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Friday, August 6, 2021

Platform Seas in early 1844: Lance-Private Greigorsson

 Why was he typing all of this up? It was already written down. Looking down at the table that clearly belonged to an office or library it was clear the typist had a ton to type. Some were written in some elf handwriting. Others were written in different languages such as old Vestrisian, Alagenese, and an Ottante style that was common in that region. This included areas of Gaskouth Ladai, Nevkamuu, Morgadra, Badraan, Kaniima, parts of Zegrav, Meze, Nahem, parts of Evusia, and Al-Dadoria. Knowing Al-Dadoria was north of Gaskouth Ladai in the Valde Ocean they attempted to read some pieces of notes. Nearly over the typist's right shoulder, Lance-Private Dimitri Greigorsson watched Private and Typist Maxxy Hentrott place a piece of note on a raised clipboard. Using what he had available he made a support to hold it upright. 

Greigorsson looked at him wondering if he will still be useful at the mortars. Greigorsson was a ropemaker who became a marine once this war was in full swing. Hailing from Castaria he had to feign disinterest in front of friends and family. Most thought the war with the Vullanese would just be a regional one. After all the Vullanese broke a religious treaty, no one was to be held inside the temples for servitude against their will. When the war spread, and the alien invaders got involved his hometown suffered a mutiny. Under the false belief 122 mutineers, renegades became deserters through the eyes of the authorities. Most of his town expressed neutrality up to this point. As a group of 4 armed Ghouls, a wild beastman, 8 gorilla men gunslingers, 12 Astral Reavers(fake), and a Gray Drow incited a mutiny or rebellion lead by a well-dressed Baron. Forgetting the Baron's name Greirgorsson still recalled the bloodshed that day. In his mind he could still read the headlines of Boldstone massacre, a failed mutiny that led to the deaths of a farmer with a pig, a pair of human city troops, a wandering Friar from Vullan, one Elf Rogue Duelist, a Red Silver Knight, and female elf Spear Master, a human rogue spy, a visiting Tiefling from Syrianos, a Drow traveler, a livestock herder in buckskin clothes, an a Goblin. Other casualties did involve some wounded civilians such as an overjoyed bartender who exited his bar to see the exciting commotion, one stacked girl arguing with a skinny girl. All 122 mutineers, and deserters were killed alongside their inciters. The Baron was faced with a firing squad upon his capture. 

Reading over his shoulder Greigorsson mentally noted what Private Hentrott typed up on the noisy typewriter. On paper he read this whole platform seas had as many as 1,263 ore more islands. At total of 11,387 or more structures. Close to 763 platform towers spread across the platforms seas. There were likely more than what was reported since the misty fog of the sea blocked many from view. Many of these platforms and islands were either occupied or abandoned. Some other notes were either lost or never written down. Hentrott typed up the number of islands the previous groups calculated finding some items. There were a total of 6 islands written down. Just from looking at the circle archipelago it was easy to tell there were more islands. Two groups passed through here. First was some volunteer, and alien group led by a Zhenrai Knight, and the second group was a small company of Rangers. Marines, allies, and infantry occupied these islands next to some naval units who became free from the large battle up north. On the first island they found 54 buildings. Island number two consisted of 246 buildings. An estimate of 109 buildings on the third island. This circlet archipelago's fourth island had 103 buildings. On the jungle covered fifth island were just 37 buildings. Whereas the sixth island had the most buildings, 339 total. According to the reports of Captain Cailor, unit found the archipelago occupied by aliens from other worlds. Their factions were called the CSO, the Order of the Beast, and some other minor factions that came down to Calorn. 

