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Monday, August 23, 2021

Platform Seas Early 1844: More Islands, More aliens, More Monsters.

 Getting these aliens aboard one of the ships was not that difficult. All 28 of he renegades and the others flooded inside the vessel that was not stuck. For a single how they, the Marines of the VUVR had to help them tug the Sloop out. Once they sent these renegades and aliens on their way the Vestrisians saw other forces land on the island. Allies of theirs sent some help in terms of military personnel. No more than fifty-six allies in total arrived to hold this part of the Platform Seas despite the possibility of death. One squad of twelve Elite troops were sent from Ruhonthra to help. A fire team of Scuba divers and a special trooper from Rovantia. Sent from Malvieth a team of three marines arrive with a marksman. Meze sent over a squad of fifteen of their special marines. Three Gnome volunteers, and a pair of Elf Marines came from Sercane. It appeared to be a long stretch to go, but they managed. One Military Biologist and Chemist Marine arrived all the way from Redrin along with six of their Elite troops. Seven marines of Alagen arrived with the Rovantians. Nahem sent over a single trooper with an armored vehicle. Seeing a small force of this size warranted some skepticism from Vampeete, and Captains such as Bartwai. Losing twelve Marines on this island appeared to be the least amount they expected to lose here. Left the company with one hundred twenty-seven Marines, Vampeete's company gathered weapons, gear, and their dead comrades. Within a span of 3 hand a half hours they took their time returning to HQ. 

Upon their return to the Archipelago Vampeete's Company were greeted by the same units left to protect the circle of islands. All Marine units returned before them arriving with some losses, gathered thousands of guns and weapons. The platoon of 46 Marines who went northwest lost 4 Marines during their encounter with 17 flying mutant monkey demons on the small island's platform. In full detail they described what happened and the appearance of these demon monkeys. Each demon mutant had bat wings, fur all over their bodies except for their bellies. On their stomachs and chest they had scales. When that story was finished the 57 Marines who went south lost 6 men to the encounter of 3 blue demons, 8 spiked humanoids and their pet armored panther. The unit of 73 Marines who took a platform to the west encountered a force of 150 Ogres, and 5 Demons commanded by a weird Mastadon mutant. Losing just 5 Marines they did clear out the small platform discovering two sets of shields the Ogres prized and decorated the platform with. One set of  660 were called Perfergon Shields that looked like metal  leaves. The other set were 229 claw shaped shields called Javexo Shields. As for the unit of 81 Marines their ventures brought them to an island the Rangers missed. During their exploration they lost 6 Marines to a horse sized sentient lizard cat dwarf kaiju who was angry at the CSO. Not bothering to process how they killed it their heads went to the unit of 41 Marines that went straight for a lone tower. Under the command of a former martial arts female instructor, these marines encountered 14 armed Ghouls holding a mad scientist hostage in a tower. Apparently the mad scientist was found in the tower drilling a Green haired, tan skinned, curvy, and busty sorceress forced to be his toy. All Ghouls were shout up, and the scientist got a nice bullet between the eyes. The woman snatched the Captain's guns from her holster. Bringing her over was nothing but a couple of hours of her shooting her mouth off until she gagged with a cloth. It was to shut her up until they arrived back at HQ. Some of the female Marines expressed their jealousy through their expressions on how she looked compared to them. They lost 8 Marines to the tall Ghouls. 

Their largest group, the 253 Marines sent further south, came back at the same time as Vampeete's unit. In their encounter, they mentioned losing 7 Marines to 33 ISN marines under the command of some uptight, stubborn female Marine Captain. She shot at them first believing they served the Gantronese now. All 34 ISN members were dead now, including some lone Tessari Brute who held a dead Viceroy named Durrett. Under the command of Evusian born turncoat Captain Val 85 Marines lost 8 Marines in a single encounter with an Adult Red Dragon with an island to itself. None of them wanted to talk about the incident. Most Marines could tell the bodies were crisps by now. Whenever someone tried mentioning among them, they were slapped across the face or in the back of the head. Doing a full head count they had 869 Marines left in the battalion. For a total of five days they rested after performing the gun salute. Colonel Gleicher addressed them the day after the granted 5 day rest. Although they were here to investigate this area, their mission was to ensure the Gantronese could not use this route. Gleicher was about to speak when 4 aircraft roared overhead. Looking up at the four aircraft that cut him off they barely heard Gleicher's cursing. Greigorsson could read his lips as they insulted the aircraft that signaled the arrival of another fleet. Looking at the trident shaped wings Greigorsson identified them as Storm Titans, the preferred aircraft launched from their Carriers. He presumed a smaller aircraft carrier was here with a tiny fleet. His gaze on them could not last long as the aircraft flew towards the south. 

"Listen up Marines. Those islands we cleared are going to be under allied control. Pushing past the furthest islands, we will see how far this sea of platforms stretches." a Major addressed the battalion. Colonel Gleicher had no words to speak, he was so angry with the Navy. 

"Sir, don't we have reconnaissance planes to scout the area?" one Marine asked saluting before asking the question. 

"Yes we do, but those will either be shot down or lost in the fog that appears." the same Major who filled in for Colonel Gleicher corrected the Marine. 

"Thank you Major Mimmickson. Marines our Superiors in Ruhonthra and Home Base have sent a squad of 18 extra Marines. Everyone else are needed at the front lines. Some of the aliens who surrendered have chosen to aid us. Since they are trying to get away from the CSO and Order of the Beast we can only have one aid us, Avinne Yvonne the gunslinger. She has more cause to...kill these CSO and Order of the Beast. Her backstory involved a bit too much abuse, and violation. She will be taking you through the area." Gleicher explained to the battalion of Marines who were now rested, but uneasy about fighting these new aliens. 

"Yvonne come on out and meet the Marines you will be escorting." Gleicher called out for their gunslinger escort. 

A female standing at 8.8 feet tall with reddish hair exited one of the metal buildings. At first glanced this sexy female gunslinger appeared entirely human. When she came closer they noticed something was off aside from her height. Donning a weapons harness over a cotton green lace shirt, riding chaps over short trousers this female had a set of lizard scales in place of her eyebrows. This Yvonne had a set of four revolvers on her. Two Onway Revolvers, and two crude Vorcadam style. When looking at her hands that rested on her hips Greigorsson noticed she had seven fingers on each hand. Looking at the grips he noticed they were elongated. This Avinne Yvonne was a sight to behold, and a desirable one. If one could get past the eyebrows, and the seven fingered hands they would find her arousing. Checking her out it could be noticed the alien woman was more flat than most. 

"Alright Marines, you lot are like children compared to my height, but don't let that deter our new acquaintance. Follow me, this archipelago was once a city-state the Order of the Beast and CSO formed." Yvonne informed them and began leading them to their transports. 

With no other choice the battalion of Marines followed the giant female. Picking up gear and weapons they began their journey to the ships. When she passed all the transports and ships they realized she was transporting them by a different craft. Leading them to the  other port islands she revealed a large craft of a different, but older design. Docked at the largest port this archipelago  was some blimp airship attached to a larger craft anchored at port. Compared to the modern ships they sailed this aircraft looked outdated in the shape of a frigate. Greigorsson and a few others stopped to gaze at it like children gawping at a new bike in the window of a toy store. He had to be pushed along with the others to this immense craft they would be riding in. Through the crowd of Marines he spotted this Yvonne kick three goblins awake, who jumped into action. He was once neighbors to some Goblin family who were always prickly. They never bothered him, and he never bothered them. 

Climbing the gangway to the ships outer deck they got a good look at the crew she assembled. Showing she travelled these waters often he spotted the crew was made up of mainly 200 Iperantosi Sailors armed with heavy guns. Their olive, red, tan, and brown skin never looked more pleasing to the eye, Fellow Calornese humans  who did not side with the invaders. Under the command of their Majors and Captains, 887 Marines boarded the airship and found the passenger holds. Claiming a cot or hammock they prepared to sleep or rest while on board. Greigorsson found a yellow hammock next to where a cannon used to be. In its place was a dismantled machine gun the crew would no doubt use at some point. It took an hour for them get going since this craft was a massive beast. Laying in his hammock Greigorsson closed his eyes trying to block everyone out. 

Yvonne's own Blimp airship the Insolence took almost two hours before it stopped again. Insolence came to a slow stop that appeared to drag on for a while. Yvonne had the blimp circle around an island that flew a colorful looking flag. Insolence circled around four times before settling in the waters at an island with four platforms, and a small town sized settlement on the island. Looking out the porthole Greigorsson saw they appeared to be near the end of the platform seas. Gathering what they needed for this mission the Marines disembarked from the airship on the alien metal dock port that was constructed on the island. On the dock they were greeted by aliens and humanoids from other worlds acting oblivious to their arrival. The first thing he saw was a pair of monster humanoids sitting at a wooden table. Some bull humanoid beast grew angry and started fighting an antlered humanoid warlord. Standing guard was a skeletal looking humanoid armed with a long axe. From behind its flank a green demonic orc dog attacked if over an exposed bone. Towards some taller buildings close to the tallest platform tower were several of those freaky tall moon gazers they encountered. On their left flank they also spotted water Nymphs with the bodies of crocodiles. As the Marines poured out of the air craft their large force caught the attention of these various aliens. Near the closest tower building a female caterpillar humanoid alien sent some white ox humanoids dressed in traditional garb. Seeing the hooves on these reminded him of the Zunia-Pucks back home. These humanoids had white fur on their legs whereas the humanoids either had brown skin, brown fur, or pinkish beige. 

