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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kezef's Fleet North of the Platform Seas, South of Condor Isles

Between the Iperantosi Islands, the Condor Isles his fleet was required. Their expedition or endeavor in the platform seas had to be shortened as the Gantronese were on the move again. Due to the intervention of other aliens the platform seas had to be abandoned. At the Iperantosi Isles, a small fleet was left. It comprised of the least worst ships available. Yet they still performed their jobs, the 11ships they left in control. His own fleet comprised of seven ships. Behind his own the Too Bad Fleet of 12 destroyers too their sweet time arriving. Looking through the window from the command bridge Admiral Kezef spotted the Steel Frigate Tall Bitch, Carrier Tall Queen, Ocean's Claw U-boat 1016 in port. Claymore Battleship Berserker Class sauntered towards the north, Patrol Boat Panther moved towards them. The Destroyer called Blue Flail trailed the battleship Emperor Stag. Docked at port Cruiser Frost Ape Glacier, Carrier Lead Golem, Destroyer Mistwalker made his skin crawl. As Vagi's replacement brushed past them, Captain Durnvire felt the stubbles of his back neck hairs start to grow a little more. Through the binoculars his eyes hunted for U boat 709, U-709 was supposed to be returning to this port. Running late this U boat was. He could not say the same about the Trawler/Cargo Attack ship, the Compass 33. Dwarves married off their black sheep, outcasts, disowned, vagabonds, scoundrels to female goblins, strict Gnome families, or former nuns. Piloting the Compass 33 so happened to be one of those Dwarves. Caleb McPhoaden-Ellog was married into a farming arcane family who lived along the borders of Castaria-Geverine. Piloting the vessel like a drunkard the Dwarf passed a Beach Club style Yacht run aground on the reefs. Getting that Dwarf's attention meant drawing his attention away from looking for U-boat 709. He knew U-boats would hunt solo or hunt in packs just like wolves. Durnvire referred to the ones who went solo as Sea Tigers. 

Other countries involved in this coalition deployed portions of their own fleets. Most of the nations were wary of the threat the Gantronese posed while keeping an eye on the Evusians. As a captain he gained access to how much materials, equipment. The number of dead, wounded, prisoners of war, turncoats, active duty, on leave, sentry duty, occupation duty were in his brain now. Those numbers kept growing as this war continued. Placing a number on the civilian casualties proved difficult as finding the bodies was complicated. Numbers of people who fled did not help as more people seemed to have popped out of nowhere. An estimate of 103,539 Evusians drafted or conscripted for various professions involving the Calornese Coalition. As for the Calornese Coalition aside from the V.U.V.R., the Nevoran Federation on the other side a total of 154 million personnel. Most of them performed noncombatant roles required in a military. Behind them a fleet of 50 Medical Brigs come in alongside 50 container ships, 4 freighters. Above them another fleet of 50 or more airships maneuver along the flanks observing their movements. Bringing over equipment, personnel, medical kits, ammunition these vessels were bound for Iperantosi Isles, and the Condor Confederacy. Among the supplies the Coalition sent Amphibious Tanks with Trawlers, and Cargo ships. Behind them other fleets joined them. From their own allies, and other nations a fleet of 87 vessels or more assembled. This included a modified steel steamship with three masts just to use as transport for prisoners or observation. An easy target yes, but their designs and sailing path matched the route of the 900 or more merchant marine cargo ships known to pass through on a weekly basis. That came before the Iperantosi Invasion, their operations into the Unknown Lands, and recently these hidden platform seas. 

Under Kezef's command their own fleet of seven vessels abandoned those platform seas. More factions from other worlds came down to face the Gantronese who were forced to abandon Iperantosi Isles. Durnvire could not help but wonder if they were going back. Just from a different route. Escorting a mobile dockyard the Tante Republic constructed and extra V.U.V.R. fleet of 20 vessels. One light carrier full of AA guns, Flak cannons, 10 aircraft took the lead. An attack cargo ship, a new missile frigate, aircraft gunship on the cargo ship, mobile command post, one battleship trailed behind the carrier. Alongside their flanks sailed 9 U-boats, one assault carrier, and battleship. Making up the rear when they shouldn't, sailed 4 sailing ships used to pick up any wounded, sailors who fell off, or castaways. Captain Durnvire screamed inside his head. Iperantosi Isles did fall to their coalition. Yet the war was not over. Most of their resources, and manpower went to the Unknown Lands. Having allies does help in conflicts even if they are conscripted. Getting Kezef's attention wasn't difficult. The Admiral nodded in approval of him leaving after the salute. 

"You are relieved Captain. I can handle things from here. Return to your quarters if you wish." Kezef commanded. It may not have gone over well in training days. Yet it helps bring out some modesty. 

"Durnvire is required at his station Admiral sir. His position as Captain has required him to stand by the Admiral of the fleet." A Lieutenant insisted with a respectful salute to Admiral Kezef. 

"We set up new ground rules ever since Vagi left us." Durnvire rebuked. The Lieutenant squinted their eyes at this. Something happened between them and Vagi as though they had something going on. Could he reveal this yes, would he not while the operation was still in effect. 

"Oh you want to punch this bugger in the face huh?" Durnvire challenged the Lieutenant feeling a rise of fire inside him. He could see the Lieutenant did not like that. 

"Well, what do you want him to do? Lieutenant?" Kezef snapped at the Lieutenant breaking up a tense moment that could break out into a brawl between them or just a heated discussion, or an argument. "Durnvire return to your own quarters. We will require your assistance tomorrow. Dismissed." 

Making a quit getaway Durnvire exited the bridge-control room of the ship. As he exited his back could feel the glare of the Lieutenant. In the Captain's mind he envisioned some large, winged creature chasing a ship in the sea. How he pictured the Lieutenant's attempt to target him. Seven ships in Kezef's fleet. The Basilisk, a destroyer with a crew of 155 souls for sailors, 24 marines Captained by Weatherby. Rook, a Sloop that saw more action than it should with a crew of 188 souls, 10 troopers under the Captainship of Anitta Rocksallow. Anitta's rival, Captain Casktapper mastered the Sloop Casktapper's Wife with a crew of 196 souls, 10 troops. Both Captains nearly came to blows during meetings over succeeding Admiral Kezef, and himself. Kezef's Destroyer, Kaniima's Dagger housed a crew of 165, 12 Troopers, and a Captain Mahdiin from Badraan. Rumors spread about him grabbing up a nice treasure hoard then attempted to call himself a deity with a giant shiny crab for his coat of arms. Another Sloop, the Sal-Anisa was crewed by 191 souls,18 troopers, Captained by Ol-Haudi. Kezef's fleet included two Frigates. One them acted as his flag ship in the fleet. Turquoise Skull crewed by 228 souls, 31 Infantry, and Captain Gray Eye the dark skinned Castarian. Kezef's flagship the Frigate Hervornne housed 210 souls, 13 or more Guards. Co mastered by Admiral Kezef and Captain Durnvire himself. Returning to his own quarters Durnvire found himself face to face with a past photograph of three sailors on a Geverine Schooner doing poses. In his quarters Durnvire wondered about Vagi's condition after what she went through. She was one casualty out of a score or more this ship alone suffered. 

Putting down how many personnel did not really make for a good story, but it helped keep in mind of a crew's size. One ship could not actually take on an armada lone. Checking one photograph on the wall with her in it made is heart sink. A hollow feeling is what he felt. If they only sent that Jenere Omavern pirate the world or other pirates, this world would be rid of a few more pirates. Vagi's presence was a morale booster until they sent her with those privateer pirates. Yet thanks to their interacting with new factions from other worlds they received some extra allies or turncoats. Kezef's own Lamia was enough to protect their Admiral. Sixteen female gunners hired to act as commandos, spies, assassins or rogues resided in their fleet. Their chatter could not be drowned out unless you were near the engines. What also drowned them out was the roaring of various aircraft coming in. Durnvire raced outside among the other sailors to witness air dropped supplies. Such a sight it was hundreds of aircraft from Tante, Ivodra, Alagen, Vestrisia, some Nevoran countries he could not name. There must have been over a thousand different aircraft dropping supplies for the population. A sight that would received mixed feelings. Some let loose close to 200 observation balloons. His fellow crewmates watched some get lost or fall due to deflation. 

Alarms went off signaling they had sailors to rescue. Turning to attend to his duties he found a couple of the hired guns kissing. Culture clashes were frequent among the member states of the V.U.V.R. Yet the violence, squabbles, brawls were limited due to authorities pressing in quickly to restore order. He recognized two of them. Both from Syrianos these two were Clara Cuttcano, and Page the Thread spy. Cuttcano is described as a female demon with pointy long ears, horns from the side of her head pointing forward. Her light blue skin made her curvy voluptuous body the envy of some societies. A few burn scars on her back showed some parts of her past. Clara's bleach hair made her sea sweater darker along with the tight black pants that clung to her thighs. The band around her neck gave some red flags while her officer's cap with skull showed her rank. Page the Thread was also a demon humanoid with light blue skin. Before she even joined the crew as a guard she wore the typical office clothing without the ascot part. Not as desirable in appearance as Clara Page's bleach hair, organized attitude made up for it. Her clip board was missing. Durnvire was sure she left it in the fatty crevice of her former associate who watched her board this ship back in '42. Locked in each other's arms the two appeared engaged in some love making. 

"Stop stretching this out. People are going to mistake you for a lesbian." Durnvire warned only to get a playful tongue at him in response. 

"Is it wrong for females to be in love? Captain." Clara rebuked making a mock pout face. 

"No, it would not be bad that you are. Just make your preferences clear." Durnvire bit his lip pondering the types of humanoids they were allowing to fight for the V.U.V.R. and their Calornese Allies. Thanks to the little expedition into the unexplored parts of their own world, blocked by a wall of shipwrecks they recruited other aliens. One battalion of 402 ex Order of the Beast, and ex C.SO. are allowed to fight for them. Something Durnvire was a little uneasy about except the Lamia Kezef hired as a bodyguard. Vagi entered his thoughts as he came to Starboard bow. Before his very eyes Durnvire spotted one of the older style sail ships brought over from the neutral states. His gaze observed the Mooring lines put up, the bow line coiled up, bow strings down with some netting attached. Centre Cleats of the vessel coiled in strong rope, stern spring left empty, stern line still had rope tied in knots. As outdated as these vessels became, they still proved useful. Turning his gaze to his right Durnvire witnessed one of their own rescue teams prepare lifeboats. Each of these sail ships present were equipped with four rowboats, one lifeboat. 

"Move the life vests to the bow quickly. Those souls won't save themselves..." the leader nagged them. Ensign Gooding directed the rescue effort along with several other teams sent from other ships. 

As one the fleet stopped in their tracks on the sea. Aside from their own vessels, and those who participated their allies sent additional vessels. To secure the Iperantosi Islands, and the southern coats of the Unknown Lands which have a name. Jurax was the name the locals called the land mass cut off by mountain ranges, swamps, rocky islands, quicksand, savage tribes, various beast predators. Durnvire could only watch for a few minutes as a crew of 235 souls lost their ship, cargo, crewmates to a number of cannon fire from an islet believed to be abandoned. One metal tower erected itself like a collapsible telescope equipped with ten or more cannons that fired before reaction came down on them. Just two minutes of turret fire reduced the tower to a smoldering ruin full of broken black metal. It took everyone by surprise forcing the entire fleet that arrived to halt steering north and south. Rescue teams rounded up fifteen survivors on their own boats. As Captain on Deck Durnvire moved to inspect who they brough on board. 

