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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Eye for an Eye

 Five weeks later their coalition pressed counter attacks against the remnants of the invasion force. That included the remaining units of that brigade the Gantronese sent over. Within their part of the front an estimate of 1,004 Gantronese died, 734 wounded. Among the collaborators they gathered 475 dead, over 300 wounded in this fight. Their own side, the coalition forces, lost 1,300 killed in action, more than 1,300 wounded. The Ejone Personnel, the Otaku Waruso, the Red Beetles lost most of the forces they sent over to fight for the Gantronese. Four hundred forty-three Twisted Abomination-Mutants. Some dressed as assassins in leather, belts, durable fabric. Others wore the sharpshooter robes that allow them to blend in. Most appeared like ponchos, or overlapping shawls. Red eyes can be seen under the hoods to make their skills with bows and arrows more menacing. Norbit could not believe he got to speak to one of them all because of their wounds from the fighting. Due to their appearances of humanoid resemblances with 6-7 limbs certain clothing were suitable. Working alongside other medics Private Norbit found other humanoids known as Kitsune among the dead Gantronese forces. These Kitsune appeared more like fox humanoids who wore various styles of armor along with their combat fatigues, or uniforms. A total of 337 were lost while one happily switched sides for a cooking position. Two of these Kitsune dueled each other. Most of them fled to other islands the Gantronese held. 

Going through the dead and wounded they found more humanoids from other worlds among the collaborators. One type of humanoid found among the Gantronese were the Akki Goblins. A crimson skinned Goblin looking humanoid with scalps full of spikes, and spiked pauldrons with their armor. Mostly underlings to the ranks, these Goblins saw 258 of their own kind perish in the fighting. Going through the fallen they discovered the Gantronese forces also brought over Glacial Stalkers. Approximately 310 lay on the ground ready to be buried or lay in hospital beds ready for transportation as prisoners of war. According to the know-it-all ones they were the units for cold nights. Among the Spawn in the Gantronese some 911 were lost to combat situations. Some villages were lost due to the rampage and destruction of the Gantronese Invasion. Six Gantronese Gorilla Mutants were found dead. One unit of Lamia Naga armed with sickle slicers lost 619. Humanoids with Inner Demon background saw 302 of their own die in a combat situation. A pair of necromancer Warlocks died alongside them after they managed to vandalize, trample, and rampage seven villages. 

Their own casualties went over 1,000 dead or killed in action. Number of wounded personnel went above a thousand. It took away a bit of their fighting force. Another week passed before they realized the sudden reclamation of Condor Tribal land was mostly complete. Plenty of prizes came with the reclamation of Condor territory. Thousands of rifles, Numeik rifles, Yekato Assault Rifles, Elaborate Fire Cannons, Nezero 64s. One column of Gantronese Combat Tanks, vehicles with treads, a Bull Elephant Mutant, an oil ship full of Jekrese oil for fuel. Thanks to the Gantronese personnel they captured or those turncoats they rallied an invasion force. For this invasion they had to draft more from their own populace. Two hundred eleven dutiful servants, 407 opportunists, 338 Followers of a Dune Beetle Cult, 387 Trustworthy Scouts, 374 Cut purse rogues. Three hundred ninety Light Foot, 394 Dire Gremlins, 506 Condor tribesmen rallied by some Omen Speaker for the temple took up the call as militia. 

Experienced Veterans were also gathered for this invasion force. One unit of 496 Death Hood Cobras, 258 Bladed Sentinels, 310 Velac Companions, 362 Bone Blade Scoundrels, some 390 Pall Pass Wall Adepts made up the experienced units of the amassed invasion force. Other units were formed as reserves, which involved 396 Smelt Ward Gate Keepers as part of the reserves. One unit of 256 soldiers who called themselves Wave Skimmers became the vanguard. To hunt for any remnants of the Gantronese invasion force Condor beast handlers unleashed 301 Pure Blood Hounds across the islands. This endeavor was led by Lord Thraben of Evusia. Norbit went with 800 members of the Calornese Coalition who joined this invasion force. The 40 or so members of Backstripper's unit formed a secondary vanguard for this invasion. Among a brigade of 1,800 members the Coalition rounded up Norbit, Lez, new acquaintances met various individuals involved. 