Yvonne's own sailors allowed the Marines to disembark completely before letting them know what was going on. Her voice echoed through a loudspeaker on the ship. In some different language she summoned the other alien inhabitants on the platform islands. Looking at each other the Marines decided to get into a loose formation with some space in between for others to fire between them. Over the course of nine or so minutes they watched 367 alien warriors of different races come see them. From behind the Marines, Yvonne's Sailors open fire on the gathered crowd. Their own Majors barked for them to open fire as well. Greigorsson did not get a chance to get a shot out as the other mowed down the crowd of aliens like a scythe cutting through hay. Checking the bodies of the dead they discovered scores of Gantronese troops among cat folk, duck humanoids, fish people, Goblina, Ogre spawn, reptilians, and various other humanoids they did not recognize. Taking a closer look at the buildings they spotted Gantronese flags draped over some doors. Dozens of survivors peaked out of the buildings to see if it was all over. One of the Iperantosi waved for them to come their way. Most looked like fox humanoids, cat folk, Dark Elves, Dwarf Goblin hybrids, and a group of 15 pirates who appeared to be putting on an act. One of them claimed to be nomadic tribes of Iperantosi. Looking over at the Iperantosi the Vestrisians could tell the big difference. A bunch of voices emerged from the crowd only to be silenced by Yvonne. Out of the smaller crowd a group of five mutant bunny humanoids pushed their way up to the vestrisians. One of them yelled up at the ship saying they had some Leviathan egg to check on. None of them knew how to fly a ship or drive a motor boat. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Platform Seas Early 1844: Aiding brothers

 What to do with these twenty-eight remaining renegades wasn't a difficult decision to make. Force them to work in order to stay out of bondage. Making them prisoners again would require a squad to watch over them. Making them work allowed the Marines to rest and patrol the island. One day after arriving on this snowflake shaped island. Sitting on the unexplored ocean at 4 miles long and 3.5 miles wide this island had 32 other islands encircling it, and six other islands close by. Exploring those would have to wait. As many of them expecting someone else showed up on the island. From the southwest a stolen Iperantosi motorized Xebec arrived at the island in middle of the day. Crewed by 100 alien ant men, and 87 lizard folk this Xebec had a green faced figure at helm. Acting as the Captain of the Helm was some Green face humanoid in a green tunic, purple pants, gold shoes, belt and donning white hair dye. Hooked to the starboard side of the Xebec was an anti aircraft boat that belonged to the Gantronese. Whatever these humanoids were doing here they appeared intent on reclaiming this island. With a unit of 120 Marines, and 28 alien volunteers they held their ground against the 188 aliens. Using the terrain, some buildings, and the few machines they brought, these marines massacred 127 of the 188 trespassers. One platoon sized force remained of these trespassers, and about 28 of these trespassers lay wounded on the sand. Only 33 of these invaders fled back to their ship. Suffering zero casualties themselves they chased after the 33 humanoids to their Xebec. 

Getting to this Xebec was not the hard part, discovering these invaders arrived with extra help. Another company of warriors came to reclaim this island aboard a badly crafted sloop shaped vessel. How it even floats is beyond Greigorsson as he took a quick glance at it. His gaze had to be torn away as these new company of invaders covered the escape of the 33 Antmen, and lizard folk. This company consisted of 103 Purple skinned Orcs armed with maces and led by a Yellow skinned Warrior. All of these Orcs and humanoid wore identical Gantronese fatigues under plated chest plate armor. Forced to fight another group of aliens, Vampeete's Marine Company took no prisoners. Every single Orc in the Yellow Warrior's band were riddled with bullet holes from Vestrisian Marines. It felt like a waste of ammunition since some of the bullets bounced off the armor at certain portions. Gunning these Orc aliens down was the third or fourth massacre this island witnessed. Another large portion of an arm of sand soaked in blood and littered with more corpses. Looking closely among the trees and bushes some of them spotted skeletons in the sand. To most it was difficult to tell because most of the skeletons were mostly buried or covered in fresh blood and corpses. Xebec and Sloop ran aground onto the island's beach. One of them appeared stuck in between two arms of the snowflake shaped island. From the way both were parked it looked like no one among these mutant aliens knew how to steer or pilot a ship properly. 

Observing the carnage after their third massacre on this island they spotted 23 of the Xebec's crew and manpower among the dead. The ten remaining Xebec crewmembers climbed up the Xebec's portside as quickly as possible. There was no letter I in team according to some sayings. However there were was also the dangers of becoming sheep who are gullible. These Xebec crew members scrambled to get up the ropes and ladders while knocking each other off. Watching these Lizard Folk and Antmen fight each other off the portside became a spectacle to enjoy. His mother would say this was because they lacked team effort. If this was team effort getting here, then didn't they blindly follow green face like blind sheep to the slaughter? Greigorsson found himself closest to the event and raised his rifle. One by one he shot down the ones who were still clinging to the portside of the Xebec. Vampeete ordered for him and nine others to check out the Xebec and the sloop. Stepping over some extra corpses that were caught in the cross fire they hoped the sand and water could wash away the blood off their boots. Looking for a clean rope was not impossible. About four ropes were found unstained by blood. Climbing up the rough ropes felt like climbing tiny thorns and spikes that did not puncture his hands. Greigorsson climbed up the rope first discovering no cannons in the gun port traps along the starboard and portside. Instead they discovered mounted machineguns, harpoons, telescopes, and terrifying statues carved from wood. Whoever these Ant men and Lizard Folk were they could only get that information from the 28 former CSO members collaborating with them. Searching around for other passengers and clues they found plenty of used up weapons in the lower deck. Among these weapons they found five pistols, five alien rifles, and three revolvers with holsters in suitable condition. Getting through the cluttered deck would take up too much time. Turning around they went to the cabins. As they attempted to open the door it slammed shut on them. Someone else was still on the Xebec. 

"Go away!" a voice yelled. 

Sergeant Jake Ratledge scoffed angrily at this and started kicking at the door. Greigorsson was not going to argue with that idea. Ratledge was more of the older marine who still had the energy to serve his country. Whoever was still in there had to be dragged out or shot in the process. They had no time for games or hold ups. This island was considered secure according to Vampeete's logic. Once an island was secured they had orders to either come back to base or move on to the next one. Another Marine, Private George Blackburn joined Sergeant Ratledge in kicking down this door. After half a minute of kicking the door barely budged from its hinges. This wore both of them out and forced them to give up. Whatever wood this door was made from it appeared tough, and whoever held the door shut had immense strength. Looking at the eight other Marines Sergeant Ratledge nodded at them. 

"Suit yourself!" He yelled through the door hoping they would hear him. 

"Well you can just leave for all I care, Skogers!" the voice retorted back. 

Ratledge mouthed for them to open fire. As a firing squad the nine Marines lit up the door with their E-7 rifles, 7mm submachine guns, and light machine guns. Ripping holes in the door they finally got to see who was holding the door. A brown furred and black spotted dog warrior humanoid, and a blue ghostly figure with a long tail lay on the floor boards riddled in bloodied holes. Stepping over the destroyed door and corpses, Greigorsson expected an ambush. Acting fast the sent team of Marines searched the cabin for more survivors. Inside the cabin section of this Xebec, they found documents, damaged portraits, muck, sea critters, and someone else. Hiding inside the Captain's main cabin was a Purple furred alien Fox humanoid holding what appeared to be a camera recorder. Clothed in a dirty tan tunic robe. Whoever this humanoid was they did not speak a word of common Calornese, which was really a Vestrisian language spoke all over Calorn. Bringing this one was going to be difficult as they could not understand them. They kept rambling in a panicked voice with their wide eyes glued to them. Jake tried taking the camera away, but there jerked away then scratched him. As though they were just dolls or mannequins this Fox bulldozed past them. Racing to get out there this Fox humanoid dove out of a port hole they forced open. Left with no survivors they returned to Vampeete to report their discovery. He already sent a team to search the other vessel, the Sloop. On board this Sloop the team discovered 4 pesky cats, 7 nude women covered in tattoos who gasped when discovered, one talkative Nymph with tattoos on both arms, some Tortoise humanoid mutant called Adaman of the Order of the Beast, and a thin looking Alchemist who helped with fireworks. Vampeete attempted to control his irritation about all this. They already stayed here for too long to his liking. Other teams of Marines already returned to HQ in the Archipelago Circlet. 

"We move out in three and a half hours. Our job here is done! A coalition will be holding this island while we regroup at HQ then move on to the next set of islands." Vampeete ordered the lot of them. 

"Major, what about the others? The aliens we found." A Captain asked him. 

"We send them sailing around the effing sea that is what. They are free to go." Vampeete replied back with a hint of annoyance in his voice. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Platform Seas Early 1844: Crystal Shaped Island

 Dropping the five humanoids did not clear the island of possible hostiles. It only attracted some more attention to them. One unit of 139 VUVR marines pushed on ahead, regardless of being in the open. From the towering platforms a company's worth of humanoids came after them. Forming a firing line, they obliterated the force of alien humanoids and mutant hybrids. Watching these humanoids fall allowed him to get a glimpse of what these alien invaders looked like. Mutant humanoid ducks, green faced humanoids, armored humanoids, some large Goblin humanoids, and four legged beings. In the midst of their firing, these humanoids returned fire. Some of their own fellow Marines fell on the sand and soggy portions of the beach landing. Three killed in action, and 8 wounded were the only casualties. Whatever these aliens fired at them, most projectiles went over their heads. No more than 100 Marines raced over to the first platform tower. Rushing up the land bridge to the main island they stepped over the corpses of two hundred thirty two humanoids that attacked them. Greigorsson could not keep his eyes off the various alien humanoids they just mowed down. One hundred thirteen green headed humanoids, 28 ugly Duck humanoids with different shaped bills, 60 various humanoid spawn in full armor, a Mahadi Cat warrior, twenty large Goblin Humanoids called Tessari, and 10 four legged hybrid creatures made up this force. Stepping over the bodies gave a solid view of what kind of armor they wore, and the type of weapons. Most of them wore chest plate armor painted red, orange, yellow, green, and purple stripes. For weapons these humanoids wielded crossbows, harpoons, knives, daggers, strange pistols, machetes, handcrafted weapons, large wrenches, sledge hammers, scimitars, spears, and billhooks. There were other types of weapons, and armor he could have named in his head. Greigorsson found no time to look at them during their movement with the company. 

Approaching the two boats they spotted a total of eleven aliens and humanoids outside the platform towers. Closest to them were 4 mutations guarding the pair of fine motorboats. One two  headed hellhound, a red-purple sentient octopus creature with a mouth on its head, a goat man, and a humanoid bunny geared up like a gunslinger. The hell hound started barking, snarling, and growling. It was on a leash held by the goat man in a kilt who smiled at this. Past this group they could spot a dapper dressed duck humanoid tied up and dangling from a tree near the tallest platform. Below him stood an automaton cyborg lizard waiting for it to fall. It brandished and sharpened its metal claws while licking its teeth and lips. Near the other platform tower a wizard whom appeared ugly was caught in an argument with a handsome elf. He orders for a large Ogre to pummel this elf to the ground by the ugly Wizard over some insult. As for the tenth and the eleventh humanoids, a fat pig humanoid was forcing itself on a busty looking heroine. She tried beat him off her while it held her legs and kept at it. Greigorsson was a little more concerned for the elf and the female heroine. Captain Bartwai tried having a conversation with the quartet of humanoids who did not show any interest in fighting them. Greigorsson watched the three scenes continue until gunfire abruptly emerged from ten firearms on his side of the island. All four humanoids became riddled in holes. The bunny humanoid tried returning fire only to grazing the skull of one Marine. 

