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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Beginning of Vullan's End: Fall of Bosantra, Vullan

Beginning of Vullan's End

[Summer 1840, 5 months after the declaration of war]

            On the very day word had spread of war being declared millions rallied. Men both young and the old enlisted in the army to fight for the Vullanese Empire.  It was the same for the Vestrisian Union only they rallied four times men more to their borders. They were stretched out across the frontlines one and a half miles from the border of Boathria in quickly dug trenches. These dug trenches stretched across the islands, creating a curve that followed the sea coast line. There were just five or six trenches on each border island that was split by the Vullanese and Boathrian factions. Each trench was over a few hundred yards away. Over fifty thousand men staffed one trench making their numbers up to 1.5 or more million on the Vullanese side.
            On the Vullanese side of Bosantra the day was clear with some fog left over from the morning. Standing on the edge of the first trench was Private Jorel Ascin. He looked out at the landscape wielding his rifle in hand. He was expecting the enemy to attack any moment.
            "PRIVATE!" he heard someone shout and his neck hairs stiffened then he jumped backwards falling on top of some fellow soldiers. His finger pulled the trigger firing a shot in the air. This shot rang out like an echo. He heard someone laughing behind him.  After getting up Jorel turned around and saw his commanding Sergeant and friend on the ground overwhelmed with laughter.
             "Haven't I told you Jorel, don't stick out like that. Don't you want to survive this war and see me marry your sister Reva?" He asked Jorel after regaining control and picking himself up.
            "Yeah, but that depends on if you get killed first!" Jorel snapped at him with some attitude.
            "Watch it I'm your commanding Sergeant remember?" His friend reminded him.
            "Sorry Sergeant Zarim." Jorel said saluting him.
            "You can still call me Orith, as a friend you know, I will allow it." He said to Jorel.
Another officer heard this conversation, "Ah, so we are doing the Union style, eh?"
            "Come on Karleth you know Jorel and I are friends." Orith said protesting a little.
            "Yes and I also know you're marrying his sister, Reva." Karleth replied pointing at a ring on a chain around his neck, which Orith had chosen to give Reva the day they married. Jorel looked over his shoulder at the men he fell on. They grumbled picking themselves up.
            "Sorry!" he told them hoping they would not try to shoot him in the future.
            "That's alright Ascin, it's not your fault." Orith whispered in Jorel’s ear. The three gentlemen continued with their conversation. They laughed until a colonel came up to them.
            "Alright you mangy BASTARDS, WHAT THE HELL, is going on here? Haven't I told yew tah stop screwing around!"
            On the other side of the border half a mile away, were two hundred thousand Vestrisian Union soldiers hiding behind a bunch of rocks and hills. This army also hid under the cover of fog waiting for the signal to attack. A marksman aimed his sniper rifle directly at the Vullanese colonel who was yelling. Next to him was his captain who would give him the order to shoot. On the Captain’s left was a large dark man who seemed too eager for action. He go up and tried to charge at the border.   
            "Let's get these fuckers already!" He growled attempting to charge the enemy positions.
             "NO!" the captain said pulling him down, "We have to wait for the signal!" The captain turned his attention to the marksman, “Alright kid you ready? Take him out!"
            A single gunshot came out of nowhere as the colonel fell to the ground. He had been shot by a sniper without any warning. This caught the Vullanese unawares and forced many men to drop down on the ground.
            "GET DOWN!" Sergeant Zarim yelled as he pulled his best friend down to prevent him from becoming the next corpse. Machine gunners readied themselves ducking behind the trenches enough to barely see over the top.
            Perched upon several large hills about eleven miles away was a company of artillery. A commanding officer looked through his binoculars watching the shot take place. As soon as he sees the colonel go down he turned to the teams and yelled out, "DRASTE!" the Forsythan word for fire. In the silent fog the Vullanese troops heard artillery fire from the distance. A shower of shells hit the ground shacking it like an earthquake. Many projectiles hit the trenches splintering wood causing pieces of wood to fling everywhere. Men were hit with multiple splinters getting wounded while some were fatally hit in the neck. Many of the other troops crouched down to have a smoke. As these despairing troops hunkered down in the trenches more were blown to bits. Blood and dirt splattered all over the place. This experience grew intense with each passing second. Jorel saw a soldier who was so distressed that he shakily put four cigarettes in his mouth and light each one. He looked up at Jorel he looked young and was apparently crying. An artillery shell landed where he was blowing him to smithereens, leaving nothing but blood, guts, and splintered boards. After two hours the artillery ceased firing. Vullanese troops came running out of their bunkers to see how much damage was done. Every man in the trenches wondered if it was going to happen again.
            On the other side the Union c.o. and yelled, "Charge!" Every Vestrisian soldier got up and charged letting out a blood curdling war cry. The Vullanese heard their war cry and fired at them. However a hail of bullets was fired overwhelming their lines. As they charged Union forces fired while running, not giving the enemy a chance to shoot back.
            Every Vullanese were forced to the ground lying on top of each other. Many riflemen and machine gunners were killed by the hail of bullets. A young corporal crawled over dead bodies towards an unmanned pillbox. With anger he fired non-stop, managing to kill a dozen or so before being blown away by a mortar shell. Gathering up courage, Orith stood up and encouraged others to do the same. Every man who stood fired his rifle despite the hail of bullets flying towards them. Together the long but thin line of soldiers along the trenches managed to kill many enemy soldiers.
            "Keep firing!" yelled Sergeant Zarim. No doubt there were more officers encouraging soldiers to shoot back. Many more joined the shooting. Jorel kneeled firing his rifle screaming with rage. Now there were twenty thousand casualties on the Union side, but the fierce army regrouped and kept firing. These deaths did not stop them since these soldiers happened to be veterans of the Castarian War four years ago. It was a war the Vestrisians fought in the east against the Castarian Empire. The numbers of remaining Vullanese troops in the trenches were very low. To make things worse they had over a hundred thousand Vestrisian Soldiers bearing down on them.
            Seeing these odds Sergeant Zarim ordered the remainder of the troops to retreat. Many more commanders in the area ordered their men to retreat as well. As the troops retreated they were gunned down by the numerous Union soldiers who were now pouring into their trenches. Machine guns were manned and fired on the backs of the retreating Vullanese. The reduced force soldiers of Bosantra, Vullan ran into the next trench, which was larger and had more room. The two friends collapsed into the trench, exhausted from running for their lives. Orith pulled out a picture of Reva from his coat pocket. Jorel moved closer beside Orith to look at this picture of his sister Reva. Neither of them believed they would ever see her again. With grief and despair they both missed Reva.
