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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Muskalla: Borte of the Nomads

Was this a joke or something? The Boathrian Islands going against the Vullanese Alliance. Nymres, Gontrella, Muskalla, Ossus, Arqolith, Vidothra, Vodwania, Galaia, Vimasdra would crush the Boathrians she haughtily thought to herself. Seated on a rock like it was a stump, Borte Baggi kept believing in victory for the Vullanese. She opened one eye to see if anyone noticed her mocking smirk which went away as she did the breathing a stretching meditation. Getting back into her stretch, breathing meditation Borte and several others did this after consuming a booze that causes one to see things after the first glass full. Her hallucination involved ant men fighting lizard folk. The six-legged humanoid insect hallucination fought against the upright large reptiles with the long snouts, strong scaly tails that had muscular arms wielding weapons. One of the meditation participants mentioned their hallucination involved flocks of Atotolin on western islands even though there were no islands around them. Yet to the west of their location lay the coastal regions of the newly made country of Muskalla. Four main islands, two peninsulas made up the coastal region that met the two lakes they shared with Vimasdra, and Vodwania. Khesigan the lake that is home to four Sagran islands. One of them belongs to the invaders. As for the smaller lake north of Khesigan was named Dracon. 

Her own people the Khasar-Sagran once roamed the lands that are Vimasdra, Ossus, Muskalla, and Bisdolan as if it was theirs for eternity. Alien invasion, the Muskallan Conflict took away large swaths, no chunks of their lands. Millions of Khasar-Sagran felt the toll of this invasion of their lands. Forced to quit the nomadic herding life they became stationary horse breeders, ranchers, steed breeders, livestock herders, caravan guards, Caravan Leaders, mercenaries, guards-security. Others chose the lifestyle as goons, thugs, wanderers, scouts, trackers, burglars, highwaymen or bandits. Plenty found professions as equestrian instructors, stable hands, Weapons Handler, saddlers, Tanner, Sages, Harness Maker, Assassins. Few became Toll Keepers along the borders with Gontrella, and the V.U.V.R. Their old nomadic lifestyle had them in competition with Uxane tribes, Orc clans, Gnolls, hostile Lenai. 

Packed within a region of 425,000 leagues, ten million Khasar-Sagran have to call themselves Muskallans. This left them in competition with Troglodyte Tribes over mountains and hills along the Blackmell Mountains. Mostly consisting of humans, half-Orc, half-Goblin, hobgoblin they the Khasar Sagran, now Muskallan appeared more human with acorn shaped eyes. In meditation with others Borte shared three fires. One made from wood with no stones, two of them had rocks around them. Fish cooked over one of them, and a shell creature over the other. Among eight Khasar-Sagran practicing monks, Borte Baggi did the breathing, stretching meditation two more times. Opening her eyes Borte no longer saw the hallucinations or any illusions. What she saw was the old, paved road Gontrella made using and ancient technique. Sixty-five and more Yurts flanked this old road, which belonged to the Azirai Smoke Shapers, Kejutt Barbarians, Alliig Sorcerers, Borbo Trackers, Abajn Monk Warriors. Getting off the flattened rock Borte came close to bumping into a passing ox. A herd of 1,200 Kating Oxen bound for Bovine Vimasdra encircled their camps. Herded around in a numeral eight pattern these oxen wore long plumes. It was surprising how none of these Ox bumped into each other while making the pattern. 

Knowing parts of this old, paved cobblestone road reclaimed by overgrowth she paced a long a part of it. Somewhere this road branched out forming ways to other roads and paths. One of these led to a hut owned by a healing witch who makes potions. According to Ekk the Heavy Rider, one of those paths led to an empty cave. Bored of the meditation Borte did not care to proceed with the pacing back and forth. Going to her own Yurt Borte recalled the number of times they had to stop. Their Yurts acted as house tents that were easily dismantled for a nomadic life. Certain her two or three daggers, pair of fists, strong legs would do, Borte mounted one of her horses to check one of the paths in the road. 

