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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Captain Degrast Griffin-Spear

(Aboard Shark Class U-boat 019 aka The Hidden Sorrow)
[Winter of 1842 A.N. Iwodian seas]
For two years Captain Griffin-Spear and his crew sunk ship after ship. His class U-boat had a set record, which equaled ten other U-boats of the Vestrisian Navy. Four of those were already lost, one to a storm, another sank and the rest destroyed by Gantronese depth charges. In a fleet of hundreds of U-boats Griffin-Spear’s Hidden Sorrow had more luck against depth charges and mines than any other U-boat.
            His luck was not about to change nor did the luck of the Vestrisian fleets in the Valde ocean. With a navy of 801 vessels the VUVR was able to defeat the combined fleets of Vullan and her allies. In a mere four months the glorified navies of the Vullanese Empire, and Gontrella lost over sixty seven vessels. That was nothing compared to the hundreds of sailed ships Vullan lost in 1841 during the attempts to reclaim their half of some of the border islands. Months after losing the first few Vullan’s Maesters sent their frigates, bombard ships, and manowars. They sunk within the first few hours of the assault.
            Griffin-Spear and other U-boat Captains chose not to shoot at those. They thought it best to leave that job to the destroyers, and frigates. In early 1842 his superiors ground down on them to take them out and save any survivors. It was the navy’s duty to take out any vessels and pick up the surviving crew members. He recalled sinking nine vessels within the first three weeks of their involvement in the war. As Captain he had a log of the vessels the U-boat sunk. By the middle of 1841 the Sorrow was ordered to move ahead with a hundred others sinking Gantronese and Nazdar vessels while they fought for control over Vullan. Once they had sunk a certain number of vessels they were to slip past enemy lines to Al-Dadoria or return home. Their strategy was to give their forces supremacy across the seas between the Vullanese Islands. This cut the southern half of the Vullanese Empire in half and severed some supply lines.
            It had been predicted that Vullan would fall to Vestrisia by 1843, but the countless Nazdar and Gantronese troops pushed that back to 1845. Now it was the year 1842 a month later and it would be 1843. He and a squadron of fifteen other U-boats were sent to the southern seas of the Iwodian Ocean. His squadron along with eight other Submarine squadrons sailed through the two mile wide Tulehp River.
            The winter of 1842 was coming to a close in the ports of Evusian city Abiros Ecallor. U-boat 019 aka The Hidden Sorrow was just now leaving the U-boat base where Captain Griffin-Spear received his orders to intercept and destroy a small convoy holding a Gantronese envoy. He sat in wardroom reading his orders to himself. His superiors told him to use any of the bases set up in the neutral islands. Even though the Evusian Empire was playing a neutral role its empress was determined to sink any Gantronese vessel. Her shrill attitude towards the Gantronese told them to stay out of her waters.
            As he read through the orders Captain Degrast Griffin-Spear heard someone enter the wardroom. He looked up to see who it was. First Mate Omar Zangi-Alamut stood in the room with his hands folded behind his back. The first mate was a dark skinned son of Badraan who joined the naval Academy of Geverine. He was immediately assigned to serve as First Mate for five years aboard the Hidden Sorrow.
            “Captain we have reached the seventh reef. Should we begin our dive now?” Omar Zangi Alamut asked the Captain.
            Captain Griffin-Spear nodded at the First Mate. “Yes First Mate prepare the sub to dive. I will be in the control room shortly.”
            “Yes sir, Captain. Should I give the orders or wait for you?” First Mate Zangi-Alamut asked him.
            “No I shall give the word once I am there. You are dismissed Lieutenant First Mate.” Captain Griffin-Spear dismissed his first mate and glanced over the orders one more time before he joined his crew in the control room. He got up and went straight to the control room. There he witnessed his crew preparing themselves for the dive. Half the crew members were new and the other half was experienced with submarine warfare.
            “Lieutenant Grab-Harpoon prepares the sub for diving. Ensure all hatches are securely shut. I need pressure valves tightened or loosened. Get the engine room prepared for the dive.” Captain Griffin-Spear commanded.
            He watched as his commands were taken and the crew did their assigned jobs. His main concern was how long before they reached their destination. Degrast had the tendency to check the time numerous times a day. It was a habit his succubus like concubine and younger sister would fuss and gripe at him about on a daily basis. Now his concubine had given him two daughters and his own family fussed at him whenever he came home. The duty to his country not only defended the citizens of the Republics but his family as well.
