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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Commando Part 52

Maurice woke up to an assortment of snorting, grunting sounds, voices, a little heated discussion, and the mixed sounds of bear, and large beast with a trunk. He also heard voice speaking the Uxane language followed by those of his own countrymen, some of the pirates, and mercenaries. Maurice got out of his own tent to see his own party dealing with a traffic jam of some sorts. They had made camp along a section of another road that split into different directions. Trees, and bushes flanked both sides of this portion that trailed off the main road. Next to the main road lay a ranch built with a fencepost that had the resemblance of a palisade large enough to encircle a village. This ranch contained a herd of strange smooth scaly skinned four-legged creatures with three short horns, a frill, a large armored snout, long ears, bodies bigger than a horse, and stump like feet. Every one of these strange creatures had a blood red tail, forest green, and hazel wood tan skin. On the sides of these strange beasts were large yellow hands painted on them with a bird in the shape of the palm.

            His gaze was transfixed on the horns that had something on them when a group of Uxane approached him. Maurice straightened himself before these Uxane who wore vests over tunic like shirts. They addressed themselves as members of the Atuux tribes and demanded why their beasts attacked the ranch. Maurice looked over at the fence and saw it had been broken. There was a hole large enough for these large three horned beasts to get out of the ranch. He looked around at his camp and his own party in search of their Jumbo Cat Mounts. Some of their cat mounts remained in the vicinity, a couple of them prowled around to other ends of the clear path. The rest of them were being rallied back to the campsites by Oraceth, Eyanosa, and the other Uxane who joined them.

            Maphai must have told the local Uxane to back off and told them of their own mission. Whoever these Uxane were they appeared more concerned with their herd of three horned beasts. Sixteen of these Uxane rounded up six of these large beasts. It took them awhile to get them back towards the ranch fence. This gave Maphai enough time to explain to these Uxane who they were and why they were in their lands. While the Uxane made the attempt to gather their beasts Maurice’s own party rallied their own cat steeds and packed up the camp to continue down the road. As leader of his own party he was perceived as a nomadic clan leader and was given food. Through translation Maurice Viyamor learned these Uxane called themselves the Mikani-Atuux. They were a mixed tribe who lived among mainly Atuux members, which explained the ones who addressed themselves as the Atuux.

            Maphai mentioned the Caligari Syndicate causing these Uxane’s eyes to widen with fear and looked at Maurice’s party with comprehension. One of them appeared to have begged or asked Maphai not to go to those areas. She turned their requests down with harsher words than any chieftain or commander let alone a leader would muster. These Uxane Mikani-Atuux bid them a farewell, and to stay clear of the Caligari Lands if possible. When they left the party alone leading the last of the straggling three horned beasts Maphai turned to Maurice. She told them they were on their way to the Ibawee to save them from demons that came down from the mountains and the swamps to the west. Maurice found this to be hilarious and burst with laughter at how Maphai convinced them they would be going to aid another tribe in the Unknown Lands. All they had to do was follow the path to the road and search for some totems marking the path, some old buildings, and vehicles left by the invaders, and the signs they are nearing a marsh. Well past that marsh or on the edges of the marsh are the palaces of the Caligari Syndicate. There are many Uxane villages, and Drow villages who are under thumb and heel of Caligari Power. She advised that all of them wear a large blanked like a cloak or use the cloaks they have handy.

            In moments Maurice ordered his whole party that would make up a small platoon of soldiers. He rode ahead in the lead with Maphai saddled right next to him and pressed on down the path. All day they pressed further on the backs of steeds. This road was found next to another road, which was the one they had to take. The path wrapped its way around what appeared to be a small town. On this path they found themselves passing multiple villages, outposts, and a few smaller farms. The inhabitants watched them in awe and suspicions while their children waved hello and followed them at a distance until their parents called them back. It was at the crossroads marked by a large totem depicting reptiles, birds, and the three-horned creature that his party made camp. For them it was best to set up camp here rather than press on into the darkness of the night.

