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Saturday, May 28, 2022


 Creatures with fish tails, and fins in the place of legs. Fish tails connected to the upper body of a human being. Water dwellers is what some call them, others merfolk, or mermaids, and merman. Some legends say they drown people by tying them to rocks using seaweed. From the very lips of mariners, tales of these creatures spread across the globe for centuries. Mermaids or merfolk can be found all over mythology of Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, and Mesopotamia. Depictions of them are all over Europe, and no doubt Asia. Some believe these creatures to exist. Others see them as just manatees covered in seaweed. There are those who tried explaining the origins with the ape theory of humans having cousins that live in the ocean. Yet could be possible these mythical creatures are experiments or come from another realm through portals? Only time will tell, or others will say they are only in our dreams, imaginations and mythology. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Sigil of House Ugiil


Starting with the reign of the Pharaohs of ancient Ottante, Zegrav once became a vassal to the ancient civilization. One name rose up among the Zegrav warriors who served these Ottante Pharaohs. Ugiil, a former peasant turned slave who killed his master for freedom. Disguising himself as a commoner Ugiil served in the Pharaoh's armies until he gained their eye. His own name became a surname and house with his own sigil.