Three royalists to an old dynasty of Evusia called Ilango. Some dynasty that attempted to persecute a certain group. One Dame or female knight known as Burke, who was known for wearing a different hat for occasions. She served a very infamous Noble who called themselves "Lord Asta". They brought over a fireteam of five to add to their invasion force. Quickly shaking hands Norbit checked her out for a few moments then sauntered off to meet other members. He bumped into members of a fifteen-man squad Sajon Monk Warriors of Gadavora Isle. Close by them some members of 14 pirate crew called the C'tan Crew. Roaming the camp Norbit found plenty of gunslingers among the army the coalition and condor locals assembled. 

Most of these gunslingers had shaved heads with a blue ring on the side of their heads. Others came from Kodra Isle of Evusia. A larger portion of these gunslingers were mainly Jaegars, Widows, and Chirak tribesman of Evusian-Meze borders. Three full weeks and a half their forces gathered a little more strength along with supplies. On board stolen Gantronese gunboats, sea capable hover craft, Xebecs, their own hulking freighters, 1,800 Coalition forces launched a counterattack. One invasion for another brought them northwest towards the western side of a city-state called Rednight Fangsir. Three islands became the landing zones Komodo Dragon Island, Bearded Dragon Pagota, and Thorny Devil Island. For their revenge invasion their coalition force used ten crudely built Draconic Destroyers the Gantronese left at the western ports to cover their movement. Like a storm the Calornese Coalition forces overran Gantronese/Collaborator positions. For a whole month their forces were to seize enemy territory as planned at the briefings. 

As they landed, they were met with Ocelots, small lizards, Parasaurophalus herds, exotic birds, goat horned giraffes. Norbit saw plenty of these creatures, Ottante, southwestern parts of Castaria. Jungle foliage covered much of the islands. A paradise is what anyone could call it. An untouched paradise that made it difficult to get a visual on enemy positions. Their own forces divided evenly into a battalion of 600 evenly. Each battalion took one island backed by a brigade of Condor combatants who rallied for the counterattack. Four days passed in their invasion with barely any resistance. Several types of monsters acted some resistance on behalf the Gantronese. Twenty-seven to thirty tentacled plant like beings with one or more heads freaked out plenty of the coalition forces. Some had claws, arms, shells, large mouth full of sharp teeth. Thirteen one eyed monsters with tentacles on their head, and extra limbs attacked from buildings. Some grappled personnel before getting shot up or destroyed with explosives. Some of these barely possessed a head, or body. A small unit of 61 Higher Gantronese held hidden outposts alongside lab creatures they let loose on the invading coalition. Norbit got a good look at a corpse of one. These were Gantronese with tentacles for legs armed with melee weapons. Five snake lamias manned an abandoned sawmill. Using molotovs from medical supplies they burned the mill to the ground. On one of the islands Seventy regular Gantron retainers found themselves caught off guard by eager Widow gunslingers in the dead of night. The third island hosted 15 Augmented Cyborg creatures called Graft 77s. 

Norbit hid behind the units that backed the ones who engaged these hostiles. Using weapons other than the standard issued weaponry they took out these hostiles. One type of weapon was the S.P.D.R. the Shocking Projectile Detainment Rifle. It worked a few times on some actual high ranking Gantronese present on the island. Weapons such as the Mobile MC 1138 or Machine Cannons helped with the larger monsters the Gantronese recruited. Other weapons included The Nothing Rifle2O, the Fujamahi High 0.7 bolt shooter. There was also the 4 Hex Gees Exterminator gun. Private Norbit witnessed some scenes that involved, death, trauma, and violation of human nature. 