An older Sailor known as Ano who sailed for forty years of his life. A lone carpenter recruited for repairs on ships such as the one they just lost. A trio of oriental looking Vorcadamnese. Two knights with stains on their family history due to their involvement in the Castarian Wars. An ex pirate with a parrot tattoo on their left arm. Four female sailors who looked to be from middle class families. Two guards whose coat uniforms had to be ditched. One fanatic with a black dragon tattoo wrapped around their body. Aside from their crewmates and ship they lost a cargo of 200 Thunder Guns brought over. Other rescue teams reported 35 other survivors while the rest were reported as killed in action. This infuriated Kezef at a meeting inside one of their rooms. 

"Just because he won a trophy after becoming champion doesn't mean he is fit for her. Is what I can say about this situation." Kezef warned the staff. 

"Oi it is like we discovered ruthless Driders in the Vergud Nepas Mountains from Dark Elf legends." Blackbell put in giving his own metaphoric comparison. 

"Over the intercom radio we overheard something that sounds like kill the kitchen staff as orders." Chief Officer Ace Strength another derivative of Strengithe his family original name. One way of saying strength. 

"So much for having the Iperantosi Islands as a trophy I guess." Durnvire muttered more himself, but his words somehow reached their ears in the room. Blackbell turned his head to face Durnvire. In his uniform the human looked no different than the usual personnel serving the V.U.V.R. Yet his thick brows, boxcar like scabs from a fire incident covered his right cheek. Chief Officer Strength gave him a scowl with his mustache, square face, tannish beige skin tone, snub nose, auburn hair. Despite his movements around the ship, he still had some meat on him. 

"Here! There is a trophy now get lost!" Chief Officer Strength snapped at the Captain. Pointing at one of the trophies they scavenged from a Gantronese vessel they sunk. 

"Easy Chief Officer! I know you just lost your brother in that wreckage and cousin in the first battle against the Gantronese. Assess the current damage see to the castaways, survivors. As for the rest of you tend to your teams. Captain Durnvire go ashore and see what our forces have been able to organize. Ensure supplies flows in. In a timely matter." Kezef ordered breaking up the meeting. Though short it still produced some results. 

Gathering a squad or team of ten sailors Durnvire came ashore to the Iperantosi port city of Nakour Cay. One of the locations for their landings. Using up the beach and cleared areas from the bombings or fires they organized at least 925 War Chariot (Armored Anti-Infantry Cars), Rocket Cars, Mobile Artillery. He witnessed a shipment of four large landing craft carrying 3 jeeps, 18 soldiers, 2 artillery pieces on each transport. Durnvire checked with the cooperative locals who were not injured, imprisoned, or keeping their distance. Coming in from the left a group of Iperantosi wearing tribal, and modern clothing mixed together. Although there was a coalition in control of the islands the air did not feel right. What he did not want to hear was their population was fearful of all outsiders. Most of the women were pregnant. No children could be seen as they were told to stay hidden from foreigners. At first he believed they came with some complaints or grievances. He was wrong. In a broken or barely touched upon language called Eisin the locals spoke to them. Their main language was Unbari they warned Durnvire, another Commanding Officer about a few Gantronese ships still in the area. 

From better translations he learned of some possible holdouts, abandoned ships. Hints of Gantronese reconnaissance from a distance to the south. How this did not reach their ears before arrival got under his skin. A Battleshio, a Gantronese style battleship with the appearance of an elongated scarab-eel mix spotted at port in the southern part of Iperantosi's main island. Gunboats, mainly a Gantronese vehicle used for patrolling coasts, rivers, or islands were spotted roaming. Scattered all over the Iperantosi Islands these locals reported modified vessels. One Sloop, Frigate, Destroyer, carrier, battleship, stolen mine clearer, steel attack brig were found abandoned. Still at port these vessels sat idle, unused. Durnvire only got the descriptions of these along with the news of zero Iperantosi sailors available to man them. Training them would take up a single year. Getting acquainted with these people who lived in exotic structures. 

One sexy glamorous looking oriental with sand blond hair short black dress with cleavage showing walked up to him. Called an Akim this one was more language skilled. Known as Triple Black Hearts this Akim covered herself to look decent while hiding her chest from prying eyes. His own thoughts went to Vagi who still slipped in his mind at times. Vagi's features were enough to distract the crew at times. Kezef's own age kept him from staring along with his marriage. Durnvire sort of hated her for it. In clear Unbari this woman let him know the whereabouts of other Gantronese vehicles left behind. Among Gantronese gunboat vehicles were the Y-45 Tolo Reconnaissance in the shame of a circular raft installed on a hovercraft. About 925 were given to the Iperantosi as a gift for their allegiance to the Gantronese. According to a bloated looked female Iperantosi in a custom fit flowery yellow dress that draped over her entire body. It somewhat suited her in a pleasant way. The glamorous woman patted her on the shoulder as a thank you while seeming irritated. Other types of Vehicles still in the area included the XI9 S Scoundrel Security Vehicles. Somehow the Nevoran Federation on the other side weaseled their way into trade routes with the Iperantosi. Not being at war with the Gantronese helped them. Yet plenty of their own citizens or comrades joined the fight as mercenaries or privateers. NF Sea Arachnid1408s with harpoon and grappling hook guns. 

Each vehicle was described in detail according to some superstitious beliefs. Durnvire was certain these people weren't exactly literate as they gave off traditional superstitions in their sayings. Whoever the commanding officer was or the commander in this region gave the locals too much power in some opinions among those sent with him. Despite the V.U.V.R. taking the helm as the vanguard for the invasion the command over the coalition occupation force rested on the shoulders of a commanding Alagen General Gaidinne Numalle-Gael. Their own command included a seemingly cult like group of 454 Druid warriors called Llanowar Druids. Even though Alagen was more of an island these Elf Druids roamed the continents as part of their training managing to number 1,168 in membership. Dawning the original red tunic under his uniform which he allowed to stick out the General commanded an additional 1,100. He warned Durnvire the invasion or reclamation of the Condor Isles was going to require some extra manpower. So, he should find something to do. Organizing the 688 weapons they brought over would be something to do. While his Admiral and the gathered fleets pressed for waters hosting enemy activity. 

Spending the night in one of the Gantronese barracks Durnvire reviewed a bit more of the fleet amassing to join their future engagement. Alagen's fleets assembled one U-boat, a Cruiser with upgraded pieces, frigate, 2 sloops, battleship, carrier full of dive bombers, 2 destroyers sent to patrol. Lybresan managed to send an aircraft carrier, small battleship, 2 missile frigates, 3 destroyers, attack transport, cargo ship, and submarine only meant for reconnaissance. Ivodrans already lost a bit of their fleets while committing to this conflict. Leaving the rest behind they gave 2 small battleships, 6 destroyers, 8 patrol boats sent to each island of the Iperantos. Rovantia's fleet went to the Condor Isles ahead of time with 2 destroyers, carrier, battleship, frigate. Combined with whatever was already over there would put a dent in parts of whatever armada the Gantronese would send. He felt like these aliens were just playing chess or a game by sending in small waves. Or were they seriously running out? Nahem's fleet put forward one Heavey Cruiser, and 5 destroyers that meant to hang towards the south of positions. Bound to the fronts Evusian sailors brought forth 12 destroyers, 7 combat ships, 2 small battleships to be sacrificed. Tante Republic assembled 2 battleships, 8 combat ships for defense over what they gained as a coalition. Meze being the neutral or half neutral state sent over 2 destroyers, and 2 small battleships while keeping the rest of the fleet around their coasts. 

Durnvire felt a little ashamed of not being able to join in the fight that was to come. With his own group he toured/patrolled the islands watching over the construction of new lighthouses. Certain reconstruction was going smoothly Durnvire sat in the passenger seat of a newly constructed Jeep fresh off the line. Coming up to a village the Gantronese named Arel Thalore 24 shots go off in a town that is under threat of Vestrisian attack. Not the first time it happened since the Gantronese left these islands. Confident in reducing the casualties, diminishing the gunfire Durnvire hopped out of the armored jeep. A combined unit of Lybresan and Vestrisians launched their own siege on town suspected of harboring collaborators to the Gantronese. Under the command of a bald fat Lybresan Baron with levitation abilities a Lheobethan half elf of the deserts led 1,500 Lybresan-Vestrisians. Known as Efendi the half elf desert elf possessed a falcon as a companion. As a member of the VUVR he was allowed to arm himself with a curved dagger, and scimitar representing his culture. In his officer's V.U.V.R. standard uniform Efendi Vitae-Al Gume refused to give his rank. 

Captain Durnvire stepped on his foot the moment he refused to salute and give rank. Some uptight offspring from Mezeen the half elf was also part Lheobethan who made it to Major in the ranks. Five years of banishment from Meze was what he was now enduring for his own protection. Iperantosi locals stood along the roads in their traditional fabric mixed with modernized clothing. Some looked scared others curious. Forced to explain the situation to a staff of Numalle-Gael the Major found himself demoted. Rumors spread that a group calling themselves the Dragon Mutants with a Mattel Assault Vehicle, some Wind Raiders, motorcycle-car mix, and lancer cycles held up somewhere in the town. Turning them in would end the siege for these people. This wasn't part of their plan in terms of occupying the Iperantosi. Since Iperantosi was to be left in the hands of allies and rebels a formidable force had to be left behind. He knew a brigade of 4,350 Coalition personnel would be stationed here. They would have an additional supply of 1,500 of each type of rifle, 13 artillery pieces, 2,560 submachineguns of various models. Four crates of Heavy Machine Guns came with the supplies. 

At a meeting Durnvire sat through the Commanding Officers chewed up this Baron who clearly could have resolved this without a siege. Five days passed with some news about their fleets becoming victorious on the first few days. Apparently it transformed into a crippling draw for both sides. Yet with some prizes for them. A dozen different ships along with 400 Trawlers of Vorcadamn, Talus, Gora Via, and Retoriam. A few islands fell to them. Losing a quarter of their fleet with most of them damaged they came back with 400 GZP 0C Samurai Supply Vehicles. One looming dreadnaught began the second assault on their fleet on the fifth day. Half the day was spent bringing it down while the Gantronese moved southwest. Most of the ships required new shells, minimal repairs. Relying on their dive bombers the fleets hung bang at some mobile ports hauled over. It was also learned that a Steel Man O war can be manned by two thousand Natons, some term for half Goblin half Dwarf spawn. 

Eager to settle the siege down to an end Captain Durnvire went to see for himself what these Dragon Mutants wanted. When he was allowed through, he discovered 828 Iperantosi driven away. A team of 16 members of the town police, service members to the Iperantosi assisted this group. It consisted of a few knights from the split island, eight police, one commander, doctor, acrobat, pilot, Gantron with mechanical eyes their personal thrall. This Dragon Mutants gang only consisted of 24 humanoids and monsters. Two of them were tall knightly looking figures. One was a large amphibian creature with a Eku-Kanobo mix. One cyborg like humanoid, a silver skinned winged demon, Gantronese human-spawn, some phantom looking dreg in tattered robes sat around a table. On it lay a rather tall High Priestess of snakes exposed to the air inside. Another female sat in a chair appearing very haughty and in charge in a dominating appearance. She appeared to be a dominating female with twelve other followers. A two headed ogre, pair of Molorcs, larger Orcs, two female archers, a pair of dwarves, two draconic like monsters, one humanoid with a horses lower body for legs, large aquatic humanoid, and Orc mounted on a reptilian beast appeared under her control. Expecting himself to be torn to pieces Durnvire raised his hands as he approached. Forced to get a translation Durnvire had a bone to pick with whoever let them back in town. 

