realized just the authorities, military, and government knew about the attacks on the Vullanese Temples. Women were found in the underground basements of the Temples. Priests claimed they were devotees to their faith. That was said a year earlier when an inquisitor came snooping around. 

It was just this year of 1840 when the VUVR's Boathrin forces invaded over a dozen settlements. More like a mass storming and extraction of priests from the temples at the bordering settlements. Along the borders between Boathria, and Vullan soldiers siding with the VUVR removed priests, and their servants from every temple dedicated to Vullan. Checking the number of soldiers, they currently had in the mainland he swore this could be a long war. Even with veterans of age returning to the field, this could still drag on. Vullan had allies on her side or should he say his side. On the Vullanese side of Boathrin Isles, the women hardly have political power. Through the eyes of media, papers, and pamphlets they are seen as pets, slaves, servants, and objects to the Vullanese man. Plenty of newspapers, journalists, and writers demonized these Vullanese devotees, priests, acolytes, sages etc. Lucien was sure there was another side to this tale. The truth of course, however that truth could be erased or sidelined by the victor. Typing away the letters to certain personnel, and individuals he recalled a certain veteran. 

Known as "Were Wolf Spawn" among the Black Coat's 24th Black Jackals, 2nd Lt. Jecht Clawleaf was the first Black Coat veteran he contacted. On the other side of the office sat the veteran ranger with his cat in his lap. Beside him sat the decorated Butter Churn piece, Lucien's Corner Chair, family grandfather clock, and garden chair his lover gave him last year. Jecht's cat, Boasin, a ten-year-old nineteen pounder main coon lay on the left arm of the chair he sat in. After their years in the Black Coats Jecht became more adventurous across the countries of Vestrisian, Ottante, and Nevora. His cat, Boasin went with him a few times. As for the rest of the times Lucien took care of the cat. He was thankful Jecht did not have something like a Musky Lat or Wolf to take care of. Wolves tend to be in the woods and deep forests. Musky Lats were those climbing creatures that looked like a crossbreed between a dire rat and a furry skink lizard. Prowling the streets all over the cities of countries north of the southern hemisphere, Musky Lats give off an Odor.

"How many do you suppose Vullan will send to war?" Jecht asked him from his seat in a displeased tone that made him sound like he was struggling to take a shit. 

"Millions of their own people no doubt. These Vullanese are devout to their religion of servitude. Remember the last war Boathria and Al-Dadoria fought against them?" Lucien stopped typing to reply to the veteran friend of his. 

"Granted them some form of self-governing independence. Am I correct in this?" Jecht blatantly blurted out. When one of the cleaning staff members entered Lucien's office both men shot their heads straight to the doorway. Dressed as a maid in a less revealing style uniform, Ms. Morgan "Feek" Olmas peered through the opened door. She was one of those Half Dark Elves with green eyes, tan skin, curves, fine hips, and a sweet, stern attitude towards her work. She was more of a no-nonsense kind of maid who looked like she would appear in one of those modelling posters. Her blonde hair was fixed in a wrapped bun. Every time she entered a room to check on or clean her appearance would always turn heads her way. At first, she smothered a cute giggle each time until one visitor attempted kissing her. Lucien only heard of the story from former Witch Hunter, current Estate Agent, Mrs. Bethal. She worked downstairs at the business section of the complex. She was the reason behind all the beauties working as maids, and cleaners. He always preferred the fat cleaning staff member so he could have all his focus on work. 

"Mr. Bomnere, does the floor in the far corner on your left feel wet? One of the Translators, I mean Interpreters down the hall complained of a leak from the ceiling pipes." Morgan asked him. 

"No, everything is fine here Feek. Go check on Mr. Mackwin the Editor at Suite 247." Lucien answered. 

Morgan Olmas took his answer with a mental note before giving his room a quick dust. He waited for her to be done before returning his attention to Jecht. Jecht seemed a little too pleased to Morgan trotting about the room with her duster. He would ask Jecht to stop ogling her, but that would mean making her stop work. That is what she could not afford to do. She spent several minutes dusting around his office before leaving. Jecht still looked bewildered. His own eyes were glued to the door. 