Costing the lives of 692 Coalition Forces, a few hundred Gantronese aligned monsters caused casualties of 731 wounded. Weeks passed into their own invasion before they found themselves going too far inland. Private Norbit Nurgle, combat medic witnessed a total turnaround. When they received a brigade of 3,000 Calornese Coalition, V.U.V.R., Condor fighters, tribal warriors, turncoats, mercenaries, they pressed further. To the east their own fellow Calornese fought the Gantronese over the Unknown Lands alongside the various tribes who resisted Gantronese advances. His own unit got mixed with a small battalion of 400 who launched an assault on an island mountain settlement. Built very similar to an urban set up this settlement rested on several levels. At first sight these settlements on the bottom level looked like a string of beach resorts, painted pretty colors yet appeared very tribal in terms of shape. Not a soul or living thing stirred inside the buildings as they landed. The eerie atmosphere did not help as the banners flew Gantronese colors. Each step they took every single member expected an attack. Going uphill they still found nothing inhabiting the lower levels. Some members of their unit muttered how this could be abandoned for all they knew. Norbit checked the flanks looking past those he advanced with. In small squads their battalion checked each house with nothing to report. Most of these houses faced the ocean with sheds or small garages attacked with zero vehicles in sight. Not paying attention to the designs or occupations they moved further to the third level where they crossed a bridge connected the level to the rest of the mountain. 

It was on the third level of this mountain island something stirred out of the buildings. As their commanders expected these lurking inhabitants were Gantronese aligned hence the Gantronese banners displayed. Getting a good look at these inhabitants was shortened when Gantronese aligned humanoids launched their ambush. Forty-five lizard-like creatures the size of dogs with sail spines, aerial predator beaks, long claws emerged from opened garages. Known as Youries according to Condor troops these creatures attacked using venomous bites, sharp claws, and speared targets with piercing tails. 

One leashes or in metal collars, these Yowie Lizards were not alone in this ambush. On this Gantronese island they discovered several or more villages aside from the ports along the beaches surrounding the small mountain peak. This stacked cliff formation of a mountain was home to some 1,400 people. Inside these buildings weren't just these Yowies, but other alien creatures the Gantronese brought over. Aside from these large lizard predators, their handlers were another species. A four limbed creature with a thick-skinned predator's body, a big mouth with rows of fangs, blade like hooves, came out of different hiding places. Attacking coalition personnel like a summer salting acrobat with blades about ninety-six of these creatures cut down their targets. Limbs sliced off, guts spilled out, head decapitated made for a gory scene. 

Another type of creature or monster these Gantronese brought was the steel predator. Some large construct in the form of a beast. Just sixteen of these earless Jaguar-wolf shaped constructs wiped out 50 Coalition members. This ambush occurred on the third and second levels of this island drove them back to the boats. Pulling back to the beaches the coalition forces found out that some of their own Coalition members dancing in a column. Whatever dance they performed it seemed more like a series of kicks, punches, shimmies in rhythm. To the commanders that did not matter. Forced back to their own landing craft they managed to lure some hostiles to reduce their numbers in case the next wave came. One of those hostiles went after the column of useless coalition dancers. From the northwest of the island six mounted Gantronese raced towards them. Norbit's gaze caught glimpse of a dock connecting the island to raised platform settlement. 

In desperation Norbit's unit raced back to their own boats. Not bothering to look back they left some of their own behind. It would haunt them for life. Heading eastward they found the other units of the invasion force on certain portions of the mainland. Everyone at camp, seized villages were exhausted from the fighting, and forced rowing. A rather large force of Troglodytes made the first hours of their invasion difficult. What somewhat spared the vast majority of their invasion force appeared local yet alien. Made up of women of different races, tribes, backgrounds, professions, a horde made their move. An estimated horde of 2,400 or more attacked over turf being invaded by the Troglodytes. Through dense foliage, jungle, abandoned villages, ruins, empty Gantronese camps, these female warriors gave the Troglodyte hordes a taste of brutality. 