It wasn't clear to him exactly why they were still here. Yet they insisted of different stories. One story involved a desire to hold down a fort or small castle that was destroyed in a bombing run. Another had more to do with finding a restaurant or lounging spot. Othe reasons emerged in the conversation. Durnvire thought he heard enough. Offering them cuisines from different parts of the continents is all he could really think of. Negotiations between him, his superiors, the Baron's army, town Chiefs, these Mutant Dragons dragged for a few days longer than he liked. Pulling up information he quickly learned Calorn's Coalition brought over 1,300 or more cooks, chefs among the elf run states. Most were either recruits, seasoned veterans, conscripts, drafted or volunteers. Over a short period of time they managed to end the siege with cuisines crafted using a cart sized hog, tree fruits, edible leaves held up by bamboo made into a platform table. Satisfying these Dragon Mutant gang members like this wasn't part of their ordeal. It did get them to leave only a Talus Mask Opera performer became a meal for the frog mutant. This other female among them managed to get a shrine in her honor. Once these hold outs left Durnvire stormed over to the armored jeep and threw his cap into the ground in frustration. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Flag of Zaul


Zaul, a state within the continent of Nevora sits on the southern borders of the Nevoran Federation. Despite its size Zaul still proved to be a bit of a problem for the larger state among the other free states of their side of Calorn. While the invaders fight each other, the V.U.V.R., and this Calornese Alliance Nevora hosted a whole different range of old conflicts. An autocracy, Zaul still traded with nine free states of Calorn. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

A symbol for Werewolves


Werewolves can also be found on the world of Calorn. Yet they tend to hide from the public. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

For House and Company

 Walking on the ice he wasn't sure if it would show up. Snow blanketed the land half a week ago. Most of the snow and ice already melted. A few places in Fort Pradding, Merryze still had ice that were shaded. In a slow pace he moved on the walkway made for Officers to move back and forth. It was close to where female officer attempted to stop a fight between mutant spawn only to find herself attacked. Despite the authorities saying they had everything under control his order sent him. No one among his kingdom, now an empire wanted to hear any excuses. Whoever attacked that officer was not alone. Crunching sounds of his footsteps disturbed the silence. Each footfall attracted some attention. From the shadows of the alley between the abandoned diner, turret tower from a battleship emerged a Rage Demon. A nine limbed creature with a few maws for mouths, six spear like arms, three limbs it moves on with talons. This creature like demon had an elongated head, leathery stretched skin. A long tongue comes out of its maw for grappling. Tales of this thing being unleashed on battlefields were uttered among members of his Order. It may appeared he was unarmed, but his fake long flashlight became a spear. A rather long spear or pike to take this thing down. His own body quaked as the monster approached him. It was not from fear, but his ancestors fought these monsters. This one came from a long line of warriors, slayers, hunters who pursued any threat to civilization. His own monkey like tail wrapped around his waist. Some of his own people possessed various types of tails yet his among others was that of a monkey. 

Not interested in making this an epic showdown that caused damage he went straight for the kill. Impaling this Rage Demon to the wall this young warrior fried this monster using a special taser. Zero mercy was to be given to anything he fought. Show no mercy made his people somewhat undesirable among certain militaries across the galaxy. Unless they were ordered to take them in, saw they surrendered, each warrior of his people were to take them out. Wounded enemies were either left alone, taken in, or sent back to their own lines. At times it became complex as his people fought as mercenaries, or hybrids were born on other worlds. Forced to wrap the used up taser in a wet cloth the warrior burned the corpse to a crisp. Upon his return to his employer, he found some local officers who looked scared to say a word or look him in the eye. His employer Vikki Bolos sat in her armchair with her hands clasped together. The House Bolos of the Three Circlets was going to be the governing family of Merryze. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Nagga Hel Prison in Gantronese territory

Another year under the bootheel of these invaders who shared a similar society, hierarchy, and system to their own. Flirting with the new Geisha, he prayed their new masters would not take her away. Nagga Hel, a reservation for those who resisted these Gantronese invaders. Although they survived, they still felt dead. Built more like a settlement, Nagga Hel was home to 37,000 warriors, retainers, servants, warlords, thralls who resisted yet failed to die. Within the territory of Vorcadam Nagga Hel rested against the tip of Bayushi Peninsula. North of Nagga Hel stood a military base manned by a garrison of 332 lesser Gantronese. Nagga Hel acted more like a prison city rather than a reservation. Yet it allowed trade to flow freely, inhabitants to own land, run business, own people, possess any desires or necessities. So long as they do not go against Gantronese rule again. Looking at this Geisha, Yoba Annid Gorvo thought of the two loose pages from an ancient text kept hidden. It wasn't something he should think about while loving up a partner. Part of a series of volumes depicting some bestiary style of illustrations, these pages had foreign scriptures on them. Whatever script these were written in each lettering or character were lost to history texts, translators, codebreakers, lore masters, scholars, and sages. Both depicted weapons and a deity worshipped or awed by some follower. Most likely worshipped by a believer of the deity depicted. Still worried they would take her away, he offered a flask of Sake. Unopened, this flask was one of many gifts given to 604 prisoners who chose to switch sides. She looked at him with a disgruntled, distraught expression on her face. Her gaze went to the flooring of his own house. Then she looked at the glass door to his bathroom. Only the symbol of the exodus was on there. Appearing on another glass wall to the shower it resembled like a couple of sevens, some fours combined or mixed together.

"You are just a Dairy Associate merchant. Those lazy grass chewing beasts meant to be frozen or become Lion food." She pointed out with her gaze set towards the framed map to some mountainous region left alone for decades. 

"We can make a deal." he snapped at her. Yoba actually was taken aback by himself. In his mind Yoba knew he needed to be the authority here. It was his house. By your mother's maiden name Yoba just give her a trophy and shut up. No one can be neutral with the war going on. 

"Then fix this." She pointed at the symbols on the glass shower walls. 

"No, they allowed me to have that." Yoba glared at her. This is my house you fake singing bard. Without hesitation he splashed water on the Geisha's face. It wasn't something would do. He wanted to send a message to her that she needed to obey his rules in his house. In a calm manner Yoba took the Geisha out of his home. Exiting his own house the graduating prisoner soon to be turncoat stopped at the porch. With his own waist sash the Uwa-Obi, Yoba wiped her face off. Although it speared her make up off it did dry most of the water he splashed on her. Although his own house was smaller, two stories high, it wasn't the only house. Connected to other houses his home shared the same building with three others. One was empty, the other two occupied. One of them was occupied by a Drow who is often armed with two blades when going outside the reservation or prison settlement. His purple eyes separate him from some Drow species or ethnic groups. He visited him once, only to be forced out due to an alcoholic rage. In the fourth townhouse lived four remaining members of some Brother's Gift Dojo. As a quartet they ran the Whate Whale shark shaped townhouse structure. By the collar of her kimono, he lightly dragged her over to the townhouse of the quartet. Immediately the door swung open, and the four older members drug her inside. 

Leaving her to her non-lethal fate Yoba took a stroll through the streets of Nagga Hel. On the same street sat other structures. Another town house complex with a handsome traveler drinking up two ales with a mace at his side. An ugly "rhino" woman of rather large physique, purple skin like kimono draped over her. Acting as a servant to a purple skinned Gantronese she cleaned a decorative shoulder piece that stretched down over the left side along the arm. Residing inside her half of the townhouse she served this Gantronese who wears an Iron Face Mask they called a fask that resembled a Phoenix. He sat in the chair with one arm, fattened tentacles for legs. Rumors spread that he sentenced 69 Kepunni Truth Seekers banished, executed, starved. Over the incident that involved 48 personal insolent rivals gaining possession of about 78 stolen secrets. As a Kyuden Bayushi appeared in his viewpoint from the right Yoba recognized the permitted robe or kimono dress code for Yokai Masked female elite blades. humiliating as it was the garment still suited his feature. In the color of green, this outfit contained or possessed jellyfish looking creatures. Next to him lingered a grotesque kitesail glider pirate ronin. A retainer to a member of service members who carried their burden. On his back carried 2 packs full of gear, 2 sniper rifles over their shoulder. 

Turning his head to the left Yoba spotted one of the 66 Ignobi Enforcers given authority over the prison settlement. Just over a score or more enforcers compared to the 923 Gantron Spawn, 844 Gantronese Guards. Last year these Ignobi managed to round up 33 Shosuro Takaoji Shadow Shinobi professional assassins, 54 Bayushi Aramoro Shinobi agents. Both were part of the Court of Deception. Yoba hoped to avoid the whispers of Bayushi of Three Lips. Once they discovered any of the Three Lips members at their door it was over. Something he did not want to happen to himself. His loyalties were steering towards their Gantronese masters. Certain he did not want to catch the attention of the Bayushi or the Gantronese watch dogs, Yoba made his way through the settlement square. Passing at most 57 Opium Wastrel Peasants he spotted a dirty carriage from the Vestrisian parts of Calorn. One of the opium addicts slept in the broken-down vehicle as a distraction for the authorities from the real opium addicts. This started recently as the Bayushi Collectors gathered 72 scrolls from Dojos while on Duty. All over the settlement authorities found 67 jars or vials of the stolen Breath Poison. This discovery prompted the need for 75 or more Asako Maezawa Elder Courtier who are trained as Scholars, Healer, Philosophers, Investigators to be sent over. He could have sworn they offered advice to 87 Peasants, 54 of whom offered testimony to the  Gantronese Authorities. While walking through Minotaur Beast Rd he passed the Antlered War Lord Lane. Thanks to the Gantronese sweeping through they found other creatures among the populations. 

His eyes rested on a Mahadi cat folk walking upright donning gold combat armor plating with a scimitar at their side. They were handed extra chopsticks by a lean thin looking figure of a Vorcadamese fellow. Most of the aliens who chose to fight or serve the Gantronese were granted permission to hire or take locals of conquered areas as personal retainers. By the Book Keeper's office, a medium sized obsidian skinned cephalopod creature entered a suite office with a station representing some Dwarven Dig Site to the northwest. One of the suites had a small dragon painted on its door window. Some kimono daughter of a hybrid Gantron Collaborators poked fun at how cute it looked. She was accompanied by a mutated Lothair, or wolf man who wore a spiked tortle shell on their back. Behind them, over the left shoulder Yoba spied a spotted greyish skinned Ogre-Troll with a scar on the back of their head making molds of statues. Antlered Warlord Lane took him through the markets where nosy people were being arrested. The barracks, which authorities set up housed a large battalion of new troops used as sentries. It was rumored that 766 humanoids who looked the same resided inside. 

Smell of cooked meats, steamed rice, lit scented candles mixed with the fires of poor residents made for an interesting aroma. Mistaken for an odor by any newcomers, new arrivals, visitors, or traveling merchants permitted to enter these smells incurred jokes or muttered rumors. Mainly comprised of Nagaya style houses, hoof shaped houses with conical roofs, two story shack looking homes this settlement was more like a prison. Packed or shoved into these homes like sardines 37,000 oriental looking peoples who once resisted or surrendered to the Gantronese were now at a crossroads. In full defiance against these invaders the peoples of Koriv, Gora-Via, Vorcadam, Talus, the small island continent found themselves overrun. One former Gora kingdom of Usakun witnessed their Usaku Tetsuko, Battle Maiden Cavalry gave their defiance until only 72 members remained. Rumors spread about them concerning their fate. Despite being fifty or so years since their invasion, the Gantronese still dealt with resistance. In the northern regions near Mulzan a large group of ex retainers, deserters, ronin, warrior turned brigand followed the lead of a merchant. Yoba did read the articles on the monitors placed in the markets, and square. According to Ejonne sources some 451 rebels under the leadership of this merchant, an ex-spy, and priest roamed the country. Rumors spread about the merchant having rivals and under the guidance of an island moon gazer. 