            Their campsite was made into the shape of an oval in a nice clear space of grass along the road. One big fire was made for them since they were able to build just one camp. Many of them got the idea it was possibly drawing the attention of multiple factions and the locals. While they sat around the fire with the more nocturnal members watching alongside the ones who could see in the dark. Not much happened during that night, which proved to be a good sign. It was also a bad omen if nothing happened the previous night then something could happen the very next day or the next night. For the entire day they pressed onward not saying a word to one another while keeping an eye out for any signs of hostiles. The road they had to take did bring them through more patches of foliage where they decided to gallop through. Maurice ordered them to gallop through these patches despite the possibility of bumping into caravans or locals travelling the road. Their steeds were able to dodge most of the large groups of people whereas some were knocked down only to be picked up by the riders with the slower reptilian steeds. Just as the Mikani said the road brought them to some abandoned buildings and vehicles left by the invaders. Some of them looked to be grown over with foliage, roots, and trees growing inside them. Next to the more cobbled portion of the road lay a field full of abandoned vehicles with overgrowth, vines, and roots covering them. Many of the vehicles looked rusted in and some were even used as homes by rodents, and other animals of the wilderness. Among these ruins and abandoned vehicles Maurice caught glimpses of some natives glaring at them, spying on them with great suspicions. Although their cloaks and blankets may hide their identity from the ones they wanted to avoid their disguises may have drawn some unwanted attention. While they passed what looked like an emptied out, rusting, and overgrown troop transport Maurice had them halt for a few moments.

            Seated on his large cat steed Maurice expected what would be the real Mikani to ambush them or intercept them. His entire party placed their hands over their weapons with their eyes on the jungles, and the brush. Maurice ordered for Eyanosa, Oraceth, Vylinsis, and Nudd to move up ahead of them while the rest stay low in this area. He also had the Orcs and their two sword wielding companions cover their rear. The rest of them formed an oval with their eyes on the jungle and the brush flanking the road. Because of their experiences with dangers in this part of the world Maurice’s entire party were used to having savages, monsters, and wildlife jump out or ambush them. With steeds such as the Jumbo cats not many of these creatures, or hostiles would go after them. For some time in the mid afternoon they waited for the team to return. Maurice and Maphai urged their own units to keep their eyes peeled and ready to combat any threats. Their pirate friends appeared a little too lax about this since their own Captain wasn’t present. Small chat came from the pirates and the mercenaries. Whispering and muttering came out of the mouths of his Vestrisians who immediately shut up when he cleared his throat. Maphai had the humanoid and the Orc circle around them for a few minutes to test the silence. Nothing came out of the jungle save for a few creatures scurrying about, a small herd of jungle deer, and a couple of feline predators minding their own business. These types of creatures never worried them since they were mere objects to the animals, and most shied away from contact with humans, and other beings. Maurice commented on a few things here and there, but only received a few eyebrows raised from Maphai. She smiled and started to laugh mentioning Dina’s outraged expression over Odeliah kissing him. This took Maurice by surprise making him sweat a little.

            Maurice was able to regain himself when their small scouting team returned to their position on the road. Eyanosa, Oraceth, Vylinsis, and Nudd returned to them with extra people. Surrounding them and trailing behind them appeared to be no more than a dozen Dark Elves or Drow as one would label them. Six males and six female Drow with the black and white hair of their race. These Drow wore tribal clothing under large shawl like cloaks. Each one wore either a purple, dark green, blue, light blue, and dark red shawl cloak with a unique design. Without a single word Nanim and Omareth let down their hoods. Each one spoke in their Dark Elf tongues only to be surprised these Dark Elves spoke more of a mixed language that was a cross between Drowish and Uxane. One of the leading Drow a female named Invah of exiled house Urlicson. She welcomed the commando’s entire party to their village. Seeing these Drow had come to them with the scouting party made things seem a little hostile yet did not force them to put their guard down. Maphai looked at Maurice with a look that urged him to comply. To her these Drow could prove useful in their mission to find the Caligari Syndicate. As leader Maurice made the decisions of his party and unit. His gaze met Invah’s red eyes who seemed more welcoming but still held a tense readiness to cut a head off if she was double crossed. Maurice nodded allowing the Drow to lead them to their settlement, which their scouts apparently came across.

            From what Maurice heard about Drow and their history of being prickly and hostile towards outsiders he expected them to fall into an ambush or a trap. He muttered into each party member’s ear that they should keep their guard up in case they were in league with the Caligari Syndicate or had something else in store. When he got to the Drow members they gave him a glare, and the ones who found it gave him a queer confused look. They held their tongue since he was the leader of this party. Following the six Drow brought them a village in the middle of the jungle with a wide clearing in the center for meetings, festivals, and other events the village would have. It was a village of no more than two hundred fifty something Drow who lived in an enclave of wooden houses and homes carved into thick large trees.

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