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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Island Fortress

His lantern swung from side to side on his pole as he made the rounds. It was his shift now at the base of the wall. Above him the stars were disappearing from view. A storm was brewing over them, which meant more rain and waves crashing on the sides of the fortress, the rocks at her base, and the beach that stretched outward and ran along the fortress. His boots stepped on the pebbles, small rocks, sand, shells, and other debris that would wash up. This fortress covered most of the island making it difficult for invaders, landing parties, and the patrols to keep a clear eye out for enemies. 

Despite the size of this fortress it had a small garrison, and had to rely on volunteers, and any available workers or unemployed from the neighboring isles of the Condor Confederacies. Those isles had a mixture of different races, and ethnic groups inhabiting a different island that was not inhabited by the natives. Every able bodied man or woman they rounded up for volunteer were known as the Night Watchmen. As a Night Watchman it was his job to guard the fort while on patrol. His feet found the least slickest portion of the stone bricks that were the foundation of this fortress. Rumors spread that this fortress was between six hundred to a thousand years old. It was crafted by some ancient mermaid folk for the seafaring elf kingdom of old according to the tales. 

Using his lantern he searched the area for better footing to avoid a slippery death. He was now on the fort's walkway that wrapped around the fortress. While he scanned the area the rain picked up soaking his cloak a little. The downpour did not hinder him since he was used to this sort of weather. For sixteen years it was his job as a Night Watchmen, carrying a pole lantern, armed with a rifle, curved short sword, and a dirk. Traditional Night Watchmen were armed with just a lantern and a halberd, wearing whatever clothes they had under a cloak. He chose to be a Night Watchmen as punishment for his naughty appetite for gorgeous women. It was not cannibalism, but more intimate with certain women with large breasts. There was one woman from a half elf town that was once a colony of Nevradit. She worked as a dressmaker, and sang at the pubs on other colonies. Her work did bring her wealth, fame, and plenty of suitors. Yet that also brought in stalkers and unwanted behavior from some men. Most of them she slept with or played with, or simply told them to bugger off. He however some how enticed her to come to him on many occasions. He could still feel her flesh in his grasp, her lips on his, and her own body against his after six years apart. Just the thought made him feel alive.

That feeling went away when he heard splashing sounds close by. Taken away from his thoughts and duty he went in search of the source. In his mind she dwelled with her large bust and gorgeous desired features. Trying to get his mind off her he searched for the source of the splashing despite the downpour and the waves crashing onto the walkway. His lantern did not shed much light on the area. It forced him to get closer and search for this source. As he came closer to the edge he spotted movement on the rocks below. Shedding light on this source he discovered it was a crab like creature nearly the size of a wagon. It reached up with its claws trying to nab him. The watchman stepped back and grabbed his rifle preparing to shoot this crab like creature. While he fumbled to cock the rifle he could stop thinking of the seamstress singer and her getting squeezed by the claws. After a few moments of struggled he fired a single shot in the creatures face forcing it to retreat back to the waters.

He stood on the walkway holding the rifle in both hands. His clothes were soaked with sweat and rain. The Night Watchman looked around finding nothing else stirring in the dark. He picked up his lantern pole and returned to his quarters. His shift was done for the week and would begin again the next week. In his mind he thought he would never leave this island fortress. Six years on this island would have revealed many discoveries and secrets, however the island still had many more secrets hiding beneath her surface. 

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