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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Occupation 1841

This Occupation wasn't exactly what he had in mind. Although they swept through Vullanese forces, overrunning Vullanese defenses victory still felt too far away. As a Field Marshal he was given a position of authority. A governor's office over the seized territory of Adrath-Versack. Once a part of Vullan's half of the Boathrin Kingdom Adrath-Versack fell within a few months of the fighting. Clearly 85,000 Vullanese did not stand a chance against 330,000 angry Boathrians, and Vestrisians. More than half the 80,000 perished leaving 3,000 to surrender whereas 10,236 plus volunteers defended the other isles. Two to three and a half months they spent tackling the other 507 islands, and islets of Adrath-Versack. 

Field Marshal Radhovv Nymnir sat a at a former Magistrate's desk with a Marshal of Ezonel, an Inquisitor turncoat, a Detective, city inspector coroner, local sheriff, and Police Officer/soldier from Boathria standing before him. Behind the Field Marshal was some taxidermy Dragon Bat mounted on a wall. Each one came with a report about something to the governing Field Marshal inside his temporary office. Albog city became the new capital of Adrath-Versack after the previous was destroyed by bombing and artillery. So it was here the reports concerning the occupied land came. The Marshal from Ezonel known as Marshal Bacardmi started with his own report. His mustache made him more human than elf, yet the pointed ears could still be seen thanks to the short haircut style of his reddish hair. 

"Field Marshal Nymnir I discovered a lone adventurer with no ties to neither our faction nor the Vullanese in our custody. They claimed there are 400 other adventurers fighting alongside the Vullanese. A Baron living in Vestrisia is a connection, or acquaintance of theirs. The captured adventurer I mean." Bacardmi explained his report to Nymir. Nymir only cared about keeping this whole region stable. 

"What of it? They chose to fight on Vullan's side. Do they wish to avoid further imprisonment due to a connection that doesn't hold a seat in either Senate or among the Cenators of the VUVR?" Nymir probed a little on this matter. his hands clasped together on the desk. This half elf upstart arrived for this a little too soon for Nymnir's liking. In the sincerest, and uninterested voice he said "next". Dressed in a finer uniform that the average police, Marshal Bacardmi turned around, pushing his way out of the office. 

The Inquisitor turncoat known as Viktor Belmont stepped forward in a well pressed gimmer trousers of green, a finance hurting suit jacket with ten silver buttons, a red dress shirt with an ascot tucked under the shirt. Part of the prettier side of the ascot draped over the first two buttons. Mostly human with a hint of something else, Inquisitor Belmont held a bald head, rectangular shape, flat nose, a scar over his upper lip. A removed tattoo could be seen on the left side of his head along with a missing ear. 

"Afternoon, Inquisitor Belmont. What brings you to occupied Adrath-Versack?" Field Marshal Nymir inquired. 

"Stowaway monsters sighted on a ship at port. No more than eleven were spotted in search of subtle fun. A few Vullanese were found nude near the beach head. One of the victims described the monsters vaguely. Another along with a witness drew them to exact detail." Belmont reported to the acting occupational governor. He handed Nymir the drawings and sketches. Flipping through these drawings he saw one held a resemblance to a cephalopod like creature. Another monster looked very much like an ogre. He set them aside assuring these monsters will be found among the populace. 

Up next was the detective. Detective Raven Blackburn, a 5'7 female Zedirian with a bit of dwarf-goblin-elf mixed in, stepped up to his temporary desk. Her attire included an overcoat, bowler hat, and scarf wrapped around her neck and chin. Her big eyes, small nose gave away the Zunia-Puck race as did the exposed hooves. Nymnir knew she was here for serious business as she had the legit badge, and pins to prove her profession. He allowed her to speak. After all Field Marshal Nymir requested serious matters to report. As she approached her scent wafted into his nostrils. Not a drop of accursed alcohol, about time. He thought to himself. She gave hers rather quickly, which was about an incident of an assault on a maid. This crime incited outrage among a town in Adrath even though the Vullanese were known to do this to servants, or non-believer servants of households. Nymir hoped Vestrisia could wipe out any traces of the old Vullanese culture that involved required servitude. He wasn't surprised at all whoever it was will be dealt with. Some Vestrisian soldiers closest to the crime scene were accused until just yesterday. Nymnir gave her a sincere look promising her the culprits would be brought to her after the trial or court martial. 