            Weeks went by as the war dragged on. Things did not look good for Vullan. Most of the divided islands were holding out, but the news of Adroth being taken was a demoralizing loss. After two months of fighting, the Vullanese were forced out of the first line trenches and bunkers. They were down to two lines of trenches with numbers dwindling down to a few hundred thousand. It was the same for a number of islands still holding out against the enemy. Despite the defense the Vestrisians still had ten times their numbers of troops with less casualties than the Vullanese. Their commanders were about to order to a suicidal charge to regain lost ground. Then someone spotted a convoy moving in from behind.
            It was their Nazdar allies, along with more of their countrymen to reinforce this weakened defense. The Vullanese reinforcements were sent from Loce, Asnar, and Vidothra. Now their numbers went up to over a few million across the borders. Their allies had sent a force of two million to reinforce the Vullanese man power. They also brought along a thousand lesser Wolf tanks.
            "Well, I'll be!" Sergeant Orith Zarim muttered to himself. He looked at Jorel who looked at Orith then the two friends laughed and rejoiced with their countrymen. Seeing this incoming convoy the exhausted Vullanese celebrated getting more reinforcements. Plenty of ammunition was also brought with more artillery rounds. Food rations were sent along with this convoy to last three years. They now believed they could defeat this Union force. The foolish Vullanese had forgotten that the war also raged on in other parts of the world. Even all over the oceans battles were fought between the Union and the Nazdar, Gantronese fleets.  There were plenty of dogfights in the air with aircraft the Vullanese never saw before. Sea battles were fought with vessels these people had never seen in their lives. The determination of both armies beating the hell out of each other stretched across the continent.  Although the Vullanese received reinforcements, more weapons, troops and tanks. The Vestrisian Union received the same as the Vullanese. A force of 1.2 million troops and 5,000 Dragon tanks came to the Vestrisians.
            The battle for Bosantra was a stalemate. Neither side gained any ground due to machine guns and artillery they both had. Three more months passed into the war as casualties’ sky rocketed for the Vullanese and her allies. More islands fell to the Union Army including Mothgar, and Eusvame that were taken three weeks ago. Battles at sea were mostly stalemates but a few victories came to either side. Desperately the Nazdar called for more reinforcements from Vodwania and Vidothra. A total of two million men and 4500 heavy Beast tanks were to be sent. All their tanks were destroyed by the Union Dragon tanks. This force was meant for the group of islands. However this massive force had to be transported by sea and air in smaller convoys. Along the way these convoys were ambushed by Vestrisian Union’s U-Boats, D-5’s and ships.    
            As months passed Union attacks greatly reduced these convoys to a handful of supplies. Much of the convoys were now at the bottom of the sea. Very few of these supplies made it to reinforce the Vullanese and Nazdar forces with 2,000 Wraith fighters and bombers sent with them. They hoped to eliminate the Union using air power. However the Union had also brought in a thousand of their own fighters the D-5s. Jorel thought they’d be able to crush this Union force but he was proven wrong. It was because of the reduced reinforcements and supplies. As a result the Vestrisian Union lost fewer men in each battle compared to the losses of the Vullanese and Nazdar.
            It was 4:00 a.m. and all Vullanese and Nazdar soldiers were sound asleep. In the dark of night the Union army advanced, for the Furd ordered them to crush this defense immediately. Their tanks came rolling in with a score of elites behind each one. A young Nazdar soldier named Visca Rieche got up to watch the sunrise. He spied thousands of shadows moving in the night.
             'The Union are attacking.' he thought. A Union soldier spotted him and raised his rifle to shoot the bastard. With a single shot he killed the spying pest, startling the sleeping enemy awake. Every one sprang up or tried to, for the Union already began shooting and bayoneting them. Those still sleeping were slaughtered while lying there. Only a few tried to fight back. Jorel shot three men, but was forced to pull back. Dragon tanks rolled over the trenches frightening the wakened Vullanese. Every single Wraith fighter and bomber were destroyed by artillery, to prevent them from bringing the fight into the skies. Orith rallied as many men as he could to hold them off even as they were routing and dying. With what he rallied Orith charged like hell, but was struck in the neck with a sword dark Vestrisian soldier had thrown. The valiant Vullanese troops died trying to hold back the Vestrisians. Seeing his friend fall to the ground Jorel felt rage and grief consume him.
             "Orith Nooo!" he screamed with tears of hatred in his eyes the loyal friend charged after the killer to avenge Orith's death. "You son of a-"Jorel growled and tried avenging Orith. He was hit square in the face getting knocked out with the butt of a rifle. This battle did not go so well for the Vullanese followers and their Nazdar allies. All the Nazdar were shown no mercy for they were executed in various ways, hung with chains or belts from a tank turret, shot, torched alive, and beheaded. The remaining Vullanese were spared and taken prisoner. Dawn came and all around the trenches thousands of bodies covered the area. All the corpses were gathered and piled up, from the great attack.  Many Vestrisians wanted to kill the Vullanese as well for their hatred against and abuse of various peoples. It was also that they followed those 'Teachings of Hell!' as the Vestrisians would call the Vullanese Religion. Jorel woke up to see a tall Vestrisian soldier aiming his rifle at him, ready to shoot this handsome seventeen year old soldier. A large dark man walked up to the tall man.
            "He isn’t worth killing Kouthra! The kid's too young to die!" The dark soldier told the other one named Kouthra who lowered his rifle.
             "Alright Katharn, guess we'll just make them P.O.W.s then!" Katharn replied, "Those are orders! Not to kill the Vullanese." Kouthra gave his huge comrade a smart look, then turned to Jorel. He pulled Jorel up to his feet.
            "What's your name kid?" He asked Jorel.
            In pain Jorel answered. "Jorel...Jorel Ascin!"
            "Nice to meet you Jorel, name's Kouthra Gwynor and this is Katharn Al-Zawi." Kouthra pointed to the giant dark man. Jorel shook hands with the two men even though they were enemies.   After getting up and shaking hands Jorel noticed the ring, which Orith was going to give Reva on their wedding day. It was now around Kouthra's neck.
            "That ring around your neck! It belonged to a good friend of mine! Could I have it back?" He asked hoping he could get it from him. Kouthra looked at the chain with the ring on it and took it off.
            "Certainly!" he said handing the ring over to Jorel.
            “I guess you'll be wanting this back too!" he reached in his uniform pocket and pulled out a blood stained picture of Reva. Jorel took this as well. He put the chain around his neck and the picture in a deep pocket on his pants. Jorel asked kouthra,
            "Are you the one who killed my friend Orith?" Puzzled kouthra answered with a question.
             "Are you talking about that Sergeant that charged at us?"
            "No, it wasn't me. That was Katharn, but I did knock you out though!" The three soldiers had a laugh and ate breakfast. At 8:30, all POWs were gathered and boarded some troop transports that had arrived in the night.
             Kouthra let out a sigh, "I guess we're marching onward to a town called Kern."
            "That's where I live!" Jorel bellowed with excitement.
            "Well Kid!" Katharn said in a deep voice. "I guess this is your luck day!"
            "Let's just hope you'll be able to ride with us.  You do know how to ride a horse right?" Kouthra asked Jorel. 
            "Yes, sir. I mean yes kouthra." Jorel boasted happy to get away from the battlefield.