Hentrott kept typing up what was found on these islands. Some of the notes were still missing or misplaced. On some of the islands Cailor's unit found swords, axes, spears, and knives. Eight kegs of beer and ten casks were found stored somewhere. Glaives, halberds, daggers, maces, and other weapons were also found. In one building his unit found 12 bags or sacks of coffee beans, along with dishes, plates, mugs, and cups. The first island had 27 punching bags, plenty of weights along with other items. Just 44 helmets, and 54 pieces of armor were found scattered all over the archipelago as well as 12 watches, and dozens of pocket watches. Hentrott kept typing up whatever this Cailor found sparking an urge to loot this stuff. Apparently these aliens had a loot of 143 rings, 157 bracelets, and 136 necklaces stashed away with 14 goblets, and 113 chests full of valuable coins. To the excitement of Hentrott this Zhenrai unit found 23 radios, 5 microphones, 17 fans for cooling, and 91 books total. Hentrott was bit of a bookworm, mechanic, engineer, and tinker. Greigorsson kept on reading hoping that would occupy his time. Blinking a few times he read there were 1,153 articles of clothing, 114 utensils, 359 tools, 8 big card decks, 16 box crates full of goods, 400 bags, suitcases, and satchels. The last on the typed up list was vast amount of food, 2 Journals, and 4 logbooks with valuable intel. 

"Private Hentrott are you done typing up the finds yet?" a voice belonging to a male popped in from behind them. 

Greigorsson turned around to see it was Lieutenant Black, a healthy lean brown haired male from Geverine. In the marine combat uniform of a sand green color the Lieutenant completely overlooks a coconut crab crawl past his legs. Next to the doorway was a metal shelf in the wall with three Vestrisian helmets he, Hentrott, and a third left there. Greigorsson clutched a small snake pendant a loner gave to him. Black's gaze was more on Private Hentrott than Greigorsson. Dimitri did not mind that at all. Captain Saad Bartwai holding a tobacco pipe appeared behind Lieutenant Black. In his other hand he held a piece of glassware with a textile cover. Around his neck was a fine piece of silk ascot that he wore as a good luck charm from his own wife. Greigorsson thought he should leave it somewhere then come back for it. However he was also given some trinkets by his own mother, 2 religious symbols made from bronze. Next to the doorway rested a strange elephant statue with bat wings for ears. 

"I am almost finished sir." Hentrott answered the Lieutenant. 

"Where are we going this time, Lieutenant sir?" Greigorsson asked the Lieutenant with a salute. Lieutenant Black looked at him with an expression he almost mistook for a cold one. 

"The battalion is to search 13 platforms and the surrounding islands. Reports have detailed two units of Rangers and a miscellaneous volunteer-turncoat unit passed through the northwest. We are going to the south. Expect to see less Gantronese forces and more different invaders, Lance-Private Greigorsson." Lieutenant Black answered him. 

"The Platoon moves out in 4 hours. Deverin, Yasteen, Corporal Landwarn, Megriann, Kamisga, Mabarsson, Katzik, Beergson, Ironfeet, Private Franchi, Redsun, Sharppoint, Willeds, Private Charles Filde, George Morcor, Berring Charles, Indriggo Toby, Geoffrey Abubakhar, Oscar James, Nikki Anthony, Leonard Russon, Nigel Anthony! Be ready in two hours!" Captain Bartwai hollered out. "That goes for you as well Hentrott and Greigorsson. Meet me at the docks." 

Greigorsson saluted both Lieutenant and Captain before going for his gear on Hentrott's left side. Slapping him in the back no doubt hurt Hentrott as he cringed and jumped a little in his seat. It would likely leave a nice red handprint on his back. Yet it would not be as gloriously painful as the sun burn he got on Rovantia beach where two handprint shapes resting on stomach and chest. This time he did not yelp like he usually did. Hentrott's fingers hit some keys that sprayed ink into his face. Taking off his spectacles, which he only wore for writing and reading, Hentrott took them off. 

"Sverx you Lance Private, sverx you." He cursed him while cleaning them off, and put them away. Smiling at this Greigorsson wiped his face for him. Then pinched his nose. 

"Who had a nice blowjob from that islander?" Greigorsson teased him. 

"That was the only place I did not get sunburned." Hentrott admitted giving him a scowl. 