Once mounted Borte witnessed one of the unsavory characters, Du Baxxi, become cast into darkness for making sexual jests at one of the more voluptuous female monks of their group. Sorceress light archer or Kagan, Zuthan was behind casting that spell so Du can learn to control himself. Getting a good chuckle at the crude scum's misery Borte rode out of their encampment for a path to explore. Her own Harrier Companion, a Great Leaper Hawk she named Chaon joined her. Swooping down from a gnarled tree within the camp's interior Chaon rested on her right pauldron. Wearing a set of three rings taken from an open grave. The origins of the rings had more to do with the deceased required to pay the angel of death. Vodwanian Isles was where she got them. After dealing with a merchant who legit violated a female noble alongside their peeping tom spy. Borte offered whatever was in their coin purses to replace the rings in the grave. Yet the female noble committed suicide by drowning herself. Shaking the story away she reminded herself of the payment for the job. 

Astride a gray spotted horse she rode along a partially paved dirt path. She passed through another layer of their encampment. Encircling the 72 Yurts were 233 tents meant for 208 laborers, bondmen, skilled slaves, 3 milk maids, 26 Flower Dancers, 22 Banner carriers, 6 extra Heavy Riders. Out of these 208 traveling bondmen, laborers, thirteen lost their lives. An unlucky number thirteen was. It became taboo to have that number of anything. Thirteen skilled slaves and bondmen became a meal for some Hill Howlers. Just their skulls remained untaken. On this overgrown cobble-paved road she saw one of their Heavy Lancers take out a Hill Howler. Accompanied by a Warlock of Past Ghosts this Lancer was one of the seventeen riders prowling the area in lighter armor over their tunic coats. Convinced she can handle the humanoid beasts she scoffed at the thought of one attacking her. Huge humanoids they were, beast like species, with broad, hulking shoulders, long powerful muscular arms, misshapen head dominated by a gaping tooth filled maw. Blackmell Mountains was home to plenty of that species along with the Gorga Peaks that separated this camp from the lakes. 

Most of the landscape of Muskalla was full of foothills, grasslands, scattered patches of flat plains, small patches of woods, scattered trees, bushes dotting the landscape. Although it seemed their nomadic lifestyle took over the landscape some spots showed fertility for agriculture. Wool, wheat, barley, potatoes, bamboo, berries, tamed Kimbal became the crops her people chose to farm. It gave them a source of agriculture. Passing through the grass, wheat, hills she found an abandoned Lenai house wagon. Checking it out she discovered it was ransacked, looted, vacant. Nothing valuable was found save for a small meditation puzzle. Collecting this up she pocketed it in a coat pocket then proceeded further down the path. At the of this old road, she came across the 'empty' cave she heard about. Entering this cave, she found it littered of bones of skeletons of some long-forgotten clan of goblins. Exploring it further she discovered it led to an old mine under the name of Tahala. 

Four levels deep underground, ten chambers, lost campsite, a subterranean lake, well carved out mine. Only things inhabiting this cave-mine were two feral goblins from some dead clan, a female adventuring goblin warrior, nests of reptiles. Whoever this female goblin was she was found slaying the pair of feral goblins in hard leather armor. Armed with a short sword this goblin had a tail and an earring in the left pointy ear. Two or more sentient humanoid creatures inhabited this underground mine. One sentient Hill Howler in an aging Chlamys-chiton tunic who seemed joyous to see her down here. Exhausted this goblin adventurer found herself trampled by the second living inhabitant. The other was a cristata mole folk, a blind molelike creature focused on mining minerals. Wearing an alchemist solidarity amulet on a leather string this sentient Hill Howler appeared clean of diseases somehow. Calling himself Iggett the sentient howler offered an ancient Vodwanian Hoplite shield, and a claw weapon. Remembering she had the meditation puzzle in a pocket she handed that over to this Iggett as a tradeoff. Iggett studied this artifact pricing it at a 318-500 Soul Coins. 