His own feet shielded from the wet ground by hardened leather with soft stuffed lining took to the edge of the prison settlement. From the wall he spotted the Gantronese alien treaded vehicles on patrol. It was right after a conflict occurred in another prison settlement. It explained the extra garrison of 700 or more that were stationed here. Gantronese authorities made attempts to hide their loses to the Calornese Alliance, and the V.U.V.R. that emerged from the union between nations. This conflict disrupted migration patterns of feathery beasts prowling the surrounding area. Very similar looking to galliform bird species, these beasts are either gold feathered, gray feathered, charcoal, or green feathered. Most are large enough to be used as mounts, but hardly worth use in combat during a modernizing age. One of the prizes he received after facing one of these feral or diseased feathery creatures was some mailed gauntlet from a Nazdar combat noble leader. That act alone saved the life of a Yasuki Oguri Courtier. One of 51 Yasuki Oguri Courtiers who arrived from Gora-Via, Talus, Vorcadam, and three other states for 69 replicas of the Liar's Mask of the Agoi in Vorcadam. Gantronese authorities saw this and chose to recognize him as a loyal subject. 

Six days later Yoba was summoned to attend a banquet of loyalty. As one of 48 candidates who made an opening he was allowed to watch the testimony of only 12 Alibi Bushi-Shinobi Artists offer testimony. Clad in their lavish kimono robes these Shinobi Artists made their opening seem stale despite the sword play and martial arts performance in column. Before them, seated on a Daimyo style throne like cushion, the Gantronese with their numerous tentacles for legs chose the fates of each candidate. Some went to the 93 Doji Fumiki Courtiers of the Fan/Fashion who were prone to dress for occasions their targets would attend. Others went to the 47 Kitsuki Shomon the Bushi Duelist Coaches to train recruits from the local populations of Koriv. Most went to the 72 Akado Kage Armed Wise Envoy Courtiers as apprentices. Only five were given over to the 45 Soshi Aoi Shuganja the Shinobi Mages of Illusion. Yoba's fate was placed in the hands of a unit of Mahadi cat folk who were not the type to pet. Looking up at the skies when it was over Yoba felt on top of the world. A year later he was commanding a small unit of nine Oda Sa cavalry in the fields of a country known as Zekmar. Going out without heavy armor on Yoba and his Oda Sa went up against a group called the Zema Ilam. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

An AI artwork for a character


One of my own friends did some AI generated artwork of some characters from my sci-fi-fantasy series. It was more of a personal project that came about back in middle school. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Eye for an Eye

 Five weeks later their coalition pressed counter attacks against the remnants of the invasion force. That included the remaining units of that brigade the Gantronese sent over. Within their part of the front an estimate of 1,004 Gantronese died, 734 wounded. Among the collaborators they gathered 475 dead, over 300 wounded in this fight. Their own side, the coalition forces, lost 1,300 killed in action, more than 1,300 wounded. The Ejone Personnel, the Otaku Waruso, the Red Beetles lost most of the forces they sent over to fight for the Gantronese. Four hundred forty-three Twisted Abomination-Mutants. Some dressed as assassins in leather, belts, durable fabric. Others wore the sharpshooter robes that allow them to blend in. Most appeared like ponchos, or overlapping shawls. Red eyes can be seen under the hoods to make their skills with bows and arrows more menacing. Norbit could not believe he got to speak to one of them all because of their wounds from the fighting. Due to their appearances of humanoid resemblances with 6-7 limbs certain clothing were suitable. Working alongside other medics Private Norbit found other humanoids known as Kitsune among the dead Gantronese forces. These Kitsune appeared more like fox humanoids who wore various styles of armor along with their combat fatigues, or uniforms. A total of 337 were lost while one happily switched sides for a cooking position. Two of these Kitsune dueled each other. Most of them fled to other islands the Gantronese held. 

Going through the dead and wounded they found more humanoids from other worlds among the collaborators. One type of humanoid found among the Gantronese were the Akki Goblins. A crimson skinned Goblin looking humanoid with scalps full of spikes, and spiked pauldrons with their armor. Mostly underlings to the ranks, these Goblins saw 258 of their own kind perish in the fighting. Going through the fallen they discovered the Gantronese forces also brought over Glacial Stalkers. Approximately 310 lay on the ground ready to be buried or lay in hospital beds ready for transportation as prisoners of war. According to the know-it-all ones they were the units for cold nights. Among the Spawn in the Gantronese some 911 were lost to combat situations. Some villages were lost due to the rampage and destruction of the Gantronese Invasion. Six Gantronese Gorilla Mutants were found dead. One unit of Lamia Naga armed with sickle slicers lost 619. Humanoids with Inner Demon background saw 302 of their own die in a combat situation. A pair of necromancer Warlocks died alongside them after they managed to vandalize, trample, and rampage seven villages. 

Their own casualties went over 1,000 dead or killed in action. Number of wounded personnel went above a thousand. It took away a bit of their fighting force. Another week passed before they realized the sudden reclamation of Condor Tribal land was mostly complete. Plenty of prizes came with the reclamation of Condor territory. Thousands of rifles, Numeik rifles, Yekato Assault Rifles, Elaborate Fire Cannons, Nezero 64s. One column of Gantronese Combat Tanks, vehicles with treads, a Bull Elephant Mutant, an oil ship full of Jekrese oil for fuel. Thanks to the Gantronese personnel they captured or those turncoats they rallied an invasion force. For this invasion they had to draft more from their own populace. Two hundred eleven dutiful servants, 407 opportunists, 338 Followers of a Dune Beetle Cult, 387 Trustworthy Scouts, 374 Cut purse rogues. Three hundred ninety Light Foot, 394 Dire Gremlins, 506 Condor tribesmen rallied by some Omen Speaker for the temple took up the call as militia. 

Experienced Veterans were also gathered for this invasion force. One unit of 496 Death Hood Cobras, 258 Bladed Sentinels, 310 Velac Companions, 362 Bone Blade Scoundrels, some 390 Pall Pass Wall Adepts made up the experienced units of the amassed invasion force. Other units were formed as reserves, which involved 396 Smelt Ward Gate Keepers as part of the reserves. One unit of 256 soldiers who called themselves Wave Skimmers became the vanguard. To hunt for any remnants of the Gantronese invasion force Condor beast handlers unleashed 301 Pure Blood Hounds across the islands. This endeavor was led by Lord Thraben of Evusia. Norbit went with 800 members of the Calornese Coalition who joined this invasion force. The 40 or so members of Backstripper's unit formed a secondary vanguard for this invasion. Among a brigade of 1,800 members the Coalition rounded up Norbit, Lez, new acquaintances met various individuals involved. 

Three royalists to an old dynasty of Evusia called Ilango. Some dynasty that attempted to persecute a certain group. One Dame or female knight known as Burke, who was known for wearing a different hat for occasions. She served a very infamous Noble who called themselves "Lord Asta". They brought over a fireteam of five to add to their invasion force. Quickly shaking hands Norbit checked her out for a few moments then sauntered off to meet other members. He bumped into members of a fifteen-man squad Sajon Monk Warriors of Gadavora Isle. Close by them some members of 14 pirate crew called the C'tan Crew. Roaming the camp Norbit found plenty of gunslingers among the army the coalition and condor locals assembled. 

Most of these gunslingers had shaved heads with a blue ring on the side of their heads. Others came from Kodra Isle of Evusia. A larger portion of these gunslingers were mainly Jaegars, Widows, and Chirak tribesman of Evusian-Meze borders. Three full weeks and a half their forces gathered a little more strength along with supplies. On board stolen Gantronese gunboats, sea capable hover craft, Xebecs, their own hulking freighters, 1,800 Coalition forces launched a counterattack. One invasion for another brought them northwest towards the western side of a city-state called Rednight Fangsir. Three islands became the landing zones Komodo Dragon Island, Bearded Dragon Pagota, and Thorny Devil Island. For their revenge invasion their coalition force used ten crudely built Draconic Destroyers the Gantronese left at the western ports to cover their movement. Like a storm the Calornese Coalition forces overran Gantronese/Collaborator positions. For a whole month their forces were to seize enemy territory as planned at the briefings. 

As they landed, they were met with Ocelots, small lizards, Parasaurophalus herds, exotic birds, goat horned giraffes. Norbit saw plenty of these creatures, Ottante, southwestern parts of Castaria. Jungle foliage covered much of the islands. A paradise is what anyone could call it. An untouched paradise that made it difficult to get a visual on enemy positions. Their own forces divided evenly into a battalion of 600 evenly. Each battalion took one island backed by a brigade of Condor combatants who rallied for the counterattack. Four days passed in their invasion with barely any resistance. Several types of monsters acted some resistance on behalf the Gantronese. Twenty-seven to thirty tentacled plant like beings with one or more heads freaked out plenty of the coalition forces. Some had claws, arms, shells, large mouth full of sharp teeth. Thirteen one eyed monsters with tentacles on their head, and extra limbs attacked from buildings. Some grappled personnel before getting shot up or destroyed with explosives. Some of these barely possessed a head, or body. A small unit of 61 Higher Gantronese held hidden outposts alongside lab creatures they let loose on the invading coalition. Norbit got a good look at a corpse of one. These were Gantronese with tentacles for legs armed with melee weapons. Five snake lamias manned an abandoned sawmill. Using molotovs from medical supplies they burned the mill to the ground. On one of the islands Seventy regular Gantron retainers found themselves caught off guard by eager Widow gunslingers in the dead of night. The third island hosted 15 Augmented Cyborg creatures called Graft 77s. 

Norbit hid behind the units that backed the ones who engaged these hostiles. Using weapons other than the standard issued weaponry they took out these hostiles. One type of weapon was the S.P.D.R. the Shocking Projectile Detainment Rifle. It worked a few times on some actual high ranking Gantronese present on the island. Weapons such as the Mobile MC 1138 or Machine Cannons helped with the larger monsters the Gantronese recruited. Other weapons included The Nothing Rifle2O, the Fujamahi High 0.7 bolt shooter. There was also the 4 Hex Gees Exterminator gun. Private Norbit witnessed some scenes that involved, death, trauma, and violation of human nature. 

Costing the lives of 692 Coalition Forces, a few hundred Gantronese aligned monsters caused casualties of 731 wounded. Weeks passed into their own invasion before they found themselves going too far inland. Private Norbit Nurgle, combat medic witnessed a total turnaround. When they received a brigade of 3,000 Calornese Coalition, V.U.V.R., Condor fighters, tribal warriors, turncoats, mercenaries, they pressed further. To the east their own fellow Calornese fought the Gantronese over the Unknown Lands alongside the various tribes who resisted Gantronese advances. His own unit got mixed with a small battalion of 400 who launched an assault on an island mountain settlement. Built very similar to an urban set up this settlement rested on several levels. At first sight these settlements on the bottom level looked like a string of beach resorts, painted pretty colors yet appeared very tribal in terms of shape. Not a soul or living thing stirred inside the buildings as they landed. The eerie atmosphere did not help as the banners flew Gantronese colors. Each step they took every single member expected an attack. Going uphill they still found nothing inhabiting the lower levels. Some members of their unit muttered how this could be abandoned for all they knew. Norbit checked the flanks looking past those he advanced with. In small squads their battalion checked each house with nothing to report. Most of these houses faced the ocean with sheds or small garages attacked with zero vehicles in sight. Not paying attention to the designs or occupations they moved further to the third level where they crossed a bridge connected the level to the rest of the mountain. 