            The journey to Kern took longer than Jorel remembered. Along the way to Kern they came across Nazdar resistance.  Nazdar resistance ranged from ambushes to sniper attacks and fanatics which slowed the advance to Kern. Those who surrendered and survived had partnered up with two or more Vestrisian soldiers. In this process they made friends out of enemies. These Vullanese were given the Vestrisian Army uniform plus membership and enlistment into the Vestrisian Union Army.  

Monday, August 24, 2015

Meeting on Malvieth

(1840; 13 days after the great attack on Vullan's temples, and priests across the Vollante Continent)

            On the island of Malveith, the capital island-city of the Tante Republic many leaders gathered. There the leaders of many nations and factions met inside the vast parliamentary embassy hall known as the Golem.  There was a division between the nations and factions.  One group of leaders represented the Religiously Traditional party of the Vullanese Empire, whose religion was the Teachings of Vullan. Its allies included Nymres, Vodwania, Galaia, Gontrella and Vidothra. These allies shared the same religion and most its practices. This circle of alliance had a handful of supporters, two of which were great alien empires. The Imperial Gantronese Empire and the Nazdar Empire were aliens from other worlds.  The others were just minor nations with extreme religious ties. Some were merchant nations others both religious and trading nations. Only a few of these Vullanese supporters had a powerful military. Both the Gantronese and Nazdar empires had very powerful militaries. As individual empires each one had unstoppable armies.

            The other group led by the great Forsythan Warlord Antalace Greymir was the Vestrisian Union of the Vestrisian Republics. The VUVR was a union of multiple nations united under a single cause. This Union of Republics stretched out east, north and south of the Vullanese Empire. The main religion of the eastern union of nations was the Zhenrai Order. This Zhenrai religion was more traditional in terms of justice, honor and chivalry. Its followers, Knights, Soldiers, Pilgrims and warriors were not required to die as slaves, like the Teachings of Vullan say for its followers. There are many nations in support of this Union of Republics including Chiefdoms, Confederacies, Kingdoms and states Some of these nation are Ivodra, Gandor, Ruhonthra, and Rovantios. These nations consist the populations of elves, humans, dwarves and some Forsythans.  The remainder of the hall chose to be neutral and stay out of this division for peace.

            They do have one great ally known as the Amethorians who are an alien race in a trade alliance with several factions on Calorn. Although the Vestrisians have a powerful military that could crush Vullan and its allies they insisted on having allies to keep their movement growing.

            In the parliamentary embassy before the members of the Malveith Republic the Grand Maester of Vullan was giving a speech on how great the Teachings of Vullan were. "It with great honor that I tell all of you that we mean no harm against..." Sitting in the center against the wall before the entire hall was Senator Argrithe and his replacement. Both Senators blocked him out while appearing to listen to the Maester speak. Arctice did not have much time left before he had to leave for his new roles as Maxim Senator and Premviste. He simply paid little heed to the Maester while hearing bits and pieces of the speech. "…and I must tell you this. Whatever reason the armies of the Vestrisian Union say they attacked those temples and killed the priests, is not true. Whatever they claim to have found underneath those temples is a lie..." Before the Maester could make another sentence, Argrithe cut him off. He had grown tired of this job and it was exhausting listening to two sides while trying to keep them from waging all-out war.

            "Thank you Maester Silos. That was a thrilling speech you gave us!" He said bringing the rest of the hall back to the meeting.

            A majority of the court had fallen asleep and finally woke up at the sound of Argrithe's voice. "Now, let us hear what General Arden Omas of the Vestriisian Union Army has to say about what his soldiers found underneath the temples that night." He gestured towards a group of high-ranking officers to the right of Antalace. His own platform rose up and moved to the middle of the embassy hall.

            "Thank you Senator Argrithe. What my troops found underneath the Vullanese temples on the night of the attack in Vallantion, Shaontil were hidden passages. These passages led them down to dungeons underneath the city." The entire assemblies of leaders were awestruck at this news, their eyes widened.

            "I am most certain that these dungeons are not the only ones. There is a possibility that there are more dungeons to be found underneath other towns, cities and villages. We the Vestrisian Union anticipate that there are countless dungeons within the Vullanese Empire. Even her allies must have a chain of dungeons within their boundaries!" General Omas stopped to calm himself from the rage. "In these dungeons we found numerous female elves, zedirians, and various other groups. Not just men but women and children being tortured for no damned reason!"