"Can we call her back?" Jecht suggested with a peevish grin on his half Orc face. 

"I thought you were married?" Lucien asked confused. 

"She did not tolerate my behavior, so she had me stay with a friend until I quit drinking." Jecht admitted making the grin disappear as his eyes shifted a little. 

"How can we get your mind off drinking?" Lucien asked aloud more to himself than to Jecht. 

"Ha ha so how many have signed up for this upcoming war?" Jecht asked attempting to change the subject. 

Looking down at what he typed up so far he saw how many veterans, soldiers, reservists, Black Coats, and individuals were sent a letter of recommendation for recruitment. Checking the numbers again he could have sworn the total number of citizens, and personnel combined rose up to 3.5 million. If he were adding the soldiers, they had kept an eye on Evusia it would likely be four million. Yet the Evusians showed little interest in maintaining resistance after several defeats in a row. Tens of thousands hired themselves out for various jobs. Lucien was certain those numbers would rise up in the hundreds of thousands as they become mercenaries, bodyguards, ship security or likely thugs. A thought hit him concerning various states within the Valde Ocean. 

"Jecht, aren't there thirty-three other states within the Valde Ocean? There's Al-Dadoria, Vullan, Boathrin, Gontrella, Vidothra, Nymres, our VUVR, the alien invading factions at our doorsteps." Lucien turned from his typewriter in search for an answer from Jecht who was now receiving licks to the face from his cat. 

"In total I cannot say, I do know how to count, however the invaders may have annexed some into their empires. According to my chums from Boathria some of those island states have declared neutrality, others sided with Vullan, others became collaborators, and the rest sided with us." Jecht replied honestly. 

Which ones will throw their support for the VUVR after breaking away from the Boathrin Kingdom. Al-Dadoria has shown loyalty as have the Boathrians. Lucien thought to himself. He was not one to keep those thoughts to himself. Turning his body to face Jecht caught the cat's attention, whom jumped down to approach him a few feet. Lucien looked at the cat then at Jecht wondering if they could rally enough allies. If this oncoming conflict drags over a year, should they expect the aliens to step in? Alagen, Al-Dadoria, Loima or Lybris, Redrin, Rovantia, Ivodra, Malvieth, Nahemine Kingdom, Ruhonthra, Evusia, Meze, Eoth, Grussia, Vunnace, and other states would also step in. He was referring to other nations such as Sercane, Lesdonia, Khazadgul, East Koriv, Vezarith, Cydnam, Nevradit, and Damis. In his mind Lucien recalled other free states the Gantronese helped maintain independence or free themselves from Nazdar grip. Vincani, Miccado, Medron, Methar, and Kinach appeared trapped in the continent of Estoras. Lucien wasn't sure how long those states would hold out even if they managed to distract the Nazdar forces. Distant allies such as the free Drasdal states, Iznar Kingdoms, Hadria, Ermentwa, Vios, Luvahan, Jumar, Dormany, Derol, Lornav, and Teniim Alliance looked completely surrounded. Smuggling of arms, and no doubt elite troops would be required. Looking over at the globe of Calorn on his desk he noticed the large mass of land called Nevora. Turning that part to face him he got up from his chair. 

"Jecht, come walk with me. Or would you prefer a hunt instead?" Lucien asked him to get a leash from one of the desk drawers. 

"Both would be nice! My ass has been numb from sitting in this chair!" Jecht claimed almost slapping the seat part. 

"But Jecht it has a cushion." He replied in a heckling mock tone. 

"Bullocks, not for my ass apparently." Jecht snapped back receiving a wink from Lucien. Jecht roared with laughter then grabbed his coat. 

