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Monday, March 19, 2018

Part 56

 Back on board the pirate vessel Maurice's party settled down. They listened to the sounds of the ship's cannons firing and the sounds of the machine guns firing. They mourned their losses whether it was a crew member, shipmate, comrade, friend, colleague brother n arms, and countrymen. Among all the labels they were also considered companions. Maurice sat in his cabin with a melancholy feeling. He lost a few more of his own companions. Two of his own countrymen, and a couple of new allies. Their deaths hit hi hard. Losing men or troops under your command was never easy.

He spent much of the day in his cabin. Captain Scias Found him just to get him out of the room. She went through the same thing many times. The pirate captain pulled him up just to showing him something that he overlooked. Odeliah led him to the edge of the ship's stern. Her air ship sat hovering in the air. It was her vessel to control and fly whenever she pleased. At the stern she showed him where they were. He looked over the starboard stern. Odeliah did not go very far from where she picked them up. Below them was the jungle, and marsh. Stood the structure he spotted while counting the area.

It turned out to be some kind of palace. Next to it or behind this palace sat two large settlements. Past these larger settlements lay an entire encampment of Gantronese forces. Encircling this encampment were look outs, watchtowers and other smaller camps. Maurice was dumbfounded by this revelation to him. The pirate Captain gave him a very whatever expression. It said she had known about that ever since she picked them up. At first Maurice did not believer her. Yet it did not matter because they came to the end of their mission. Now it was time to head back to base.

He returned to his room and rested for the ride back to the fort. For three hours the ship flew over the Unknown Lands. During those three hours Maurice explained the interior of the ship. His own unit was sound asleep and resting. In the second deck he roamed around with the crew members hanging out. Just thirteen crew members were in the second deck. One group were in the midst of a drinking game where the loser had to do something embarrassing. Out of curiosity he watched a group heckle a human crew mate to lick each hand clean of rotten grub. A scene like this brought laughter to Maurice's heart and soul. He left them to continue their game.

The ship was started to make its drop to land. Odeliah's ship settled down in a space created just for airships. Everything that was on board except specific items and cargo was unloaded. All the passengers disembarked from the pirate vessel. Maurice and his party were not the only ones on board the ship. He got a glimpse of who they were. These people appeared to be nobles. From their walk, posture, and their traveling cloaks and dusters. Each one wore a very elegant and stylish piece of clothing underneath. He took a good look at them and saw pissed off expressions.

His attention was drawn away by his superiors. Colonel Bryce, Tenno, and Major Dubius approached him as one group. Captain Scias came to his side. He automatically turned his head. Behind him stood his unit at least the ones who still breathed. As Captain of his unit he had to report to his superiors. Tenno beckoned them forward to follow her. She led them to the fort's interior.

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