All this did was grab the attention of the angry Ogre, and hungry cyborg lizard whom charged at them. Riddling both humanoids with lead the Marines took out two more aliens. In the midst of the shooting the Wizard, and pig humanoid got caught by stray bullets. Only the elf, the heroine, and hanging dapper duck remained among the eleven figures. Moving further they split their force in half. When approaching the heroine they found the pig was still barely alive and continuing to violate her. It was on top of her now and likely suffocating her. Choosing the strongest of the unit, Vampeete ordered for the pig thing to be pulled off, and tossed into the sea. This heroine looking woman gasped for air as it came back. 

"We need the medics over here! Load up our wounded! Lieutenant Vosson take the wounded and the three aliens back to base." Vampeete ordered. A pair of Marines picked up the female who immediately screamed and squirmed as they touched her. Tears started streaming down her cheeks. 

"Ma'am we are getting you out of here. Please let us help!" Vampeete commanded hoping the woman would at least let them take her away. 

When they picked her up again she grabbed the Major begging for him to save her friend Tia. Greigorsson felt very surreal emotion that could not get out. Seeing any one like that was scary and concerning. It felt strange, didn't they just kill, then chose not to kill out of instinct. Doing his best to shrug it off he followed his commander, who lead them over to the elf and the dangling duck humanoid. Beaten to a pulp the elf looking humanoid had a black eye, broken nose, busted lip, exposed cheek bone, broken arm, and bruised up leg. He could barely talk because of that. The beaten up warrior had to nod his head yes in response to some questions. As they took the wounded over to the boats the ones who carried them off returned just to see the duck fall on his head. The rope holding the dangling duck humanoid snapped because of over use. As for the duck humanoid itself, no one could feel a pulse. He landed on his neck. Greigorsson only heard the humanoid was dead. He did not even touch the corpse. With the unit divided in half they searched other parts of the island. Captain Bartwai led them through  a section of the alien settlement to check out  the other parts of this star-snowflake shaped island. Just looking around it the island gave a manmade feeling than a natural one. According to Hentrott nature can craft some interesting things over the course of either millennia, centuries, or even decades. Some times overgrowth can appear in as little as a few months. 

Most of the island was covered in vines, various plants, and trees. It took them most of the day, however they did make a few discoveries. Perched on an islet to itself a winged reptile monster flapped its wings at them. It send sand and shells at them causing a few of Bartwai's Marines to shoot at it. In the midst of dusk the creature flew off to another island. As they continued on under darkness the alien structures started to light up. Something or someone turned on lights inside the structures, and outside them. More than one score of lights could be seen on the towers, and thirteen could be seen on the smaller structures. Pushing further they had to use flash lights in order to find their way through this island. On one end of the island's multiple arms rested a small village of overgrown structures. The lights barely made a dim light as some blinked or shimmered. Out of the buildings some 28 tall figures exited in the nude. Greigorsson closed his eyes while others shielded his eyes. He could hear the mutterings, and cursing of the platoon about seeing these tall nude figures. One of these creatures came into the light revealing its night gray skin tone and surprisingly erect long manhood's. In the center of their nude circlet lay a small vehicle that remained unused for some time. One by one the tall figures grabbed themselves and entered the water. 

"Okay, whatever the sverx those things are, we just go on past them. Let do their weird ritual and not report this. Got it?" Bartwai said the platoon of Marines still trying to shake the image out of their heads. 

Not bothering to go anywhere else on the island, they backtracked to where the rest of the unit was. All Bartwai said was they found 28 other humanoids who committed suicide in the sea, and they found what appeared to be an overgrown village, and abandoned alien motorized bike. While they tried to sleep Greigorsson heard something he did not want to hear about those tall figures. 

"That must have been a whole arm length!" the person said moments before laughter, and a slap across the face came after. He could not sleep because of the mental images stuck in his mind. 

Waking up he did hear about the finds within the other structures and the towers. Overhearing this from Captain Bartwai who had breakfast with Major Vampeete, he learned the island was occupied by 278 renegades of the CSO. It was found in some log along with a bunch of other stuff these aliens brought with them or stole. On this renegade island they found 36 boxes of tobacco, 21 box crates of ground choco, 11 boxes of Pey Dye, 15 boxes of Gold nuggets, 16 crates of spices, 18 crates of textiles, 14 boxes crates of coconuts, and 8 crates fruits. Scattered in different parts of the island they found adventuring gear, survival kits, lamps, lanterns, oil, mess kits, rations, and hunting traps. In most of the buildings they also found strange potions, a dozen quiver of arrows, ropes, chains, hooks, scales, manacles, spyglasses, various tools, and,  105 firearms. Even though looting wasn't permitted or condoned they went ahead and grabbed up valuables. Such loot included plenty of coins from different parts of Calorn, and worlds. Some of the Marines found some instruments, Greigorsson found some gaming cards and dice to pocket. These cards appeared more classy than original cards. Some Marines like Hentrott found some potions along with a few other instruments. 

What none of them expected to find was 28 other humanoids in one of the bunkers. One tutor, drillmaster, bard, apothecary, inventor, con artist, their accomplice, three traders, three Dwarves, 4 Space Elves, 4 humans, and 5 Goblinoids were tied up. Each one had interesting and crude stories to tell. Most of the stories were funny whereas others confused them. Most of the Commanding Officers held a stern expression. Looking up at the skies Greigorsson wondered how long this war would keep him single. 

Castaria-Zegrav #7: Suppression and Liberation

Riding up to the circle of statues to rescue someone felt more like a knightly task to do. Not for the likes of her, and her Country Guards. However, most of the Knights were at the front, serving alongside those they would call peasants in an earlier period. She wished she had that armor to protect her legs. Brynn held the leg that was cut, pressing a hand over the spot where the bolt skimmed her leg. Taking a piece of cloth out of a pocket she wrapped up that part of the leg. Olalyn came to her side, checking on her.

“Are you okay? Can you still fight? Are you comfortable with that scar there?” Olalyn asked her, showing a commanding father’s concern over her new wound.

“Yes, Captain Olalyn I am able to continue this fight.” She replied, straightening herself up.

Knowing that they needed to get back the encampments both raced to find the emissaries. Circling around the statues they searched for these emissaries. After a six-minute search they did not find them. Rendezvousing at the Mulzaneen corpse they met empty handed. Choosing to go around the statues, the encountered another group waiting for them. Two male figures, a Castarian and Zegrav, 9 Gnoll gunslingers, 8 angry Gnolls who appeared to hate the V.U.V.R. and an Orc Chieftain holding a pair of emissary's hostage.

“My, my what do we have, Warwick?” one of the figures asked with a mocking expression.

“A pair of emissaries, Envoy Applemore of Evusia, and Diplomat Wyvernson of Niakoth. Our alien friends, Gnoll brothers, and Orc Chief to a plain tribe have a bit of beef with your Vestrisian Republics. Efreeti, I believe some payback is due.” The one named Warwick replied to him.

Before their very eyes, two emissaries died at the hands of their captors. Neither Brynn nor Olalyn froze for even a few seconds as they sprang into action. Those two emissaries had vital information for the Premviste and Mastar. Yards away she spotted three feline humanoids emerging from the tall grass. Behind them a total of 12 Vestrisians rose. These twelve soldiers opened fire on both the felines and the 20 captors, and insurgents. Brynn only got two of them, whereas Olalyn slew one Gnoll that charged him. Olalyn hollered out their ranks and names to the soldiers. Brynn glanced at the house used by Thanielle, and Bloodring, which was a country farmhouse. In the background she spotted a tower ruin next to a farm ranch near some woods. Using the woods as a barrier, this farm consisted of a stable, two farm homes, a well, a bird bath outside the house. Although small it could still hold more livestock. Just 10 cows, 15 chickens, 14 goats, 17 sheep, and two donkeys. A woman feeding 3 calves, and a calf feeder could be seen on the farm. Past this farmstead she spied a horse ranch. She was checking it out when the 12 troops approached them. All twelve still had their rifles on them.

“Are you blind or stupid? We are Vestrisians you green dingbats!” Olalyn yelled at them.

                All twelve troops lowered their E-7s, T.M. 13 bolt action rifle, and carbines. Looking at their faces, Brynn could tell these troops were at least eighteen or nineteen years old. Each one had shaven baby faces. Only you below that age or above fourteen were still in bootcamp. If their parents allowed that of course. Most of them looked like Castarians with white, beige, or slight tan skin. The rest of them looked to be dark Zegrav, or half Goblin in appearance.

                Lieutenant Powellson, squad leader of the 302nd squad, 1187th division, Vestrisian Infantry and Reserves.” The Lieutenant addressed himself like a green one.

                “Bury these bodies, except for the envoys’ corpses. You get an undertaker to help transport the bodies. Take whatever you find off these insurgents.” Olalyn commanded them. He left the green troops to their task and led Brynn back to their steeds. As they walked away one of the soldiers hollered for them.

                “Wait, Wait Captains, Majors, we found this leather journal! It has notes in it.” One of the soldiers raced over to them. Turning around, Olalyn told him to take it to base.

                Letting the soldiers deal with the alien bodies, the pair of Country-Guard Captains mounted up. Riding at a western set course, they headed towards the main encampment. Passing the farms, she noticed a child working there. This child appeared to be an orphan being aided by two care takers, and a Gnome artificer working on a shaded lamp. Coming to the side of the ranch, she could see 27 horse mounts grazing on the grass. They already gave their mounts time to graze and rest a little. Pushing forward on the road they followed it to a small settlement. Flanking the road was a hamlet-village. It consisted of a forge, tavern, old station, 3 windmills, 3 water towers, Veterinarian, another station, some stables of a horse farm, two farms, a horse trainer, horse caretaker, and an equestrian. There was also a bunny farmer with 30 or so bunnies. Outside they spotted 29 houses 5 equestrians, some staff members, 8 or more pigs, between 3-10 cattle, chickens, donkeys, goats, and three fam hands. She also spotted a main coon cat sitting on a garden chair.

                She could have sworn she spotted two extra houses among the dozen other homes. One of the farmers was giving a pet ram to a daughter. With no time to waste, Olalyn and Brynn raced past a castle being used as a base. One unit of Country-Guards that was all females, saw them rushing up to the base. When Olalyn explained the situation all 88 members mounted up to join them. Increasing their force both Captains led them along the road before it came to a crossroads. This one veered to the left and right. Taking the right path, they found the road followed the river at a parallel path for a mile. Staying on this road they passed two graveyards of nearly 283-300 gravestones.