Lucien put the walking leash on Boasin for Jecht who struggled with his own coat. The cat gave out a meow then purred a little. Letting out a chatty noise Boasin walked ahead of Lucien who changed hands holding the leash while putting on his coat. Choosing his fine tan coat Lucien prepared to leave his office with Jecht who wore the fur trimmed long coat. He turned off the lamps, and light switch to the room before leaving his office with Jecht. Lucien locked the door knowing the maids had keys to it. Turning left Lucien lead Jecht with his cat leaping on to his shoulder. On his floor and hall were twelve other offices. Green rugs ran up and down the hallway along with other decorations. Portraits of scenery, famous figures, ships, castles, and specific animals. Lucien remembered the owner of this building attempted a theme per floor, but it did not work out so well. Next to each office door hung a banner of the recently forged Vestrisian Union of Vestrisian Republics. Each depicted a gold anvil with a crossed wrench, sword, pitchfork on top, and pickaxe jutting from the bottom of the anvil on a field of blue. On the opposite side of the doors hung the national flag of Naatidra. One of the offices belonged to a real estate agent who delt with plots of lands transformed into berry farms to grow for vineyards, and wineries. Lucien knew of a total of 715 berry farms scattered across the continents of Vestrisia, and Klonon. With Boasin on Jecht's shoulder Lucien moved on to the operational elevator left that was recently installed. 

Going down with Jecht on the lift Lucien pondered over how many veterans were joining this conflict on the Boathrian side. In his mind recalled some 22,870 letters sent by the war department to former members of the Black Coats, the Vestrisian Army, scientists, and Doctors. About 121, 271 experienced veterans chose to enlist ahead of everyone else.  Their newly forged V.U.V.R. already had personnel within its military. In total it could put his calculated numbers at four million for this war. However, Vestrisia would have to rely on 414, 597 soldiers available to fight on the mainland while a larger force occupied Evusia's coastline along with an international navy. In Boathria they already had a force of 353,464 military personnel stationed there. He had no doubt that force along with Boathrian's loyal to Lizan were already at the front lines. For reserves they had at least 293,704 personnel on standby. These personnel included soldiers, engineers, operators, infantry, marksmen, elites, gunners, marines, and airborne. Other branches included the Naval forces, air force, and the old Dragoons that would soon be obsolete due to armored vehicles. Particularly tanks, Zedelets, and troop transports. 

"How many forces does our beloved V.U.V.R. have at its disposal?" Jecht asked him as the elevator lift stopped at the first floor. Could he tell a dear friend about their numbers? Jecht was a veteran, a comrade from the days of the Black Coats who was likely to help train future personnel. 

"Aside from the half a million we have watching over Evusia, we have at most one million personnel." Lucien responded wishing he kept his mouth shut. Jecht moved off the lift first on to the red carpeted hallway. Lucien bit his lip for a second until he saw a woman waiting to get on the lift. Dressed in a turtleneck flounce sleeve hem belted dress of blue with some golden stripes along the waste line. On her legs were white silk leggings. Lucien did not see what type of shoes she wore as his gaze went straight to the blue dyed feathered tricorn hat settled on her head.  As she passed him Boasin pawed at her feathers. It drew her attention who almost let out a squeal of delight at the sight of his cat on Lucien's shoulder. The woman was a half elf with hints of being in the sun for the summer months. She petted ruffled Boasin's head before stepping onto the lift. Jecht's eyes still followed her until she turned around. The lifts on this building only opened on one side. 