Even the invaders, Coalition Forces, other tribes faced their wrath in the mix up. Scared out of his mind Norbit bolted away from his own unit. This quagmire of a conflict became too much for him. On the western coasts west of Rednight Fangsir the frightened combat medic ran amuck while others held their ground. In a panicked hunt for a haven as a hiding spot Norbit bumped into some scenes and sites. First scene he witnessed was a barbarian looking figure tied to a then totem surrounded by tattooed figures. This barbarian figure's captors, seven mostly nude tribal tattooed members of this female horde that attacked all forces. Each one of them had black line across their eyes. Not bothering to save this barbarian Norbit raced to another area. Only he mattered to himself in this circumstance. Racing through the jungle he dropped one bag of his equipment. Still in the jungle portions of the Gantronese held area he found a river where a skirmish occurred. Between two group leaders a Sage and a Master fought in the aftermath of a skirmish that wiped out most of each other's groups. This Sage-Witch's force astride some scaly creatures went at it against the other mounted forces. Only catching glimpses of armor, weapons Norbit rushed towards what he thought was an eastern direction. 

His face was hit with branches by nature itself leaving some sap, scratches on him. Norbit's next encounter brought him to some spread out trees where a couple rested. A Talus looking female in the arms of a wounded Kuruk with horns similar to that of a ram and Oni combined. One was covered in arrows in trousers. The other wore a female's Kimono robe of white with stars. Blood soaked her white clothing revealing evidence of attacks made on the Gantronese collaborators. Scared that he would get caught for refusing to take part in the fighting Norbit shot up both lovers leaning against a tree. Out of a wall of trees a blue-purplish skinned male Oni emerged armed with 2 blades at his side. A standard shotgun the Gantronese adopted into their arsenal rested in his palms. Gold tattoos covered his shoulder, chest. Exposed to the elements that appeared more cephalopod in appearance on his body. Black Horns, cropped head, this Oni donned a black dyed military fatigue trousers, studded boots. This Oni was accompanied by a draconic looking humanoid with tendrils for hair. They wore a very identifying Warlock Cloak over hermit's clothing. A decoratively dressed reptilian snake person emerged next to the warlock. Armed with a hooked blade in the right hand, a claw blade in the left. Exposing its fangs they eyed Norbit, who was frozen stiff with fear. He did not know if he still had bullets in the chamber. 

To their right more clashes dragged out the fighting in the Gantronese coastal regions. One of the fallen among the dead and fallen comrades got up despite their injury. A Gantronese spawn of a hulking physique in terms of body mass prepared to face the risen combatant. Norbit blinked a few times ensuring he was seeing this right. A fallen coalition soldier getting up like he was some revenant. Both appeared bald headed but fought on opposite sides wearing completely different uniforms. Shirtless, one of them revealed tattoo on their back while the other possessed nothing but scars. Clearly wearing Coalition style trousers, the tattooed one was a mage or battle mage of some sorts. Their tattoos appeared like swords on his back. Through arcane abilities they pulled out two blades from their back. Leaving the body the blades appeared more translucent, and arcane until they were raised a few feet off the ground. 

Norbit did not get a chance to watch what happened next. One Lamia Soldier wrapped themselves around him in an overlapping coil. Now he knew how a rodent felt when it fell prey to a hungry snake. Being captured Combat Medic Private Norbit Nurgle realized his part in this war just ended. Leaving the fallen to their fate these collaborators summoned a few others to take care of the job. Ensuring the dead stayed dead were a female cat humanoid armed with an assault rifle, a pair of Lamia snake women. Ten Gantron Regulars armed with rifles joined this group putting holes in those on the ground. Held captive Norbit was brought to a hidden settlement in a clearing through the wall of dense trees. Twenty smooth edged rectangular prisms raised by beams, 30 huts shaped very similar to a pear, egg, and pepper made up this settlement. Each of these structures made from mud, wood, some metals the Gantronese allowed them to use.