It was on the third level of this mountain island something stirred out of the buildings. As their commanders expected these lurking inhabitants were Gantronese aligned hence the Gantronese banners displayed. Getting a good look at these inhabitants was shortened when Gantronese aligned humanoids launched their ambush. Forty-five lizard-like creatures the size of dogs with sail spines, aerial predator beaks, long claws emerged from opened garages. Known as Youries according to Condor troops these creatures attacked using venomous bites, sharp claws, and speared targets with piercing tails. 

One leashes or in metal collars, these Yowie Lizards were not alone in this ambush. On this Gantronese island they discovered several or more villages aside from the ports along the beaches surrounding the small mountain peak. This stacked cliff formation of a mountain was home to some 1,400 people. Inside these buildings weren't just these Yowies, but other alien creatures the Gantronese brought over. Aside from these large lizard predators, their handlers were another species. A four limbed creature with a thick-skinned predator's body, a big mouth with rows of fangs, blade like hooves, came out of different hiding places. Attacking coalition personnel like a summer salting acrobat with blades about ninety-six of these creatures cut down their targets. Limbs sliced off, guts spilled out, head decapitated made for a gory scene. 

Another type of creature or monster these Gantronese brought was the steel predator. Some large construct in the form of a beast. Just sixteen of these earless Jaguar-wolf shaped constructs wiped out 50 Coalition members. This ambush occurred on the third and second levels of this island drove them back to the boats. Pulling back to the beaches the coalition forces found out that some of their own Coalition members dancing in a column. Whatever dance they performed it seemed more like a series of kicks, punches, shimmies in rhythm. To the commanders that did not matter. Forced back to their own landing craft they managed to lure some hostiles to reduce their numbers in case the next wave came. One of those hostiles went after the column of useless coalition dancers. From the northwest of the island six mounted Gantronese raced towards them. Norbit's gaze caught glimpse of a dock connecting the island to raised platform settlement. 

In desperation Norbit's unit raced back to their own boats. Not bothering to look back they left some of their own behind. It would haunt them for life. Heading eastward they found the other units of the invasion force on certain portions of the mainland. Everyone at camp, seized villages were exhausted from the fighting, and forced rowing. A rather large force of Troglodytes made the first hours of their invasion difficult. What somewhat spared the vast majority of their invasion force appeared local yet alien. Made up of women of different races, tribes, backgrounds, professions, a horde made their move. An estimated horde of 2,400 or more attacked over turf being invaded by the Troglodytes. Through dense foliage, jungle, abandoned villages, ruins, empty Gantronese camps, these female warriors gave the Troglodyte hordes a taste of brutality. 

Even the invaders, Coalition Forces, other tribes faced their wrath in the mix up. Scared out of his mind Norbit bolted away from his own unit. This quagmire of a conflict became too much for him. On the western coasts west of Rednight Fangsir the frightened combat medic ran amuck while others held their ground. In a panicked hunt for a haven as a hiding spot Norbit bumped into some scenes and sites. First scene he witnessed was a barbarian looking figure tied to a then totem surrounded by tattooed figures. This barbarian figure's captors, seven mostly nude tribal tattooed members of this female horde that attacked all forces. Each one of them had black line across their eyes. Not bothering to save this barbarian Norbit raced to another area. Only he mattered to himself in this circumstance. Racing through the jungle he dropped one bag of his equipment. Still in the jungle portions of the Gantronese held area he found a river where a skirmish occurred. Between two group leaders a Sage and a Master fought in the aftermath of a skirmish that wiped out most of each other's groups. This Sage-Witch's force astride some scaly creatures went at it against the other mounted forces. Only catching glimpses of armor, weapons Norbit rushed towards what he thought was an eastern direction. 

His face was hit with branches by nature itself leaving some sap, scratches on him. Norbit's next encounter brought him to some spread out trees where a couple rested. A Talus looking female in the arms of a wounded Kuruk with horns similar to that of a ram and Oni combined. One was covered in arrows in trousers. The other wore a female's Kimono robe of white with stars. Blood soaked her white clothing revealing evidence of attacks made on the Gantronese collaborators. Scared that he would get caught for refusing to take part in the fighting Norbit shot up both lovers leaning against a tree. Out of a wall of trees a blue-purplish skinned male Oni emerged armed with 2 blades at his side. A standard shotgun the Gantronese adopted into their arsenal rested in his palms. Gold tattoos covered his shoulder, chest. Exposed to the elements that appeared more cephalopod in appearance on his body. Black Horns, cropped head, this Oni donned a black dyed military fatigue trousers, studded boots. This Oni was accompanied by a draconic looking humanoid with tendrils for hair. They wore a very identifying Warlock Cloak over hermit's clothing. A decoratively dressed reptilian snake person emerged next to the warlock. Armed with a hooked blade in the right hand, a claw blade in the left. Exposing its fangs they eyed Norbit, who was frozen stiff with fear. He did not know if he still had bullets in the chamber. 

To their right more clashes dragged out the fighting in the Gantronese coastal regions. One of the fallen among the dead and fallen comrades got up despite their injury. A Gantronese spawn of a hulking physique in terms of body mass prepared to face the risen combatant. Norbit blinked a few times ensuring he was seeing this right. A fallen coalition soldier getting up like he was some revenant. Both appeared bald headed but fought on opposite sides wearing completely different uniforms. Shirtless, one of them revealed tattoo on their back while the other possessed nothing but scars. Clearly wearing Coalition style trousers, the tattooed one was a mage or battle mage of some sorts. Their tattoos appeared like swords on his back. Through arcane abilities they pulled out two blades from their back. Leaving the body the blades appeared more translucent, and arcane until they were raised a few feet off the ground. 

Norbit did not get a chance to watch what happened next. One Lamia Soldier wrapped themselves around him in an overlapping coil. Now he knew how a rodent felt when it fell prey to a hungry snake. Being captured Combat Medic Private Norbit Nurgle realized his part in this war just ended. Leaving the fallen to their fate these collaborators summoned a few others to take care of the job. Ensuring the dead stayed dead were a female cat humanoid armed with an assault rifle, a pair of Lamia snake women. Ten Gantron Regulars armed with rifles joined this group putting holes in those on the ground. Held captive Norbit was brought to a hidden settlement in a clearing through the wall of dense trees. Twenty smooth edged rectangular prisms raised by beams, 30 huts shaped very similar to a pear, egg, and pepper made up this settlement. Each of these structures made from mud, wood, some metals the Gantronese allowed them to use.

Inhabiting this hidden settlement or enclave about 47 Dark Elves of the Jungle, 37 Halfling sized Humanoids. His captors took him to the edge of this village where a small cat like goblin creature threw darts and failed. Each throw missed the target on the tree. Between it and the tree lay nothing but the grass with pretty flowers. Behind this tree a river ran through the area. It cut through the jungle nearly wrapping itself around the clearing. Out of this river emerged a Dark Elf in a white tight fit blouse shirt. er back and sides were exposed, three arm rings on the right hand, and arm. Around her waist a white serpent coiled around her. Darkish green hair, green eyes that sort of fit her body of perfection. That is what Norbit believed. Turning her head this Dark Elf eyed Norbit with curiosity. Not caring at all this Dark Elf revealed herself as a crocodile passed through to the other bank. Feeling rather flustered, aroused at the same time his eyes rested on her exposed parts. His captor forced his gaze to her face. 

"Ejonne Colonel Macabre Ungaleth Aqilhad Chieftain of ten thousand Wicked Demons. Who are you?" the Lamia captor introduced the female Dark Elf. She walked on the bank sinking her feet in the wet dirt. In a glide she approached him and his captor. 

Attempting to con his way out of this, Norbit had to conceal his fear. He did a piss poor job of that. Yet his own attire was soaked in his own sweat from the fear of being coiled up by an alien monster. His words kept jumbling as his lips trembled, his voice stuttered as well. Grazib, another Dark Elf squeezed his face to shut him up. Whoever this Dark Elf Grazib was they had all nails filed down save two of them. Certain these Gantronese collaborators would kill him, he attempted to give away positions. Taking this in the Dark Elves, several Lamia, packed up their base. Their progress in packing up became impeded upon. A group of five beast humanoids with cat folk appearances arrived in the clearing. Between the heights of five feet to seven feet tall these cat folk called Rudiv. This type of species held the appearances of tigers, wild cats. Some possessed braids in their fur around their jawlines. One of them had a cat creature with a resemblance of a leopard and regular cat. 

Their leader the bobcat with tiger stripes demanded for the handover of their captives. On them were weapons most considered outdated, yet they still used for hand-to-hand combat for close quarters. In slings or sheaths hung Maces, Morning Stars, raven's beaks, axes, flail, fighting chains. One wielded a bow and arrow for stealth. Each possessed a dirk whereas one of them wore a broad sword over their shoulder. Ungaleth handed Norbit over to this group who commanded a dozen human knights of an abandoned order. The other captives included a noble, a female cleric, one female pilot. All the noble did was receive a middle finger from the leading knight of the lost order. 

"Learn to shut up." the leader snapped at this uptight noble prisoner. 

Their attention was ripped away from him. Norbit's captivity turned their heads. Not given a chance to speak this medic found himself muffled then gagged. Bickering, Judging, boasting, roasting, mocking, arguing was all they did. Packing up their base these collaborators moved for three days undetected. Through bamboo forests and other tall foliage, they reached another settlement. Norbit estimated this settlement consisted of 432 residents. Followers, subjects, servants to a Sage Carefree Life Crafter Oyoviya Olivia Pashiri who made her home here. 

Mostly women these followers did not trust men outside their circles. In the center of the settlement stood a female statue carved from stone. Curvaceous, nude, arousing is all he could think of as his eyes widened at the sight. Brought over to what was the magistrate building Norbit was placed in a roofless room. One lightly robed priestess with a v shaped neckline exited the makeshift temple shrine inside the building. In her hand she gripped a chain link that trailed into the very door of the shrine. Pulling on it she summoned a female Lamia Lioness that hailed from Ottante. Clothed in rags, tattered robe she still wore the tribal beaded neck ware. She appeared depraved of freedom, but not food. In chains this female Lamia was pulled over to an altar next to the roofless room he sat in. The moment her head rested on the altar a group of Gantronese Officials interrupted. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sudden Reclamation

Conflicts kept starting and ending all over this world. Lez Backstripper, a half elf, handsome, not so tall with a history of being a pirate, rogue, assassin now a crusader stood at 5'10, 85 years old. Rumors spread among the unit saying he fell in love with a singer who would risk angering her fans, admirers, suitors, acquaintances.  Yet this was all in the past now for decades. Little is known about this handsome half elf who donned a V.U.V.R. trench coat over his Lybresan military uniform. Not the most stylish of uniforms, but it worked. Unlike the old compass, the Goro-65, which he still kept in his pocket. Combat Medic Norbit Summerson possessed enhanced awareness checked his compass the Compass55.  As for Lez his own pockets were full of ammunition magazines, whetstone, mess kit, canteen, survival kit, a flask, and pocket watch. His weapon-ammo belt held nine daggers, hunting knives, bayonets, switchblades, clan dirk, Tanto Dagger, A-76 pistol. Combat Medic Norbit looked up from his watch. His full pack of gear included medical kits, sleeping bag, rations, magnifying glass, oil, Mess Kit, tinderbox, extra uniform, herbalism kit, book, extra vials, or flasks. He did not carry any cooking utensils as Norbit hates cooking. 