            “Captain we are ready to dive.” A crew man said as the diving alarms sounded.
            “Take her down 400 feet below sea level.” Griffin-Spear commanded.
            “Aye, Captain! Are we taking her deeper?” one of the crewmen asked Griffin-Spear.
            “No not today private. On another day we will test the Hidden Sorrow.” Captain Griffin-Spear answered. He stood next to the periscope as the Sorrow began her dive into the ocean. Degrast held on to the handle hanging from the ceiling on a strong chain. Other crewmen held on to whatever they could grab as they felt the floor vibrated underneath them. The Hidden Sorrow’s hull started to groan and creak as it went further into the ocean. Various other noises joined the hull’s groaning and grumbling. He listened to the beeping sounds of the monitors and the loud sirens of the diving alarms. There were also the squeaky sounds of the valves and Manifolds turning. The Officer On Deck was Lieutenant Janir Velkonoy held on to a dangling handle as the Sorrow made her dive.
            For several minutes the Hidden Sorrow dove into the Iwodian Sea. Crew member Seaman Leslie Miant-Rose counted the depths aloud in the control room. It was only four hundred feet, but she still counted them aloud anyways.
            “We are hitting fifty feet sir…one hundred feet…one hundred and fifty feet…two hundred feet sir…two hundred and fifty feet sir…three hundred feet sir…three hundred and fifty feet…four hundred feet sir!” she counted as the Sorrow reached a depth of four hundred feet.
            Captain Griffin-Spear raised his hand to stop her counting. Four hundred feet may have been shallow for a submarine, but it was enough for now. They still had to surface once they were parallel with the borders of Meze and Naem. It was so Naem would know it was them and not the Gantronese attacking from a north eastern route.
            “That will be all Mian-Rose, diving crews that will be fine four hundred feet is a good depth for now!” he ordered the crew members at their stations. He turned his gaze towards the steering hands at the steering station with the OOD behind them. Lieutenant Velkonoy still clung to the handle when the vessel stopped its dive. Once she settled at four hundred feet OOD Lieutenant Velkonoy took his usual position behind the steer hands.
            “Lieutenant Velkonoy have the Hidden Sorrow steer to the north west at 293 degrees.” Griffin-Spear ordered as Lieutenant First Mate Omar Zangi-Alamut took his position next to him.
            “Aye, aye Captain!” the OOD cried happy to receive orders from his Captain.
            Griffin-Spear turned to his First Mate and nodded to him who nodded back in return. For about three and a half days they sailed at thirty four knots to their intended mark, which was parallel with the borders of Nahem and Meze. There the submarine resurfaced so the Captain and his First Mate staff could observe the seas. When Griffin-Spear got up to the conning tower he discovered other Vestrisian submarines floating along the sea’s currents. He counted at least fifteen other submarines heading in the same direction as the Hidden Sorrow was headed. For three more days the squadron of submarines trekked up to the waters of the Tante Republic and Borvados.
            All sixteen or so submarines made a pit stop at a Borvadosian platform in the middle of the Sanguine circle. It was a set of reefs and small cluster of islands with a large structure with the appearance of a port and oil rig combined. Here the submarines refueled and resupplied on need provisions and supplies. A former Ivodran Royal Guards woman offered the crew two hundred and forty extra blankets. Griffin-Spear allowed his crew to take this offer in exchange for a large dwarf crafted clock inside the radio room. Three of his crew men took it apart and gave it to the woman.
            Once every submarine was loaded up, refueled, and resupplied the squadron set out again. Degrast felt very confident in this mission for it would be a huge blow to the Gantronese forces once this envoy was dead. His target was the reasons why the Gantronese had so many island continents for bases and landings. Their empire began from those large islands through the accursed unknown lands, around some nations and to the Valde Ocean. It was even at the borders of the Vestrisian Union of the Vestrisian Republics after consuming the Zekmar Empire. His target’s name was Minister-Inquisitor-Daimyo Iseri Begopa Tatsui a very shrewd and strict Gantronese ruler. He was also responsible for the massacres and persecutions of various peoples. With him out of the picture the Gantronese hold over the unknown lands would slip.