                Returning to their camps by the bridges, they found more units showed up. One unit of 73 Dragoons led by a woman, and a larger unit of 438 under command of an Elf Colonel. These commanders were Captain Gretta Blackcrown, and Colonel Watheen, who arrived with E-7s, carbines, mortars, grenades, anti-tank rifles, mobile machineguns, and assault rifles. Brynn eyed the E-7s, T.M.13 bolt action rifles, carbines, and repeaters. Lance-spears, sabers, long axes, and pole axes could be spotted as melee weapons of choice for close combat or charging.

                Once every unit was prepared to move, they rode east. In a battalion sized force, Country-Guards, Dragoons, Paratroopers, Reservists, and armored vehicles rode past the Tricorn Hills. They technically went through the area, gaining 10 tanks. Seven miles past the Zaldo River, Rosefire’s unit came across 6 humble huts of the Forest Blight Prowlers, 4 cottages, and a farmstead. Here, three Elf Rangers, a single hired Rogue, and a Male Wizard volunteer with that stupid pointy hat on his head. They appeared to be hired to protect the farmstead, and the landlord boss. Moving past this point her unit ran into a crossroads where a skirmish occurred. Their units were not the only ones fighting this insurgency. Under the command of Mayors, Sheriffs, Knights, and Barons, militias formed. Although they were armed with conventional and melee weapons, 55 human guards, half-Orcs, and Dwarfs fought a group of 38 insurgents. They lost 39 killed, and 6 wounded. They were also pinned down by this group. Several shots went past their location as the two forces exchanged fire.

                Dismounting, Brynn ordered her unit to hunt them down. One bullet went past her ear, hitting an Orc in the shoulder. Every Country Guard crouched down. Hunting down these insurgents slowly, they spread out across the perimeter. As they endured the shooting from the unseen insurgents, they returned fire. Keeping low to the ground the Country Guard themselves caught in an ambush by 57 insurgents. Out of the brush from three flanks, Orcs, Dark Elves, Ghouls, Goblins, and Castarian insurgents sprang their attack. Knowing her own Country Guards, the attackers became trapped in a web of steel blades. None of her own Country-Guards were lost since the ambush was uncoordinated. Despite the failed ambush the insurgents still fired on them. As another bullet flew past her, she saw Dragoons and Country Guards raced through the trees and clearings. Brynn did not remount until they killed the other insurgents who suppressed the militia. One unit of twenty armed Ghouls, Tessari aliens were responsible.

Brynn Rosefire led her company to meet up with the fellow Country-Guards. They wiped out a unit of 61 insurgents, Gnolls, Ghouls, Molorcs (Orc Brutes), and Grevaskii sent over by the enemy. As for the Dragoons, 3 deity avatar imposters to a lion god, 39 Ogre, aliens, 20 Gnolls, 3 Ghouls, 5 small cave trolls, 2 wolf men and 5 Tessari died by their hands. Every horse mounted soldier gathered at a clearing. Leaving the vehicles to follow the road that appeared full of debris. While settling down to make camp they heard some reports about 57 Gnomes getting killed, 9 Frogfolks were found. Just when everyone across the world believed they were extinct, some just appeared somewhere. Somewhere the Dragoons found three female elf Wizards who went turncoat on the insurgents. Some said they took out a band of insurgents. Taking in these rumors Brynn wondered about the 88 female Country Guards who went off to patrol up and down the rivers. At the same time Captain Gretta Blackcrown appeared into her point of view. In her Blue Dragoon uniform, Gretta did not seem happy as she dismounted. She was a developed woman who had to deal with problems. Her breasts bounced a little as she landed causing some pain in her back. Holding her lower back Gretta leaned back then twisted a little before leaving her mount to a younger Dragoon horse handler. With very fine thighs, and legs, this Dragoon walked over to Brynn.

“I thought no one would let a woman become a Dragoon these days.” She said in a sarcastic tone. Brynn could not help, but grin at that. These were more modernizing times and keeping women out of the military was more outdated than the practice of slavery. Any male who heard that tried not to smile while scratching their heads.

                Of course, they would!” a male hollered at them stirring up laughter around them. Blackcrown flipped him off inciting a mass wave of impressed jeers.

                “Get back to your posts!” Jakab barked at them. Olalyn ordered for the Country-Guards to do the same thing. He left the captains alone.

                “Captain Brynn Rosefire. What is it like being in a mounted militia that acts as a cavalry police?” Blackcrown asked her, taking a seat.

                “Exciting when you are young, then it becomes a dread chore as time passes.” She answered her. Brynn looked at her, noticing something sticking out of her uniform jacket. She could only guess it was clothing meant to flatten her chest for riding.

                Both women looked at each other and laughed. Brynn invited her to her tent where they found Maplebee the pet owl, asleep. She shared her story then listened to Blackcrown’s story. Gretta used to be a stable hand before becoming a Dragoon. She once lived near a farmhouse that had a second farmhouse. Her own father acted as a native guide to Vestrisian troops. Before departing her home for the Dragoons, he gave her a wooden watch. Gretta showed it to Brynn as she mentioned three brothers, and a sister. One brother died in an accident while toying with a mechanized hot air balloon. Their neighbors were a family of goblins in western Castaria. She shared a story of when four goblin alchemists come under attack by two armed Ghouls.

                “…I cannot remember when, but I was 12 when one of those rascals freed a Zegrav Giraffe at a Zoo. No one, but the children or immature adults found it funny. He, Boagris, also tried riding it…” She sighed before continuing her story.

                “Being raised in Bovengrad wasn’t easy, but not difficult. My parents hired a half-demon geomancer from Zegrav. He taught us mathematics, writing, reading, some biology, and zoology. Both of my parents worked at a mercantile store owned by a bitch faced witch. Not that it really matters about the ownership. She did a fine job of running things. We also received three Dwarf grotesques become a Regiment. All four of them got fired after four to five years of their servitude. One of the six Zunia-Pucks our family hired as maids or nannies were impregnated by one of them. At first mother thought it was one of the sons until the offspring was born.” Gretta told her story to Brynn who feel like she could top hers with the one about the ghosts in the barn. A pair of air fighters flew overhead. The loud noise caught them by surprise. Looking outside the tent, Brynn spotted Dreamfires flying towards the west. The two were being followed by other aircraft. She could not tell if they were Screaming Hawks, Roaring Eagles, or Holy Angels, since she did not know the planes very well.

                “Enough chatter from me. What about you?” Blackcrown handed the floor for Brynn to speak, and tell her own story.

                “I do have children and my husband is a Major in the Airborne. He has been stationed in Vimasdra since 1842. According to his letters he may actually be in Gontrella.” Brynn answered Blackcrown as though she was a lifelong friend.

                “Airborne forces don’t usually reveal that kind of information. He is more likely in Vullan. The Nazdar have sent reinforcements, but we are winning-“ Blackcrown was cut off by the roaring engines of an alien bomber, an Arrowhawk flying over the area. Both aircraft took everyone by surprise as it came in so sudden. Everyone in the camps hit the ground as the bomber dove in dropping a single bomb into the encampment. Several of their own troops got hit by the bomb.

                This lone bomber dropped another bomb onto a tent. Whoever flew that Arrowhawk took their sweet time lining up a shot. She wanted to slap whoever that pilot was. Their hesitation cost the lives of eight country men, twelve wounded, and nine horses. Some of the Dragoons fired on this bomber. It was to believe this pilot was incompetent and this hesitant. Their piloting skills were top notch but the action to pull the trigger went missing. Two of the many shots fired at it hit its underbelly from below. Their absent-minded friend jerked and swerved a few times. Brynn got confused, and worried over angry. What the sverx were they doing? Was this the only person sent to help them? Brynn rolled her eyes and looked away.

                She could not put her gaze back on the Arrowhawk aircraft. A wave of insurgents launched an attack while their eyes were on the skies. Out of the trees, grass, and bushes another group of insurgents charged at them. Instinct took over as a camp of nearly 1600 spread out Country-Guards, and Dragoons wiped them out. Brynn fired two shots before it was even over. Whatever they wanted to accomplish it would only fail to another, forces’ feet. Moving in to count the dead an any wounded they found 210 dead, 269 wounded P.O.W.s, and news of 152 insurgents fleeing. Searching the dead and those who surrendered, the found a total of 1,116 objects. Total number of weapons included 688 maces, batons, knives, axes, machetes, short swords, claws, guns, crossbows, and hammers. Personal items, and valuables made up the rest This included valuables such as rings, watches, brooches, pins, prized daggers, pendants, keys, and various trinkets. Sets of keys, spectacles, ivory pieces, wooden figurines, dice, precious coins, flutes, cloth, and rabbit feet.

                Securing everything, Colonel Watheen, and Major Jakab ordered for the prisoners to bury the dead. For the rest of the day, they allowed the prisoners to bury or cremate their fallen comrades. Brynn did not have to watch over them. She felt relieved as she had a fear of the dead coming back for some reason. However, these insurgent prisoners came under attack. A total of 67 of these insurgent prisoners were added to the graves. Whereas the attackers lost 86 men with 80 dead, and 6 more captured. Angered by this turn of events her superiors forced the 206 remaining prisoners to hunt down the remaining 66 in the woods. One more day passed. They rested and waited for them to return. None of them expected their own commanders to be this cruel. It was not until three hours later when 65 returned having killed 61 of the remaining insurgents.

                Taking time to bury the dead, they ordered for another force to take the prisoners. Leaving the prisoners alone would give them babysitting duty. A duty she would not mind if the prisoners did not try killing them or escaping. After another day passed, they scrambled to meet their goal. In full force they rode further ahead. Even though this was their own country it still appeared unfamiliar. Trees such as cedar, maples, oaks, southern pines, elms, firs, kloves, Sour Bunyas, and fearful bayonets blocked their view. For several more minutes they passed through the region. Among the trees they moved along finding more insurgents, hanging dead on branches. Cutting them down, they discovered a large encampment in the large patch of woods, and portions of a clearing.

                Astounded by the discovery three companies perused through it. Letting the rest go on ahead would cover more ground. In their blind exploration of 2,160 tents and Lean to’s hidden they came under attack again. Brynn felt clumsy because of this distraction. A single force of 117 Goblins, Molorcs, Gnolls, Ghouls, and rebels defended the camps poorly. None of the Country-Guards fell while every attacker lay dead on the ground. Their blood covered leaves, weeds, moss, roots, and mushrooms. Another day of clearing the area of this insurgency. She knew they were fighting a government that took over their lands. Yes, the government of the V.U.V.R. implemented laws that went against their old traditions and practices. That was only to give people equal opportunities and freedom. Freeing them of a system that imposed slavery and allowed raiding on others. Now the focus was keeping everyone united against invasion.