Looking up his gaze rested on at the direction of 437 Kite sail Corsairs who chased an Albatross. A lot of worthy mariners leaving some ships unattended at the floating port. A Trove Tracker supposedly spotted this bird since it would bring fortune in finding old shipwrecks according to legend. This one Trove Tracker called Umber Twohearted was paid 465 a month was hired by an older Trove Tracker known as Cookus. One story Norbit heard or eavesdropped when hearing detailed a Trove Tracker finding a Trickster's Talisman that was just worth 360 Republic Eagles in VUVR currency. Due to his interests in constructs Norbit helped check the monitor of the Prying eyes. Aiding the lab assistant Norbit witnessed the Prying Eye Orb reveal where the Albatross was heading. Through the screen they saw the Condor Confederacy Island called Pathway of Ancestry. Knowing the speed of the Prying Eye Orb 1054 it was likely to get lost in a storm that was on its way. It was just one of 305 mobile constructs the Tante Republic sent over with their fleet. Their 437 Corsair Mariners held up this fleet as they were supposed to be manning the destroyer "Troglodyte 71" and 6 minesweepers. 

Despite this storm their little Prying Eye Orb 1054 came across an average sized island in the north of Condor Confederacies home to 406 families of Hooting Mandrils. Barked out of the room, Norbit found himself face to face with the handsome historian weapons master Ensign Kobakan. Sweaty, half-dressed this Ensign with an Elemani background pushed him to the side. As if Norbit left the room this Ensign go it on with the ship lab assistant in the corner of the room. Norbit watched from behind the side of the door with some items in his sight. On a shelf against the wall lay a Red Scarab Artifact, a pair of white scarab pieces, Astrolobe in decent condition. In the shelf beneath them sat a skull to a Homo Magnar, several Prying Eye Orb 1054s taken apart, stuffed spinal centipede in glass, Relic Vial worth 530 Republic Eagles. He watched for a few seconds then moved away fearing the Ensign would pull rank and punish him. Norbit was only a combat medic, but his nosy nature brought him to the bridge of the ship. Here he found the navigation crew using a new device called the Compass55 for navigation through heavy storms. On board the Evusian rented Cruiser Carrier Hybrid the Fringe Lurker, Norbit was a member of an assembled military Division. Sixteen thousand more Volunteers of the Calornese Coalition. Alagen, Nahem, Lybresan, Redrin, a handful of city-states forged alliances along the southern seas. Other nations, which are free from the invaders' rule joined this Calornese Alliance. Avoiding detection, Norbit backed out of the bridge, navigation rooms just in time to hear portions of a conversation. 

"They attacked her multiple times and nothing was done. You get this handsome man sending her letters or something and you lose your shit." 

"Perhaps they got carried away." 

"Carried away? How many times did we see her with a black eye?" 

"What of that handsome one?" 

"Him? Gone fighting against those Vullanese or Nazdar Invaders in Vimasdra. That is a cold front there." 

"Just don't tell her he is back home in his townhouse." 

"That will take a while. If we survive this..." 

"Wait didn't you kill someone?" 

"It is no wonder you were conscr-" 

His ears picked up everything. Norbit's eyes spotted a ghost storm that lasted 300-hour glasses, which became 12 days. This threw them off course a little, but they arrived at the Isles of the Condor Confederacies. Rendezvous points brought them to the northeastern part of the Condor Islands. Some chose to take advantage and used the time to explore and swim. While Norbit watched the women, others went crabbing by hand. On Trove Tracker found one Wish Crab out of a bunch of 360 next to a bay. Their hands required bandaging up because of the pincers. Unfortunately for 28-year-old Norbit this Trove Tracker knew him. Known as Jargos Jan Deviz this Trove Tracker knew Norbit was involved in erasing members from the Index of the Arctic Fox Order. Apparently, a stealer of secrets was discovered with 53 files on hand. This loss of intel dissipated 326 of the Arctic Fox's staff as a result. As punishment Norbit was sent to become a combat medic. All that was allowed to happen because Norbit destroyed some relics, caused cursed coins to fall in the cracks of some drain inside a trophy room. A broken globe statue, some fire crystal, sphinx bust, cursed gold coins were destroyed or lost. 

Moving further into the islands, their fleet entered an area some water between islands home to 2,500 schools of Mull Drifter Fish. All he thought was plenty of fish were found. It was not all they found on these parts of the islands. Three or four broken construct vehicles discarded near the bank. On one of the islands some sorcery was used to maximize the velocity of 370 constructs, four of which broke down. Gantronese forces invaded some time ago forcing the Condor tribes to unite then seek outside help. This year of 1844, late 1844 the C.A. made efforts to take control over Iperantos Islands, liberate parts of the Condor Isles. North of them was a quagmire of victories, and defeats which became a stalemate across the board. According to what he heard from the commanding officers, new pamphlets, through eavesdropping. Hundreds of thousands of personnel were poured in to beef up the forces, local forces already fighting the Gantronese invaders in the Unknown Lands. 

Among the Divisions sized unit, two foreign units arrived with them. From Malvieth and Meze, 858 scrapyard Mongrel Hounds unit, 510 members of the Blade Tusk Boars unit arrived as combatants. One of the locals described a how authorities brought in a covetous castaway. Their story detailed how they had been adrift on several islands for 322 days. Whoever they were, this castaway predicted the invasion of their part of the world a year before the Gantronese. This foretold impending Gantronese invasion was already in full swing across parts of Calorn. Other events plagued the Condor Islands. Iron Colossus awakens on their mainland, a trio of Lizard folk fighting a dire crocodile closer to the swamps on the mainland. Three groups of large herbivore reptilians get plucked up by a Gantronese Titan Oni ship. Some Orc spy was found asphyxiated inside a large keg on an island in the western part of the southern island. Whoever managed to bound the Orc inside the keg was not alone or was stronger than the average Orc. Whatever happened to the corpse was not to Norbit's interest. Condor Confederacy dealt with a Thatcher's Revolt that lasted for 589 days on some island near Gleaming Barrier. Over 804 got involved in the revolt at first. Then it expanded to some other islands. It resulted in the Tribal Enforcers sending 329 over to help excommunicate 260 suspects from the Condor Confederacy. This came right after discovery of violent impact that effected 423 victims. 

That only distracted the public from the invasion. Gantronese Forces took over large swaths of land, stretching some supply lines a little. Just under a Division invaded the Condor Islands. For its own defenses, other free nations sent help. From Evusia, Tante Republic, city-states of Nevora several hundred skittering surveyor constructs were shipped over. One of 486 spotted a Battle Elephant from Vorcadam on the main land areas the Gantronese invaded. Dwarf, Goblin, Gnome city-states sent a unit of 582 Eager Constructs, 273 Lurker Automatons, 361 Despondent Spere Killbots. Most of these constructs came from mixing technologies the invaders left behind on battlefields. These helped fend of the attempts take over these islands with a wave to overrun defenses. Many of the automaton constructs required repairs. 

Condor tribes recruited mages, hired them, or lured them back home to defend their homeland. Nearly a thousand returned home among a few thousand other Condor Tribesmen who flocked to fight the invaders. Apparently 361 dabbled in some dark arcane powers as others chose the druidic path. Despite modernizing, many of Calorn's nations kept arcane practices alive. Some arcane users animated 3 statues turning them into weaponized Golems that killed 529 or more before going down to artillery, heavier weapons. From a variety of shipwrecks, a team of arcane users animated a rotten hulk golem, which killed 246 members of the invasion force. On the largest western island of the Condor Confederacy a rather large reptile called a Dracon took out 423 hostiles within a few weeks. All that revealed was the Gantronese brought in more than just a division to launch this invasion. Other than tribal warriors, the Condor Isles rallied ten thousand other types of personnel. Lez nabbed Norbit to meet with other members of their team in the Coalition. 

At some small Citadel, a gathered force of 3,200 Heading for lunch be back in a few hours. One of them laid in the grass outside a three-story tower shaped house. Blond haired dark elf in a laced white cut blouse in brown trousers in black knee-high boots with tattoos on her tan skin. In the doorway stood another dark elf with bleach hair in a pink tight blouse, short black skirt with ruffles at the ends. A pair of cat mounts lay close to the house for the Dark Elf. Their names were Jokk, and Nazizi, gifts from the Uxane of the Sarcagos Mountains. An Uxane Dark Elf with raven dark hair called Tahevenin Allod wore a revealing outfit that showed her tribal tattoos, armbands, armbraces. She notched an arrow in her new bow with the short blade at her hip. Red feathers in her hair drew his attention until his gaze caught an ocelot laying on a blond half elf in military under clothing. Introducing themselves as Lyna Mahariel, Evylon Celebrian informed Lez, and Commanding Officers about Youkoso Silje, Captain Yande Fortune of the Destroyer "Gambling".

Leading the way the pair of them introduced them to a slew of individuals involved. A shaggy haired female Goblin Ranger in a fine uniform, goggles, scarf named Eevee Hexun. An elf in double breasted combat uniform fitted with pauldrons, armed with a Gorine .071 pistol. Her name was Lieutenant Patrice Shawnson of Alagen. Next to her stood a Male elf officer known as Captain Pathfinder in a fine military uniform, a cavalry sabre at his left hip. Coming over from Nevora an Imperial Elf Officer in a grayish uniform of packed leather that somehow looked comfortable to wear. Lieutenant Corbax stood with his hair short, slicked back, a few scars on a hardened jaw of a face that saw plenty in his lifetime. From their flank a female in a long blue coat, white hair V.U.V.R. naval artillery uniform approached them. Admiral Weaverz an arcane user who was in military service for twelve years. 

This group included non-soldiers such as a Gunslinger named C. Grist dressed in a duster over adventuring clothing donning a wide brim hat with a rifle over his shoulder. A female elf officer, blue hair acted as MP for the C.A.M, Calornese Alliance Military. One female battle mage known as Ms. Succubus wore a cuirass, a piece of armor he called the boob plate armor made from hardened leather that did not go well with her long flower skirt. She was accompanied by a Black Mage who would be wearing a low cut, fur lined, dark gray, black, blue dress according to herself. Instead, she wears the V.U.V.R. style military combat fatigues. She looked more miserable than she wanted in the ugly greenish, brown uniform, and combat boots. Thirteen soldiers in combat armor over a brownish green dyed combat fatigues with the studs. One of them looked just like a well-known actor who was supposed to be dead. Norbit's eyes widened at the sight of the weapons they were cleaning aside from the T.M. 13 bolt action rifle, 4-Hands shotgun, the 7-Bakshin carbines, E-6 repeaters. Under the trench coats, extra padded armor, goggles he could tell these were veteran knights who were soldiers after squires then knights after a certain age. Walking away from the Norbit physically bumped into a pair of Korivs, a male and female armed with traditional swords, Gantronese weaponry, and some standard rifles. Forced to the ground by the female for touching her chest when bumping into her Norbit was walked allover by a trio of other members. An elf Warrior Chef, a Chef with a Gnome-halfling-dwarf background with darker skin complex, followed by an Uxane who wore a decorative bandana that gave his head a tail to wrap around their long braid. As for the rest of the members of this gathered force, Evusian conscripts with bald heads, or Vullanese turncoats sent over to remove any thoughts. 

"Despite my Admiralty rank, the situation north and south Gantronese forces are crippling along the fronts. We do not know if their forces will reinforce positions in the Condor Confederation after they left the Iperantos. More tribes and peoples have rallied to fight off the Gantronese invaders. Just hope they haven't got contracts that expire." 

"Like the two hundred ninety something that annoying Anointed Chorister Isle Cleric recruit for their cause?" One of the soldiers pointed out in a bitchy tone. 

"Didn't they use some spell caster or orator called a Chaplain of Alms?" another asked scratching their head. They looked around with some nodding, others bickering to each other or under their breath. 

