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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Terrorists, Rival Faction, or Humanoids Gone Mad?

As I stood on the rooftop facing the opposite way of the Grand Pyramid Ziggurat that was dedicated to Marduk, Nergal, and Nabu, the little boy I was to watch over could not sleep. He never wanted to sleep at all. Behind his parents' and guardians' back he stayed up all night. That explained why he would fall asleep in class. This little rascal who I called "Tommy the Rugrat" although his name was Timon. Being one of the Guardians aside from Darkheart, Imoya, and Valerie it was also my duty to keep him in bed and inside his room, which here it is called a Womb. Little Timon threw something at me to get my attention. I turned with a grin and entered his little dwelling. It was a big room for a boy his age. He was not the only child however these Ansumerians spoiled their children a little. The moment I was in his room he begged me to tell him a story about Adolf Hitler the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. 

Surprised by this I told him the beginning of his rise to power. As he listened to my voice explain how Hitler lost in London, Moscow, Africa, Leningrad, and Stalingrad he began to play songs from World War 2. With wide eyes he listened hoping to learn more about this conflict his Great Grandfather told him about. For his family was somehow at the battle of Kursk, and the battle of Berlin in April of 1945. While I began to tell him the aftermath something exploded drawing our attention. Zipping around I saw the Pyramids set aflame and guns shooting in that direction. More explosions followed and the familiar sounds of weapons from my own world. As I witnessed this attack I thought I heard the distinct cry of "Allahu Akbar!" followed by a long line of police cars racing towards this scene. 

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