With the realization of losing out on 500 souls or soul coins, Borte grabbed this goblin by the tai. She marched out of the cave with a new shield on her back, the claw weapon at her hip, new goblin bondsman in tow. Her Hawk companion, Chaon caught a rodent while she was gone. She started tearing into it when Borter approached her mount. As she got to the mount five stegosauruses walked past this cave. It started them a little. Chaon flew away to a nearby tree. Chaon wasn't the type of Harrier Hawk to share her meal unless she had young hawk chicks to feed nearby. Not bothering to lean this Goblin's name the Practicing Monk Warrior tied to the saddle when the large reptile creatures moved away. Ignoring this Goblin's protests, and pleas she returned to camp. Everyone there were intrigued by her tale and captive bondman. Although this Goblin adventurer had a name they dubbed her Jeeves the bond goblin. 

Not even interested in her true name in front of the rest Borte tossed this goblin inside her Yurt. In her possession Borte had a Field Ox as a pack animal, four mounts, a bondman, hawk, five chickens to eat, harvest some eggs. Borte turned around to meet the leaders of their herded caravan, Korag, and Brakka the half-Orcs. They gave her news that came from a courier about Vestrisian, Ottante nations at war with the Vullanese islands. Borte felt shocked by this sudden news. Two continents full of nations against the Vullanese Alliance. Gontrella was losing ground, Vimasdra was invaded, some islands of Vullan already fell. Unsure if she could bear any more news she left for her own Yurt. Set up like most nomadic house-tents Yurts were a home for Khasar Sagran wanderers, nomads, warbands. Outside her own rested a crate of straw, small bale of hay. A street sign she took from a settlement in Ossus, another sign to a settlement her clan ransacked and looted. On her left side next to her Yurt sat a nice crystal formation that she thought was pretty. At the Yurt's entrance she hung an Uxane's foot, which she chopped off. Inside her Yurt she found various tools, weapons, furniture, her two bondmen. One chair, stools, a table, wood folding chair, cage crate, 2 barrels, a keg, drinking keg. Her Yurt was set up with some extra support including a support beam, pieces for a raft, wheels for the cart, cables to connect Ox woke. A ladder lay near the entrance. Next to the beam sat a trap door placed there to cover any obvious hole. 

Tools included push broom for cleaning, large net for fishing, 2 pitch forks, 2 large paddles, small cooking paddle, sledgehammer, long axe, chopping axe, tool axe, dismantling Yurt pole, hook poles. Each hung along a hide, wool, linen wall in their own loopholes. Her current bondman tended to her pliers, socket wrenches, long racket wrench, regular wrench in tool tray. A rope for mount, 2 saddles, whip, 2 bridles, 2 reins, 4 horse brushes, wooden rake hung on the section next to the tools. Useful items included 3 pails, a basket of carrots the bondman plucked, clay pot, gas can for liquid, tin mug, eating bowls, blue candle holder on the table. Borte did not travel without a torch holder, four lanterns, torch on stake, torch lamp on floor while another was on a beam illuminating more of the Yurt. For further decor she had a bongo drum, tribal totem staff, long wood Uxane Wolf Pipe, 2 award ribbon pins she took from an adventure. Three Uxane horned headdresses, Marion helm, crusader's helm, a plumed helm with a vizor, several Uxane shields, and clan shields. For weapons she possessed a katana, curved blade, 2 scimitars, cutlass, longsword, eagle warclub, a ballistae projectile used as a spear, 2 javelins. One staff learned against her bed which lay near the warmth of the small fires. Her own bondmen would sleep opposite her. Firearms included 4 pistols in holster ammo belts, hunting rifle, lever action rifle, 2 old Ossus rifles, 2 small cannons for prizes. She knew this would be listed set of items to keep up with, but she needed to. Among her possessions were five chests, small case full of treasures, clothing, and other equipment. 