"Let's just get ready Hentrott there will be more shenanigans' to experience or witness." Greigorsson told Hentrott. He grabbed his own field backpack full of needed equipment. As he picked it up and placed it on his back everything he had in there ran through his mind. Food Rations, 2 flashlights, secondary A-76 pistol, notepad, map, cooking pan, cutlery, bedroll, sleeping bag, poncho, extra flask, climbing kit(rope, gloves, pitons, harness), binoculars, spade, Compass, utility knife, tinder box, matches, lighter, grappling hook, Desk pencils for jotting or sketching for description, gas mask, extra canteen, shaving kit, clothing, extra ammunition, and his cap. On his belt Greigorsson had thirteen pouches loaded with ammunition clips, canteen, bayonet, A-76 pistol with three clips bellow it, and a steel baton with a rubber cover. In his boot was another combat knife. On his pants were three more cargo pockets. 

Hentrott got up and grabbed his own military pack and musette bag that had his medical equipment. The Medic had pockets full of ammunition, and required essentials for curing wounds. An Onway revolver for a sidearm, and a T.M. 13 bolt action rifle for his main weapon. One small mace hung from his belt. Greigorsson grabbed his Optimates Assault Rifle or the O-810.  Turning around he spotted the war pick on Lieutenant Black. As for Captain Bartwai, a war hammer hung at his side. Greigorsson waited for Hentrott before leaving the domed circular metal hut. Walking outside he had to squint his eyes as the sun rays were too bright at the moment. He had been inside a little too long. On one of the islands south of some archipelago ring of islands a unit of VUVR marines, and their allies set up base. In a platoon of 25, which included Captain Bartwai, Greigorsson was more of the shock member with his Optimates. Its barrel size ammo cartridge could clear a hallway, or provide suppressing fire. For over three and a half years he carried this O-810 with him. From the islands of Malvieth, Rovantia, Ruhonthra, and the Unknown Lands he fought with this weapon.  His platoon, though not his to command was part of a battalion of 953 Marines sent over from the Unknown Lands, and Dorntalla. 

Stationed on the archipelago they received help from their allies. Most forces went to the defense of Ruhonthra, and the operations in the Unknown Lands. Malvieth sent over a force of 170 HOA personnel. This force was meant to hold any ground the Vestrisians took. With more than 1,000 islands to explore it would take at least a few divisions to occupy them all. Greigorsson stood in formation with his fellow marines. Before them a black-haired figure stood with their helmet in their left arm. Checking above the heads of a few marines he noticed it was Colonel Kyran Ghleicher, the dark haired Colonel with a more Human and Forsythan appearance along with a fit physique under the uniform. This female Colonel was not the only one who stood before them. Six other figures stood before them. Listening to the briefing Greigorsson learned these were Major Vampeete, Captain Greene, Captain Obynu, Captain Murdoss for Volunteers, and Major Kleene commanding the Malvieth HOA. 

"...Marines, these lands are a mystery to us. Keep your eyes peeled as we set out to explore the southern portions and southwestern portions. A small fleet under the command of Admiral Kezef is not too far away. Expect to witness a few sea battles, and aircraft from Carriers. Those will be flying above the Arm of Lost Souls. Orders are to secure any islands, and clear out any hostile aliens. No thanks to an unhelpful Djinni like humanoid we found out 3,125 members of this CSO, and Order of the Beast have flocked to surrender. Whoever was doing the math did not wait long enough. While we explore these areas Malvieth's HOA will secure islands we take alongside 1126 volunteers. Kill or apprehend any hostiles am I clear Marines?" Colonel Gleicher briefed them. 

"Yes Colonel, Urah!" they answered back. The atmosphere of preparedness was rising among them. 