            Within a day and a fortnight the squadron arrived at the spot. This particular area of the southern seas was at the edges of an entire sea of reefs, islets, and platforms built on the ocean surface. These platforms were constructed by the Gantronese and some other races. Stories tell of an alien race that came down from the skies. To locals they are angels of knowledge and to others deities. This alien race is still unknown and mysterious. Rumors say the Gantronese wiped them out and forced their slaves to finish the platforms. That was most likely a century ago and the rumors were all exaggeration.
            Degrast decided to take a look through the periscope as they slowly made their way to destination A. He scanned the surface of the seas in search of the convoy. On the surface were the reefs standing above the surface among the islets and platforms. Each one appeared to be abandoned and deserted despite the raggedy and torn up banners. Several torn up Gantronese flags could be seen dangling over the towers and small forts built on the islets. His thoughts went straight to his daughter Atheer who always wanted to travel the world and explore the southern islands with her three friends. He recalled a night when he spoke to them after dinner. As a father, guardian, and god father to Atheer’s friends Irine, Marjie, and Estelle, Degrast warned them to steer clear of the current warzones, frontlines, and especially the unknown lands.
            The Captain hoped they heeded his warnings and imagined his daughter was likely on the beaches of Evusia. His next thought was towards Irine’s damned boyfriend named Corteres when he spotted a small convoy emerging out of the cluster of structures. This Corteres fellow was some naïve, obnoxious, upbeat, carefree, and childish athlete. Corteres had a reputation as a star athlete in the southern seas. As he watched this small convoy move out into the open Degrast prayed to Al-Hana that Irine would just find another mate.
            “Lieutenant Zangi-Alamut go to the radio room and tell Ensign Menelson to contact the other subs.” Degrast ordered with his eyes fixed on the convoy.
            “Aye, aye Captain!” Zangi-Alamut shouted.
            “Lieutenant Velkonoy, diving crews be ready to move on my mark. Get into position of firing torpedoes!” Degrasted commanded as he felt his beard itch slightly. “Jailbitter go get the torpedoes loaded and ready to be launched!”
            His orders were obeyed as he quietly spied on the convoy like a buzzard or predator waiting for the moment to attack. This convoy seemed to be going slow as though it were hauling or carrying something extremely heavy. It could also mean they did not expect any attacks out here in neutral waters. However the neutral nations granted the Vestrisian Army and Navy access to their zones.
            Unfortunately the neutral nations put a time limit on how long they could operate in their waters. They were limited to duration of two years, which was not very long at all. Despite the ever looming threat of the Gantronese Empire they still wanted their neutral zones left alone by the year 1843.
            “Captain, the torpedoes are loaded and ready to launch!” a crew member informed him.
            “We are not in range yet Velkonoy have the steersmen turn two degrees to the right and we shall fire torpedoes!” Degrast ordered his crew while transfixed on the small convoy of only seven ships. Their sights were now aligned perfectly for a direct hit.
            “FIRE TORPEDOES!” Degrast yelled with excitement as the orders were repeated to the torpedo launch crews.
            He could only see the bubbles rising up from where the torpedoes left the Submarine. The two projectiles were like invisible hounds going after the hunted game. Degrast watched the convoy waiting for torpedoes to hit home and sink a vessel. Within minutes of their launch the deadly projectiles hit one vessel in the center. The vessel that was hit immediately caught fire and slowly sank into the ocean. Apparently the second torpedo hit an escort vessel in the nose. It caused a large fiery explosion that tore the escort vessel’s bow off creating a hole in its hull.
            “We have two hits and two ships are going to the bottom!” Degrast cried with joy telling his whole crew. Every crew member aboard the Hidden Sorrow cheered, threw their hat in the air and let out an “Ura” in response. Degrast smiled at this accomplishment as he watched the vessels sink more of the convoy came under attack. All five were hit with torpedoes causing each one to explode and catch fire.
            It was quite a splendor for a sight to see the flames rise up and dance with smoke emitting from the damaged ships. The Captain took his eyes away from the periscope and it down. His crew were still celebrating the two kills of the day. Degrast watched them jump around and cheer like fans at a stadium. The Captain turned his gaze to Lieutenant Velkonoy feeling very confident Envoy Minister Inquisitor Daimyo Tatsui was dead from possible drowning.

            “Lieutenant Velkonoy set course for the Kingdom of Alagen. Our mission here is complete.” 

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