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Friday, November 24, 2023

Peeling Through the Jungle

 Rummaging through the various items Toyol could not shake the warning about the Goblin Balloon Brigade they were warned about. If they really worked for the Gantronese its unit was likely reduced. Since they engaged the VUVR and the Calornese coalition since 1841 those Goblins definitely started out with 3,000 or more. Gathering everything they could Toyol's unit returned to base a few units engaged hostile forces only to find themselves aided by the locals. Gantronese forces appeared to be dug in further inland, but still held a presence along an unevenly marked frontier in camps or outposts. Among the locals plenty of other races joined the fight against the Gantronese. Toyol's commanding officer appeared a little too nosy, and eavesdropped on a few high-ranking officers. This coalition received 306 Drow rebels to assist them towards the far western part of the front. Another group called the Gith, another humanoid race from some other plane or world of existence sent 441 rebels to join any locals against the Gantronese Empire. Still on the lookout for anything they missed Toyol's own unit found themselves inside group of clearings that appeared hand made. Taking cautious steps with Greenville, Wallace, Leethem, and Grimlock in the lead the unit kept their eyes peeled for hostiles. Next to him was a half-elf Corporal Ralowraek, held the profession of Prowler Apprentice, and Stabler before that. He kept his eyes on the trees as they proceeded with caution. A younger member of their unit some tall half-goblin known as Plizasb, a plasterer/painter who was sent over after seeking a change in his life, moved too far. Everyone screamed for him to get back in formation when ten bolts shot into him from above. 

Within the branches they spotted nearly four hundred Goblins hooked to the branches, releasing their balloon transports from the branches, or diving down to meet the Vestrisians. As a unit Toyol's fellow soldiers opened fire losing a few members, ending an attempted ambush on their battalion. Arrows, bolts, javelins, rocks rained down on the clearing hitting some Vestrisians. Hundreds of bullets shot into the tree branches above them killing 389 Goblin Balloonists. Whoever laid out this ambush was either a Gantronese planner, or a high-ranking Goblin Chief. Before the last attacking Goblin died from falling out of the trees, Toyol thought he glimpsed a black cat like creature. Whatever that creature was it looked to be the size of a horse. Knowing he was not in a position of rank Toyol shook it off. Three days passed as they made their way back to base. Back at base in the Oceanrest Var Toyol's unit did not get a chance to sort through any of what they found. Colonel Blintz ordered for them to attend some training courses or at least witness 313 recruits learn about pressure points, and practiced tactics from 74 Instructors. For the lot of them it was pretty boring. After resting for 48 hours they head out again towards the swamps near Oceanrest Var. His unit check on about 31 leagues of swamps nearby. A small amount of landmass compared to the estimated 1,761 Leagues. Heading out again to the swamps this time they found some cache of weapons just west of the small stretch of swamp near Oceanrest Var south of the 31 leagues they checked for hostiles. Forced to check the 31 leagues of swamp again Toyol's unit engage 533 Goblin Pikers, 402 Biomancy Experiments for a few hours until a friendly unit of 756 Magesar Skirmishers arrived on the scene. The very same Magesar unit who came in from the west thwarted a battalion of more than three hundred Gantronese. Toyol fired his weapon at a Biomancy experiment that looked more like an animated corpse with three arms, with animalistic claws, extra fangs, heavy set horse leg. It went down as a few more charged at him. One Knight rushed to cut them down with a machete they carried with them. Among the eight hundred members of Toyol's unit other knights, former Necromancers, Bards, martial arts adepts, rogues, archdruids, former Gladiators, assassins, mages, arcane users, ex swashbucklers, thugs, scouts, nobles, former guards, commoners, ex acolytes, champions, priests, monks, farmers, fishermen, bricklayers, and artisans who almost fainted during training at bootcamp. Most of them joined or enlisted between the ages of 17 and 38 spending one or two years of training. Some were even enlisted by their parents or guardians at the ages of 15 or 16. In order to fend off an encroaching enemy like the Nazdar and the Gantronese more personnel would be required. According to one of the Lieutenants most of the veterans and seasoned combatants fighting for the VUVR were at the frontlines of Vullan, Gontrella, Blackmel, Vimasdra, and Muskalla. 

This move against Gantronese forces allowed the various Byway couriers from the city of Tittania to move out. Several days later it turned out to be just a rumor to spread a bit more hope. Camping out further away from the swamps his unit was alone save for another unit. This one unit of 835 personnel was one of those mixed ones with Marines, Airborne, Infantry, Knights, Rangers, Spellblades. Some of them were nobles, and knights or a mix of both. Their experiences in the field overshadowed their own experiences. Another hour passed before another wave of Gantronese and their allies attacked from the jungles, and swamp areas. It became a move the Gantronese came to regret. Toyol was sent to scour the area for more hostiles or stragglers. Moving past the corpses his comrades shot the young soldier entered an abandoned encampment. Inside one of the tents he came across a Ghoul Caller Accomplice of some sorts. Seeing the Ghoul Caller Accomplice in their tattered robes wielding a shovel, and in shackles he took them prisoner. Whoever enslaved this Ghoul Caller Accomplice they removed their real named replacing it with Vabrik. Unconvinced this Vabrik knew much other than collecting corpses a Major came over to blow a hole through his head. Unsure if he should be upset or angry Toyol chose to stay quiet. 