                Maneuvering past this massive encampment brough them 7 miles away from the rivers. With more than a thousand mounted militia as cavalry, their force could overrun enemy positions. If they had well positioned machine-guns charging was useless. A dismounted approaching where the troops scattered and flanked the machineguns proved effective. Fortunately for them, this was not the case. Out in the open, they found a force of 1064 Troglodytes, a lone Kuruk leading 16 Goblins, 103 cat humanoids, an Ogre 9 Ghouls, five archers, 3 beast men, a goat hybrid and a dark elf spawn at a settlement of some sorts. This force was outside a connected settlement of 71 structures they could see. Coming closer as they cut down more insurgents more foes an, structures entered their viewpoint.

                Among these insurgents they found something interesting. After the battle that took the lives of 1,072 insurgents, 78 Dragoons, Country Guards they took prisoners. For prisoners just 141 were wounded up. Within the ranks of these insurgents was a traitor sheriff, dark elf spawn, a clueless Zedirian Puck, some war maiden, female pirate, a knight, alchemist, a female snake hybrid dead in a house, and an idiot actor. While securing the prisoners they entered this settlement. At the entrance stood two statues carved into faces, a pair of shut down automatons, and a fresh market. At the entrance stood a service for shops, tree stumps, a diner, post office, 3 modern homes, and complex structures with apartments. Behind these structures stood a Post office, General store, a Gas station, a safe house for spies, and 3 bases for homes. Just four construction vehicles sat near a factory warehouse.

                Pushing farther in and patrolling around, they found a theatre, coffee shop, fresh food market, volunteer fire station, Brewery and distillery, an old jail, and a water tower. Through the windows they spotted 202 or more sets of eyes watching a group approaching their location. One female priestess of Three Gods, Orthodox man, one retired Castarian who got dragged into this exited a damaged church to the creed of Crethos. His beard gave away his former rank as General. Coming from the Maat County this one decided to help. Three Uxane volunteered to help secure the flanks where the grain silo, water tower, four farmhouses, and wingless drake statues stood.

                Looking at the rest she spotted the gallows in the center, a skull statue held by a hand next to it. One mercantile building, five fruit stands, two coffee store houses, and a small pirate pub hide out added more to the scenery. There Brynn found 11 pirates, 50 Uxanes, and some heavy dump truck. As for the rest of the group they found happy clansmen, a scholar pondering life, and a soldier from Maat County. Each volunteer and several caches of 780 rifles, revolvers, pistols, and repeaters given to locals for defense. Letting these volunteers help, Brynn was sent to search the outer area. Outside the perimeter she found 7 potter studios, a paper mill, cotton mill, two textiles, 4 sulfur farms, and a lay out station. All along the back this settlement had a railway station, a signal tower railway tower, tavern-pub, two spice plantations on the opposite side of the track, and a single brick work with 17 pallets of bricks waiting for use. Circling around in a wider pattern they spotted an unlicensed airship with a crew of 8 leaving the area. A small fleet of 6 airships from other countries lands. Each one offers to take the prisoners away.

                Rallying back to the commanders, they reported some finds they made. A fake king who was ousted by Castarian insurgents was discovered. He was beaten to the ground by the locals over conning them. One snapping turtle is found near the track, and a cat walking on hind legs like a humanoid. Some religious symbols made from metals, 27 Republic Eagles, a purple letter found on a female admiral who got dragged into this. She was clearly at an age who had children growing into their teens. There was also a turquoise skull meant for a student, an hourglass filled with oil, and two lizards that scurried away. Most of the insurgents wielded homemade maces, war hammers, axes, caltrops, flails, spears, daggers, pitchforks, old sabers, and metal bars. Allowing the airships to take away prisoners, they settled down until dawn arrived.

                That next day, colleagues in arms brought camp over past the tracks. A little beyond a farmhouse they spotted two other settlements held by insurgents. An insurgent flag flew over both settlements. Close by they spotted a small team of 3 mortar men setting up. They were the ones who began besieging one rebel settlement. She could tell these soldiers were hiding somewhere, otherwise their corpses would be outside. As the day dragged on, they also began to besiege the town, learning about more details. Originally the town was under the supervision of 378 soldiers. Around the time of a riot, the insurgents rose taking towns and regions. Those two towns in Castaria were taken by 528 rebels, and one by 740 insurgents. In taking the large town and average one they killed 65 and took 30 wounded prisoners who are dead now. According to this mortar team these men crawled out in a force of 283 when the cavalry arrived. Showing confidence this force charged the closest and largest town. Despite their bravery they were beaten back by the insurgents who used VUVR weapons.

                While the confident troops charged against an armed force, Brynn overheard these towns had a population of 6858-8000 combined. About 5425 managed to flee the insurgent takeover. What seemed peculiar is how 1,431 of these townsfolk joined the insurgency and took over. After a fourteen-minute battle the attacking soldiers returned with 193 left. At least 37 insurgents died in the assault. In the battle they lost a stolen armored car, a troop transport, and a tank to the mortar team. Some buildings were also hit during the bombardment. Several minutes later the insurgents launched a counterattack. One used the jeep to lead 117 hybrid spawns, Gnolls, Ghouls, Goblins, Molorcs, and humans to their deaths.

                Glancing at the soldiers formerly stationed here, some started to question their backgrounds. It was not a bad thing, just the revelation showed diversity among populations. However, that diverse group just had to be involved in open rebellion. Especially against a society that does not discriminate. An invasion of their home world should have ensured that change. One of them muttered something about slavery. Apparently, the rights or privilege to own other beings as slaves getting abolished ruined their daily livelihood. Brynn sat on a stump wondering how long this battle would last. Another day passed as more forces arrived from the south, and the north. Colonel Watheen had broken off to send a force of insurgents packing with another force of 10,000 Orc troops capturing 461 traitors to the VUVR. Yet the Orcs split up into brigades and battalions that occupied seven settlements. From the south their tanks fought a force of 631 insurgents from Kaniima-Badraan regions. More tanks got involved, killing a total of 398 insurgents, taking 177 prisoners. In the battle they lost just 94 crewmates. Only 56 insurgents fled south with a Kaniima of 4 leading them. Two knights, two dog Gnolls were apprehended. One volunteer airship sped them away to the prisons.

                On the next day she found herself ready to attack these insurgents holding the two settlements. Looking over the area she could make out another post office, a two-story house, tobacco store, 8 modern homes, one mercantile building, a converted farmhouse, fuel station, a diner, volunteer fire house, and a two-story train way house. Each structure sat in between brick homes. Some were painted white, yellow, blue, green, gray, light blue, gold, red and magenta. In total she could make out 406 houses that can be seen among the landscape. Feeling like they failed in holding onto these towns the rest of the soldiers attacked as one unit. Their assault did happen right away. Mortar team one, went after the two tanks the rebels tried maneuvering. Whoever was operating those tanks did not know how to drive a tank properly. Brynn watched it hit a house then explode as it tried backing up. A single mortar wound was shot at it nailing the tank with more luck than precision.

                How well can the duel go? It was the first question she thought when she saw the insurgents attempt putting out a fire. Using this as a distraction, 193 troops and the 461 traitors charged the insurgent positions. Brynn gripped her rifle while watching this one combined wave drive the insurgents further into the town. Suffering a loss of 237 the 417 forced themselves to stop. If they moved any further, they would wind up in an ambush. A small portion of their losses were wounded, whom had to be carried away.  Under sniper fire they had to carry wounded slowly while colleagues suppressed the insurgents. Looking over to the north, Brynn spotted the northern force to set up a siege. They called for any civilians to be allowed to go freely.

                Since there were civilians being freed, they had to accept the loss of time and gained ground. Brynn’s own wave of attackers did not get to launch until the next day. Getting civilians out took a good portion of their time. Forced to wait on them, they watched the settlements in shifts. While watching they heard rumors that involved 56 insurgents joining this group of rebels, and more civilians held hostage. By the time the morning rolled into 10:13 A.M. Brynn’s force began their assault on another flank of the rebel held town. With a force of 576 Dragoons and Country-Guards, Brynn rushed over to the settlement’s flank. Crossing over the tracks, their combined battalion moved around the town’s left flank. No one fired a shot yet. It was still morning, and most people did not get much sleep either. As whole unit Dragoons, and Country-Guards passed a drug store to flank the dug in rebels. When the rebels woke up, they wouldn’t be able to resist for long.

                Being this close to the enemy at this hour was lucky to Kryscine. He fired a single shot into the air. It was his way of signaling it was time to attack. Any units near them launched their attack on a single settlement. Pouring into the streets, they caught the rebel's completely off guard. For a whole hour they fought and killed 425 rebels holding the settlement. The rest of these rebels surrendered with not much fight left in them. Having suffered few losses, they had the rebel prisoners form lines then march to their encampment with their arms raised up. Through some questioning and searching the Vestrisians found 72 townsfolk held captive, and 58 others were found as prisoners to the rebels. The rebel leader was a Castarian hedge knight named Captain Ghwalimir. Four a whole hour she and other women had to calm anyone who collaborated with these rebels. Orders were to suppress this rebellion not to punish citizens who got involved. Those orders came directly from Premviste Oldenstern, and Maxim-Senator Greymir. The Furd, the main commander in chief, was preoccupied with the main war going on in the west. Brynn glanced over at the northern force wondering how livid the Furd, Mysdran, Premviste, Maxim-Senator, and Cenators would be over them using prisoners as cannon fodder. Yes, the recent elections saw Greymir in office for a second term, and a new Premviste in Officer, Dawnmore. Dawnmore was a half-elf shipwright, and Loanshark from Geverine. Greymir was more of the former Royal Advisor, politician, Explorer, and Police Officer in his youth.

                Stopping in her tracks, she caught a glimpse of someone she recognized among the Dragoons who passed by. Brynn could not help but watch him. Was this a person she once knew from somewhere? His name escaped her for a few moments. Wyllum nudged her automatically jogging her memory. The name of this person was Dennis Backshi, a rascal, a varmint, and miscreant. He was told to leave town, however he went into hiding. Not taking her eyes off him she ignored Wyllum for a few seconds longer. The moment he disappeared behind other Dragoons she turned to Wyllum.

                “Captain, Major Olalyn wants to see you.” Wyllum said into her ear, informing her.