Moving left away from the lift they passed several clients, and staff members Lucien had seen for the past several months. Two of them wore their standard blue uniforms under the combat khaki fatigues they were issued. Each one looked a little toasty under all the layers. One looked to be a half Orc, and the other a full-blooded human. Everyone else in the moving crowd were either an elf, Zedirian, or Elemani. He spotted at least one tall Forsythan walking down the hall opposite their direction. Leading Jecht towards the main entrance to the building he worked at Lucien found himself inside a somewhat lively entry chamber. A lot of renovation went into this building before he came working here. A security guard he knew spotted him and gave him a nod. Wearing an all-gray outfit with a side button shirt tunic, gray trousers, black boots, and gray kepi cap, the Estati named Gifford had Lucien on his good side. The young buff looking Forsythan-Elf hybrid made for a good security guard. Large, quick, and intimidating while being modest with the public. Lucien had to nearly push bast a few men in business suits, traditionalist merchants in their robes or long elegant gowns for attire. Some civilians wore a more casual look compared to himself. Some wore vests over light colored shirts, canvas pants, plaid trousers, and various styles of shoes he could not see as he moved towards the door. When he got to the castle style double doors at the entrance Lucien spotted the doorman greeter. Dark skinned half Goblin-half Human, Ebert Graverober stood next to the door in his all-bright yellow suit. Everything yellow except his pudgy face, green hair, and wide grin. 

"Going somewhere Lucien?" Ebert asked with his hands clasped in each other as he inched towards the door. 

"Oh, just taking Jecht here on a hunting trip tomorrow." Lucien quickly said shoving the heavy door open and urging Jecht through his free arm. Boasin hissed at Ebert and clawed at him from Lucien's shoulder. Jecht shrugged then flipped off Ebert before exiting. Lucien got out as fast as he could slamming the heavy door as best as he could on the nosy doorman hoping he broke his teeth. "Damned over bloated Imp, always getting in my business!" 

"You don't suppose he knows about your job with the military?" Jecht offered as they stepped away from the building. 

"If he does that fat pig goblin will have a Zhenrai, or an Orc at his doorstep the next week ensuring he doesn't spill anything to the enemy." Lucien blurted with full confidence. What he would give just to watch that door man be dragged away to a military court hearing then to the main courts of New Vattoram for spreading crucial information abroad like a school bully who just found out your secret. Plenty of personnel were at the ready as well as the air force and the navy. We have about thirteen thousand nine hundred one pilots ready with just about ten thousand aircraft at the ready. For our navy over eighty thousand nine hundred thirty-two sailors at the ready. Yet that number could be one hundred thousand seamen at the moment. He thought to himself walking towards Grove Street, which cut through Ebon Row. On this street lay a university opposite his workplace. He caught sight of three witches outside the university gates waiting for a fourth one. Each wore an identical velvet cloak of violet with the symbols of love, travel, fire, and strength on the back. 

Lucien allowed Jecht to lead the way along Ebon Row where a complex of twenty-six Gnomes Houses stood with a Souvenir shop, Barber Shop, Diner called Stephan's Grill, a movie theater still showing the most recent picture shows, a Restaurant named Gonzo's Flower, a Hotel, Police Station, bakery, toy store, purse shop flanking it. On the opposite side stood a tool shop, antique store, tobacco store, pipe shop, an apartment complex, dance studio, weapons shop, drugstore, consignment store, small grocery store, tutoring service, and a pet shop. Along Grove Street they came upon a butcher's shop, tanner, city houses, pottery, coffee shop, liquor store, Apothecary, trade store, an inner-city inn, glassware crafters, a factory taking up most of the right side, modernized printing press, metal workers, jewelry store, and a Bounty Hunter Services. Ebon Row ended at Three Dice Street where a young couple sat at a table in the public outdoor lounging area. Jecht and Lucien breezed past them too quickly to get a good look at them. It reminded Lucien of the one million and a half citizens who enlisted to fight for Boathrin. It numbered to 1,544,502 citizens who enlisted already. Just to get someone off his back he made this list with the numbers of recruits along with specific labels. Apparently an extra thirty-four thousand were seen as crazy doing this enlistment, which totaled 34,893 citizens of all walks of life and professions joining the fight. Another group wanted nothing more than to just shoot something. Those numbers only went up to 11,050 gunslingers, gun fanatics, shooters, and bored marksmen or bored wannabe gunslingers. 