After several skirmishes broke out over the course of a week they heard of some Mephatic Vapors being used against coalition forces. Wherever it was used the vapors took out 355 or so coalition forces. Forced to engage a hostile tribe known as the Megwith confederacy Toyol's unit and the mixed unit maned to push the front further. Everything looked the same with the trees, bushes, and branches acting like a wall they could pass through. Green, red, brown, violet leaves covered whatever hid inside the jungles. To Toyol it appeared like a broken labyrinth maze of dense jungle trees. Clearings, isolated villages, abandoned huts, outposts, camps, totems, shrines, decaying carcasses, easily startled animals, discarded weapons, broken down vehicles, old campfires, and downed aircraft added to the scenery for the past weeks of his deployment. Going through the abandoned Gantronese camps and camps of the Gantronese allies his unit discovered plenty of finds within the encampments. Within the tents, and makeshift huts Toyol's unit discovered 446 pieces of troll hide molded or turned to armor. Twenty sacks of grain, 22 barrel-canisters of fuel are gathered up. Rations, clothing, uniforms, fatigues, helmets, various weaponry, tools, duffle bags, crates of ammunition, harnesses of grenades, med kits were most of what they found. Past the encampments they run into a herd of brontodons, giant reptilian creatures with long necks, crowned heads, bulky bodies, long thick legs, strong tails. Plenty of these beasts were spotted in the jungles of this part of the world. 

Grabbing up what they could the unit paused before moving back to headquarters. Wallace placed a retractable flagpole in the ground to show they claimed this area. He pulled out a flag from under his uniform that was rolled up in a long sleeve. A green flag with a gold anchor, shield trident, star, and crown resting on a sword. Inside parallel black lines are a gold line and red line at a diagonal. It represented the Calornese Alliance that was formed between the nations fighting against the invaders. Once Wallace placed the flag on that pole, he pulled out another flag, the VUVR flag. The earlier version of the VUVR, a gold crown encircled by a moon, and laurel on a field of blue. It represented the Kingdoms, Republics, and the continent of Ottante that unified. By placing this flagpole with two flags on it his unit was conveying they controlled this region. Doing this in a clearing would only enrage the enemy and the locals. However, they had little choice than to claim this as their territory. Territory that would not be occupied for very long. Toyol overheard the plan was to push the Gantronese out, occupy the region then leave once the war was over or the area was deemed secured. Helping the Commanding Officer Wallace wasn't difficult. Just keeping the sweat out of his eyes was proving an impossible task unless he wore a bandana, or something meant to keep the sweat out his eyes. Not something complicated to find on him. Yet even that was soaked in sweat. Just the humidity of the jungle nearly took the breath away. Or was it the density of the jungle that got the best of them while they peeled through these jungles. 

Forced to move westward Toyol and his unit run into a solitary hut with a figure inside it. This hut blended in nicely with the environment. Nearly carved into the lower part of the thickest tree it was covered over with branches. Uncertain about the hut his unit moved around cautiously in a crouched position. Squinting his eyes Toyol thought he spotted more of these huts that blended in the jungle. He nudged a Lieutenant who would listen. Pointing out what he saw Toyol noticed he wasn't the only who saw that. His whole unit feel silent as they made an advance while attempting to encircle this hidden village. As silent as they were the jungle could not be kept quiet around them. Seven of his fellow soldiers moved towards the hut while everyone else kept their eyes peeled. Amidst the jungle noise of exotic birds, chirping, cawing, screeching, and some gurgling he could still hear himself breath. His ears felt as though his own nostrils were breathing right into them. All he could think about was who was watching their move. Sure they had a few other units close, but what worried him was what they could not see. Glancing around he imagined other hostiles hiding in the jungles. Two of the forward seven-man team fell to the ground on the tree roots. Darts flew from the windows, trees, and brush taking out a score of his unit. Most of the darts hit trees, the ground, roots, a few boots with little effect, bounced off helmets, dug into the wooden parts of their weapons, sleeves of uniforms, or the shoulder parts without puncturing the skin. In retaliation his unit opened fire into the hut, and the area surrounding. it. Several more darts shot back in return with half the unit facing the source letting out a spray of lead into the jungle. 

Yanking on Toyol's sleeve Leethem ordered him to move forward with a larger team. Their seven chosen lay dead, or wounded riddled with darts puncturing their limbs, and body. Four medics rushed to them as Grimlock had Greenville round up thirty-two of their battalion to check on the newly discovered settlement. With their battalion's captain in command, they moved with caution with the rest of the unit watching their backs. Checking the settlement, they discovered what the captain called Guilt Grove Stalkers, a clan of jungle elves serving the Gantronese. It was unclear how large the band really was or if there were any still around. Counting the corpses they found 327 dead Guilt Grove Stalkers in their leaf tunics, greenish skin cover, bone headdresses. Among them they discovered a Ghoul Caller Accomplice, some hooded figure in old style clothing wielding a spade meant for killing and digging. Toyol's closest colleague checked what the Ghoul Caller Accomplice looked like. Pulling back the hood they found a stitched-up face, missing eye, crooked nose, drooping left lip, dirty skin, scars, pimples, bumps, and boils all over. Whoever this Accomplice was they were wanted by the Order of Defiance over corpse stealing according one of their Lieutenants. The Order of Defiance was another faction within Vestrisia with ancient origins. Its members refuse to obey specific laws while enforcing their own. Toyol barely got to know more when he was ordered to check on a shot up hut. Inside he found what appeared to be a lab full of shattered instruments, glassware, alchemist desk, flasks, vials, spell books, trinkets, potions, vessels, retorts, alembics, and a dead conjurer leaning on the desk. This Clever Conjurer was shot while searching through an index. Leaving the area with their dead and wounded Toyol's own unit returned to base. Upon their return they received news of new allies siding with them. A warband of 344 Gnolls turned against Gantronese forces after their pups are kidnapped as leverage. Another band of 393 Goblin rebels joined their VUVR forces after chieftain or shaman are killed. 

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