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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Koriv and the Gantronese

 Koriv was his home even if he did not believe it to be after what happened. After the Nazdar and their alien friends landed all over much of Jurnis and Aleon. Rumors spread they conquered most of Estoras. As the Nazdar swept across the continents facing some resistance another race came in. The Gantronese landed on their homelands. Whoever these Gantronese were they came in a decade after the Nazdar. From the west the Gantronese came in the name of their hierarchy or some sorts. To the south Vorcadam, Gora-Via became vassals. Koriv's royal family believed the Gantronese would annex them into their empire. Walking along the border that divided Koriv he witnessed over 100 soldiers fighting along the border. His royal encampment lay some distance away behind a hill. That would not hide him for very long. On the other side he spotted 100 Gantronese troopers exchanging fire with the 100 Koriv soldiers aiming to keep East Koriv independent. Along the border he spotted other groups of Korivans, and Gantronese fighting. 

With him marched a troop of 4 Dragons, and 20 warriors keeping him safe. He did not doubt their bravery just doubted they would survive the Gantronese attack. Gunshots rang through the air as the civil war between the Korivans sparked. Another group of 50 Korivans fought on the border just half a mile away. Close by he spotted a star transport landing. No more than 200 Gantronese pour out onto the field to reinforce the Korivans already fighting for them. Nearby 26 Korivans fought in the sands of a large lake just a mile away. Further down he could see 44 soldiers locked in the civil war that began over Korivan independence. Due to the rivalry between the Nazdar and the Gantronese not many Gantronese were sent over. He smirked at the Gantronese attempted to sweep across the other continent of Aleon claiming lands such as Mulzan, Rhes Tarim, Hadoras, and Zekmar. Turning around the Vire-Craine spotted a Koriv tower behind a range of green hills. Taking his bodyguards, and protection he left the growing civil war along the northwestern border. One would label it as the northern border if they looked at a drawn map. 

Focusing entirely on the tower this Vire-Craine grew oblivious to the shooting in the background. Behind him he heard his own Korivans fire shots from hidden spots along the hills, and brush. He could have sworn he passed no more than 20 sniper positions in the brush. Their rifles cracked the air taking down an enemy or forcing the unit down. Knowing full well the Gantronese did not come with heavier firepower the Vire-Craine snaked through the foothills to the tower. He could still hear gunshots behind them. Blocking them out he kept his gaze on the tower that was presumed abandoned according to peasants of this area. At the base of this tower that still stood at six stories high he found a pirate who ran inside the tower. The pirate saw them coming and made a blind run for it. Behind this old tower an airship rested on the flat earth. By the airship were three other pirates camped out around a fire. The Vire-Craine asked if these pirates would like to join the fight against the Gantronese invaders. As much as he hated and despised bandits, outlaws, and thieves he felt there was no other choice than to befriend them for a cause. It would become a cause against the invaders. 

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