Both he and Jecht returned to their homes only to meet the next morning for their hunting trip. Lucien's wife, Phoebe Bomnere stood in the door. In her baker's apron over a casual dress his slender raven-haired wife who had a birth mark on her cheek. He knew she was going to probe him on where he was going. Giving in to his wife's probing look he fessed up since she hardly shared a word with anyone at work. Phoebe secretly despised the other bakers she had working under her employ. Over dinner they berated the schooling of their adopted nephew, and three children for a few minutes. It was only for a bit of fun.  Esmeralda Bomnere was still in early grammar learning. Ionelle Bomnere had one year left of it. Set to attend a boarding school just outside Arcknight city she sought to become a Detective, or Astronomer. Yet the way her school master sees it, Ionelle should pursue Accounting, Secretary, or Anthropology. She chose the third one. Akron Bomnere, their son was visiting after the workshop at the guild he joined. Right after schooling he discovered he was adept at a certain trade. A Renovator is what he became due to his skills in repair, assembling, and constructing. As for his nephew from his deceased sister's side, Matthoris Lekar, blacksmithing became his trade along with some melee training in a mixed guild. His guild sat near a Rogue's Guild which Phoebe scoffed how its members were land pirates any ways. It remined Lucien of the 14, 297 or so pirates who offered their services and 101 ships. Lucien informed the family he was going hunting for Dire Elk or some Catoblepas Spawn ravaging the countryside. Phoebe warned him to be careful and to hire an actual hunter. She did not want him relying solely on Jecht's experiences. Lucien remembered these Guilds, and Orders about 16,750 members were joining to fight. Plenty of Spearmen, and Hunters were joining while the rest of their Guilds joined the Country Guards in Castaria, Zegrav, and Geverine. Looking up at the table Lucien muttered about other Guild members joining this war. Some 8,533 members of Sword Guilds chose to fight. His wife and nephew presumed it had more to do with boredom or sense of duty. Whereas he believed it was patriotism to a unified country. Members of other guilds such as the Dagger Guilds, Rogues, Assassins numbered closer to 9,766 recruits. Both his son and Nephew were at the age for recruitment or enlistment. However, they'd still need to go through training and bootcamp. 

Once dinner was over the family called it a night. Lucien managed to get over to Jecht's rental town house. No one was renting it out at the moment. It became a second home to Jecht whose wife somewhat kicked him out. There was a Ranger renting out for two years until their mission was complete. Rangers in their area went after lost people, or livestock that wondered off. There was also the occasion where they would be called upon to get rid of monsters, take down an elusive outlaw, or some humanoid that appears undead. Lucien followed Jecht over to his shed full of hunting gear. Having Rangers numbering 7, 679 enlist while the rest joined the Country Guard meant word reached their ears as well. Boasin had to be corralled out of the shed as they prepared for a possible six-day hunt.  Depending on how far out they would need to be determined how long time was spent away. Jecht telephoned a friend of his from one of the Hunting Guilds to pick them up. Using a mounted rotary phone that appeared cracked due to violent behavior Jecht summoned a driver from one of the nearest Hunting Guilds in the area. From outside the city just an hour away an old friend picked them up. Howhol Running-Beaver arrived in a modified custom-built automobile that looked nothing like the advertisements of certain brands. Originally a Gnome-Dwarf built car known as the Loudmouth Edy 34. It was not as common in the city as the Urban Commoner 12. Lucien's own vehicle, the Rolling Kevin was smaller. A perfect vehicle for getting around the city. It was currently driven by his own wife at the moment. Taking a couple of the hunting rifles Jecht recently purchased last year they rode north out of town. Boasin was fortunate to have one of Jecht's neighbors take of it while they were gone. 

On the road Lucien felt inclined to tell Jecht about how many were volunteering for the Country Guard in Castaria and Zegrav. Some 52,397 Rangers, Hunters, Warriors, and citizens were choosing to keep the peace in those regions. Even the Dragoons, although an older military unit these days yet still effective were receiving recruits. About 31,842 added to the already 20, 282 Dragoons still active. On the road they passed a Noble's Estate reminding Lucien of the 10,671 young Nobles joining the ranks for their own reasons. Howhol brought them to the hunting lodge where they would stay for a few days. It was two and a half hours away from the city. Just as they got settled down several aircraft flew overhead in what Lucien guessed were drills. 