She still wore the 2 cuff braces, 2 spurs, green preserved snake as necklace, riding gloves, bow in her hair, bandana on her head. Hanging on the beam she hung her modern cap, riding hat, silver cap. Several days later she forced the goblin bondman, and Lenai Bondman to pack up the Yurt for travel. More of their skilled bondsmen were lost to six members to some Reptilian Confederacies which spread across their world of Calorn. Ancient, mostly lost to civilization these reptilian confederacies consisted of 248 bands to make up the remnants of an elder empire. Some appeared similar to crocodiles, alligators, small blue eyed fat tailed lizards, draconic lizards with tails, others appeared more serpent with four limbs. Each of these reptilian humanoids rarely showed up near settlements. One of these slippery elusive humanoids died by a rifle shot once it was found. Unable to the find the rest their caravan pressed onward in a northern direction. Four days went by as they took the old, paved road to another well-kept road. 

Next stop was to an enclave named White Rex Nest. It was full of witches, mages, female warlocks who call themselves Arcane Wives. Consisting of more than a hundred structures that look like cottages, cabins, peasant stone houses. Each house was three stories tall. Borte heard mixed stories about these Arcane Wives dispersing enemies using divination to fool them with illusion. Ten towers guarded this enclave with a garrison 55 Serpent Dragon Warriors. Whether they were humans, Orcs, half goblins, Elves, half elves, half goblin, half orc. Serpent Dragons held a special alliance with these Arcane Wives, wealthy Lenai, other sorcerers. As their herd passed around the settlement's perimeter they eyed the guards in their scaled helmets. 

Locking eyes with one Borte was sure she would miss the site of Aragosh. Aragosh, a Khasar Sagran tent city surrounded by preserved carcasses or skeletons of dead colossal wyrms. Not their intended destination Aragosh was home to the worm clans among the Kasar-Sagran. Not the most intimidating sounding name, but the Worm Clans had their ways to scare or ward off enemies. Khasar Sagrani were known to eat everything for nutrients, except poisonous plants, bark, certain creatures. Some groups came to be called cannibals, others called them monsters, or monster cannibals. They were a people of mixed blood with necessary professions, skills, determination to survive and make themselves worth coin. When they passed a totem next to the road, they were semi greeted by a scene of an Uxane Druid tied to a tree like it was a crucifix. Some small band of these Worm Sagran members captured this one for sport. Their road steered them westward towards the city of Lucak the Mountain City. A Dwarf built settlement, Lucak rested on several peaks and hills high enough to act as a platform city in the sky. 

She overheard residents or citizens would pull around coops on wheels full of chickens, Harriers, Doves, Ravens, Monkeys, Parrots, Flying Squirrels to give or sell as gifts. Other creatures included ferrets, or large toads. Each type of pet gift was cared for or tended by a dark elf servant. Other rumors or tales say a Dwarf, Halfling, or human cared for these living gifts. Wealthy ones walked around with a bodyguard. Some of these bodyguards were dark elves, Orcs, half Orcs, Khasar Sagran, or Kuruks. This city of Lucak was not the city for them to stop at. Veering off the path they went to a shrine closest to the northern central part of Muskalla called Korgoth. Korgoth was where a cult of warlocks, monks, rogues, gather at night with thick hair. Skeletons of deceased death worms, large worm serpent like creatures left untouched are used as shrines there. Here in a gathering of ten thousand worshipers she met two others while conducting some business. 

First, she met a figure named Captain Val of Evusia who went awol after the war against Redrin went south. Eighty-one other Evusians joined him in leaving their empire. It is no surprise that these Southern Ottante-Vestrisians made it as far as Muskalla. At a well-constructed tavern, she sat with this Evusian Captain. Here she witnessed a halfling serve a large Orc who sat with a few others at the bar. Seated at a table she learned these Evusians were in Muskalla for merchandizing, mercenary work, caravan escorts, Tour Guides, bodyguard work. Just yesterday the lost a thousand Soul coins worth of equipment to a pair of metal eating shell like creatures with long fuzzy antennae or feelers. The second figure she met was a war mage who called herself Vorkol of the tattooed half breeds. A Dark Elf Sagran Mix with tan skin multiple tattoos. Black thin dreads in beads, a bandana over it, pirate style boots over their legs, leather greaves, leather cuirass with belly exposed, one belt with a sash, rapier at their hip. Pauldrons covered her shoulders arm braces covered their forearms. In her story she left a lover at a market in Gontrella. She made attempts to hide her guilt, but it did not work. It was obvious she left a lover somewhere. 