            The entire court-assembly gasped in shock. A praetor chuckled saying, "Oh, please you and your silly little imaginations. The Vullanese Empire would never do such a thing!" Antalace the huge, fierce leader roared his voice like a bear.

            "THEN TELL US THIS! YOU BASTARD! Why does the Teachings of Vullan state that all Zedarians, Zunias, Arna, and followers of the Moon Ten-khaiet are evil. That all of them must be brutally punished! You mean to say that even a wee baby is a threat to an empire. Well perhaps in the future yes but not when they're infants. This is all because they are raised to think for themselves. Instead of having books tell them how to live their lives and do their thinking for them through interpretations of priests!" He pulled out a book of the Vullanese Teachings from a pocket in his long heavy coat. Antalace also takes out a cigar.

            "You know what the Vestrisian Union thinks?" he lights his cigar with aid from a General standing next to him, to when it becomes a torch. He opens the book, another General brings out a small bottle of flammable liquor and splashes it all over the book. "Well!" he yelled raising the flaming cigar.

             "We think it's a load of bullshit!" Antalace jabbed the torch into the middle of the open book closing it shut. It caught fire, the liquid fueling the flames in his hand. With all his anger the Furd chunked the flaming book at Maester Silos. It hit him nearly knocking him off his platform.

            “You also broke several treaties by creating temples in restricted areas!” Antalace shouted at the Maester who was picking himself up.

            Many gasped once more and whispered amongst themselves. "There is no doubt there will be war."

            "The man's gone insane!" some said to each other.

            Many of the Vullanese supporters were angered and jumped up to argue with the others trying to calm them down. Others cried out, "I want war, I want war!" Those who were on the Union’s side laughed and chuckled especially the high ranking officers. One laughed so hard that he fell from his platform but landed in the one bellow him.  There came much commotion amongst the hall. It went on for some time until Senator Owith, an old Aedile representative of the Zhenrai Order, rose up and yelled, “SILENCE!!" his voice quieted the entire hall.

            "Thank you Senator Owith." said Argrithe now returning order back in his hands. The old Aedile bowed and seated himself.

            "Please excuse my brother Maester Silos. He is very rough when it comes to discussions such as this especially when one interrupts him." He winced at his brother whom smiled in return. Maester Silos glared at Antalace,

            "Very well then!" he said gritting his teeth.

            A young woman came forth from the Vullanese side of the court, towards the middle. She looked young in her early twenties. She was rather curious about something concerning the current subject. Argrithe noticed her approach.

             "Yes Queen Lizan. What would you like to say before the embassy?" Lizan projected her voice.

             "I demand to know why the Teachings would invoke such treatment towards the Arnai and numerous elves, especially that of hatred and prejudice? The belief, that they are evil even though these people appear different and live differently? Why would this be invoked upon my own people?"

            "Such nonsense you speak of my queen." Silos chided smiling at her as though she were just a child, trying to tell everyone the unseen truth.

“She may be pretty young, but she is the Queen of the Boathrin Kingdom! So show some respect and shut your trap!" Antalace snapped at the old Maester for chastising the queen.

            "What do you mean Antalace?" Silos asked the Forsythan.

            "She is no longer a little girl, but a grown woman governing an entire kingdom. At a young age yes, but she shows responsibility as an adult. The Boathrin Kingdom including Al Dadoria is her domain, which is on the brink of civil war. No thanks to you 'n' your vile, sick teachings. The Vestrisian Union and I are both to blame for this division of kingdoms. It's more your fault than it is mine." He said before sitting back down.

            "Now let's get back to what Queen Lizan was asking." Argrithe replied trying to get the hall's attention from his brother. For over three decades he has served as a Senator of Tante’s political circle. He had to deal with various factions and nations vying for war until the invaders came down. Argrithe just hoped the new replacement could handle this and get used to this job.

            "Queen Lizan!" He addressed the young queen.

            "Yes?" She responded to the Senator.

            "You are asking why the Arna are evil according to these teachings. How your people are invoked into hatred and violence against another group of people. That violence is spread across your own kingdom. Is that correct?"

            “Yes, but I am demanding not asking, to know the reasons behind the attacks on the Arna. Why are my people influenced into hating certain elves and the Arna?” She told the hall.

            Senator Legeas stood, "Well my queen it's not that the Arna have done something evil. The teachings don't want the people to listen to them. Ever since the Arna are trying to tell people they don't need a book to tell them how to live their lives priests have attacked them. They can discover knowledge without the teachings according to the Arna. However the temple priests of Vullan did not want any followers to follow these paths. The temples placed these Arna under arrest and shoved them within underground dungeons, which were discovered. Many Arna and other peoples have been sent to Nazdar concentration camps or sold into slavery after their homes were destroyed."

            "That is a Lie! Do not listen to this rubbish my Queen." exclaimed the Praetor sitting next to her on the platform.

            "You're talking to a senator, Mehage! Have you forgotten his place of power within the Golem?" asked a dwarf with a brownish red beard.

            “Know your position here in the Golem you Demon Spawn!” Antalace growled at the Mehage. The entire room went up in an uproar over this. Plenty of leaders and representatives started to argue until Owith stoop up again. When the entire hall calmed down Argrithe spoke to the Mehage.

            "Well Praetor Zardoth. We have our witness right here who know everything you have done." He pointed to a group of Arna and Elven leaders who were all on the Union's side. A few were still muttering over the arguments. Senator Owith  urged the hall to them to cease the noise and brought silence to the Golem hall. Silence consumed the hall for a while when Argrithe spied Zardoth staring obsessively at Queen Lizan.

            "Yes Praetor Zardoth. I know the Queen has a lovely and you'd like to ravage her!" A great gasp came from scores of people. Glares and awestruck looks were directed at the Queen and Praetor. Lizan covered her cleavage, rising from her seat in disgust. The Praetor rose along with her trying to explain.

