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Monday, July 8, 2019

Charlotte Bauslaugh and the Knucker Chicks

For the past three years Charlotte Bauslaugh served as a scout for the Mercenary Company called the Dragon's Might. Her military days began at the age of seventeen when she lied about her age while signing up. Both of her parents were frank with her about joining the military at that age. Mr. and Mrs. Bauslaugh had a total of five children. Charlotte was the second oldest of the five children. The oldest sibling died while taking the fight to a syndicate in control of a specific area. All her other siblings either lived with their parents or studying at the university. Against their wishes she joined the military then wound up in the service of the Dragon's Might.

The city-state who hired them hardly sent anyone to help them. Several days of fighting witnessed the city's populace going crazy, killing themselves, each other, sending people to fight, and marching to the front. Seeing that happen sent shivers down her spine. Her own mother would become wroth with anger at any of these families. No one should send their child to war as a sacrifice for their city. Many of these youth reminded her of the girls she used to know back in her days at the university. Most of them wanted to drag their teenage attitude and mindset into adulthood. To her it meant they would never grow up even in their damned twenties. Just thinking about home, family, old colleagues, and those she saw as enemies in the school made her boil.

Charlotte returned to her mission, scouting the brush and patches of woods. She saw nothing for an hour when a small group of Veerland clansmen approached her location. Acting fast she dove into a pool of water that was more like mud. Knowing it would cause splashing noise she hid in the tallest and thickest brush she could find. This scout did not want to draw attention nor be caught. She laid in mud and brush for as long as possible. While she waited something brushed against her in the mud. Taking a look Charlotte discovered she had stumbled upon a Knucker Dragon's Nest.

At first she believed the larger Knuckers would attack her. Some deity, or fortune smiled down on her. None of the Knuckers attacked her or even cared. She appeared invisible to these Knuckers from the way they reacted. The Knucker Chicks tugged at her clothing. Charlotte was confused at first then one of the chicks climbed on to her. It nuzzled against her chin and neck. She laughed and started playing with these little Knucker Dragons. As she played with them she tried to keep tabs on the enemy patrolling the region while hidden in the mud and foliage.

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