After hearing these tales from the two non-nomads she felt the urge to leave her homeland and see the world. Forty-five Khasar Sagran, Bards, Barbarians, Sorcerers, Rangers, Trackers, Scouts, Archers watched these rituals. Some of their own escort herders, Dren, and Baggi, the monks who meditated participated in the rituals. Borte watched these rituals go on into the night while drinking. She woke the next morning in her own Yurt. Next to her lay Vorkol, Lubash the Heavy Lancer Barbarian. Whatever she did the night before she would rather leave it alone. Kicking Lubash awake Borte made him seek sunrise meal in his own Yurt. She ate up half the portion of what the goblin gave her. Borte gave the rest to the bondman and goblin. Vorkol her guest gave the rest of her own to the bondmen. The dark elf looked out the entrance then made a disgusted expression, which made Borte laugh. 

"I did not realize these rituals involved eating worms." she blurted out in disapproval. 

"You are not one of them. That means you are not required to eat the creatures of the earth. Unless they are rodents, snakes, four legged beasts. I-" she was cut off by one of the caravan leaders named Yatal who summoned her. Getting up from the chair to join Yatal at their own death worm skeleton as a meeting place. Leaving Brakka, Emen, Tejj, Gorga, Murok, Tajab, Abbe, Kang, Scarg, Hagar to watch over their herd they received some news. According to a courier named Morgez the fast, ten thousand Sagran they stationed at the Blackmells were attacked. It appeared the mages, or witches got tired of the raids on various communities. Sleep spells were used on 317 of their own Sagran. Nullify spells were also used on nearly 210 targets. Two hundred seventeen Sagran became pinned to the earth by arcane forces. Lubash took out a cig he got from the traders scoffing at the news. Borte went up to him snatching the cig from his mouth after lighting it. Puffing it herself she shoved it in his face. 

"Would you like to end your pitiful life? Then choke on those cigs. Others want to live." 

"Borte relax those culprits are dealt with. Let's focus on our job." Keth the bearded one ordered her. "Now there is other news unless you add the continuing downfall of the Vullanese defenses." 

Four weeks dragged on with her involvement in this war as absent. Their job was done, a new companion joined her, a new bondman settling in. Her human bondman suffering a stab wound from a fight. She required a new one. Borte knew where to get another. In the southern central settlement of Zhem Deadlock some 458, 000 outlaws resided there as punishment. Between Vodwania, Gontrella, Argolith, Nymres, Vidothra, the Khasar Sagran, the Ossus States an agreement was made about captured outlaws. Any ex-pirates, highwaymen, thieves, burglars, assassins, outcasts, arsonists, rapists, murderers were sent to Zhem Deadlock to become bondsmen or herd laborers. Borte was in the market for a new one along with other members of their 46-member band. Paid a sum of 150 Souls per week earned her close to 1,000 Souls. Selling the dead bondman's belongings earned her 450 Souls. 

Among all these outlaws who were banned from killing each other this city hosted an assortment of useful trades. They were presented with blacksmiths, masons, furriers, cartographers, linguist translators, harness makers, skinners, maids, falconers, messengers, scabbard makers, animal groomers, and butchers to sort through. She just needed a new bondman, nothing special. What she got was a Reckless Scholar named Philupp. His story involved a Gilded sentinel of Vodwania becoming a part of a pirate's prize of 3470. Her hopes that he could be useful weren't exactly shattered, despite his thin physique. Dubbed the name Phipps the scholar was a little clumsy, yet he was a linguist, a cartographer, and animal groomer. That was enough for Borte. Borte, her companion Vorkol, the new bondman bumped into a tooth collector who earned over 437 souls a week. 