Gathering in units the Marines were split into platoons and companies. Under the command of Major Vampeete Greigorsson's unit was united with others to form a company of 139. Two units of Marines stay behind. One unit of 54 marines, and 23 marines stay behind to hold the northern islands with allies. A squad of 16 volunteers to clear out one island in the southeast. Forty-six marines head for a small island. 57 marines are given a limited amount of time to take a southern island. 56 marines head back to other islands. One unit of 73 Marines move to seize a small platform. Another unit of 81 marines head for an island the Rangers missed. With plenty of confidence 41 marines headed for a lone tower. A second company of 253 marines are sent further south with 83 marines covering their flank. As for Greigorsson's increased unit, 139 marines made their move on an island with two platforms on it. While boarding their transports Greigorsson noticed a young Iperantosi lad in the grip of Captain Bartwai. 

"Who is that?" He asked a Sergeant. This Sergeant had more hair on his eyebrows. He had the Bisdolan nose with the single dot, and the Naatidran square chin. 

"One of the Iperantosi sailors we captured. He is going to tell us who is who. Now get on that transport." the Sergeant barked out the answer. No one else was here but their allies, and countrymen so why else spill the beans. Getting on board their transport Greigorsson got a little comfortable as they set out. Sitting next to Hentrott he learned about a Captain Murdoss with the volunteers, and about Major Kleene of the Malvieth HOA. He also mentioned the Captain Obynu hailing from Morgadra. 

For over 45 minutes they rode along the ocean currents passing some islets, and exposed reefs. Several rock formation jutted out 12 stories high. Each transport avoided hitting any small islet, reef, and rocks as they split up. Greigorsson's company headed straight for the southwest of the archipelago. Ahead of them lay some smaller islands surrounding a larger one with a single 38 story high platform that looked a lot like a metal vase. It also had 12 or so structures surrounding it. Just looking at this island covered in small patches of jungle, rock formations, seashells on the smaller islands. It could be speculated this island held the shape of a star mixed with a snowflake. From this island's jungle, 6 miscellaneous aircraft rose up just to escape. Each one probably belonged to a different fighter who had their own reasons to leave. Dismissing this as aliens fleeing, the marines pressed onward. On one of these islets they discovered a lone female pirate getting plowed into the sand by some reptilian bird with a long beak and arms. None of the men could get their eyes of this slenderly and busty damsel in distress. Many were sure to be arounds, and confused as to what this was about. This humanoid reptile kept bringing up mistakes as they drilled her into the sand. One of their female members opened fire on the reptilian creature drawing some attention. Some figures called over to them. 

On the end of the island's arm lay the female pirate and the dead violator. Using the stretch of sand and coral as a bridge over to their location, five strange looking creatures and humanoids walked over. In sheer panic the female pirate raced over to them labelling each one. Greigorsson heard Kitsune swordsman, weird green moss dude, black dog zombie, black Orc-Ogre, and a blue stubby figure with huge head from the pirate's lips as she clung to Captain Emersson. Behind these five figures Greigorsson spotted 4 crocodiles near the platform. The Iperantosi hid behind one of the bigger marines. 

"Greeting, ah, Skogers. Your reputation proceeds you to the eyes of those who came here. I am Prefect Iesto of these platform towers, and this island. I will humbly take you on a tour-" the blue stubby alien with the big mouth introduced himself. He was cut off by the Kitsune Fox looking humanoid. 

"Will you stifle it already! Ienos, they already killed some of our own fellow renegades to the forces we just left!" the Kitsune snapped at the one named Ienos. Both humanoids turned their heads to see the ones they, the marines just killed. 

Out of nowhere, Captain Bartwai opened fire on all five of these humanoids. Using his Gorine pistol, he fired all ten rounds inside the magazines. The blue one named Iestos fell with a bullet to the forehead, the Kitsune received two rounds in the side, and shoulder. The black dog did not seem fazed by the bullet it received. Its master-companion black Orc-Ogre appeared enraged from getting hit. Their weird looking green moss figure ran away. Greigorsson's followed him as his fellow Marines lit up the ones still standing. He spied a pair of fine looking motorboats. One of the figures regained their footing before taking a swing at the Marines. In reaction to this every Marine unloaded on the ones still standing. 

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