             "My Queen ple-" he placed a hand upon her right breast, groping her by mistake. So violated by this she let out a shriek and raised her arm to slap him. A gun was fired in the Golem and the Praetor fell dead from several gunshots. Many screamed and the entire hall turned to see Antalace had drawn his revolver.

            "Please someone get me away from this dead heathen!" Queen Lizan cried as though Zardoth would rise from the dead and ravage her.

            General Omas came forth to rescue her from the platform, and placed his blue cloak around her shoulders. "It's alright, you're safe my Queen." She accepted his courteous actions.

            "Thank you my Captain of the Guard." She kissed Omas's cheek making him blush. They smiled at each other for a moment before returning to the important matters in the Golem hall.

            Maester Silos stood on his platform in silence, dismayed by the loss of  his greatest of Praetors. Zardoth was chosen to advise the Queen to let the Maesters take control and they would then boot her off the thrown. Now his secret weapon was dead with a bullet in his forehead. Their chance to rule all of the Boathrin Kingdom was also gone. This left him no choice but to declare war. He turned to look at Antalace with pain and anger inside him.

            “I hope you're pleased with yourself Furd Antalace. You've insulted us, made a mockery of me, brought out the truth behind the Teachings to the ears of the entire world, and killed, no, MURDERED our best Praetor and advisor. For these actions we have no choice but to declare war!"   

            Antalace lights another cigar, put it in his mouth. Gritting his teeth he replied, "Very well Maester it is war." This is what he wanted. He wanted the Maesters not him, to declare war.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The first story that encouraged the series

Beginning of Vullan's End

(The Wrath of the Vestrisian union)

      It was dark in the grand city of Vallantion. Vallantion was located on the island of Shaontil one of the islands of Boathria, closest to the Vullanese Empire.  This empire had its teachings expanding across lands south and East of Vullan, which was all of Boathria. The streets of Vallantion were silent. Children were still up, playing, causing parents to stay up as well. Mothers washed the dishes, fathers reading a book. Some grandmothers sewing and grandfathers sitting there staring at the fireplace or out the window, smoking his pipe. Some time passed, an hour or so past midnight, no one could tell. Vallantion's streets remained silent until the sound of marching boots could be heard. The sounds came from the distance, growing louder as the sounds drew closer with each clamor of steps from this marching crowd. The families went out through their front doors to see what the commotion was.

            An almost endless force of troops marched through Vallantion city filling the streets. Hundreds and hundreds of them marched down the streets. Children were so excited at having an unexpected parade right in their own neighborhood, in their city! Along with the large force were large heavily armored tanks. These troops wore the uniform in the color of blue. They wielded rifles with bayonets on the end. For some time the parade marched then came to a complete stop. A squad of tanks stopped in front of a block of temples of Vullan. Every city and town on Shaontil Island were full of these temples.

            An officer stepped out from the ranks and pulled out a flare gun. He fired the flare gun into the air. A red flare went high as a hundred feet then burst into a fireball. It spread outward with a loud bang. A series of shots sounded far in the distance through the silent dark night. Objects whistled down through the air. The tallest temple in Vallantion was struck several times by artillery. Towers fell from the structure and collapsed in front of the doors, blocking the exit for anyone in side. Twenty to thirty priests rushed out of the temples to see what was occurring in the streets of Vallantion. The soldiers positioned themselves in a firing stance.  Commanding officers yelled out orders to fire.  

            "Ready boys open fire!" A hail of bullets punched through the groups of priests caught off guard. Those inside the temples barricaded themselves in a death trap. However, the tanks turned its turret, aiming for the doors and blasted them open. Troops immediately poured inside the temples dragging as many as twenty to thirty or more priests outside and executed them with their weapons. Priests were either shot with a rifle and pistol or be-headed with a blade. Blood splattered all over the entrances and steps of these temples. Some were beaten down with clubs then hung from trees to strangle to death. As this went on, inside other temples machine-gun fire could be heard telling the town that more priests were getting slaughtered. These blue shirted troops dragged others from the temples such as Casters, and low mages along with their pupils. These magic wielding sorcerers were also left alive. The females were carried on shoulders, kicking and flailing their limbs trying to get away. The males were not only dragged out but beaten to the ground.

            Ordinary citizens in the temples such as the families of priests whom lived with them were also pulled out. They were spared only to watch their loved ones be killed before their very eyes. A priest was about to get beheaded when a fifteen year old girl jumped onto the soldier's arm.

            "Please, please don't kill my father please!" She begged him not to kill the priest.  The soldier shoved her off his big arm. She slammed against the wall becoming unconscious. The soldier went back to beheading the girl's father. As people were dragged from the temples trucks arrived and were loaded up with the temple residents. Once packed the trucks drove off transporting the followers to the nearest camps.  After the priests were dead their families and followers were taken to campsites. The soldiers began setting fire to these once beautiful temples of Vullan. When the final truck arrived the large soldier picked up the unconscious girl. He carried her over to where her family was being loaded. As he laid her down next to her mother, he looked into the eyes of the wife whose husband he just beheaded. She was terrified of this huge soldier's dark face in the light. Her lips trembled, attempting to speak.

            "Who....who-who are you?" She asked the soldiers fearing he might also kill her.

             “We are the Vestrisian Union of the Vestrisian Republics, led by Antalace." He answered the mother. Their truck drove off leaving the streets of Vollantion as the mother still stared at him like he was a ghost of some sort.