Called Scumbag Steve this tooth collector sought to get out of Zhem Deadlock. Hagar the brawling bard could use a tooth collector. As the arrangement was made, they heard about some gathering of 397 Leaders, Chiefs, High Warriors, Khans resulted in the deaths of two suspected spies. This meeting resulted in a pact, deaths two suspected spies, 3 Goblins found near a deflated blimp beaten into the earth. Each leader called for any Khasar-Sagran available to join the fight against this coalition of city-states, communities, and clans of the Blackmells Mountains. Eager to fight she chose to volunteer for her leader of caravans, herding livestock, Gaboss. This was a Khasar Sagran who commanded 800 in the semi nomad clan. Made up of individuals, lone wolves, small clans, gangs, families Gaboss' Horde acted as a company who escorts, guides, smuggles, guards, slays creatures, hunts down any vermin. 

Where were they supposed to meet their boss? On the southern end of the Vimasdran-Muskallan lake Dracon, close to a canal-dam leading to lake Khesigan rested their capitol of Azudem. Here in the city of serpents, serpent hair, snake goddess, 397 Khasar leaders along with trusted followers met. Two days in this city they met, agreeing to send force to the Blackmells. Borte joined 292 of her fellow Gaboss Sagrani who joined the other groups to form an army of 115,000 to reinforce the estimated 9,344 remaining fellow Khasar Sagrani. In their minds they knew to the world they were Muskallans. It was a large number, but more Muskallans were going to fight for Gontrella, and Vullan. Going east, Borte joined Karg, Braak, Lubash, and ten of their original herd's guiding band she made camp with 50,000 others. Stretched across ten leagues, or fifteen leagues 60,000 Khasar Sagran set up a few tent settlements with defenses quickly put up. 

All they heard were more reports of casualties on their side as the mages or communities took their dead from the field. Among these reports they heard their bondmen, or non Khasar Sagrani died while escaping, avenging masters, or grabbing the dead from the mountains. Three hundred ninety-six suffered from searing spears from these Mages. Annihilating fire spells claimed the lives of 358 Khasar-Sagran. Another 311 of their own get lost in a hidden labyrinth at the foot of the Blackmells. Fatal Fumes killed 182 of those who got lost. Whoever got out did the best head count before being thrown in a hole for retreating from a battle. Borte's unit of 3,000 pushed into the Blackmell's feet where they took out a force of 426 Mage Ring Subjugators who joined the V.U.V.R. She fired a round into the scattered mob of mage followers inside a clearing in the foothills. An aerial volley came down on them taking down 440 of their small brigade sized unit. Furious by this her unit hunted these hostile mages, their followers down until their leaders called them back. 

Suffering a blow at the hands of the Blackmell Dwellings they were forced to bring in 313 bombards as artillery. Gontrella, Vodwania, and Ossus gave them these along with caches of Long Barrel 7s, Invortus 93s, Wolf 10 repeater rifles, heavy machine guns of various styles. Some caches included handheld cannon blunder buses, grenade launchers, and a variety of different weapons for toys against their enemy. Three weeks went by with their new bombards, their own cannons setting fire to the feet of the Blackmells. Among their own forces they rallied 352 Archers-Marksmen to fortify a foothold in the south. One battalion of 788 Mounted Berserker Valley Lancers or Valley Riders to scour the northern flanks. Among their own sorcerers or arcane users, and allies, 339 Adept Mages helped them hunt down these Blackmell Mages. She could only assume the ones in White Rex Nest chose Muskalla as their new nation, breaking away from the Arcane Wives. Over 370 Adamat Willing Warriors back their own mages. Anothe unit helped them back the Mages alongside the fronts. Some 400 Kuruks of the Emberhorn Clans. Kor City, a settlement on their Muskallan island sent 360 due to the influence of a Thunderous Orator. From their own unit that barely suffered casualties, 480 Mounted Marksmen, Archers, Lancers went deeper into the mountains with spiteful motives against their enemy. Days went by before they returned successful. Borte overheard that 486 victims were sliced in twain, thousands more were slain. Three hundred of these Mountain Faerie Elf Miscreants were caught. She saw some in their white robe tunics, colorful chitons, blue robes, green trousers, green loose fit shirts. Most either had gold hair, or light brown hair. Most of these elves were sent to pits in the central peninsula to be fed to 231 starving blind wretches. It wasn't Khasar-Sagrani way. Whoever ran those pits were elusive, and tended to arm the hill howlers, or assist any of their own enemies who might as well be rebels to the country of Muskalla. Next year that practice was sent to end in 1842 as agreed by all Khasar-Sagrani. 