After Detective Blackburn left Inspector Gormingave reintroduced himself in a nervous manner. Almost stuttering Gormingave tried to return himself to being calm. Dressed in a long coat over a bronze striped vest, black trousers with short silver stripes lining them. Custom made shoes crafted from long boots cut to the ankles. A buckle piece attached to the boots with a strap. Gormingave's face appeared unable to grow any facial hair except on his head, eyebrows, and chin. Red hair, square faced, straight raised nose. His eyebrows looked too bushy for the square face with pointed chin. An Inspector's insignia badge pinned to the left side of the coat. It could make him stand out in the distance. Gormingave fidgeted with the buttons a little. His shirt matched the vest he wore. It was where his eyes kept going rather than meeting Nymnir's gaze on him. 

"Inspector Gormingave are you going to give your report now or do we need you to return later?" Nymnir barked at him. He was getting tired of this. None of the others laughed at this like he expected. Most were too scared, because they were Vullanese and some other city-states he could not recall were being defeated. Vestrisia could take out the city-state or deal with any uprising. 

"No, no the V.U.V.R. forces, your new country, seemed to have Overseer of Servants known as Acary, and his Chief Eunuch. Both were apprehended during the invasion and are not a member of the Vullanese faction of this conflict." Gormingave explained to Nymnir who was not please that he did not mention the name of the city-state. 

"Which One?" he grilled the inspector a little. 

"What?" the Inspector returned back in a more confused tone. 

"Which city-state, inspector?" Nymnir inquired. His fingers started to bury into the desk. 

"The, the neutral state of Bostesh." he answered giving a nervous smile. 

"Bostesh? Very well, I will telephone for their release. I am only doing this quickly because there are other matters. to deal with." Nymnir affirmed to the Inspector who was sweating through the vest. 

Right after the Inspector left the office local sheriff Orggat Thickneck, a humanoid with Orcish, Goblin, and Ogre mixed in. Beige skin dotted with hair made the meaty sheriff look humanoid except for the flat pig nose, and tusks. In his customized, resown tunic uniform and trousers Sheriff Orggat looked a little scared to approach any closer to the occupying Vestrisian Field Marshal. Nymnir gave him a slight glare which he felt emerge on his own face. 

"What is it now?" Slave Master. He thought that last part to himself when asking the question. The sheriff waddled his buttocks over to him since they took over. 

"Just the usual incident between the populace. In town a Lady Luck beat up a degenerate fat boy for touching her leg." Orggat reported to the Field Marshal. This brough him in a good mood somehow. 

Lady Lucks in Boathrin Isles held a high status in society of the Islands of Valde. Considered companions to high class people, Noble class or aristocrats seeking a companion for a time, Lady Lucks can become courtesans, escorts, masseuse. Others choose to be advertisers for Perfumers, Magicians, Sales, and celebrities. It made Nymnir chuckle a little then returned to his serious face. Orggat handed him a document of the report. He took and studied it. Nymnir looked back at Orggat. 

"Lady Luck Pridebend the seductive rose thorn of Mishtoll. She will be held accountable, arrested for beating the child. For thirty-three days she will be imprisoned in a clean cell, fed food, and clothed. After that she is banished for five hundred forty-one days. Whenever she returns it will be five hundred four days of working a different profession." Field Marshal Nymnir declared feeling the authority of a Senator and Judge. He chose not to reveal where she was going, which was Baske, Geverine. 

"Would she have to um follow Vestrisian laws and such customs?" Orggat asked nervously. Eyeing him up and down Nymnir could tell he wanted to have her for himself. 

It bothers him good. Nymnir thought to himself. V.U.V.R. occupation might bring some things to Adrath-Versack and the other occupied places. More respect and equality among races would be installed. Literacy became required among V.U.V.R. citizens, which will come here. A trade or profession for any surviving homeless or beggars that grovel for food and coin. In Vestrisia anyone must have a trade or profession to show their worth in society. Some member states require a few years or just one. Then they could take adventures, move, join the military ranks, join a guild, attend university or start a career. Most suck to their trade/profession, move, attend school. Now that changed, because of this war. The V.U.V.R. military ranks swelled as it moved in against Vullan. Some customs or popular trends came with them. 