"Yes, they managed to get some mob on their side or to yield to their authority. Some Ringleader of Seven hundred ninety-two gave their full cooperation to this Ringleader. Some city state of necromancers with a dying practice handed over two hundred thirty-eight grim guardians. Outlaws chose to aid us for some reason. Likely for money. Calling themselves the Fire Brand Crews, four hundred twenty pirates sided with us against the Gantronese invaders." Admiral Weaverz pointed out as if she was barraged with questions. 

"We cannot trust the pirates. Or can we?" Someone blurted out then asked themselves. 

"What about the Fraternities?" another asked. "Not the ones on campus." 

"Fine, they're fine, just trust them. The um, Knightly ones, not the college ones. Those pirates may not stick around for long, but don't forget the three hundred twenty-six catacomb crocodiles are put to use. Five hundred ten provision scouts landed on the southern longest island just last week." 

"Jerkmess, the thicker second largest island is where most of the Gantronese invading forces are. Aside from the northwestern parts of the islands. We don't have a moment to lose, so move out! Before the Vestrisians beat us to it." 

As a unit of 43 Calornese Coalition personnel maneuvered to the island of Jerkmoss. Dividing up their forces the coalition sent 4,000 to Jerkmoss, another 4,000 to the northwest position. Only 2,000 personnel were deployed on the southwest of Holmes-Illah island. Condor Confederacy consisted of five main islands among its islands. Fifty-three other islands, 314 smaller islets made up more of the Condor Confederacies. Towards the front lines they came upon six petrified outposts. Completely abandoned until their own forces took over. It was where transfer documents were made for military units switching places. 
Positions which still remained in Condor Confederacy's hand were manned by 7,000 Condor subjects. These subjects formed the military force that faced the brunt of this smaller invasion. A quarter of Condor's force which were stationed became wounded, and a smaller percentage dead. Some areas were reclaimed in the south. It brought in prizes such as 31 Bull Elephants from Via-Talus. All these large trunked beasts carried 448 hides while holding stones from a quarry island. This quantity of stones came from an island where 533 laborers ran the island production. Norbit did not get a chance to see any other prizes as he tended to some of the wounded along with the other medics. 

Scared the wounded would take the attention of the female medics Norbit attempted to convince he could take care of the wounded. Unconvinced his C.O. slapped him across the face forcing him to tend to the enemy wounded. Eighteen Lamia, snake people among 22 Oni, Demon Offspring. Some had very distinct descriptions with their backgrounds. One Desert Lamia with orange-sand scales, red hair, pointed ears, copper skin was an archer. Her days with the bow and arrow in the field became disrupted. Next to her lay a white-haired female Lamia in modernized Gantronese combat armor. Medics had to pry an empty submachinegun, and katana from her grip, and sheath. Three male Lamias with striped scaly tails, maroon undershirts with tribal and modernized designs. Dark Green scales, green hair, shirt torn off, replaced with a wrap cloth this next was far more wounded in the tail. Once armed with dual daggers her tail was somewhat shredded. Beside her lay a purple scaled Lamia with tiger stripes lay with one arm injured, bullet holes in the tail. Two pairs of Lamia Archmages the Nailihuclie, the Maru Neko Siblings lay shot up. Towards the end of the field hospital tent for the wounded prisoners lay two more Lamia. On the opposite end lay a yellow scaled Lamia with antlers, aquatic creature's ears donning a blood-soaked kimono robe. Next to the antlered one lay a half dead copper skinned Lamia with red hair. Donning a hospital tunic gown rather than a green glass looking armor this one attempted to cling to her weapon. He only got names such as Zinforya, Blazbaros Tal'saia, 

Most of the Oni wore Samurai Yorai armor, Gantronese combat armor over dark green jumpsuits. One crimson skinned Celestial Tiefling or Demons with horns overlapping their scalp from the forehead wore a matching coat over the fatigues and jumpsuit. Soaked in blood this one sustained bullet wounds to the sides, hips, chest. Their name read Brother Ignatus, a Lieutenant, some Warlock of the Myth Weavers. A three eyed Oni-Demon stood at 8 feet tall with goat legs, muscular body, weapons sash over his body. Accompanied by a scantily clad female thrall once armed with a Mattock this one had a shot up leg. His thrall refused to leave his side. Each chatted with each other on how Gantronese forces ran into lethal Lizard Beasts, and Sigil covered Lizards roaming certain areas. According to one of them about seven hundred Lizard Beasts were killed, over two hundred seventy of the sigil covered lizards. As a result, they lost 10,000 dead and wounded along with other situations. 

One of them mentioned the loss of a Dispeller's Capsule that was worth 379 in coinage. Another revealed the fates of Basilica Guards of a neighboring city-state called Kicari. Mocking the language, a female Oni detailed how they barred a door to some tunnels alongside a unit of 260 Infantry, 278 volunteers of some Adamat Will group, and some 65 rebels who opposed Gantronese rule. These very rebels, according to one of the Oni, watching their whole city fall to the V.U.V.R. Those stories happened a while back when the Coalition Forces were just acting on behalf of the free city-states along the Unknown borders. That whole area had a name, but it escaped his mind. Unknown Lands pretty much stuck as not many colonies could spread further than Borvados. 

While tending to these wounded Norbit was scared away by a dog warrior creature accompanied by some ghostly figure. Leaving those wounded at the mercy of the Dog Warrior, and its acquaintances proved these invaders recruited other aliens. He only heard the sounds of fighting then shots fired from a nearby Coalition sentry. Three days later their positions came under attack. All he could think of were the prisoners they had to move off the islands. Norbit wondered what a shirt would look like with a tiger on it. As the fighting went on Norbit smiled to himself thinking the company name should be AV Holmes, or Mother Tigers. He did not snap out of it until a bullet went just past his head from an angle. Over a week passed in the fighting as they discovered the size of the Gantronese force. One brigade of 3,500 Gantronese personnel and fighters pushed against Coalition forces. Made up of three different battalions the members of this brigade called themselves the Ejone Personnel, Otaku Warosu, the Red Beetles. When the fighting was done, they discovered only 3,298 among the dead and wounded. As for the remnants of the brigade they presumed they fled. This brigade's leaders were found wounded and brought to the medics in a stretcher. Hikato Mushi a Gantron Spawn dressed as a rhino-beetle style armor with wings, bulkiness similar to that of a Golem made from metal. An Oni Officer carrying a Kanobo club, studded, and tipped with a face called themselves a Night Stalker. Its main commander was a big strong female Oni with thick long hair, black horns tiger hide vest, loose baggy pants, armed with a Kanobo club was found seated on a large sake keg sizes jug with a bullet to the leg. Norbit was not allowed to tend to the wounded alone. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Past Pacifism of Stirring Address on Vullanese Veoth

In the middle of the Vullanese Empire the island of Veoth rested with Yasolle, Ganne, Lasnile, Vascel, Eusvame around them. Made up of 587 islands Veoth was governed by a Voracious "Vampire" who just oversaw the creation of 278 Laboratory Brutes for experimental combat. Known as Cholomondor this Voracious Vampire acted as a governing co-Magistrate. Although his title is Chancellor of the Island Cholomondor Benedictus had to share governing powers with two others. A Maester, and a Prince who did not mess with his affairs at night. His voracious appetite was quelled with blood given to him voluntarily as if they were donations. Being a vampire in a way meant his dominance was set over the island. Consuming blood given to him after a long rest in a chalice, or large drinking vase. Every fourteen days Cholomondor fed his vampiric thirst for blood, which kept him alive. For the 605 years he was a Vampire, Cholomondor consumed the blood of fifteen to sixteen thousand sentient beings. Healthy ones, non-diseased ones, all sorts of races. Before he arrived on Veoth one hundred fifty years ago Cholomondor resided in the regions of Nevora. He estimated close to twenty-four heroes or adventurers who attempted to kill him over the years. There were more than just that yet twenty-four of those stuck out to his memory. Going through his own trophy room Cholomondor did want to be disturbed like few years ago. Due to this news, he spent 66 days dealing with 641 nests of Typhoid rats that spread the disease for at least a year. It wasn't to rescue these people, but to keep his supply of blood untouched by disease. 

His trophy room consisted of three Goblin tribal totems, a white lance, 8 rusty blades of heroes, 2 rapiers of a hired pompous Dark Elf, Katana from a Samurai who came over from Talus. Heavy suit of armor meant for combat. One cutlass of some ex-buccaneer whose skull he kept as well. Having it painted turquois color he displayed it in the center. An Axe with an obsidian blade came from the corpse of an Orc Champion who was punched through by Cholomondor. A set of five different daggers rested in separate glass cases. One regular dagger, another was some clan dagger. One spearhead dagger from an assassin. A bronze Tanto Dagger a Drow was armed with. They hailed from Galaia. A silver sword hung mounted on the wall next to billhook. Some Vampire Hunter from a dead kingdom attempted to slay him with the silver sword. A female half elf armed with the billhook found herself pushed off the balcony of his lair. Just above the door he had a harpoon mounted. Eman Bowerstone the Harpooner was the previous owner of this harpoon they used to kill sea creatures. Merfolk people were among the creatures killed by this Harpooner. Towards the south a leviathan like sea beast with armored scales on its top body from head to its tail. A long snout similar to a sea lizard, belly of a whale with cobbled scales, long claws of a snapping turtle, powerful swimming limbs this beast belonged to the Southern Ocean to the south of Ottante. 

Merfolk on Calorn were not really half humanoid half fish, but more turtle humanoid without the shell. Longer limbs, turtle-like heads, humanlike torso, lizard, or amphibian legs. Four fingers or digits, webbed sea creature like feet for swimming these creatures also have a long thick tail. Pale blue skin, with orange stripes, reddish hair on their heard these merfolk's posture move like a raptor or bird while on land. Over 10.6K of these dwelled the waters around Veoth itself. Cholomondor thought of the payment these merfolk beings owed him. In his commanding voice Cholomondor summoned one of his four dhampir spawn Maxxim Gracen. His spawns were treated more like a servant that a son or loved offspring. Cholomondor gave this dhampir who appeared more like a pale elf the task to collect the payments these merfolks owed him. Could he find anyone else? No he could not find anyone else to retrieve this payment for that cursed idol they found last year. Cholomondor decided to press for answers using a kindled fury of vampire bats on some of them. 

"Have you coughed up enough from them?" Cholomondor demanded from this dhampir offspring. 

"Our Red dire bats did the trick, Master." Maxxim answered bowing his head in fear. Cholomondor struck fear into people he governed or dominated. As for the Red Bats with spikes all over the backs he found obedience. He found some among a hive of 1,400 in the spires of Nevora. 

"How much did they give us?" 

"Five hundred ninety-four Lunas for keeping the Cursed Idol. It um messed up their expectations of a cursed idol. Water Nymphs with lower bodies of reptiles for legs manifested from a black whirlpool portal that opened." 

"From what source, Dhampir?" 

"The Crab Idol's stomach. A strange black crystal emits the portal when light hits it." 

"Who was supposed to oversee the curses lifted? The Dump Drow Sorceress, Miss Zinni Zoosk?" All the Dhampir could do was nod his head yes in response. Knowing where she was now Cholomondor moved on to her private study with the high status. Here he found her in a revealing vampire garment dress, reading a book. Turning around she had a winged reptilian on the altar table near some candles, an orc skull on a shelf laden with books. Out of fury Cholomondor pounced on her. In a near gliding motion he grappled her. Like most vampires he bit into her neck, drained the life from her body. As for her pet her grabbed the small draconic like reptile broke its neck. Before leaving the corpse and animal carcass to be devoured by the wall bat abominations he spied a witness. 