Forced to take a child among hundreds of orphans Borte gave it to a family of freed Borte she found close to their temporary tent settlements. The same fate could be said of all the orphans they came across. This was so they wouldn't have to feed them. Killing children, babies, pregnant women, the elderly was not a part of their warfare. As she rode through a path in the mountains one scout mentioned a luminous bond used on a sorcerer. It showed the Blackmell communities were started to split among themselves. She did know of the Gnolls, wild Goblins, Orcs, Troglodytes Kuruks that attacked villages quite often every other season. Some of these mountains were hope to Dwarves, Gnome-Elves, and other small folk who came under attack almost every season. One such community was of humans, Dwarves, Goblin mix who built a castle on the mountains. It appeared carved straight out of a peak. Towers, spires, had neatly laid down tiles. One part of its base formed a round keep with a conical roof. 

Showing some hint of defeat a baron sent a short cut seeker to direct Borte's unite to hideouts of the Mage's causing trouble. What did not help these submitting communities were Muskalla's new weapon, aircraft fighters, bombers. Circling above flew Swiftwing 033s, Gontrellan Hollow Darters. Paid 334 pieces of Mountain Dwarf Coin currency this half-goblin, half elf, led them to a tunnel system deeper into the Blackmells. Whatever path they took it narrowed it enough to a point where they almost went on foot. Deeper in these tunnels within the bowels of the Blackmells her assorted party found an underground city. Some parts were lit with natural chambers, a massive hall took up the center. Here and there steps were carved into the stones. Homes or shops were well dug out chambers in the walls. Some required rope ladders to get to. It appeared empty save one figure who decided to make contact with another plan on the largest flat surface among the upper levels. Against the wall a large white portal opened up. Borte's eyes widened at the sight as wind from the portal blew out any torches or lamps. From the portal spider-like constructs with square or cubic bronze bodies covered in runes marched out of this portal. She estimated close to 413 as they formed columns.

A couple of her own party dragged a hip fired mini cannon along with them. Not caring about the impact it would cause, or cave ins they loaded it rather quickly. She got down behind some stalagmites covering her ears tightly. Firing this weapon into the column the pair of Muskallans (Khasar Sagran) destroyed a portion of these constructs. Parts of the ceiling caved in as a result. Stalagmites crashed into the ground hitting more of the constructs. Unwilling to die the Khasar Sagran raced out of the underground city as it came down on the open portal. Certain their mission was complete Borte led the parties out of the Blackmells to their own cities of Yurts. Her own Yurt was somewhat alive with the bondmen grooming their animals. Vorkal petting Chaon on the head. Excited to see her again Chaon flew to her shoulder. Ordering the bondmen to take a break Borte checked her five chests. Inside were nine gold ore nuggets, a pile of gold Soul coins with jewelry mixed in, rubies, coin sacks partially filled with other currencies. One of them contain her megaphone, 2 binoculars, goggles, maps, and a waving cloth, clan banner. Inside the prettiest chest lay her purple dress, short black cape, toga wrap, poncho, wolf pelt cloak, short gold cape. She did possess other modern clothing to wear every other day. Grabbing one of the coin sacks she found just 32 Gontrellans currency worth of coins. Looking over at Vorkol, the bondmen she asked them. 

"Who wants to see 45 species of elephants in Ottante, and the blue obelisk of Morgadra?" 

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