            Finally the troops all turned their attention to the greatest, tallest temple of Vallantion. Tanks fired at the doors and beams supporting the upper levels. Through the windows armed priests tried to fight back against the Union troops with machine guns. Their attempts failed as the shootout resulted in seventeen wounded men on the soldiers' side. The abbey priests received the same treatment as their fellow priests. Those who lived in the Abbey were spared and sent to nearby camps. Now it was time for the big finally. The grand temple-abbey of Vallantion was burned. Its forged flames formed a bonfire, engulfing the large structure. This bonfire served as a wide scale signal. It triggered a chain reaction all over Boathria, Vollantrodha and many other places, such as Gaskouth Ladai and Lheobethe south of the Boathrin Kingdom. This deed was viewed as an insult to the Maesters and Praetors of Vullan. They threatened to declare war on Antalace and his Vestrisian Union Army of the Vestrisian Republics setting the stage for a war.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Flag of the Vestrisian Union of the Vestrisian Republics sketchwork

Aliscar's demise

Aaron Barzinia walked down the third street from them Receptors Restaurant Diner. Their meals were pleasant, giving a taste that did not leave the mouth. His Academy friends Mel, Nores, Amyn, Scylla, Calypso, and Circe chatted about their upcoming examinations. Aaron held Isabel in his arm escorting her with the group. As a cadet in the Vestrisian Army it was a good night to meet the heroes of the Vanguards. This meeting put Aaron in a better mood than he was before dinner. He conversed with his friends adding comments here and there enjoying the insightful chatter.

            "We need to have a blast tonight before examinations begin next week" Scylla suggested to her friends.

            "What should we do?" Nores asked. No one had any ideas for this night. Isseult raised her voice.

            "I have an idea!" she said gleaming at Aaron. "Let's all go to a dance club and enjoy the last night with my boyfriend." Isabel's eyes appeared like puppy dog eyes pleading Aaron to join them.

            "Whatever the group decides I'm in. It won't be long before I reach Private and go off to Gaskouth Ladai."

            Eight teens walked even further down the third street in search of a dance club. Three clubs stood on the street open to all party goers, dancers, and those illegally on the streets. A group of orcs, Kuruks and goblins hung out in the alley next to the first club. None of the teens spotted the vermin lurking by the dance club. Calypso and Circe were best friends; sisters who lived together. The elf and Zunia-Puck shared the same dorm as roommates. Mel, Circe and Isabel shared a suit together. The male elves, Amyn and Nores lived as roommates after their second year at the Academy. All of them became friends in class and during free hours of the day. The friends did not know what was waiting for them at the clubs. Calypso saw the three clubs.

            "Mel, Circe, and Amyn, you check out the second one. Scylla and I will take Nores and find him a girl in the first one. Isabel and Aaron will check out the third. "she smiled, winking at the couple.

            "Why can't we all go together as a group," Aaron interjected. Calypso was overruled by the group forced to pout over this.

            "That's great, but each one has a long line at the front." Mel protested.

"Then let's take the back way then." Circe replied. Going to the back of a club was never a good choice, especially in a city like Udraine.

            They made it to the first club and veered to the left down an alley. In the alley the teens walked huddled together like sheep to the back alley of the club. Behind the club prowled a gang of orcs, kuruks and goblins standing around the back doors to the club. Aaron and Isabel chose to wait outside the alley. Circe, Mel, Calypso, Amyn, Nores and Scylla found their way to the back doors and the lurking gang. Six Academy students stood before the gang not realizing who they were. The girls mistook them for bouncers being lazy on the job. One Kuruk turned his head in their direction and saw them instantly. he signaled his gang members of their arrival.          

            "Fresh meat is here boys. Looks like we'll have fun tonight except the wimpy elf boys." an orc exclaimed. Circe, Mel, Calypso, and Scylla pressed against each other. Each girl trembled with fear of what would happen next. The gang surrounded the teens with sexual urges and thoughts of cruelty. Their large eyes focused on the girls' breasts and womanhood.

            "Look at them tits and asses, I could have fun with these ladies." said an orc rubbing his hips.

            One Kuruk gleamed at their mouths, "They gots sweet mouths I bet!" He boasted getting closer to the girls.

            "Enough talk just get on with it! Move you little shits!" a Kuruk pointed a gun at Amyn and Nores. The two boys backed away from the girls to a corner. Multiple weapons were drawn and pointed at the girls threatening them.

            “Alright ladies wanna have some of us, cause there's no objections." a Kuruk cackled with his crew.

            Fifteen to twenty thugs dropped their pants before the Academic teens. Circe, Mel, and Calypso obediently approached the larger beings. They were forced to stroke the thugs as they probed their noses and mouths. Scylla stripped teased the gangsters which made things worse for her. She was overpowered immediately, her dress was ripped off. Four to five gangsters pounded the four teens maliciously. Amyn and Nores watched in horror as their female friends took on the vermin unable to control themselves.

            A dark figure with more thugs emerged out of the darkness. "Enjoy these fertile women, there is plenty for all when I am done with Udraine. Your services will be rewarded as such." the voice was a hissing sound that a snake would make if it could speak. Aliscar revealed himself to the massed group as more his hired help jumped into the orgy. The dark lord watched for a while with obsession, encouraging it to continue for the rest of the night. Soon there was nothing but a mass of monsters viciously humping the Academic teens. Nores felt as though this was the end of his four female friends. They were the greatest companions he ever had. All of them were good friends to him and Amyn who shielded his eyes from the scene. Nores' thoughts would be proven false.

            A mass gun battle ensued on the streets of the three clubs. Gangs of Vermin massed to the rally point for flesh and pleasure. Unfortunately for them they were met by a force of Vestrisians, Vanguards, Police and Zhenrai, led by Mastar Arctice Greymir. Udraine forces took the positions where the alleys lay. They laid waste to every creature that marched in the streets.

            "I knew something was going on tonight!" Arctice growled from a distance. Chiecra, Ilkez, and Nenmare followed the Mastar helping where ever aid was needed. The massed army of gangs was easily defeated. Bodies covered the streets in blood.  A dozen casualties were sustained by the Udraine forces. Chiecra rounded the corner to the alley and found Aaron and Isabel held at gunpoint by a large Kuruk.

             "One step closer and I'll blow his brains out then you and screw hers out!" it snarled at Chiecra.

             Threats did not work on Chiecra even if the enemy was true to his own words. In a swift meditation Chiecra gave his body to the Gods and grabbed the Kuruk by the arm. His grip tightened on the thug's arm squeezing it slowly Chiecra felt the muscles crushed by the strong grip. His hand crushed the Kuruk's arm, shattering the bone into pieces. The monster roared in pain as Chiecra punched him in the chest breaking more bones. It was obvious that Chiecra had crushed his ribs, it released Isabel and fell against the wall.