Pale, fat, covered in boils, warts, burns, zits dotting their body, receding long white hair the lab Pit Keeper Dapbelldore stood in the door of the lab. Two white under robe tunic shirts, one torn up brown robe with fading dye, a belt full of potions, vials, tools, utensils in the loops, and pockets. Around his neck hung an amulet, one dirty photograph of a voluptuous half elf in a one piece revealing herself. In his right hand Dapbelldore held a large potion with pinkish bubbles emitting out the cracks in the cork. A pink elixir meant for luring new victims for Cholomondor's thirst. Pit Keeper Dapbelldore back away into the lab. 

"We sent someone to attend one of the seven hundred berry farms across Vestrisian and Klonon. Some pale weirdo outside with no shirt on. Hairy, yet a handsome knight in light plate armor while on quests. Dons a Kronos Korinthus helm. The Sodolite Knight of Vullan he is. Represents the Understanding of Truth." Dapbeldore babbled on attempting to throw this Vampire off. He was lucky his taste for blood was already satisfied for some time. 

"Check with that Fox Fake Boss Bloodmire of experiments. No you stay, I will go, you clean this up or get the servants to do it. Those creatures are starting to die." Veoth was under his jurisdiction on behalf of these Maesters of Vullan. 

Despite his Vampiric ways he still accepted those seeking a master to serve under him. Recently or in the past he accepted a total of 1,254 humanoids, spawn, unwanted offspring, outcasts, cast out mutations. He was allowed as he was currently governing all 87 smaller islands that surrounded Veoth. Leaving this Pit Keeper Alchemist to soil himself and drool himself over the photo, Cholomondor went through the other labs in order to reach the underground tunnels. To the catacombs of Bloodmire's steam powered factory in the center of the island. There he ensured the forging of weapons for some 367 or more Welder Automaton constructs for defenses. This was after he received news of more islands falling to the V.U.V.R. in a disgraceful downfall. 

While touring the Bloodmire Factory this Vampire kept this mad woman or noble woman on her toes over some things. Staff members or craftsmen at blacksmiths, craft workshops, smithies, Iron Master Forges, Armorers formed a unit. Over 940 formed what they call the Horseshoe Crab Battalion. Unknown to any of them was how long it would be before the V.U.V.R. attack would come. Onto this mad noble woman Bloodmire, Cholomondor pressed that she should consider that Veoth was home to over nine hundred thousand six hundred. Defended by a possible garrison of 88,000 plus a reserve of 74,000. Weeks passed as they heard more islands, more parts of Vullan, smaller islands fell to the V.U.V.R. might. Some islands of Veoth suffered an infestation of rats. Ravenous rats caused rabid bites to fest which caused 977 to be infected. 

Enraged Cholomondor ordered for their retainers punished as an example. Approximately 986 retainer servants faced punishment from him. Six hundred seventy-three suffered the fate of Dead Drop. Dead Drop is the current form of execution that involved hanging a person by their feet bound in ropes then dropping them to their deaths. Whether it was from a tall building, scaffold, ship's mast, tall tree branch or cliff it did not matter. What did not help their situation was the 313 remaining would be used to feed his vampire thirst for blood. Several days later a single Pyromancer led an assault with a team of 21 warriors, gunslingers, necromancers, clansmen, alien cat folk. Targeting a Master Explorer's Guild, and Artist Studio they used an unlicensed disintegration automaton. Causing more than 1,300 Lunas worth of damage they killed 19 Veoth subjects, wounded 37. Cholomondor chose to deal with himself this Vampire searched at night. At the coast he found them hiding in a lodge linked to the port via long deck. 

As relaxing and peaceful as it sounded, he made his move. One of them happened to be a Sun Scourge Champion among Dark Elves, half elves, cat folk. Inspiring a charge between them it only ended with him as the victor. He returned the very next week to collect weapons and armor the scavengers did not snag up. As a vampire he did not hold audience with anyone until dusk or before dawn. While sitting at a fine table he received some news. One of the Vullanese allies came under attack in a failed assassination in the island city of Luthalis. Lord Gwurhelle was the victim who apparently demanded extra forces to defend his city-state. To watch these islands Cholomondor ordered Veoth's Head Visionary Augmenter Artificer to create some constructs. His spies failed him in detecting threats. Adding them to the list of failures he ensured the spy network was terminated. As punishment he sent them to the Artificer's staff to help. Cholomondor witnessed 305 Prying Eyes be built in place of the spy network. 

Aside from spies and the patrols Cholomondor had over a thousand Mausoleum Harpies at his disposal for defense. These were also meant for the protection of the deceased. When he congratulated the Artificer, he found the mutated Zedirian with no horns, no ears, bald head holding a large lab flask. Four arms, three fingers with claws, hooved clawlike feet, hunched over, sunken eyes with goggles over them, a maw like mouth Dr. Insanoc the artificer worked on other projects he was tasked with by the Vullanese. 

Another week passed when things got sour for Veoth's fate. One V.U.V.R. squadron of 562 aircraft pulled off an aerial assault. This was the result of a moronic Seeker's Guide or Scout's failure to check the skies for V.U.V.R. aircraft activity. Landmines kept the navy away, while the Nazdar, Gantronese ships kept the VUVR navy busy. Vullanese pilots, collaborators, Grevaskii, Vidothrans, raced for their air fighters. Just over one thousand aircraft were on this island to fend off aerial assaults. In Calorn's year of 1842 Veoth's speedway fanatics, glider corsairs, hang gliders freebooters who once kite sailed trained as pilots. Up to 560 are caught in the bombing raid while 92 are taken out. Scores of buildings are destroyed, hundreds of Veoth's subjects died, thousands injured. Among the pilots who trained 364 suffered a subtle strike of shock. It wasn't as heavy as the V.U.V.R. usually brought to the table according to a veteran pilot. Most of the aircraft suffered sustainable damage. One hundred fifty-one aircraft between both sides became downed in the fight that ensued above Veoth. 

In his ear Cholomondor heard of the damage caused by this aerial assault. This was only the appetizer to the main assault or invasion that was to come. V.U.V.R. forces would either send in a wave of personnel to invade, send another squadron or bombardment with naval forces. Using the two other leaders as figure heads to speak with the public of Veoth this Vampire rallied more. Eighty-seven islands, 211 settlements, closer to a million population, Veoth was officially the target of his V.U.V.R. Something else caught the attention of Veoth's 162,000-man garrison. Out of the sleeves of some unseen force a rather large horde invaded Veoth's Islands, and those of Ganne. From the north in the guise of drifting ghost ships, merchant ships bringing imports, drifting wreckage, barrels, castaways this horde invaded his domain. Despite its surprise attack on the island Cholomondor and their leaders still learned who led the horde. 

Responding to this threat evacuations were ordered. Over three hundred thousand citizens, and subjects fled in the face of the new invaders. Plenty of Veoth's population went underground during bombing raids in the past or scattered into the countryside. This was different as this horde gained footholds on Veoth and Ganne. Through the other two leaders Cholomondor managed to mobilize fifteen to twenty thousand more to repel this invasion. Even though he was a Vampire Cholomondor still sought protection. While their forces fought these new invaders the two leaders, orators mobilized over 600 Perimeter Sergeants from Phid City, and another company from Annaville. Nineteen capable Goblins became available to fight, 334 Syndicate Enforcers, 1,404 Barging Sergeant Kuruks, 350 Night Blade Orcs of Mer-Ek Island answered their call. Five hundred seventy-four strikers showed up. 

Among their Shield Bearers the rounded up over 450 Guardians. Veterans from past conflicts joined, giving them 570 District Veterans, 320 Duelists to fight these new invaders. Naval personnel found themselves drafted to fight on land giving them 260 Sailors of Means as infantry. Religious folks made themselves available. About 680 Night Wielders of Divine Favor, 310 Unwavering Initiates pledged to fight on. Other members of the populace answered the call to what Cholomondor labelled as Past Pacifism of Stirring Address. Meaning no more words could be exchanged so it comes to blows. Veoth was known for its racing tracks, races around the island, beast fighting, Pit fighting with some Operas, Dancing Schools limited. It was also home to art, music, some forms of combat training. Yet to visitors it felt sinister, ominous while appealing in a sense. Audience members or fans of these Speedway Races joined the call giving them 540 personnel. In terms of an extra militia some 2,000 residents formed an ardent militia armed with old fashioned weaponry. 

Further rallying was hastily made as their garrisons held off the second waves. One special battalion of 360 undead Phalanx Soldiers meant to for absorbing bullets emerged just to return the next battle. In terms of armor 286 Fortress Crab Tanks became mobilized to the fronts. Mercenaries mobilized to join the front against these invading abominations. One unit of 438 Jade Sell Swords, a second company under the command of a yellow skinned Orc brought 103 Purple Orcs armed with Nazdar weapons called the Maces. Nazdar forces sent a small force to help them out. They sent enough forces to fight this V.U.V.R. Fourteen hovercraft manned by 46 troops, equipped with machineguns. Three artillery crews with heavy artillery pieces, 103 troopers joined this force sent from Vidothra. Grevaskii were sent over to aid the defenders of Veoth. Under the command of a half elf half Nazdar a company of 105 monster killing Grevaskii arrived on Veoth. Four months of arduous fighting revealed more marched in this army of Abominations. 

Most of the invading Abominations were mutated Zedirians, half-Orcs, mutated spawn, half merfolk, troll spawns, lab creations. Some wore iron masks over their heads similar to actual full helmets. Veoth's populace fled, aided their defenders, found themselves eaten, slain, taken as slaves, or contracted diseases. V.U.V.R. bombing raids did not stop, but were limited due to constant rain, storms, extra air defenses, other targets of military value. Cholomondor watched his own domain fall to a chaotic scene of death and destruction. It did not faze him much as he was undead. While lurking in the shadows he prowled through the island using connected catacombs, and tunnels. Taking out any in his path or those who discovered him Cholomondor learned the V.U.V.R. managed to land on Veoth. A brigade of 2,500 arrived on shore just as the chaos died down. Curious about these V.U.V.R. Cholomondor spied on these V.U.V.R. who sent specific units to this island. HIs prying eye constructs could not be built in time to watch out for these invasions. In the northeast of Veoth 420 members of a unit called Band Together dealt with Abominations, and Veoth defenders. Nine hundred thirty-six elves called the Silk Weavers came with arcane abilities. One Makeshift Battalion of 600 pushed through defenses to a fort aided by one company called Kindled Fury. 

Thanks to living as long as he did Cholomondor possessed connections. One of them being a Forsaken Rogue Dark Elf with lesser forms of Vampirism came to his call. Red hair, yellow eyes, clad in old style patchwork leather armor this connection informed him of the leaders to this horde. Nine leaders to this horde included a Pirate Witch, 6 Nomadic Arcane Wives, a Jarl from Nevora's tribal lands, some Ushi-Oni, or monster female. He recalled plenty of the ones he described including Odanbooru a female monster with legs similar to a scorpion's body, bladelike arms for pincers, and a regular human's body connected to it. He believed they were dead after so many years. How did they survive? Cholomondor summoned some remaining followers. He only five of the original servants, five female Grevaskii monster killers in flexible tight, clunky combat armor donning helmets with thick glassed vizors. Some of Veoth's original army. One by one each bowed to their new overlord. In the lead Cholomondor took these new subjects further into his lair. Deep within his own lair on Veoth Cholomondor found a portal opened by a sacrifice. One female mage brought over by loyal cronies was all it took to activate this portal. Pieced together with some parts missing the ancient gate like portal wasn't the only thing this vampire opened. Along the walls he mounted coffins, iron maidens, mounted capsules connected with chain links set up to open at the same time. Pulling on a single lever Cholomondor awakened something feral. 