                Patting him on the shoulder, Brynn could tell he was going to be capable at other professions. Going for the Major’s tent she passed hundreds of Dragoons and Country-Guards. It was already afternoon, and they were preparing to move out again. Walking up to the tent she came upon an argument going on. Newly promoted Major Olalyn argued with a younger human Captain of the Airborne unit whom, arrived with the Orcs. She barely heard the words before it ended. Whatever it was over she did not appreciate the way that young Captain spoke to Olalyn. The young Captain stormed out of the tent, brushing past her without a word. She thought that was childish, and rude. Somewhere in her mind she believed his home area should be notified and kept from gaining employment as punishment. Brynn stood at the entrance to the tent. Olalyn did not look pleased over the argument.

                “What do you want? I mean enter Captain Rosefire. We may have to move south without military personnel.” He did not even look at her when he acknowledged her presence. There was a sincere tone to his voice that sounded betrayed by decision making.

                “What? Why?” she blurted out in disbelief. Was the military leaving the militia to fight this insurgency alone alongside the Dragoons?

                “A group of 34 insurgents were spotted close to the area, and 14 were arrested. They claim the insurgents are also in Zegrav. So, it will be just us and the Dragoons.” He replied to her turning his head to face her.

                “They should be glad we have over a thousand people in a combined force.” She persisted.

                “More will come our way from the east, north, and northwest. Aside from Zegrav, there are rumors of an incursion up north, and a civil war brewing in Ottante. Two more settlements to the south are under Castarian rebel control. We should receive a total of 6,450 Dragoons, and 5850 Country Guards. However, we may need to rendezvous with them twenty miles from here. Towards the southwest and move forwards slowly.” Olalyn briefed her, while advising her at the same time.

                Moving slowly, they spent nine days zigzagging from town to town ensuring the insurgency had no presence there. They crossed paths with a force of 185 Green troops straight out of boot camp, who followed a pair of tanks. Among them were others, such as a motorbike scout, anti-infantry armored car, mobile artillery on tracks, and a heavy prototype tank with two barrels. Trailing behind was a new armored car with a mounted turret, lone radioman and 20 Orcs. On the fifth day they ran down a force of 537 insurgents attempting to stall them. The ninth day saw their entire force came upon some ruins with staircases exposed, wall ruins, and a circlet of volcanic wall overgrown. Most ruins were covered in moss, piled up dirt that became overgrown with grass growing. Among the ruins they discovered four rocky hill bunkers, four ancient portals that were broken and shattered. Near one of these ruins they also found four female pirates. All four were hiding from someone.

                While setting up camp they learned about a crew of 60 pirates working with some aliens. According to the story about the quartet, four pirates were beheaded, six slashed down, 10 were shot and 23 pirates were now prisoners to fellow mercenaries, and Spec Ops. The last 13 other pirates took off with a freighter leaving two behind in the ruins. One of the female pirates informed they could be found near a field of boulders, where a red ruck could be found along with 23 aircraft.

                More details of their mission came out of a dark-haired luscious pirate with blue skin. A ten-man team of winged Syrianos agents were sent to retrieve something for a fat boss. One Crusader signed along with the others. By the time they landed, all the mercenaries, and elites they hired turned against them. Only two of the Syrianos agents made it back to the freighters leaving the rest of them to die. Wondering if these pirates were in full collaboration with rebels, they had all four apprehended. Ensuring these four pirates would not escape, or get in the way, Jakab had them imprisoned inside a shed. The Colonel ordered Brynn to take out these other aliens, and bring any survivors over to him. Saluting the Colonel, Brynn left the Colonel’s tent for her steed. Remounting with her unit she rode out to find these other aliens. Going through the field of boulders they searched behind the largest ones. She it did not feel good the hoofs of their mounts, but she pressed them onward with promises of carrots. During the first hour of the hunt, they found the crusader tied to a bold with his throat slit open. Writing him down as dead, she ordered for the crusader to be buried by 10 Country-Guards. While cutting his binds they discover an alien key shaped like a split spearhead. Pushing further they found the two freighters in the ruins.

                Both freighters held the shapes of a lighter and a belt buckle with a few portions missing. Wherever these freighters were in the boulder field they found the 23 pirate prisoners, and their captors. One hairy goblinoid, 2 Cyborgs, a broken-down steam golem she heard existed, 4 mutant brutes, a steer mantis humanoid, a pair of warlock blades, 2 jetpack troopers in green-grey armor, a scout, and a Guardian fought them. She lost 16 Country-Guards since they swarmed in the open. Rather than circle around, they rode right into the set-up base. On horseback they kept at it, killing all the alien pilots who were resting or just sleeping.

                A total 35 grounded aircraft were found by a red truck within several clearings. Taking the pirates prisoner, Brynn had the dead buried or burned. When they were done, she had her Country-Guards mark the star ships, and freighters with blue and gold piece of cloth. While waiting for them to return to her she spotted a squadron of eight aircraft fly this way. One quartet of Dreamfire4s, 3 Dreamfire 5s, and a bomber flying towards the south. She watched the squadron fly overhead letting her gaze follow them. In the skies to the south a fleet of twenty-four freighters shaped like elongated beetles could be seen. Although the shapes of these vessels resembled a beetle, they also held the shapes of train cars. Both squadrons of aircraft in the skies split up at the same time. Nine of the freighters broke off leaving 15 to land close to their positions. Vestrisian aircraft launched their attack to harass the incoming freighters. Making passes they tried bringing down a few of these beetle shaped freighters. One went down as it prepared to land, but its landing was turned into a fiery crash into the earth. The rest of the freighters fought off the Dreamfires with their mounted turrets. Being the only bomber in the squadron, the Classic Boy II went straight for a motte and bailey wooden castle. Breaking off this lone bomber turned left then slowly returned to its target. Watching their own aircraft struggle to bring down another freighter brought a sense of defeat. Brynn sent a scout to report back to Colonel Watheen. Not ever bothering to watch these aircraft crash or land she forced herself to accept fourteen alien ships invade them. She bit her lip while forced to see 8 others escape the Dreamfires. Looking back at the bomber she saw it was damaged as a bit of smoke emerged from its wing.

Getting vibes that they ran out of time; Brynn rallied all her Country Guards nearby. She meant to mount a charge on the landing freighters. Racing through the rest of the ruins and boulders they found the fourteen freighters landing on the ground. From the underbellies and the sides of these metal beetles troops poured out. A force of 2016 armored troops were preparing camp like nothing happened. As crazy and suicidal as it looked, she led her Country-Guards towards the oblivious invaders. Her eyes still focused on the turrets that forced their Dreamfires away. Expecting the turrets to fire she signaled for her riders to get in loose formation. Firing from horseback they caught the invading forces off guard. Her own Country-Guard circle this landing zone with the next settlement their viewpoint. Cutting down these new invaders paralyzed their pilots from getting to their ships in time. She could tell these aliens were too scared to even move because of the shock of their assault. Taking out the rest of these invaders in the landing zone her Country-Guards left the freighters alone. It was none of their business what was inside. She had a strict rule over these Country-Guards. Anyone loots without permission they get beaten in a gauntlet. Brynn’s unit was alone for a short time until the rest of the Country-Guards and Dragoons came in from the flanks. They made quick work of the invaders clearing a path to attack the wooden castle. Checking on the carnage they took the surviving pilots prisoner. Getting information out of them wasn’t easy. It had more to do with language barriers, and some soiled themselves. Whatever species of humanoid some of these were, they gave off a horrid stench when they soiled themselves.

After a full day of interrogations back at camp, they discovered a force of 790 rebels controlled that motte and bailey. It was on that day, the rest of their forces arrived in the area. One of the pilots also revealed four more settlements remained in rebel hands, and a force of 1053 were on their way here. This force was tasked with bolstering defenses at the motte and bailey castle. Before the Colonels ordered the prisoners away, they revealed something else. One group of four alien ships called Raider Corvettes prowled their skies for a month. Their planets clouds made for good cover.

Operations to reclaim the motte n bailey did not start until the next day. Riding back out in force a was a combined brigade that found three other forces at this motte. One force was made up of a mixed unit of 1053 or so. Close to 234 Gnolls marched in the second force that came in from the southwest. As for the third force, just 708 Orcs who began their charge upon seeing them. Full of the battle rage these Orcs did not care about the odds against them. The Gnolls followed the Orcs’ example barely reaching the Vestrisians before getting mowed down. Several hundred Country-Guards and Dragoons fell in the engagement. Most were wounded while over 50 of them died. The 1053 dug in while pushing them back to the ruins. One old tank that was left at the castle formed a defensive barrier with five stolen tanks. Situated behind the 1053 insurgents the tanks acted as an extra outer defense. Although they were pushed back, they still had had close to 10,000 Country-Guards and Dragoons.

Thanks to the ruins they had cover from the tank turrets that started blasting away like artillery. Over the course of seven days they took their time to wind down the insurgency here. On the seventh day the Motte and Bailey fell into Vestrisian hands. In her diary she mentioned a Dragoon getting gunned down and surviving. She also mentioned how they retook the Motte and Bailey Castle. At this day in age on Calorn, it was now a museum. Brynn wrote down what happened in detail with Mapplebee nibbling at her ear. This museum had all its artifacts removed securely before it was used as a base for insurgents. While reclaiming the motte-bailey castle, they discovered a leader behind this insurgency. Other than a local leader these insurgents fought under the command of aliens from other worlds. A trio of humanoid aliens took over some areas and lured masses into their command. One was an eight-foot-tall hairy humanoid. The other two were something called Ilithids. One was some black skinned female Ilithid, and another was a purple gray skinned one. Both the tall one and black Ilithid were elsewhere.

As for the other Ilithid, he shot himself, leaving a male Orc archer with no love for the V.U.V.R. in command. Two elf male rogues hired as guards were forced to submit. A pair of female human Druids were found and brought in. One wise turtle humanoid the Druids called Ugwayde was found shot up and dumped in a dug-up pit. After sending them off with the wounded the cavalry went on the move. Just thirty-two miles away from the castle museum, they ran into a horde of 426 undead, 250 Ghouls, and 4 Gnolls. Simply riding them down wasn’t enough. They had to decapitate each corpse, pile them up and burned them. Sizing weapons that were found they rode towards the south. Nearly a day and a half later, they found three elves tied to a windmill. Once they freed these three each one tried giving their own version of what happened.