            "Where are your friends?" he demanded.

            Aaron pointed down the alley, directing Chiecra to their location. The Corporal cautiously made his way through the alley. He turned right where the back doors lay. In the middle of the back alley he found a cluster of vermin ravaging four Academy teens. None of the vermin noticed his presence. They were fixed upon the vermin violating the helpless teens. Watching the scene infuriated Chiecra to the point of uncontrolled anger. He let his anger build up with the help of spiritual forces. To him it felt like the gods filled him with tremendous amounts of rage. This time he stayed in his own body calling on supernatural forces. With a burst of anger released he grabbed the closest vermin and killed him with his bare hands. A sword flies from the dead orc. Chiecra caught it and continued his rampage.

            Almost nothing could have stopped Chiecra at this point. He grabbed various vermin, pulled them off the subdued teens. None of the gangsters were safe from Chiecra's wrath as he slaughtered them all one by one. As he killed his enemies Chiecra felt the rage decrease from every blow he inflicted. Corpses lay lifeless around the teens and Chiecra. He gazed at them with a sense of relief. Chiecra breathed heavily from exhaustion. He let out heavy huffs as he caught his breath.

            “Excellent work Corporal Chiecra Gwynor you have much Forsythan blood in you, a noble warrior's blood that was bred for war. Your parents gave you this bold and warlike blood. I have known many Forsythans like you who died proudly, poorly, courageously, honorably and disgracefully."

            Chiecra froze at the sound of the voice that spoke to him. It gave a cold surprising feeling. He turned to face the source of this serpent voice. A tall figure stood in the corner with his hands folded over his abdomen.

            "Flee you miserable whelps you are of no concern of mine anymore!" he hissed at the girls and two boys whom ran for their lives.

            Aliscar smiled at Chiecra ready to attack at any moment. The ancient being raised his head to reach for the night air. Chiecra felt like something grabbed him. He looked at Aliscar realizing it was he who was doing this. Aliscar swung his arm across his chest tossing Chiecra into the wall. To him Chiecra lay dead, but spiritual forces deluded his senses to think he was dead.

            Arctice rounded the corner sensing his friend in danger. He discovers Chiecra laying lifeless amongst a cluster of decapitated vermin and a waiting Aliscar. When he laid his eyes on the smiling traitor Arctice became full of rage and vengeance. He confronted the dark lord enraged and prepared to fight.

            "You will pay for all the crimes you committed, pain inflicted, and the lives you stole for the past ten thousand years!" Arctice growled as he drew his saber-Katana.

            Aliscar grinned more unsheathing an ancient bastard’s sword that appeared corrupted by his darkness. The Forsythans approached each other skimming their blades in preparation for duel. No words were exchanged between only the clash of their blades was the sound that rang in the night. Arctice's blade swung left, and right, up and down at every angle. In the alley they fought ferociously, engaged in a locked duel. Great power burst from the blows of their blades touching. Waves of energy blasted away sections of the walls around Arctice and Aliscar.

            The two Forsythans moved around swinging and twirling their swords in dance to the death. Both duelists parried blow after blow as they tried to outwit, out maneuver, and match the other in combat. Each blow sent a wave of energy flying in every direction. Their battle traveled from street to street with many citizens watching intently. In front of a whole battalion of soldiers the Forsythans skillfully went on with the duel, dodging those in the way. Arctice was surprised by Aliscar showing no interest in killing anyone around them. It was something the corrupted ancient was known to do. The battle went on for hours as the two duelists jumped from street to street, building to building until they came to the plaza. There the whole city watched the Mastar Arctice Greymir fight to avenge his father.

            "Face it boy you are still a young Forsythan. It is impossible to defeat me!" Aliscar boasted to the young warrior. "My reign will be fulfilled over these people no matter how many get in my way!"

            Arctice did not want this to happen it was now his duty to destroy this ancient corruption for good. he lunged his blade into Aliscar striking through his chest. The Dark Forsythan cackled wisely at Arctice.

            "Foolish one, I am immortal in battle as are you!" The bastard sword flew straight through Arctice's chest. He felt great pain that could have brought death, but Arctice was too strong to be killed so easily. With great force he shoved his own body away from the bastard sword and raised his soul to the Gods. With his spiritual conjuration Arctice summoned his ancestors and the great warriors who died by the hands of darkness. He heard a voice from skies addressing him and warrior hosts.

            "Your people were created to defend the world of the innocent. In your battles you lost many to corruption and evil. Unite with this one warrior for as one you will give him great power to destroy this evil forever. No ancient evil must live through the ages to come."

            He saw hundreds of the greatest heroes, legends, champions and warriors of this grand race. Even his father stood among them clad in armor. In a vacuum of energy the conjured souls lunged into Arctice, giving him all the powers they possessed. He felt stronger, and mightier than before. The Gods answered his calling, as he intended to do at his desperate hour. Now he was setting his gaze on Aliscar, who looked worried over this immense power handed to the avenging son. Without warning Arctice launched a string of energy in the form of a spear at Aliscar. The powerful spear hit its target exploding on impact. A shock wave burst from the explosion shaking the earth. Such an attack crippled Aliscar to a state of weakness. He lay backwards withered away drained of all power. Aliscar looked more like an elderly man who lived far past his expectancy.

            Arctice showed no mercy he took his sword and leapt after Aliscar, striking down into his heart. A great cry shrieked from Aliscar's lips as a wisp of energy spewed from his corpse. Souls, spirits and elements spilled out. Arms came out of the ground pulling Aliscar into a vortex of agony and punishment. Nothing remained of Aliscar, Arctice dropped to his knees letting his blade clang to the floor. A great feeling of relief entered his lungs as the wind swept a great weight off his shoulders and back. He had done it, his father Argrithe Greymir and Mother Othena could now rest in peace. The predecessor of the unified republics was finally avenged. He looked up to see Udraine gathered and the sun rising to bring a new morning. As he watched the sunrise generals approached him to retrieve orders of cleansing Udraine of every outlaw and gang in the cleansing operation. Many fled to the outskirts only to be shot by locals, and militia.

