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Monday, December 16, 2019

A Coward's Choice

He watched the coward move around the base of his own personal hill along the foothills that transformed into high mountains. The overly comprehensive dog owner dragged a barrel with him. Rolling his eyes while observing he wished the coward had taken the gun from the barrel to end it right there. Through out his lifespan he was used to seeing Elves, Humans, Orcs, Goblins, Dwarves, Gnolls, Troglodytes, mixed races, Zunia-Pucks with their hoofed feet, Kuruks with Ram horns, demon humanoids, and the occasional adventuring Forsythan. Yet he had never seen this humanoid before. Wearing a dirty royal purple uniform with a single qauldron on the left shoulder. To this unfamiliar outsider it looked "cool" to wear this single qauldron when he should really be wearing a full suit of armor.

Blending in his environment too well while burrowed inside the hill Kogo the Redeemer of Men witnessed this light blue skinned coward in orange observe his surroundings for the first time. Kogo was tempted to appear before the cowardly figure who shook at every step he took. His little companion at first glance looked like a majestic herding dog breed. When it came closer the dog had longer ears or something that protruded from its head. Kogo could have sworn those were it ears until it came closer to his position. The dog's ears were in front of the furry tendrils that stuck out from the back of its head. Each tendril was as long as a large cat's tail. Kogo did not hesitate to emerge from his hiding spot. As he expected the dog freaked out and barked loudly and the blue skinned coward screamed like a girl. He lifted the weapon up and pulled the trigger. The Dragon closed his eyes waiting for the bullets or whatever it fired to hit his scales.

Nothing came out of the barrel of the weapon the coward pulled out of the barrel he dragged around. As humorous and amusing as it was for a coward to fire a gun with not a single bullet the Dragon did not even chuckle. His dog kept barking like crazy and then growled at the Dragon. Kogo looked down at the dog and the coward still pointing the weapon at him. He let out a roar that frightened the dog into whimpering and running behind his master. This coward soiled himself letting out another scream, which lasted a little longer than Kogo wanted. Kogo covered one ear hole then reached with his other claw. He stood on his hind legs as one finger silenced the screaming coward. Vibrations could be felt, but they were small ones.

"If I take my claw out of that noise hole of yours will you keep quiet?" Kogo demanded from the coward. The blue skinned coward nodded.

"Very well." The Dragon allowed the coward to speak again.

"I have never seen such a massive lizard beast or reptile like you before!" The coward boasted.

"Reptile? Lizard? I might as well be mistaken for an over sized one!" Kogo said moving around the coward.

"I...I meant no offense uh what are you? No no who are you is the better question. You are the first living creature I have come across who can talk!" The Coward replied.

"I am known as Kogo the Redeemer of Men, a Granite Dragon of this part of this world called Agruna." Kogo introduced himself proudly.

"I am Drone Operator Zil Badwor'm of the Interstellar Alliance." Zil introduced himself.

"Why have you come here Zil Badwor'm Drone Operator?" Kogo asked the blue skinned Operator.

"You see Kogo the Dragon job here is to scan the area, reconnaissance, and seek out any signs of my faction's enemies." Zil answered the Dragon.

"If you mean enemies do you refer to the mass of troops in that plain over there where machines are landing en mass?" Kogo questioned him taking his claws and turning the coward around to face the way he had come. In a plain of grass, flowers, bushes, and scattered trees an invasion force was landing. More than ten thousand ships landed at a time with more coming in. Some force of one million five hundred eighty, and eight hundred ninety six Grevaskii were landing on the planet this Drone Operator was supposed to watch over. He could run back to his own ship and call in or try to hide with this Dragon. 

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