"Just about 13, 901 pilots express readiness for this war. We have just 10,609 aircraft at our disposal." Lucien commented. 

"Cool, I mean interesting would that be enough? Are we manufacturing more?" Jecht added in giving him an uncertain expression. 

"We are doing that Jecht. It should be enough. Our allies receive aircraft that we construct as well." He responded. 

"Lucien, how many clansmen, and warriors are joining this fight?" Jecht asked as he sat down. It took a moment to recall the exact numbers of 97,922 Knights, Bowmen, Clansmen, guards along with 124,400 Warriors, adventurers, and fighters who joined in. 

"Let's just say ninety-seven thousand clansmen, knights, bowmen, guards. As for warriors, one hundred twenty thousand warriors, adventurers, and fighters." He answered Jecht. 

"Tell more in the morning." Jecht replied before going to bed. Lucien could tell this would hit Jecht the most. A few of his younger cousins, and nephews expressed a readiness to fight. Lucien prepared himself for bed recalling the 8,164 shield brothers, shield sisters, or a fraternity or battle angel group. Hardly any member of the guilds, clans, knighthoods, nobility, clubs, orders, fraternities, or covens were staying out of this fight. It felt too personal to stay out of it. Just 431 arcane users signed themselves on alongside 137 of the ominous Zhenrai Knights who still practice an ancient craft. The next morning, he woke to Jecht's cooking of eggs with sausages. Lucien felt obliged to make the coffee for them. Here in Vestrisia it was more of a custom to eat something before making coffee. He revealed what the amount of recruits the VUVR was getting for this war. Even the 219, 412 citizens, inmates, outlaws, or rebels being drafted as punishment. This included cultist groups such as Cythar's Followers, Dragon Spawns, Forlorn Sons, Orcish Proven Ones, Disciples of Flame, Hooded Skulls, Ordnance Brethren, Stitched Mortem, Blue Claws. Among these ensnared cultists groups were the various outlaws, crooks, burglars, thieves, rapists, murderers, mad scientists, brigands, aliens captured in the act. 

"I hope all those criminals die or suffer for what they've done. Especially the cultists, sacrifices, desecration of religious sites, abductions, cannibalism, massacres of families, corpse eating, stealing from the dead, or targeting certain groups. So are there any elites being trained?" Jecht had to cut himself off. His own family suffered a loss at the hands of the cults that managed to thrive during the Castaria, and Zegrav conflict. 

"Say about 2,402 elites undergoing training in secret." He answered Lucien with a wink. 

Heading out to hunt a Dire Elk took a few hours in the morning, but they found a few roaming about. In the could the pair of them took caution as they stalked the beastly Elk. Bigger than the average Elk this one stood at nine and a half forearms tall. Bagging two Elks the pair of them and Howhol managed to get the corpses in the back of a truck at the lodge. As for the monster they sought to hunt, a group of Dragoons gunned it down, skinned it, made use of some parts while discarding the rest for the rest of nature to deal with. Two days later they returned home with a successful hunt, but a failed monster killing mission. As they reentered their home city, they were met with a mob protesting the war. Many called for peace with the Vullanese. Lucien watched 113 anti-war protestors rounded up. Just the way Vullan portrayed itself did not make it satisfying to the rest of the VUVR. Lucien understood why these people wanted peace, but knew peace wasn't going to last with a few power-hungry empires at their doorstep. When they got out of the car Jecht looked at him with a discerning expression. 

"Just how many whelps are the Vullanese going to shit out for their ranks?" He asked him. 

"Just about one million to three million or more I'd say." Lucien responded while trying to keep his composure. After dividing up their successful hunt between each other and Howhol, they returned to their own homes. Lucien pondered over just how many recruits, and enlisted citizens would be fighting before this war ends. 

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