A Cadet meets heroes

Udraine was mostly quiet, save for the multiple groups hanging about the streets. Most of them consisted of artists, journalists, performers and resigned soldiers from early in the war. Two groups were mostly actors, singers and models just out for a fun night. Some parts of Udraine still hosted the strangest creatures from orcs to goblins, kuruks, and crude humanoids. Many of these creatures should have been kicked out or killed because of their behavior. The kuruks, orcs, and humanoids banded together in the dark alleys waiting for bait. Young Zunia-Puck, Elvin, and Hestia females wandered the streets alone unaware of that they are targets of the gangs.

            Chiecra kept a watchful eye on a group of Academy students walking on the opposite side of the street. Five of them were female escorted be three young lads. It was a group of teenaged elves, Zunia-Pucks, accompanied by a dark skinned youth in a cadet's uniform. The cadet had his arm locked with a beautiful nymph. They looked to be ages fifteen and seventeen. Chiecra was confused as to why this cadet was out of his barracks.

            He recalled a major lock down on the rules, No cadet was to be out at night unless he had a pass or permission from his staff sergeant. The Corporal was tempted to advance on them and confront the cadet. Three things kept him from calling the cadet out. One the Cadet's evening would be ruined, Chiecra was already at the door with his party, and last the cadet's party was headed to the restaurant.

            "Chiecra come on let's go." Viktorov summoned Chiecra.

            The party of twelve entered a large restaurant lined with booths and tables that covered the floor in the room. Juno and Jousen secured two booths for the party, dividing it evenly to six people. Chiecra sat in the middle with Arctice, surrounded by politicians. These politicians were not the ordinary politicians who only cared about running for elections and getting support any way possible. All they cared about was getting the job done and tending the tasks of those positions. On the other side of the restaurant sat the Academic students and their cadet friend who did not seem very happy about anything at the moment.

            His friends and girlfriend looked happy and excited around him. The Nymph laughed before turning to the cadet who seemed lost in a world of gloom. Chiecra watched her ask him what was wrong. The lad did not want to cooperate, he was too focused or bothered by something. Arctice poked Chiecra in the arm, he turned his gaze to him response.

             "You okay Chiecra? You are a little too quiet tonight." Arctice asked concerned that Chiecra was quieter than he remembered him to be.

            "I'm fine just pondering over details in the battle over the Bymere Country."Chiecra partially lied to his old friend. He knew he couldn’t hide it, but tried his best to hide it anyways.

            "Sounds like a story to tell. Will you be voting in this election? The sub-leadership needs as much support to beat the running politicians. What do you say old friend?" Arcitce smiled with a hand on Chiecra's shoulder.

            He felt a bit awkward, but answered honestly. "I will vote for anyone running for leadership roles in Naatidra."

            The politicians approved of Chiecra's decision. Othellis leaned over to Chiecra. "I read somewhere that you came across a basilisk. What else was down there?"

            "Well, Senator Othellis the basilisk took us by surprise. It was only by guessing from the blood on the stalks that a creature lurked about. You did read about there being Troglodytes and Gnolls right?" Chiecra answered with sincerity as Othellis and Ledos nodded their heads listening to his story.

            "There was some article about Arachnids?" Enius asked Ilkez and Viktorov.

            Juno shivered at the thought of such horrid creepy creatures. She listened in horror of the details the three heroes gave on the battles and creatures. "...and in the last battle in the underworld we held off an army of orcs!"

            Viktorov boasted slightly drunk. "Don't forget about the Molorces." Chiecra added recalling the kills he made. He looked in the direction of the Academy students and their military friend. The cadet has his eyes set on Chiecra. The cadet said something to the Nymph before getting up. Chiecra watched him walk up to their table.

            "Excuse me...Ex-" He tried to get Chiecra’s attention, but someone broke him off.

            "Yes cadet can we help you?" Ilkez asked, intimidating the young man a bit.

            "Umm excuse me...can I get your autographs?" he stammered over the words a little.

            "Are you Corporal Chiecra Gwynor? Captain Ilkez Brutius, and Sergeant Viktorov Gwynor right?" he asked hopefully. They exchanged smiles and signed the cadet's note pad.

            "What is your name cadet?" Ilkez asked.

            "Cadet Aaron Barzinia from unit 84 of the Udraine Junior Military Police Force." The cade answered Ilkez.

            "Did you receive authorization to be out of your barracks? Did you get any permission from a staff Sergeant?" Ilkez questioned the Cadet.

            "I got them from both authorities and official staff." Aaron answered honestly.

            "Is that all you wanted cadet, autographs of war heroes, or something else?" Ilkez asked Cadet Barzinia in a passive tone.

            "To shake the hand of Arctice Greymir would be a great honor. Because of your return and taking up your father's position, revives the hope within my people. Without your father or his blood in the Mastar position most of my family lost hope in the war against Vullan. I thank you for returning in a time when we most needed a leader. They pray for your leadership and guidance." Aaron stretched out his hand without saluting first. This was allowed to slide by. Arctice took Aaron's hand and shook it.

            "Where are you from Cadet Barzinia?" Arctice asked.

            "I am from Dorntalla, well I was born there. My parents met in Lheobethe and moved to Dorntalla. I was their first born son. When I was four the Gantronese began a campaign of genocide and abduction. They sent me off to Lheobethe as a stowaway. After five years in an orphanage I was taken under the care of an Elvin family. In two years that family moved here. Udraine was where I was reunited with my birth parents and siblings."

            "Sounds like you're from multiple places. Care to join us cadet?" Ilkez offered.

            "I must decline the offer and return to my friends. Thank you I am amazed over meeting you all. I hope to see you some other place." Aaron trudged off to his friends in a better mood than he was previously. He embraced them with a new Aaron. Chiecra watched the youth leave the table. His eyes followed them out of the restaurant.