Inhabiting this hidden settlement or enclave about 47 Dark Elves of the Jungle, 37 Halfling sized Humanoids. His captors took him to the edge of this village where a small cat like goblin creature threw darts and failed. Each throw missed the target on the tree. Between it and the tree lay nothing but the grass with pretty flowers. Behind this tree a river ran through the area. It cut through the jungle nearly wrapping itself around the clearing. Out of this river emerged a Dark Elf in a white tight fit blouse shirt. er back and sides were exposed, three arm rings on the right hand, and arm. Around her waist a white serpent coiled around her. Darkish green hair, green eyes that sort of fit her body of perfection. That is what Norbit believed. Turning her head this Dark Elf eyed Norbit with curiosity. Not caring at all this Dark Elf revealed herself as a crocodile passed through to the other bank. Feeling rather flustered, aroused at the same time his eyes rested on her exposed parts. His captor forced his gaze to her face. 

"Ejonne Colonel Macabre Ungaleth Aqilhad Chieftain of ten thousand Wicked Demons. Who are you?" the Lamia captor introduced the female Dark Elf. She walked on the bank sinking her feet in the wet dirt. In a glide she approached him and his captor. 

Attempting to con his way out of this, Norbit had to conceal his fear. He did a piss poor job of that. Yet his own attire was soaked in his own sweat from the fear of being coiled up by an alien monster. His words kept jumbling as his lips trembled, his voice stuttered as well. Grazib, another Dark Elf squeezed his face to shut him up. Whoever this Dark Elf Grazib was they had all nails filed down save two of them. Certain these Gantronese collaborators would kill him, he attempted to give away positions. Taking this in the Dark Elves, several Lamia, packed up their base. Their progress in packing up became impeded upon. A group of five beast humanoids with cat folk appearances arrived in the clearing. Between the heights of five feet to seven feet tall these cat folk called Rudiv. This type of species held the appearances of tigers, wild cats. Some possessed braids in their fur around their jawlines. One of them had a cat creature with a resemblance of a leopard and regular cat. 

Their leader the bobcat with tiger stripes demanded for the handover of their captives. On them were weapons most considered outdated, yet they still used for hand-to-hand combat for close quarters. In slings or sheaths hung Maces, Morning Stars, raven's beaks, axes, flail, fighting chains. One wielded a bow and arrow for stealth. Each possessed a dirk whereas one of them wore a broad sword over their shoulder. Ungaleth handed Norbit over to this group who commanded a dozen human knights of an abandoned order. The other captives included a noble, a female cleric, one female pilot. All the noble did was receive a middle finger from the leading knight of the lost order. 

"Learn to shut up." the leader snapped at this uptight noble prisoner. 

Their attention was ripped away from him. Norbit's captivity turned their heads. Not given a chance to speak this medic found himself muffled then gagged. Bickering, Judging, boasting, roasting, mocking, arguing was all they did. Packing up their base these collaborators moved for three days undetected. Through bamboo forests and other tall foliage, they reached another settlement. Norbit estimated this settlement consisted of 432 residents. Followers, subjects, servants to a Sage Carefree Life Crafter Oyoviya Olivia Pashiri who made her home here. 

Mostly women these followers did not trust men outside their circles. In the center of the settlement stood a female statue carved from stone. Curvaceous, nude, arousing is all he could think of as his eyes widened at the sight. Brought over to what was the magistrate building Norbit was placed in a roofless room. One lightly robed priestess with a v shaped neckline exited the makeshift temple shrine inside the building. In her hand she gripped a chain link that trailed into the very door of the shrine. Pulling on it she summoned a female Lamia Lioness that hailed from Ottante. Clothed in rags, tattered robe she still wore the tribal beaded neck ware. She appeared depraved of freedom, but not food. In chains this female Lamia was pulled over to an altar next to the roofless room he sat in. The moment her head rested on the altar a group of Gantronese Officials interrupted. 

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