More jobs, opportunities to get jobs, but also something else. Every child plants a tree in their yard or nearest park, or the outskirts. Adults make love to at least ten partners or more in their lives. Not at the same time though. Before marriage, because those issues can end with a dagger, or axe thrown into the door. In terms of religion the wise zhenrai could bring their gods or others might bring the devotion to the twelve wise crafters. Once a year a follower pays homage to these crafters with long white, black, red, brown, or blonde beards. 

Nymnir sent the sheriff away with these court decrees on the Lady Luck. The degenerate was to be sent to a guild or readjustment asylum for manners. Next up as recently promoted Captain Abblevower. If recalled correctly 8840 medals rewarded that promoted the soldiers who fought in 1840. Everyone else received some recognition, others given an extra coin due to their injuries. Sent over by General Halamar Faran, an elf of 1,022 years old, this Captain had some troubling report. Captain Abblevower, a human from northern Naatidra stood at attention giving him a salute. Nymnir saluted in return. 

"At ease Captain Abblevower. What is your report from Onnetz city?" he asked him. 

"Field Marshal, residents of Onnetz became unrestful and violent over a disagreement. One thousand prefer to support us. Whereas one hundred seventy-five or so clung to supporting Vullan. Both sides divided into separate forces and broke into a fight. With eachother." Abblevower answered, giving his report. The dark haired, beige skinned, clean shaven youth with green eyes, oblong face, and hawk nose appeared rocked by the incident. 

"How many are dead? How many are wounded?" Nymnir inquired from the young Captain. 

"Hundreds are wounded due to arcane spells. Forty-seven dead among our supporters. Eighty-seven wounded, sixty-five Vullanese are wounded, twenty-six Vullanese are dead, and the rest apprehended." The young Captain added to this report. 

"Thank you Captain Abblevower. Ensure General Faran keeps the peace there alongside his own staff. You are dismissed." Captain Abblevower left the Field Marshal's Office. 

Nymnir spent a few weeks looking over these reports along with others handed to him days before. All over Adrath-Versack, 128-134 Vullanese were arrested over various crimes. Approximately 5,775 believed it was time to leave. That emptied more houses and complexes. It just gave the occupiers extra places to house occupation forces, their wounded and other staff. Law enforcement was reduced due to the fighting over Adrath-Versack. Twelve Coroners, 31 police officers, 142 former city guard, 146 city watch, 3 constables per settlement, 150 town guard, 150 town watch 96 night watchmen were sent over to help the exhausted soldiers. One town named Ycled could use some extra personnel. These extra law enforcers added more to those who collaborated with the occupiers. What they did not want were community watch, or vigilantes ruining everything. Killing criminals or maiming them was the last thing he wanted. Their own forces acted as an occupational force that meant to keep the peace. One hundred-thirty-six female elves found themselves in a scary and sticky situation. Some wanted to move, others wanted to stay and help calm the remaining populace. Nymnir assured their chosen representative they would be safe. Yet he could not say the same thing about the lone adventurer. Bacardmi returned to retrieve the lone adventurer who apparently had some bad history with a town in Lasnile. A Bounty Hunter waited outside the office of the Field Marshal. Bacardmi had a surprising revelation about the adventurer. In turned out he had abilities similar to a Mage and Zhenrai. 

"By Ipsul we should add him to our ranks." Bacardmi insisted with wide eyes. Nymnir eyed him suspiciously. 

"Are you a Zhenrai by any chance Marshal Bacarmi?" Nymnir asked him who did not seem to hear the question. 

"He is Estati." Bacardmi replied. 

"I asked you, are you a Zhenrai?" He repeated. 

"Oh, no, no, Field Marshal I am a Marshal sent here to retrieve him for the Zhenrai Order. As of now at least." Bacardmi answered. 

"Then let's dispose of the Bounty Hunter, this evening Marshal." Nymnir put in eager to shoot into the door a few times in case the half-Orc Bounty Hunter was eavesdropping. 

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