Their story took multiple turns. First story said they were chased off a hill by 8 Troglodytes protecting a cracked egg. Right after losing the Troglodytes, the trio ran into some bushes that grew a certain type of fruit. This type of small fruit with a teardrop shape and blue shape controlled the periods of women. It was grown all over Vestrisia, and could erase anxiety once eaten in men and women. To their misfortune they brushed against the leaves, which caused hallucinations. A plant known as Fallune had such leaves, and fruits growing on it. Each one described their hallucinations, and how it forced them to stay put. Some belly dancer named Namesra picked them up in some Evusian armored car with no weapons installed. She put them to sleep and left them in this predicament. Trying not to laugh, they took each one along hoping they had information on these insurgents. The three Elves mentioned some unrest began along the borders over Troglodyte demands for raiding rights. Rights to raid seemed like a preposterous idea for an outdating system. Who gave out raiding rights? She had to ask Olalyn who muttered it was the Castarians before they were toppled.

Pushing further south they caught up with a band of 75 Nazdar Collaborators smuggled in. All of them died in a two hour shoot out and by suicide. After the shoot out a whole day passed by of no movement in the area. The bodies were buried, and the three elves were sent to a local settlement. Nearly two more days passed before finding the insurgents. On the same day they found a force of 941 insurgents and a castle flying an old Castarian flag. Not even hesitating they went for both at the same time. These encamped ones did not put up much of a fight. Country-Guards and Dragoons came in too fast for the insurgents to react. Aside from getting caught off guard plenty of them were intoxicated. Losing just a score of riders they took out 229 insurgents, and took 678 of them prisoner. Only 31 managed to escape them. Riding their own steeds, they fled towards the west. Pursuing them on horseback would only exhaust their own horses. Going for the castle they spend a week wearing down he defenders. Half of the Prisoners of War managed to take their own lives while one hundred forced the Vestrisians to kill them. Left with 239 prisoners, they managed to summon a militia to take the prisoners away. Taking the castle wasn’t the hard part. Realizing these insurgents were their own fellow Vestrisians hit them hard.

Approximately 286 insurgents died in the fighting, and 86 of them became prisoners. Discovering another settlement lay in rebel hands infuriated them. Were these rebels trying to help the invaders win? Moving southwest they left some forces to watch over the prisoners. Not long afterwards they saw a buildup of forces. No more than 12,860 Country-Guards and Dragoons raced to retake another settlement from the rebels. Only 241 rebels held the town while its inhabitants evacuated. Setting up camps they wasted no time killing 238 of the rebels, taking a pair of prisoners, and finding the leader escaped into the wilderness.

One local sheriff, former police officer arrived on the scene. They became an inventor and chose to come by in a wagon cart holding all his gear. He made some advanced set of armor that protected him. Attached to the arms were small crossbows, and wrist turrets as well as rocket launchers. He arrived at their camp with a team of twelve helpers. Two of them were pathfinding explorers named the Sabar Girl, and Panett. While piecing the armor suit together they mentioned a large force of 13, 068 Troglodytes heading this way. Allowing this former inventor to begin his work the Dragoons and Country-Guard rested. All day this lone inventor removed some gang from the settlement that hid in the outskirts.

Within three days this horde of Troglodytes arrived in the area. Numbers were not a big deal to the Vestrisians. Estimating the size of this force they concluded this force at 16,944 or more. Taking positions on some hills they prepared to dismount and harass these insurgents. To their surprise it was larger than they first believed it to be. She could not tell the true size of this force. Appearing larger than the first guess this force looked to be 59,000 strong. Sending a few volleys into their ranks they hoped to scare them off. Their own expectations were wrong about scaring them off. None of these even turned tail. These insurgents revealed they also revealed rifles. Something they should have seen beforehand. Engaging this force resulted in a draining three-day battle. Most of the guns jammed or malfunctioned. Insurgents charged them quickly forcing them off their horses or into melee combat. All over this field Country-Guards, and Dragoons fought these mixed insurgents all the way down to nearly 50 still standing. Brynn took down as many insurgents in this three-day battle. On this last day she got surrounded by these rebels and was sliced in the arm. She was also stabbed in the thigh, and speared through the leg. As she fell, she watched 55 Dragoons and Country-Guards cut down her attackers.

As she lay on the bloodied ground, she watched 55 Vestrisians get surrounded by at least 3241 insurgents. In her mind she knew they lost this battle over the “Field of Donna” in the southern Castaria. However, this insurgency was close to being suppressed. Even if they all die here this insurgent force would still have more Vestrisians to combat. Lying on the ground she tried faking her death. It did not work as a Troglodyte grabbed her up then slammed her down. The humanoid raised a mace to bash her head in. She closed her eyes, waiting for the blow to fall. All she got was its blood splattering her face. Over a thousand, shots pierced the air as volleys of bullets poured in. From the west a force of some 1,100 Vestrisian Airborne, infantry and Rangers arrived. A few hundred insurgents exchanged fire killing or taking out more Vestrisians. A good chunk of these insurgents fell as the Vestrisians advanced on them. Moving in the relief force came to the rescue of 1,805 Dragoons, and Country-Guards. As for the insurgents just 1,344 of the 59009 became wounded prisoners of war.

One full week went by after the bloody battle with these insurgents. Brynn Rosefire lay in her bed at a hospital in the city of Greystone. Next to her lay Kryscine, Jakab and a few others. Most of the men and women they fought alongside were dead. Some news did come to her about a Zegrav insurgency. That did not catch her interest. She waved the Lieutenant of News away. Brynn grew excited when her children came to visit her. Blackcrown was the least wounded among them. She came bearing news about the fighting in Zegrav, Ottante, up north, and how 1038 angry women fought off 3000 Ghouls near Kaniima. Holding her children’s hands, Brynn prayed there would not be another insurgency. Her whole unit was shattered, many of them were lost in the fighting along with Wyllum. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Platform Seas in early 1844: Lance-Private Greigorsson

 Why was he typing all of this up? It was already written down. Looking down at the table that clearly belonged to an office or library it was clear the typist had a ton to type. Some were written in some elf handwriting. Others were written in different languages such as old Vestrisian, Alagenese, and an Ottante style that was common in that region. This included areas of Gaskouth Ladai, Nevkamuu, Morgadra, Badraan, Kaniima, parts of Zegrav, Meze, Nahem, parts of Evusia, and Al-Dadoria. Knowing Al-Dadoria was north of Gaskouth Ladai in the Valde Ocean they attempted to read some pieces of notes. Nearly over the typist's right shoulder, Lance-Private Dimitri Greigorsson watched Private and Typist Maxxy Hentrott place a piece of note on a raised clipboard. Using what he had available he made a support to hold it upright. 

Greigorsson looked at him wondering if he will still be useful at the mortars. Greigorsson was a ropemaker who became a marine once this war was in full swing. Hailing from Castaria he had to feign disinterest in front of friends and family. Most thought the war with the Vullanese would just be a regional one. After all the Vullanese broke a religious treaty, no one was to be held inside the temples for servitude against their will. When the war spread, and the alien invaders got involved his hometown suffered a mutiny. Under the false belief 122 mutineers, renegades became deserters through the eyes of the authorities. Most of his town expressed neutrality up to this point. As a group of 4 armed Ghouls, a wild beastman, 8 gorilla men gunslingers, 12 Astral Reavers(fake), and a Gray Drow incited a mutiny or rebellion lead by a well-dressed Baron. Forgetting the Baron's name Greirgorsson still recalled the bloodshed that day. In his mind he could still read the headlines of Boldstone massacre, a failed mutiny that led to the deaths of a farmer with a pig, a pair of human city troops, a wandering Friar from Vullan, one Elf Rogue Duelist, a Red Silver Knight, and female elf Spear Master, a human rogue spy, a visiting Tiefling from Syrianos, a Drow traveler, a livestock herder in buckskin clothes, an a Goblin. Other casualties did involve some wounded civilians such as an overjoyed bartender who exited his bar to see the exciting commotion, one stacked girl arguing with a skinny girl. All 122 mutineers, and deserters were killed alongside their inciters. The Baron was faced with a firing squad upon his capture. 

Reading over his shoulder Greigorsson mentally noted what Private Hentrott typed up on the noisy typewriter. On paper he read this whole platform seas had as many as 1,263 ore more islands. At total of 11,387 or more structures. Close to 763 platform towers spread across the platforms seas. There were likely more than what was reported since the misty fog of the sea blocked many from view. Many of these platforms and islands were either occupied or abandoned. Some other notes were either lost or never written down. Hentrott typed up the number of islands the previous groups calculated finding some items. There were a total of 6 islands written down. Just from looking at the circle archipelago it was easy to tell there were more islands. Two groups passed through here. First was some volunteer, and alien group led by a Zhenrai Knight, and the second group was a small company of Rangers. Marines, allies, and infantry occupied these islands next to some naval units who became free from the large battle up north. On the first island they found 54 buildings. Island number two consisted of 246 buildings. An estimate of 109 buildings on the third island. This circlet archipelago's fourth island had 103 buildings. On the jungle covered fifth island were just 37 buildings. Whereas the sixth island had the most buildings, 339 total. According to the reports of Captain Cailor, unit found the archipelago occupied by aliens from other worlds. Their factions were called the CSO, the Order of the Beast, and some other minor factions that came down to Calorn. 

Hentrott kept typing up what was found on these islands. Some of the notes were still missing or misplaced. On some of the islands Cailor's unit found swords, axes, spears, and knives. Eight kegs of beer and ten casks were found stored somewhere. Glaives, halberds, daggers, maces, and other weapons were also found. In one building his unit found 12 bags or sacks of coffee beans, along with dishes, plates, mugs, and cups. The first island had 27 punching bags, plenty of weights along with other items. Just 44 helmets, and 54 pieces of armor were found scattered all over the archipelago as well as 12 watches, and dozens of pocket watches. Hentrott kept typing up whatever this Cailor found sparking an urge to loot this stuff. Apparently these aliens had a loot of 143 rings, 157 bracelets, and 136 necklaces stashed away with 14 goblets, and 113 chests full of valuable coins. To the excitement of Hentrott this Zhenrai unit found 23 radios, 5 microphones, 17 fans for cooling, and 91 books total. Hentrott was bit of a bookworm, mechanic, engineer, and tinker. Greigorsson kept on reading hoping that would occupy his time. Blinking a few times he read there were 1,153 articles of clothing, 114 utensils, 359 tools, 8 big card decks, 16 box crates full of goods, 400 bags, suitcases, and satchels. The last on the typed up list was vast amount of food, 2 Journals, and 4 logbooks with valuable intel. 

"Private Hentrott are you done typing up the finds yet?" a voice belonging to a male popped in from behind them. 

Greigorsson turned around to see it was Lieutenant Black, a healthy lean brown haired male from Geverine. In the marine combat uniform of a sand green color the Lieutenant completely overlooks a coconut crab crawl past his legs. Next to the doorway was a metal shelf in the wall with three Vestrisian helmets he, Hentrott, and a third left there. Greigorsson clutched a small snake pendant a loner gave to him. Black's gaze was more on Private Hentrott than Greigorsson. Dimitri did not mind that at all. Captain Saad Bartwai holding a tobacco pipe appeared behind Lieutenant Black. In his other hand he held a piece of glassware with a textile cover. Around his neck was a fine piece of silk ascot that he wore as a good luck charm from his own wife. Greigorsson thought he should leave it somewhere then come back for it. However he was also given some trinkets by his own mother, 2 religious symbols made from bronze. Next to the doorway rested a strange elephant statue with bat wings for ears. 

"I am almost finished sir." Hentrott answered the Lieutenant. 

"Where are we going this time, Lieutenant sir?" Greigorsson asked the Lieutenant with a salute. Lieutenant Black looked at him with an expression he almost mistook for a cold one. 

"The battalion is to search 13 platforms and the surrounding islands. Reports have detailed two units of Rangers and a miscellaneous volunteer-turncoat unit passed through the northwest. We are going to the south. Expect to see less Gantronese forces and more different invaders, Lance-Private Greigorsson." Lieutenant Black answered him. 

"The Platoon moves out in 4 hours. Deverin, Yasteen, Corporal Landwarn, Megriann, Kamisga, Mabarsson, Katzik, Beergson, Ironfeet, Private Franchi, Redsun, Sharppoint, Willeds, Private Charles Filde, George Morcor, Berring Charles, Indriggo Toby, Geoffrey Abubakhar, Oscar James, Nikki Anthony, Leonard Russon, Nigel Anthony! Be ready in two hours!" Captain Bartwai hollered out. "That goes for you as well Hentrott and Greigorsson. Meet me at the docks." 

Greigorsson saluted both Lieutenant and Captain before going for his gear on Hentrott's left side. Slapping him in the back no doubt hurt Hentrott as he cringed and jumped a little in his seat. It would likely leave a nice red handprint on his back. Yet it would not be as gloriously painful as the sun burn he got on Rovantia beach where two handprint shapes resting on stomach and chest. This time he did not yelp like he usually did. Hentrott's fingers hit some keys that sprayed ink into his face. Taking off his spectacles, which he only wore for writing and reading, Hentrott took them off. 

"Sverx you Lance Private, sverx you." He cursed him while cleaning them off, and put them away. Smiling at this Greigorsson wiped his face for him. Then pinched his nose. 

"Who had a nice blowjob from that islander?" Greigorsson teased him. 

"That was the only place I did not get sunburned." Hentrott admitted giving him a scowl. 

"Let's just get ready Hentrott there will be more shenanigans' to experience or witness." Greigorsson told Hentrott. He grabbed his own field backpack full of needed equipment. As he picked it up and placed it on his back everything he had in there ran through his mind. Food Rations, 2 flashlights, secondary A-76 pistol, notepad, map, cooking pan, cutlery, bedroll, sleeping bag, poncho, extra flask, climbing kit(rope, gloves, pitons, harness), binoculars, spade, Compass, utility knife, tinder box, matches, lighter, grappling hook, Desk pencils for jotting or sketching for description, gas mask, extra canteen, shaving kit, clothing, extra ammunition, and his cap. On his belt Greigorsson had thirteen pouches loaded with ammunition clips, canteen, bayonet, A-76 pistol with three clips bellow it, and a steel baton with a rubber cover. In his boot was another combat knife. On his pants were three more cargo pockets. 

Hentrott got up and grabbed his own military pack and musette bag that had his medical equipment. The Medic had pockets full of ammunition, and required essentials for curing wounds. An Onway revolver for a sidearm, and a T.M. 13 bolt action rifle for his main weapon. One small mace hung from his belt. Greigorsson grabbed his Optimates Assault Rifle or the O-810.  Turning around he spotted the war pick on Lieutenant Black. As for Captain Bartwai, a war hammer hung at his side. Greigorsson waited for Hentrott before leaving the domed circular metal hut. Walking outside he had to squint his eyes as the sun rays were too bright at the moment. He had been inside a little too long. On one of the islands south of some archipelago ring of islands a unit of VUVR marines, and their allies set up base. In a platoon of 25, which included Captain Bartwai, Greigorsson was more of the shock member with his Optimates. Its barrel size ammo cartridge could clear a hallway, or provide suppressing fire. For over three and a half years he carried this O-810 with him. From the islands of Malvieth, Rovantia, Ruhonthra, and the Unknown Lands he fought with this weapon.  His platoon, though not his to command was part of a battalion of 953 Marines sent over from the Unknown Lands, and Dorntalla. 

Stationed on the archipelago they received help from their allies. Most forces went to the defense of Ruhonthra, and the operations in the Unknown Lands. Malvieth sent over a force of 170 HOA personnel. This force was meant to hold any ground the Vestrisians took. With more than 1,000 islands to explore it would take at least a few divisions to occupy them all. Greigorsson stood in formation with his fellow marines. Before them a black-haired figure stood with their helmet in their left arm. Checking above the heads of a few marines he noticed it was Colonel Kyran Ghleicher, the dark haired Colonel with a more Human and Forsythan appearance along with a fit physique under the uniform. This female Colonel was not the only one who stood before them. Six other figures stood before them. Listening to the briefing Greigorsson learned these were Major Vampeete, Captain Greene, Captain Obynu, Captain Murdoss for Volunteers, and Major Kleene commanding the Malvieth HOA. 

"...Marines, these lands are a mystery to us. Keep your eyes peeled as we set out to explore the southern portions and southwestern portions. A small fleet under the command of Admiral Kezef is not too far away. Expect to witness a few sea battles, and aircraft from Carriers. Those will be flying above the Arm of Lost Souls. Orders are to secure any islands, and clear out any hostile aliens. No thanks to an unhelpful Djinni like humanoid we found out 3,125 members of this CSO, and Order of the Beast have flocked to surrender. Whoever was doing the math did not wait long enough. While we explore these areas Malvieth's HOA will secure islands we take alongside 1126 volunteers. Kill or apprehend any hostiles am I clear Marines?" Colonel Gleicher briefed them. 

"Yes Colonel, Urah!" they answered back. The atmosphere of preparedness was rising among them. 

Gathering in units the Marines were split into platoons and companies. Under the command of Major Vampeete Greigorsson's unit was united with others to form a company of 139. Two units of Marines stay behind. One unit of 54 marines, and 23 marines stay behind to hold the northern islands with allies. A squad of 16 volunteers to clear out one island in the southeast. Forty-six marines head for a small island. 57 marines are given a limited amount of time to take a southern island. 56 marines head back to other islands. One unit of 73 Marines move to seize a small platform. Another unit of 81 marines head for an island the Rangers missed. With plenty of confidence 41 marines headed for a lone tower. A second company of 253 marines are sent further south with 83 marines covering their flank. As for Greigorsson's increased unit, 139 marines made their move on an island with two platforms on it. While boarding their transports Greigorsson noticed a young Iperantosi lad in the grip of Captain Bartwai. 

"Who is that?" He asked a Sergeant. This Sergeant had more hair on his eyebrows. He had the Bisdolan nose with the single dot, and the Naatidran square chin. 

"One of the Iperantosi sailors we captured. He is going to tell us who is who. Now get on that transport." the Sergeant barked out the answer. No one else was here but their allies, and countrymen so why else spill the beans. Getting on board their transport Greigorsson got a little comfortable as they set out. Sitting next to Hentrott he learned about a Captain Murdoss with the volunteers, and about Major Kleene of the Malvieth HOA. He also mentioned the Captain Obynu hailing from Morgadra. 

For over 45 minutes they rode along the ocean currents passing some islets, and exposed reefs. Several rock formation jutted out 12 stories high. Each transport avoided hitting any small islet, reef, and rocks as they split up. Greigorsson's company headed straight for the southwest of the archipelago. Ahead of them lay some smaller islands surrounding a larger one with a single 38 story high platform that looked a lot like a metal vase. It also had 12 or so structures surrounding it. Just looking at this island covered in small patches of jungle, rock formations, seashells on the smaller islands. It could be speculated this island held the shape of a star mixed with a snowflake. From this island's jungle, 6 miscellaneous aircraft rose up just to escape. Each one probably belonged to a different fighter who had their own reasons to leave. Dismissing this as aliens fleeing, the marines pressed onward. On one of these islets they discovered a lone female pirate getting plowed into the sand by some reptilian bird with a long beak and arms. None of the men could get their eyes of this slenderly and busty damsel in distress. Many were sure to be arounds, and confused as to what this was about. This humanoid reptile kept bringing up mistakes as they drilled her into the sand. One of their female members opened fire on the reptilian creature drawing some attention. Some figures called over to them. 

On the end of the island's arm lay the female pirate and the dead violator. Using the stretch of sand and coral as a bridge over to their location, five strange looking creatures and humanoids walked over. In sheer panic the female pirate raced over to them labelling each one. Greigorsson heard Kitsune swordsman, weird green moss dude, black dog zombie, black Orc-Ogre, and a blue stubby figure with huge head from the pirate's lips as she clung to Captain Emersson. Behind these five figures Greigorsson spotted 4 crocodiles near the platform. The Iperantosi hid behind one of the bigger marines. 

"Greeting, ah, Skogers. Your reputation proceeds you to the eyes of those who came here. I am Prefect Iesto of these platform towers, and this island. I will humbly take you on a tour-" the blue stubby alien with the big mouth introduced himself. He was cut off by the Kitsune Fox looking humanoid. 

"Will you stifle it already! Ienos, they already killed some of our own fellow renegades to the forces we just left!" the Kitsune snapped at the one named Ienos. Both humanoids turned their heads to see the ones they, the marines just killed. 

Out of nowhere, Captain Bartwai opened fire on all five of these humanoids. Using his Gorine pistol, he fired all ten rounds inside the magazines. The blue one named Iestos fell with a bullet to the forehead, the Kitsune received two rounds in the side, and shoulder. The black dog did not seem fazed by the bullet it received. Its master-companion black Orc-Ogre appeared enraged from getting hit. Their weird looking green moss figure ran away. Greigorsson's followed him as his fellow Marines lit up the ones still standing. He spied a pair of fine looking motorboats. One of the figures regained their footing before taking a swing at the Marines. In reaction to this every Marine unloaded on the ones still standing.